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Final Vows: Murder, Madness, and Twisted Justice in California
Final Vows: Murder, Madness, and Twisted Justice in California
Final Vows: Murder, Madness, and Twisted Justice in California
Ebook431 pages8 hours

Final Vows: Murder, Madness, and Twisted Justice in California

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

A New York Times–bestselling author and former Los Angeles Times reporter chronicles the marriage between a Christian woman and an ex-con that ends in murder.
When Carol Montecalvo began writing to a man in prison through a program at her church, she considered it her Christian duty. But the letters soon became her lifeline, something she actually looked forward to sending and receiving. She fell in love with the man behind the letters and just before Dan was released, they wed in the prison chapel. Their marriage lasted nine years, until the fateful night when Dan stoically called 911 to report his wife’s murder.
With a half-million dollar insurance policy riding on his wife’s death, and a string of adulterous affairs in his past, Dan is the most obvious suspect. But is this former felon really guilty? Or could he actually be a grieving widower, in the wrong place at the wrong time?
In this powerful true crime account of the gruesome murder and sensational trial that followed, New York Times–bestselling author Karen Kingsbury weaves an emotional story that leaves readers guessing until the final, harrowing conclusion.
Release dateMar 7, 2017

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury, #1 New York Times bestselling novelist, is America’s favorite inspirational storyteller, with more than twenty-five million copies of her award-winning books in print. Her last dozen titles have topped bestseller lists and many of her novels are under development as major motion pictures. Her Baxter Family books have been developed into a TV series now available everywhere. Karen is also an adjunct professor of writing at Liberty University. In 2001 she and her husband, Don, adopted three boys from Haiti, doubling their family in a matter of months. Today the couple has joined the ranks of empty nesters, living in Tennessee near four of their adult children.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    No! I didn't like the way the book ends - almost anti-climax.

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Final Vows - Karen Kingsbury

Chapter 1

On the evening of March 31, 1988, just after 10:30, Carol Montecalvo reached into her dresser drawer for a pair of lightweight blue shorts, folded them neatly in half, and placed them inside her brown vinyl suitcase. Hawaii would be warmer than Burbank, California, where spring temperatures often dropped to the low 50s at night, and Carol had packed several pairs of big, baggy shorts. She sorted through her nearly full suitcase. A few more items and she would be finished.

Easing herself slowly onto the bed, she drew in a deep breath and ran her fingers through her short, dark brown hair. It was hard to believe that in less than twelve hours she and Dan would be on an airplane leaving the hectic pace of Los Angeles County for the peaceful Hawaiian Islands. Carol closed her eyes and silently began to pray.

Her expectations for this trip were high. Lately she had grown more and more concerned about her husband’s drinking. The problem had not yet affected their marriage, which Carol believed was still better than most even after nearly eight years. As far as she knew, Dan didn’t cheat, didn’t complain about the weight she’d gained in recent years, and for most of their marriage hadn’t let alcohol cross his lips.

The problems had started in 1986 when a bleeding ulcer had forced Dan to quit work. Not long afterward he began drinking to ease his frustration and boredom. At first he took only a few mixed drinks in the evenings but after a year of unemployment, drinking had become part of his daily routine. Sometimes he was so drunk Carol would wonder how he drove home from the bars without killing someone.

Carol began to think up ways she could rescue him and improve their marriage—before the alcohol could do permanent damage to both. She believed Dan needed only some time away, a place where he could regain the faith in God he’d had early in their marriage. There had been just one problem. Because of Dan’s disability they had barely enough money to buy groceries. Carol tried to imagine ways they might scrape together the money for a trip, but the demands of day-to-day living were always too costly. A getaway vacation would be financially impossible.

At about that time, Carol began to pray that God would somehow provide them with the means.

Answered prayer came in the form of a sales contest sponsored by her employer—Pacific Bell Yellow Pages. First prize: An all-expenses-paid trip to Hawaii. The couple had visited Hawaii early in their marriage and during their stay had fallen even deeper in love with each other. Hawaii, she decided, would be the perfect place for Dan to rediscover that love, abandon alcohol, and come home a changed man.

Carol knew the changes would need to be drastic. By late 1987, Dan had turned fifty. He had slid even deeper into depression and alcohol abuse, perhaps because he realized he was no longer a young man and would have fewer opportunities to turn his life around. Carol, who at forty-two was no less in love with her husband than she had been the day she’d married him, knew this trip might be Dan’s only chance.

The more Carol thought about the vacation the harder she worked. Through the end of 1987 and into 1988 there were evenings she wouldn’t come home until eight or nine o’clock when she was certain she couldn’t sell one more ad. In January when the company named Carol the Southern California winner, no one was less surprised than her supervisor. In fifteen years with the telephone company, Laura Annetelli had never seen a sales representative sell ads like Carol Montecalvo.

Carol could hardly wait to tell Dan the good news.

If Dan had been thrilled later that night when he came home from the bars and heard about the trip, he was most likely too drunk to remember. Carol patiently repeated the story the next morning, refusing to allow Dan’s increasing reliance on alcohol to dampen her excitement.

The hopes and dreams of her entire lifetime took shape as Carol began planning the vacation. The Montecalvos scheduled it for April and even saved enough money to lengthen their trip by two days. More than a week in Hawaii and surely Dan would be more relaxed, his ulcer might get better, and they could make plans for their future. Best of all, Carol believed with all her heart that Dan would stop drinking during this vacation. In fact, she believed the trip could quite possibly change their entire lives.

Want to take a walk? Dan sauntered into their bedroom combing his hair as he glanced at the open suitcase on the bed. He had been packing in the next room and taking care of last-minute necessities before the trip. I could use a break.

Carol smiled and held out her hand. She was a short woman of Italian ancestry who kept her dark hair attractively cut close to her plump face. Those who knew her agreed that Carol’s eyes were by far her best feature—sparkling brown eyes that were every bit as full of compassion as they were full of life. In fact, she would have been quite pretty if not for the extra seventy pounds she carried.

Carol took great pains to hide her weight by wearing fashionably loose black and navy clothing and by always adding matching stockings, shoes, and accessories to her outfit. Makeup was also important to Carol, and she rarely left for a day at the office without painstakingly applying the subtle peach and brown hues that brought her soft face to life. She took pride in her appearance, and perhaps she wanted to imagine herself as she had been the day she married Dan—a much slimmer 130 pounds.

If Dan minded Carol’s excess weight, he never said so. Carol had even commented to friends that Dan had always been patient and understanding about the weight she had gained over the years. In fact, outsiders tended to notice Carol’s weight far more quickly than her husband did. Although several inches taller than Carol, Dan was a rather small man; therefore, when the two of them stood together, Carol’s weight tended to be more obvious to others. In addition, Dan seemed to shrink in comparison, appearing even smaller than he actually was.

Carol, however, saw Dan as larger than life. He had the inexplicable ability to charm her and the shy, humble way he spoke to her still made her weak at the knees. Although she was aware of Dan’s troubled past, she thought him a handsome misunderstood gentleman with charming black-brown eyes, black hair, and a dashing mustache.

In truth, Dan was born and raised in Boston, and his accent, one associated with the poorer sections of that city, reflected his lack of education. But that did not change Carol’s opinion of Dan. No matter that he looked like the gangsters in B-rated films, she thought he bore many similarities to James Dean in Rebel Without a Cause.

Carol’s friends smiled politely when she talked about Dan that way, lending further credence to the notion that love really was blind. Not that they found Dan unattractive. He simply was not the prince charming Carol made him out to be. Dan stood five-eight, 170 pounds, and wore his thin black hair short and slicked back toward the right side of his head. His voice had a hard edge from years of cigarette smoking.

There had been a time when women had enjoyed Dan’s dark looks, but that time had long since expired. What had once been a pleasant, baby face was now spoiled by a slightly ruddy complexion from excessive alcohol consumption, and troubled, beady dark eyes. And while not overweight, he was beginning to soften around the middle and no longer possessed the type of physique that most women admired. Either way, their friends at Overcomers’ Faith Center Christian Church believed that physical shortcomings mattered little to the Montecalvos, who always seemed so happy and in love with each other.

That night appearances were the last thing on their minds. Dan clasped Carol’s outstretched hand and helped her up, waiting for her response. She shook her head and yawned. Not tonight. I still have a lot of packing to do.

Dan pulled her into a hug, and began stroking her hair. I just wanted to start this vacation a day early. Come on, it’ll be quick. Just a walk around the block.

Carol laughed at his persistence. Okay, okay. You win. She kissed him on the cheek. I’ll walk. But let’s make it a short one. What time is it anyway?

Carol slipped her flip-flop sandals on as Dan glanced at his watch. Quarter to eleven. Think you’ll be warm enough?

Carol nodded. Although her office dress was impeccable, at home she was most comfortable wearing flip-flops, sweatpants, and casual blouses. Occasionally, like that evening, she would even go without a bra. Carol didn’t care what anyone thought of her need to be casual after work. In her opinion, home was all about feeling safe and comfortable.

She followed Dan down the hallway of their three-bedroom home and out the front door. If it gets a little cold we’ll just walk faster.

Dan shut the door, testing it to be sure it was locked. Same way? he asked, nodding his head in a northerly direction up South Myers Street.

Same way, she answered.

Four or five times a week the Montecalvos walked in that direction, past several neighbors’ houses, around the block, and back home to the house they had shared since Christmas 1985. Dan took Carol’s hand in his and the couple started walking.

Fifty yards down the street they passed Suzan Brown’s house. Earlier that March evening, like most evenings, Suzan had been busy building Popsicle-stick lampshades in her garage. This habit was not the only indication of the forty-two-year-old woman’s oddities. She was also in a wheelchair, seemingly without reason. Her neighbors routinely saw Suzan romping about her backyard playing with her three dogs and appearing perfectly able-bodied—the chair nowhere to be seen.

If that wasn’t enough, Suzan’s appearance raised more than a few eyebrows around the neighborhood. She was heavyset and wore her brown hair short and straight, cropped close to her head. On her arms were tattoos of anchors and hearts and whenever she dressed up she’d wear men’s trousers and dress shirts. In fact, if a person didn’t know her, he or she might easily have mistaken her for a middle-aged man.

Most of the time Suzan’s sexual preference tended toward women—many of whom she had met while serving time in jail for various charges. But occasionally she would date men—especially those who looked like her.

Although Suzan sometimes sold Avon products and once in a while received five dollars for one of her Popsicle-stick lampshades, her primary means of support came from a monthly military pension for her role as a nurse in Vietnam and from a monthly government disability check. Even with that money, she could not afford to lease her one-thousand-dollar-per-month home in Dan and Carol’s stable neighborhood without her roommates. It seemed to Suzan’s neighbors—none of whom were fond of her—that the woman was always taking in new boarders. Word around the neighborhood was that some of these boarders contributed by paying a portion of the rent and providing drugs for Suzan’s weekly parties.

South Myers Street was lined with fruitless pear trees that in the summer fanned out to form a green archway over the road. Set back twenty feet from the sidewalk, the single-story homes were quaintly small with adequate front and backyards separated by beige cement block walls. This was the kind of neighborhood that typified Burbank.

For the most part, these rather plain homes were built in the 1950s and still housed the original owners. A majority of the residents along South Myers were getting on in years, their houses paid off and their children moved away. They could sometimes be seen sitting on their front porches in the middle of the afternoon sipping lemonade and discussing the virtues of being Republican.

But occasionally, as with the Montecalvo home, the houses had been sold to new families. As is often the case when this sort of turnover begins, some of the homes had been sold to people whom neighbors saw at odds with Burbank’s quiet image. Worse, some of the houses had been rented to unstable low-income people whom longtime Burbank residents found quite distasteful.

This was how neighbors viewed Suzan Brown. Although her rent included a weekly gardening service which maintained the property, Suzan often kept her garage door open allowing anyone who passed by to see the disarray inside. This was not an acceptable practice along South Myers Street. Also, shady characters frequently drove by Suzan’s home, stopping for only a moment, and returning to their cars counting what appeared to be currency. Drugs had never been a problem on the quiet street, but neighbors felt certain Suzan Brown was buying and selling something more than Avon.

Many of the neighbors had long since agreed that Suzan was a crazy woman. They even suspected her and some of her transient boarders of performing a handful of burglaries that had been happening in the neighborhood in recent years.

Because of that, they kept a close eye on the woman. Almost every night, often dressed in the same shorts and tank top, she would roll her wheelchair out the front door and into the garage at exactly 8 o’clock. Then she would spend nearly three hours making Popsicle-stick lampshades before going back into the house for the 11 o’clock news. Many nights her routine included looking for Dan and Carol sometime between 10 and 10:30. The couple walked nearly every evening, and watching them pass was one way Suzan gauged the time. After 10:30 Suzan stopped looking. By her assessment, the couple never walked later than that.

So when the Montecalvos strolled past her house that evening at 10:50, Dan did not notice whether Suzan was sitting in her garage. Perhaps, in keeping with her schedule, she had already gone in for the night, or maybe the couple had been too wrapped up in their conversation to notice her. Or perhaps, as defense attorneys and investigators would later contend, Suzan had been so busy orchestrating a neighborhood burglary that night that she had spent only an hour or so making her lampshades. Unaware of any of those possibilities or the importance they would have in later years, Dan and Carol continued their walk without any discussion of their quirky neighbor.

As the Montecalvos made their way around the block and back up South Myers Street toward home they did not cross the street until they had passed the house of their next-door neighbor, Ralph Atwater. The Montecalvos did this on purpose to avoid Ralph’s German shepherds. The dogs barked whenever anyone walked near Ralph’s property.

At 10:56 that evening, Ralph was caught up in a routine of his own as he prepared for bed and the 11 o’clock news. His wife had been asleep for some time, but he rarely went to bed before the news.

He pulled his striped pajama top over his head and turned back the covers on his side of the bed. Ralph’s wife, May, thought it odd that her husband liked to end his day watching the news. After all, there was nothing good in the news. Natural disasters. Crooked politicians. Senseless murders. Innocent people getting the raw end of the stick. Most people had enough real-life problems without getting tangled up in the sorry affairs of perfect strangers.

Ralph only laughed at his wife’s assessment. He thought the news was exciting. Amazing and terrible things happening to real people. Drama at its best. Never did he feel more in tune with the world around him than after watching the 11 o’clock news. He picked up the remote control, turned the television on, and hit the mute button. Fixing his eyes straight ahead at the small color set, Ralph waited.

At exactly 11 o’clock, the familiar faces of ABC’s news anchors flashed across the screen. Ralph hit the mute button again, allowing sound to accompany the pictures. The introductions rolled on in typical upbeat news fashion. Ralph rather liked the opening theme song of the network news. He turned the volume up a level, glancing over to be sure the sound wasn’t disturbing his wife.

But at 11:01, when the song was almost finished, a different sound caught his attention. It was frantic—a scream or cry perhaps, and it seemed to be coming from next door. Quickly Ralph hit the mute button again and turned toward the noise. For nearly ten seconds Ralph tried to make out the voices, but he could tell only that someone was very frightened and upset. For a split second the voices stopped and Ralph listened, perfectly still in the silent room. At that moment the quiet was broken by two sudden blasts of what seemed to be a car backfiring. Before Ralph had time to analyze the sounds, another single crack rang out.

Next to him, May sat straight up in bed.

What happened? she asked, her eyes filled with panic. What was that?

Ralph knew instinctively the sounds had nothing to do with a car’s exhaust system.

Gunfire, he whispered. Sounded like three shots.

May reached for her husband’s arm and he could feel her hands shaking. What should we do?

Ralph climbed out of bed and walked to the window that directly faced the Montecalvo’s home. The two families did not socialize together, but they were casual acquaintances and Dan had asked Ralph to water their lawn while they were in Hawaii.

They don’t leave until tomorrow, do they? he asked.

No. Why, what do you see over there?

Nothing, nothing. But it sounded like the shots came from next door.

Oh, my God, Ralph. What if something happened to them?

Slowly, he walked over and sat down on the bed. His mind raced with ideas of what he might do if Dan and Carol really were in trouble. But before he could form a plan, he heard sirens in the distance. In seconds, they were closer and Ralph was certain they were headed toward 315 South Myers, where the Montecalvos lived.

At that same moment, five houses down the street, the 11 o’clock news was four minutes old when Suzan Brown thought she heard something in her backyard. She, too, muted her television set and listened intently. It sounded like her woodpile had come crashing down, but now there was only silence. Suddenly she remembered the three loud sounds she’d heard a few minutes earlier. She began considering possible connections between those sounds and the noise she had just heard in her backyard when in the distance she heard sirens getting closer.

Back at the Atwater home Ralph went to the window again and watched as the first police car arrived. A uniformed officer with his gun drawn carefully climbed out, using the car door as a shield. Keeping his head low, the officer darted silently across the street. Ralph was glued to the scene, horrified and unable to believe that a crime, maybe even a murder, had just occurred in his neighborhood.

At 11:06, with Ralph intent on the scene unfolding next door, the Atwaters’ dogs began barking. They were so loud he was sure they would ruin the officer’s cover.

Darn dogs, Ralph whispered as May joined him at the window. Bark at anything.

More than once Ralph had vowed to get rid of the dogs. The slightest thing could set them off and once they got started they could bark for an hour or more without letting up. They barked whenever anyone walked near the property.

Now something terrible had happened next door and his dogs were barking so loudly they were going to give the officer away. Ralph believed the gunmen were still inside the Montecalvo house. Unless of course they had fled the other way—northbound toward Suzan Brown’s house and away from his dogs.

After all, until the officer arrived, his dogs hadn’t barked once all evening.

Chapter 2

The call came through to the Burbank Police Department that evening at 11:03 and 40 seconds. Telecommunications operator Janet Brown answered the call and immediately the computerized 911 emergency system displayed the caller’s address and telephone number on Janet’s terminal screen. At the same time, the system’s reel-to-reel recording device clicked into action.

Emergency nine one one, what’s your message please? The young operator spoke quickly and calmly as she had been trained to do.

Please help me, hurry up! The man was hysterical, screaming and sobbing as he spoke, and Janet could not understand him.

Sir, you can’t breathe? Is that what you’re saying?

We’ve been shot!

What? Janet was straining to understand the man.

Shot! My wife’s bleeding, she’s dying. Hurry!

For a moment the man continued to sob into the telephone while Janet and her coworker, Faye Malcolm, began sending emergency calls to police in the area.

Please. Please hurry, the man pleaded.

They’re on the way, sir, they’re on the way.

Then, at 11:04 and 20 seconds, the caller hung up, apparently convinced that help would soon arrive.

Instantly, Janet redialed the telephone number that appeared on the screen while Faye informed police and paramedics that someone at 315 South Myers Street had just been shot.

At 11:05 the phone rang in Dan and Carol Montecalvos’ house. Dan answered it on the second ring.


For a split second, Janet Brown thought she had the wrong number. Either she had caught the man between sobs or this was not the same hysterical caller she’d spoken with a minute earlier. Then, before Janet had a chance to identify herself, the man again began crying loudly.

Hello? he shouted. When the man recognized the voice of the emergency operator, he became furious. Somebody help! My wife’s been shot and I’ve been shot!

Okay, stop crying now, okay? Janet spoke as she would to a distraught child. Stop—

At that point the man began sobbing even harder, interrupting the operator. My wife is dying here!

Okay, I need to know where your wife’s been shot, I need to know for the paramedics.

I don’t know, the man sobbed. It’s hard to tell. There’s blood everywhere. We walked into the house and somebody tried to kill us. They started shooting. There was two people . . . The man paused a moment, sobbing loudly into the telephone. Oh, my God. My wife is dying, lady, if you don’t get somebody here.

We are on the way, we are on the way. Did the people who were shooting get out of the house?


Which way did they go?

I don’t know.

Did they leave out the front door? Janet strained to understand the caller’s end of the conversation.

Yeah, I guess. Out the front door.

How many were there?

Two. The man was breathless, sobbing and gasping for air. Hurry!

Units are on the way, sir. We’ve got paramedics coming to help you out. Okay? Sir?

Janet turned to Faye, who had been monitoring the conversation and feeding information to officers en route to the scene. He hung up.

Faye announced over police radio, Confirming your response. All units call is at three fifteen, three-one-five South Myers Street, 187 in progress. A man stated he’d been shot. They walked into the house and some subject started shooting. Possibly two subjects. Subjects left out the front door. Nothing further.

With that statement, every available Burbank police officer immediately began responding. A 187 in progress meant someone was being murdered. Burbank is a town where police might go through an entire year with no more than one or two murders. In fact, police personnel liked to say that when an officer had an occasion to draw a gun in Burbank the incident became the talk of the station for several weeks.

At 11:05, when Janet was still talking with the caller, Faye Malcolm got word that the first officer had arrived at the scene just fifty-seven seconds after the call had come in. But it would be another seven minutes before police would enter the Montecalvo home.

Later, doctors would disagree about whether an earlier entry might have made a difference in Carol’s survival. Officers would contend that they were worried the suspects might still be inside, despite Faye’s police radio announcement that suspects had already fled. Regardless, by 11:05—while precious blood drained from Carol Montecalvo’s body—officers began arriving and placing themselves at various points in front of the Montecalvo house where they would wait a full seven minutes before making entry.

When the man hung up on Janet the second time, she leaned back in her chair and frowned at Faye. There was something strange about that call, Janet said.


It’s probably nothing, Janet said. He hung up on me a couple times.

Faye was filling out paperwork on the call and still monitoring the officers’ progress at the scene. Happens all the time. People are upset, someone’s hurt, they hang up the phone.

It wasn’t the hang-up, but the way he answered the phone when I called him back, Janet said.

What do you mean?

Well, it was like at first he wasn’t even upset at all. Just kind of, you know, ‘Hello?’ as if nothing was wrong. Then after maybe a second he was all of a sudden hysterical again.

Faye shrugged. Who knows. People get pretty weird in a situation like that. Don’t worry about it.

Janet nodded and fell silent, listening to the police activity over the monitor. Later she decided she must have been overanalyzing the situation.

While Faye and Janet worked with the hysterical caller, Burbank police officers across the city had begun making their way to 315 South Myers Street. Officer Ron Caruso was heading the opposite direction less than a mile away from the location when dispatch announced a 187 in progress. Instantly he screeched into a U-turn, waiting until the car was completely under control before pushing the gas pedal to the floor. At that hour on a Thursday night, less than a mile from the crime scene, there was no need for sirens and lights. Caruso felt a wave of adrenaline rush through his body.

Fifty-seven seconds later he arrived in front of the house. With a response time of less than a minute, he thought it possible that the suspect or suspects might still be inside even if the victims believed they had gotten away. As he had driven up the street, he had seen no activity whatsoever. The entire neighborhood seemed asleep, with lights on at only a few houses—including the house where the shooting had occurred. In fact, as he parked across the street Ron noted that 315 South Myers was perhaps the only house on the block that was completely lit up, the way Dan and Carol had left it when they took their walk.

This was unusual. Burglars typically broke into dark homes that seemed empty. He made a mental note of this detail, pulled his gun out from his waistband and climbed out, shielding himself with his car door. Keeping his head low, he darted across the street and waited behind a tall bush for backup units. The sound of distant sirens was growing closer.

Officer Rick Medlin was at the busy corner of Victory Boulevard and Alameda Avenue about four miles from South Myers Street when he got the order to report to a murder in progress. Three minutes later he was at the scene and noticed that several police cars had already arrived. He parked five houses away, drew his gun, and climbed out of the car. Quickly, he made his way from one front yard to the next using the houses as a cover, finally stopping at the house just south of the crime scene.

At almost the same moment dogs in the backyard of that property began barking and Medlin considered moving to a different location. But he decided to wait, ducking behind a four-foot wall separating the two houses.

Several officers were already scattered about the lawn of the house next door, their guns drawn. Medlin turned and watched the house, looking and listening for any sign of life. He noticed that two cars were parked in the driveway, which was adjacent to the wall he was hiding behind. Strange, he thought, breaking into a house with two cars sitting in the driveway.

Suddenly he saw movement in the hallway. Medlin glanced at the other officers but because of his viewpoint he appeared to be the only one aware of the motion. He raised his head and watched as a man with dark hair, his eyes cast downward, began walking down the hallway toward the door. For a moment he stood in the doorway, taking in the police activity on his front lawn. At that instant the man grabbed his right side and began limping down the steps. An officer across the street notified dispatch that a man had exited the residence. It was 11:09.

By then a police helicopter unit had begun flying overhead looking for suspects. The whirring staccato of the copter’s propeller combined with the barking dogs made it almost impossible to hear the man.

Help me! he shouted, stopping at the bottom of the steps and facing the officers hiding near the front of his property. I’ve been shot! Can’t you see that? Why won’t someone get over here and help me?

Medlin felt his body tense. At first, when the man had walked down the hallway without a limp, Medlin thought he was a suspect. He pushed the thought from his mind. Obviously this man was a victim.

Standard procedure at a crime scene mandated that the nearest officer take charge of the situation. Medlin looked around and saw he was closest. Even though the man was probably a victim, Medlin knew enough to treat him as a suspect until he was safely in police custody. The officer stood up quickly, giving away his cover and gaining the man’s attention. Medlin aimed his gun at the man.

Put your hands in the air and walk away from the house, Medlin shouted. Amid the commotion the man seemed not to hear the command. He remained frozen at the base of the steps, still holding his right side.

Help me! I’ve been shot! His voice rose a notch above the commotion.

Listen, get your hands up where I can see them and come over here. Medlin motioned with his gun for the man to walk toward the garage.

The man winced and clutched his right side a bit tighter, putting his one free arm up in the air as he began limping toward the cars parked in his driveway. He stopped once to rest against the white Nissan, parked nearest him, and then slowly moved closer to Medlin, using the car as a crutch.

Across the street Officer Glen Sorkness moved in to assist Medlin.

Medlin, get inside. Lieutenant Art Moody barked the order and Medlin and Sorkness exchanged a knowing glance.

I’ll take it from here, Sorkness said. Medlin nodded and turned to join three other officers for an initial check of the house. The front door had been open since they arrived on the scene. Medlin opened the front screen door and entered the residence with the other officers right behind him. The lieutenant made a note in his log: Officers entered home at 11:12 pm.

Sorkness waved his flashlight toward the paramedics parked just down the street. Inside the ambulance Kelly Chulik and Jeff Williams had been waiting. These were the most difficult calls for paramedics. Murder in progress meant someone might be dying inside, but until they were given the all-clear sign they were forbidden to approach. That night as each minute passed Chulik and Williams grew more nervous. They were trained to save lives, not wait outside. When they finally saw Sorkness wave the flashlight, the paramedics snapped into action. They grabbed their medical kits and ran toward the house.

Sorkness was already questioning the wounded man. Expertly, Chulik and Williams began working to get his vital signs while Sorkness continued the interview. Chulik noticed that the man had been shot once in the back just above his right hip. Although the victim was complaining of severe abdominal pain, Chulik noted there was very little blood near the wound. At that moment, two other paramedics joined them with a stretcher.

They’re ready for you inside, one of them said, motioning Chulik and Williams toward the house. We’ve got this one.

Chulik led the way, running up the front walk and into the house. The officers had taken just

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