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Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing in the Prophetic
Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing in the Prophetic
Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing in the Prophetic
Ebook313 pages59 minutes

Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing in the Prophetic

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About this ebook

Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing In the Prophetic  

There are those who claim that the time of the apostles and the prophets has past. I say that we are living in an age where we need the perfecting gifts functioning correctly in the earth like never before. From the moment sin entered the planet and mankind ceased to communicate with God, God decided that He would employ prophets. Prophets are God's idea. Their job, along with many other essential duties listed on their position description, is to convey God's desire to reconcile a hurting, broken world back to Himself. We haven't completely managed to fulfill that task yet, so no, prophets are not extinct.

—Catrina J. Sparkman, author of, Doing Business with God.    

How to determine whether this book is for you

If you're a prophet, if you know a prophet, ever wondered if you might be prophetic, ever been curious or maybe even critical of the prophetic, then this book is a must have for you. If you've ever found yourself LOL at a tweet, or shaking your head in agreement at a Facebook post, you're going to enjoy reading this book.  Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing in the Prophetic presents powerful life changing truths about the prophetic ministry in bite-sized, digestible pieces. Created for a technological age that has totally altered how we process information, written in a graphic novel format, complete with illustrations, Growing in the Prophetic: Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation is an excellent training manual for both teachers and prophetic practitioners alike.


  • Why rejection is key to a prophet's development
  • How to distinguish between different levels of the prophetic
  • How to grow in character as you develop in your prophetic gifting
  • How to walk in your calling when no room is made for the prophetic in your local church
  • Why prophetic community is crucial for maturing today's prophets
  • The role of the end-time prophetic voice today 
Release dateFeb 27, 2019
Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation: Growing in the Prophetic

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    Book preview

    Divine Revelation for a Twitter Generation - Catrina Sparkman

    er 1

    Prophets God’s Idea

    The moment sin entered into the planet and mankind ceased to communicate with God, God decided to employ prophets. Their job is to represent God’s heart in the Earth.

    The first prophetic word was spoken by God Himself in Genesis 3:14-19. After mankind sinned, God cursed the serpent and the ground. He told the man he would now have to toil for his food. He told the woman that childbirth would now be difficult for her. He also foreshadowed that an offspring would come forth from the woman who would one day, ultimately defeat the serpent.

    The first human prophet was Abel. Abel understood the right offering to bring to God on behalf of himself, and on behalf of his father, Adam, who brought sin into the world.

    Abel was also the first prophet to be martyred because of this understanding. Most people are like Cain, they have no idea how to get God’s attention.

    Prophets are wired in such a way that they do. Prophets know how to touch God’s heart.

    There’s a lot of misinformation out there concerning prophets and their roles. The purpose of this book is to clear up some of that misunderstanding.

    Some people believe that the day of the prophet and the apostle has passed. Until Jesus returns for a church without spot or wrinkle, the ministry of the prophet and the apostle will endure.

    These two offices are a part of the five- fold ministry gifts that Jesus left His bride. They are The Bridegroom’s betrothal gifts to His church. Their job is to prepare the bride for His return.

    Some people think that if prophets do exist, there are only a few left in the world. This is also untrue. There are many prophets on the planet.

    God has prophetic voices reserved for every time, generation and season. They exist in every region of the world. They can be male or female. They also come in every ethnicity, shape and size.

    Prophets were God’s idea in the beginning and He still hasn’t changed His mind. We just have a little more trouble recognizing them these days.

    Instead of looking like this:

    Prophets nowadays tend to look more like this:

    All prophetic voices are not the same. There are different levels and ranges of the gifting. We will talk about some of those differences in the next chapter.


    apter 2

    Levels in the Prophetic

    If we were to divide the prophetic ministry up into levels, we would find that it breaks down quite easily into four levels.

    Level 1:

    The Spirit of Prophecy

    Although we call it level 1, the Spirit of Prophecy is not the first stage in the development of a true prophet. The Spirit of Prophecy

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