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Alien Abduction: Volume 2
Alien Abduction: Volume 2
Alien Abduction: Volume 2
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Alien Abduction: Volume 2

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They are back!  Volume 2 of the 'Alien Encounters' series by researcher Martyn Collins. What really takes place when an ordinary, everyday, person like you or I is abducted and taken by Aliens? What happens? What goes on inside their research laboratories... And how will it end? Three more fascinating yet frightening accounts of Alien abduction – Highly recommended!

Fascinated by 'real life' Alien Abduction stories? Then don't miss this much sought after follow up to the first brilliant series by researcher Martyn Collins. Alleged true life experiences of encounters with beings from another world that may shock and disturb; 'The Bigshot's Tale', 'The Camper's Tale' and 'The Farmer's Tale'- Definitely a series you should not miss out on!

Release dateMar 23, 2019
Alien Abduction: Volume 2

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    Book preview

    Alien Abduction - Martyn Collins

    #1: The Bigshot’s Tale

    I checked my smile in the polished copper that embellished the elevator doors. Out of my breast pocket came a tiny little toothbrush to remove that little shiny something stuck between my two front teeth. My assistant was standing next to me, she paid no notice to my antics. I winked at her in the shiny copper. Still no response.

    You've got the demons contained right? I asked her as I extended my arm around her waist and pulled on her ever so slightly. In a flash of fury, her head snapped around to glare right at me.

    Take your hands off of me! she snarled under her breath. Of course I've got them contained. My arm quickly retracted and I shifted my weight away from her. This was not a good day to piss her off. One more glance in the doors and a coiffe of the hair. I was ready to face these demons.

    The doors slid open and revealed the crowd of frenzied reporters. They were being held back by security guards. The crowd was rabid with anger and distaste. I pushed my way through the crowd with the assistance of two security guards. One foot landed on the stairs. The other followed and I was going up the stairs to approach the podium. As my eyes scanned the crowd, I noticed that some of the biggest names in television news were there to hear my statements in person. At least a dozen microphones covered the surface of the podium. Flashes from the cameras were causing me to see spots whenever I blinked. My feet were still stepping one in front of the other towards the podium.

    There I stood. I took a deep breath and addressed the rabid crowd of reporters.

    Ladies and Gentleman, thank you for coming today. My name is Connor Hunter, I am the CEO of Hoiser & Hunter. I offered to conduct this conference so that I can answer to the questions about my company's involvement with the failure of the energy company Cevelle. I would like to start off by saying that we are very sorry that the failure of this business has caused economic challenges to so many shareholders. Cevelle was a business struggling under over-regulation of the energy sector. A few years ago, the leadership of Cevelle approached my company, Hoiser & Hunter, to ask for capital and restructuring. In effect, my company took over Cevelle's operations for a few months. We restored the balance sheet and investor confidence. Cevelle paid back our loans we made and offered Hoiser & Hunter an ownership option. We took the ownership option. Unfortunately, Cevelle fell back into its old ways and the company went bankrupt. Since Cevelle was valued at over 100 billion dollars, we have seen the ripple effect in the market, and this means that people everywhere are losing money due to Cevelle's failure.

    The crowd had calmed and quieted down, each person's eyes meeting mine as I scanned. I took a big gulp of water and a subtle deep breath and continued.

    "Wild allegations about my company's role in the self-destruction of Cevelle are being recklessly spewed over the airwaves. I want to go on the record as saying that these allegations are false! Cevelle's failure belongs to them, not to us. Hoiser & Hunter's involvement in the company's decisions were limited to the rights of any shareholder after our restructuring plan was complete.

    At Hoiser & Hunter we maintain the position that we have no responsibility for the implications of Cevelle's failure. We are troubled that a company that we restructured failed after our efforts. We are even more troubled by the fact that Cevelle's failure has had the ripple effect of depleting some poorly allocated pension plans, and hundreds of thousands worldwide investors. We are not left untouched in this crisis. Five billion dollars is what we are estimating to be our losses. In business, it is the natural cycle to see a company rise and fall. Only in an environment of over-regulation and poor management will a company crumble in such magnanimous way. We are truly sorry that we were unable to save Cevelle from itself! We will miss that five billion! I will now take a few questions.

    I looked over at my assistant. She stepped up to the podium to locate her prescreened reporters. Hands were wildly waving across the crowd and you could feel the excitement build as she scanned.

    Lauren Belt from the Wall Street Beat, go ahead with your question she called out. Lauren stood up on her chair to address me.

    Can you explain why Cevelle did not take your advice? her head bobbed wildly to and fro as she shouted the question at me.

    I don't know, but they would be a lot richer if they had! I laughed heartily as I responded. A few voices in the crowd groaned while others applauded. My assistant scanned the crowd again.

    Jason Shea of the AN, go ahead she pointed and shouted.

    Hello, thank you for hosting this conference. Which specific regulations do you blame for Cevelle's destruction? Jason asked calmly. The crowd hushed again.

    I blame every regulation that prevents energy from being delivered to the customers, so all of them! I laughed again then turned to my assistant and said:

    Okay I'm done here. Clear these crackpots out of my lobby, and then I need you to make lunch reservations for three at upstairs at the 21. With that I turned and retreated back up to my office.

    I tried to get some work done that day, but it wasn't happening. I didn't feel well. My head was hurting, my stomach upset, and I had this welt building on my left shoulder. Looking out of my big windows brought me no pleasure. My body felt worked, my brain a little empty. I reached back to check the welt growing on my shoulder. I pulled down my shirt and walked over to a mirror. It felt much worse than it looked. There was a small bump and a little tiny whitehead, so I buttoned back up and straightened my tie,.

    Motivation was running thin. Cevelle had the potential to bring me and my partner down in flames. It was complicated. We didn't exactly cause the bankruptcy, but we made no effort to stop it. Now was the perfect time to disappear. I had made about

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