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Metal Lathe for Home Machinists
Metal Lathe for Home Machinists
Metal Lathe for Home Machinists
Ebook269 pages

Metal Lathe for Home Machinists

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About this ebook

Metal Lathe for Home Machinists is a project-based course that provides a complete introduction to the lathe and lathe metalworking. This book takes beginners through all the basic techniques needed to tackle a wide range of machining operations. Advance through a series of practice projects that teach how to use the lathe and develop essential skills through practical application. Contained 12 lathe turning projects to develop confidence and become an accomplished home shop machinist, each project is designed to develop essential lathe skills that the reader will use again and again. All of the projects are extensively illustrated and full working drawings accompany the text. The book advances from basic projects to higher levels of difficulty as the course progresses, from a simple surface gauge to a milling cutter chuck where precision and concentricity is vital. After completing this course, the reader will have amassed a wealth of practical skills and a range of useful workshop tools and equipment, while lathe owners with more advanced skills will discover new techniques.

Release dateOct 1, 2014
Metal Lathe for Home Machinists

Harold Hall

Harold Hall worked as an electrical control systems engineer for thirty-five years before becoming editor of Model Engineer's Workshop magazine. He is the author of numerous books on workshop practice, including Metal Lathe for Home Machinists, The Metalworker's Workshop for Home Machinists, Milling for Home Machinists, and The Milling Machine for Home Machinists.

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    Book preview

    Metal Lathe for Home Machinists - Harold Hall


    The main aim of this book is to take the newcomer to turning from the novice stage through to an experienced beginner, achieving this by providing a range of projects each one primarily illustrating a particular process. Finally the book concludes with two quite advanced projects that will put to the test the skills learnt in earlier chapters.

    Having spent a short while as editor of Model Engineers’ Workshop, I am also aware that many have limited time for workshop activity and these, even if experienced, will find the projects useful as most can be completed in a matter of a few hours. No doubt, some useful tips being gleaned from the book on the way even for the experienced turner.

    Whilst just reading the book will provide the beginner with much useful information this will be a poor substitute to actually making the items described. The reader is therefore encouraged to at least make most of the items detailed.

    Removing metal using a metal work lathe is a straightforward process with quality work being easily achievable. However, the range of processes possible make the task of coming to terms with operating a lathe quite an extensive course that this book aims to provide.

    Using a milling machine is on the other hand quite the reverse with obtaining a presentable finish much more of a problem but with each task being much more like others carried out on the machine. In this case the main requirement is to spend time on the machine to feel at home with its capabilities. A follow-up book to this will address the requirement with a range of projects aimed at giving the necessary time spent using the machine.

    Harold Hall, 2003

    Chapter 1

    Getting started

    Prior to getting to grips with the projects in this book some discussion regarding the lathe and the accessories that go with it is included for the newcomer to turning.

    The Machines

    Of course a lathe is a necessity, though for some this may initially be a machine available at the local technical college. If you are purchasing a lathe for the first time it is difficult to advise, as it will depend on the type of work envisaged and what other machines are to be acquired, two points are thought worth emphasising. First, if space and funds are available purchase a lathe of at least 90mm bed to centre height and secondly purchase a lathe with a tee slotted cross slide. The last point is a must if the workshop will not have a milling machine and even if it has many simple milling operations are easier to perform on the lathe as is illustrated in Chapter 13 Photos 14 and 15. However, as the projects are primarily aimed at those with limited experience it is assumed that other activities, typically milling, are even more of an unknown quantity. Their use in the series is therefore limited. A drilling machine will be required, but using the lathe for drilling as an alternative is briefly considered.

    Whilst the use of cutting tools with replaceable tips considerably reduces the amount of grinding necessary to produce and sharpen lathe tools, some specials are bound to be required. An off hand grinder is therefore a necessity.


    Having dealt with the machines there is a number of accessories that are a must. It is easy to fall into the trap of considering that, due to its ease of use, a 3-jaw chuck is the one to acquire if funds will run to one chuck only, this is not so. Whilst a 3-jaw chuck, even if old and worn, will be accurate enough for most work there will be a significant number of instances where this is not so.

    The beginner may not be aware that when material is placed into a 3-jaw chuck the work piece is unlikely to run true, perhaps a total indicator reading (TIR) of up to 0.1mm, more if measured some distance from the jaws. This can cause serious problems with concentricity when an item has to be removed and replaced, say to work from either end.

    1. Normal (left) and Reverse (right) chuck Jaws.

    Even a so-called precision chuck, with a price tag to go with the precision, will be unable to meet the most demanding requirements. A 4-jaw chuck with independent jaws is therefore a necessity as, being able to adjust each jaw individually, precise centring is possible. Of course where a 3-jaw chuck is adequate I will use one and this is evident in the photographs published. Where a reader has only a 4-jaw chuck this will be quite satisfactory. The only result being to slow down the operation a little due to the work necessary to get the part to run sufficiently true for the task in hand.

    An essential accessory for the 3-jaw chuck are the reverse jaws that enable larger diameters to be held and are seen on the right of Photo 1. A new chuck will always be supplied with these but if you have obtained a second hand chuck, maybe with a second hand lathe, they may well be missing. Unfortunately, spare jaws are not easily obtained and a replacement chuck may be the only option. One set of jaws will suffice for the 4-jaw chuck as its differing construction permits the single set of jaws to by used either way round.

    Changing the jaws on the 3-jaw chuck is straightforward; open the chuck with the normal jaws fitted, and keep turning until the jaws can be removed. Now it will be found that both chuck and jaws are numbered 1, 2 and 3 and must be fitted with the numbers together and in that order. Turn the scroll in the direction to close the chuck, until its leading edge is seen to pass position 1. Next reverse the rotation until the leading edge passes back, fit jaw number 1 pushing it in as far as it will go. Then holding it there, again turn the chuck key as to tighten the chuck. Watch carefully for the scrolls leading edge to pass position 2, repeat the exercise and then also for jaw 3. Now close the chuck until the jaws meet in the middle. If you have made an error it will be large enough to be obvious and it will then be a case of repeat the task until all’s well. Independent jaw 4- jaw chucks also have their jaws numbered and should be assembled with like numbers together, though they can of course be assembled in any order.

    2. Fixed (on the left) and travelling steadies

    Having said that the reverse jaws are for larger diameters it is necessary to know at what diameter the change over must take place. If a new chuck is purchased the data supplied with it should make this clear; my 100mm chuck quotes a maximum of 33mm. Whilst the jaws will open and grip a larger diameter some of the scroll will be disengaging from the teeth on the jaws placing more load on those remaining engaged. Frequently, scrolls will have just two rings, so if a scroll is not engaged only one ring and a single tooth are being used. It is not advisable therefore to go beyond the maker’s recommendations. If these are not available careful observation of the scroll, which becomes visible as the chuck is opened, should make the requirements clear.

    At this stage I should add that the book is written assuming a lathe of around 90mm bed to centre height and fitted with at least 100mm diameter chucks. Larger lathes are unlikely to impact on the book’s content in any major way, though smaller lathes will and some comments are added through the series if considered appropriate. If a small lathe is being used then some items may benefit from being made smaller. In this case I would advise taking copies of the drawings and marking them up with the new dimensions in advance of making the item.

    3. Left (on the left) and Right hand Knife tools.


    Photo 2 shows both fixed (on the left) and travelling steadies. A fixed steady is, I consider, a very underestimated lathe accessory being an essential item, for without it many operations would be totally impossible, or at best very difficult. A fact that is well-illustrated thoughout the book. A travelling steady though is for most lathe users an item that has limited use and can be put on the end of the items to be acquired list, though managing without it where a use for it exists can be a problem. Its use is illustrated in chapter 11 Photo 12.

    Cutting tools

    Various cutting tools will be required with the knife tool being that most used, and in both left and right handed versions. Photo 3 shows some variations, I will refer to these throughout the book as, right hand on the right and left hand on the left. Right hand is used for cutting from right too left and Left hand from left to right. I make this precise definition as I find in the wider world there seems to be some variation in the meaning of left and right hand.

    Also required are boring tools for a minimum bore of 6mm, say 20mm deep, and larger diameters of 20mm and more with a depth of say 50mm. Whilst knife tools can be ground from high speed steel, ready made brazed tungsten carbide tipped tools or replaceable tip tools are available as seen in the photograph and at a reasonable price. This is certainly not the case for very smaller boring tools which most certainly have to be ground from high speed steel tool bits, as whilst they are available their price probably prohibits their use in most home workshops. Some specialised tools will also be required, thread cutting, etc., and will be discussed at the point in the book where they become necessary.

    4. A rear tool post is almost essential for parting off on the smaller lathe.

    Parting off tools and rear tool post

    Parting off is probably the most dreaded of all turning operations for the small lathe user but is a task that must be conquered. Taking the part from the chuck and cutting it off with a hacksaw whilst held in the vice is a possibility and one that we shall adopt initially. Eventually though, parting off must be mastered and hopefully before the end of the book.

    I know you will be tempted to cut off a part using the hacksaw whilst the part is still held in the lathe, we all are. I would not recommend this but if you do succumb to the temptation, do protect the lathe bed with a block of wood and move the saddle well down the lathe to avoid catching ones knuckles on the cutting tools. Even with this done, cover the tools with a few layers of substantial cloth and DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES carry out the operation with the lathe running.

    We therefor need parting off tools of varying widths to use with differing diameters. It should be obvious that you would not use a 3mm wide tool to part off a part from a 4mm diameter bar and that a 0.5mm wide tool would be more appropriate. On the other hand a 0.5mm tool would not be at all appropriate at 50mm diameter and a wider tool would be required.

    Whilst parting off tools can be used mounted on the top slide the use of a rear tool post will significantly ease the task. Having one available cannot be too strongly advised particularly for larger diameters, Photo 4 shows a typical example.

    Dial test indicator (DTI)

    A dial test indicator is required, as some projects will need precisely centring in the 4-jaw chuck to a level of accuracy that is difficult without one.

    Smaller Items

    Hard (dead) and Soft (live) centres will be necessary for turning between centres and driving dogs for these operations. When facing the end of a part supported by the tailstock centre, machining the end fully is impossible no matter what tool is used. This problem is overcome by the use of what is called a half centre, in fact it is more a case of a five eight’s centre as it is not cut away totally to the centre. The cut away permits the cutting tool to access the face right up to the drilled impression, (see SK 1 Chapter 2). A small half centre made from silver steel and held in the drill chuck avoids the expense of an additional centre and is perfectly adequate for finishing the end of a part otherwise turned between conventional centres. Why not make this a mini project before turning starts in earnest in the next chapter.

    A drill chuck and a 25mm outside micrometer also fall into the essential category with a 25 to 50mm micrometer and a 150mm vernier being highly desirable. Other simple items will be required and we will attempt to make some of these as the work progresses. This is in

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