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21 Beliefs That Make Us Miserable ...and how to overcome them to live happier lives
21 Beliefs That Make Us Miserable ...and how to overcome them to live happier lives
21 Beliefs That Make Us Miserable ...and how to overcome them to live happier lives
Ebook292 pages1 hour

21 Beliefs That Make Us Miserable ...and how to overcome them to live happier lives

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About this ebook

Many social beliefs cause us to suffer because they’re false. That’s why we need wisdom to help us leave them behind in order to live happier lives. You’ll find this information here. 

This book has been written in a direct and clear way which gets right to the point. It has so much useful information explained in a clear way that you’ll want to read it again and again, and, with each additional reading, you’ll deepen your understanding. It will soon be the book on your bedside table. 

You don’t have to believe anything, just verify the information it contains and you’ll see how your life becomes filled with peace and harmony. 

Furthermore, the book also includes practical exercises to integrate its contents into daily life. We’re not looking to fill your mind with theory, but rather to transform your life in a real and practical way. 

We hope this book represents a turning point in your life.

Release dateMay 14, 2019

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    Book preview

    21 Beliefs That Make Us Miserable ...and how to overcome them to live happier lives - Daniel Gabarró

    – Daniel Gabarró and Nieves Machín –

    21 beliefs that make us miserable

    ...and how to overcome them to live happier lives



    Thanks to the 947 individuals who read the first version prior to publication and gave their suggestions on how to improve it. It was beautiful and useful help. Thank you.

    We would also like to thank the gym Ekke in Lleida, and in particular Pep and Joan David, who requested a talk by Daniel Gabarró on mental limits. That was the beginnings of this book.

    Finally, thanks to Gerardo Schmedling Torres for his immense knowledge and all that he's given us. Thank you.

    Table of Contents



    •  What stages of personal growth do we go through?

    •  Why do we suffer?

    •  What do we need to live fully?

    First part on false beliefs: about yourself

    Don’t be selfish: think about others!

    If you think you’re right: don’t let them twist your arm

    You're free when you do what you want!

    If you don’t like how you feel: change it!

    You make me happy

    What you’ve bought is yours

    You have a family

    You can change others

    Second part on false beliefs: about the world and reality

    You see the world as it really is

    Your thoughts create reality

    Fight to change reality

    Problems are bad: run away from them!

    If you fight for it, you’ll work doing what you want to

    Third part on false beliefs: on goodness and love

    Being a good person is a virtue

    Sincerity is a value

    It’s normal to show you’re angry when you trust the other person

    Love is a feeling

    If you love, you’ll suffer

    Fourth part on false beliefs: on the fight between good and evil

    Fight against evil, defend the good

    Rise up against injustice

    We have to punish the guilty

    Summary: false beliefs and their true opposites

    Epilogue: knowledge and society

    Glossary of terms


    What stages do we go through in our personal growth?

    It’s a law of nature that everything changes. Our goal in writing this book is to help you so that this process of change is enjoyable.

    Every experience in life is a road to learning and growth from which, when integrated... there’s no turning back from!

    I.e. when you’ve learned to walk, you won’t need to get around crawling. Each new thing you learn means transcending the last one and tossing out what you don’t find useful any more.

    There are three main stages in a human being's evolution:

    In the first stage, we’re innocent and we lack any information at all. It’s the first stage of childhood and corresponds to our first months of life.

    In the second stage, we go acquiring on information.

    On many occasions, this information confusing and untrue, and on others it's accurate but we interpret it incorrectly due to not understanding its true meaning.

    We’re ignorant and the result is often suffering.

    In the last stage we verify and integrate everything we've learned and we only keep the information that is true, which becomes wisdom. This is how life is filled with understanding, respect and harmony.

    Maturing from the second to the third stage involves deep reflections and clarifications of our understandings. We hope that after reading and doing the exercises suggested in this book that it’s easier and more possible to take this step.

    However, to sum up the process in a nutshell, let’s say that the key is to stop allowing yourself be guided by the ego’s emotions and feelings, and to start using love as your guide; i.e. having your decision to be happy and look for the maximum good for everyone, regardless of who they are, as the principle guiding your life. This cannot be done without having previously understood the true meaning of love. Love stems from understanding and cannot be forced.

    In this sense, we’re suggesting a change in your understanding which encourages you to leave beliefs and desires behind, including the desire to be called a good person, to relate to other people using wisdom that you've verified and which gives you access to a life full of happiness, peace and love.

    Why do we suffer?

    Many socially accepted ideas are wrong. When they’re wrong, they confuse us. The confusion and mistakes resulting from them cause us to suffer. For this reason, if you want to enjoy life, you need to get a new perspective allowing you to relate to reality with wisdom. As the saying goes: If you want different results, do not do the same thing.

    In this book we’ll give you elements of wisdom that go against what people commonly think.

    Each one of us interprets the messages we receive based on our beliefs. Uncovering these limiting beliefs and exchanging them for wisdom that helps us live at peace with ourselves is a wonderful challenge.

    Suffering is the result of a lack of wisdom, and that wisdom is the only thing that needs to be gained, everything else just flows naturally from it. When you get to a point where you don’t suffer regardless of what you’re dealing with, it means that you’re looking at life from true understanding and that’s where true love will emerge. Over these pages we hope to help the process along.

    Don't blindly believe what we're telling you. Verify it for yourself. By testing it, you'll assimilate it. Just believing something is of no use. Verification is the door to wisdom and true freedom.

    Don't begrudge the false information or the people who gave it to you. Falsehoods aren't in our minds by accident. They're needed to discover the truth. Thanks to mistakes, we have the opportunity to learn.

    Furthermore, the individuals who gave you this information didn't even know it was false and acted out of ignorance.


    What do we need to live fully?

    The mind is a powerful thing. While it's full of misconceptions, it won't lead our lives in the right direction and will cause us to suffer. Retraining the mind is key: the aim of this book is to give you the support you need to be able to do so.

    To live fully we need three steps:

    1.  Elements of wisdom

    To manage our energy so we always have enough

    Training: practising until integrating a given piece of wisdom


    It's right when you decide to look for INFORMATION on how to improve your life; that's when the process of healing the body, mind, relationships, family, society, etc. begins. Information is always available for those who are willing to learn, and therefore if you're reading these pages it means you have an open mind and you're a person who wants to enjoy a life without suffering.

    It is often said that when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This means that wisdom is always accessible for those who look for it.

    Naturally, understanding will be gained gradually and you'll acquire it at a time that is right for you.

    However, don't believe everything you read here. See if it works, and gets you better results in your life, as it relates to relationships, resources and adjusting to your environment.

    Only accept something as true when you have verified it. When you feel more inner peace and harmony with the outside world, you'll know you're on the right track.

    Everything taught is a concept. Everything learned is a belief. Everything we've confirmed is wisdom.

    Everything understood is love.

    We invite you to taste what comes from these pages, and to savour the enjoyment of discovering the Truth while getting out from under the weight of what isn't useful for a full life. Don't weigh your life down with burdens you don't need, free yourself from anything you've believed your whole life but that doesn't work and just causes you to suffer.


    To be able to integrate and understand elements of wisdom, you need to keep your ENERGY level up. A car won't start if you've got an empty tank. Similarly, we can't go very far if we don't have enough energy.

    Energy is crucial for learning. Without energy you won't be able to use the knowledge you've acquired. To increase your energy

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