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About this ebook

This new and updated edition of a highly successful practical book covers major topics of interest to blueberry breeders and researchers including: breeding, varieties, botany, physiology, nutrition, growth regulation, cultivation methods and practices, photosynthesis, plant interaction with the environment, weeds, pests, diseases and postharvest management. The focus is on the highbush blueberry, though information on other blueberries and related species is also provided.

Blueberries are cultivated worldwide and this book explores plantings in a great diversity of environments, reflecting on the development of innovative cultural practices and conditions. It examines the increased scope and depth of research activities related to this crop and brings together the current status of knowledge on blueberry science and management. Explaining in an understandable manner the basic science behind the growth and development of blueberries, their botanical characteristics, as well as the implications and effects of various management practices and environmental conditions, Blueberries 2nd Edition also:

- Highlights emerging genetic information on the blueberry.
- Includes new information on pruning, grafting and irrigation.
- Covers current and potential uses of plant growth regulators.
- Gathers new information on fruit quality and consumer acceptance.

This definitive guide to blueberry cultivation is an essential resource for soft fruit researchers, extension workers, academics, breeders, growers and students.
Release dateAug 1, 2018

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    Blueberries - Jorge B Retamales




    The predominant cultivated blueberry species are Vaccinium corymbosum L. (highbush blueberry), Vaccinium virgatum Ait. (rabbiteye blueberry; syn. Vaccinium ashei Reade) and native stands of Vaccinium angustifolium Ait. (low-bush blueberry). Highbush cultivars are further separated into northern, southern and intermediate types depending on their chilling requirements and winter hardiness. Half-high types are also grown that are hybrids of highbush and lowbush species.

    Where the different types of blueberry are grown is to a large extent determined by their chilling requirement and winter cold hardiness. All blueberries require a well-drained, acid soil with ample moisture. The lowbush types require at least 1000 chilling hours (<7°C) for normal floral development and can tolerate temperatures as low as -30°C. Rabbiteye cultivars require about 600 h of chilling, and their floral buds cannot tolerate temperatures much below freezing. Northern highbush cultivars (NHBs) are adapted to quite cold mid-winter temperatures below -20°C and grow well anywhere there are 800 to 1000 h of chilling. Southern highbush cultivars (SHBs) do not tolerate winter temperatures much below freezing and require chilling hours under about 550 h. Intermediate highbush cultivars have a wide range of chilling requirements from 400 to 800 h. They generally fail in the colder climates because they bloom too early and are too slow to harden in the autumn, resulting in freeze damage to the flower buds.

    Most of the commercial production of blueberries now comes from highbush and lowbush types, although rabbiteyes are important in south-east North America and hybrids of highbush × lowbush (half-highs) have made a minor impact in Upper Mid-west USA. Some rabbiteye cultivars are grown in the US Pacific Northwest and Chile for their very late-ripening fruit and wider soil adaptability. NHBs are grown primarily in Australia, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, the USA (Pacific Northwest, Michigan, New Jersey), Poland and Chile. SHBs are grown predominantly in Australia, Argentina, the USA (California, Florida, Georgia), Chile, Peru, Colombia and southern Spain. The intermediate highbush types are grown mostly in Chile and the USA (Arkansas, New Jersey, North Carolina and Pacific Northwest).

    Highbush blueberries have become a major international crop, with over 65,000 ha planted in North America, 23,000 ha in South America, 27,000 ha in Asia and the Pacific, 16,000 ha in Europe and about 1000 ha in the Mediterranean and North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa (Brazelton and Young, 2017). Overall, world production of highbush is over 650 million t annually, while lowbush blueberry production exceeds 250 million t.


    Many of the wild, edible Vaccinium spp. have been harvested for thousands of years by indigenous peoples (Moerman, 1998). Native Americans in western and eastern North America intentionally burned native stands of blueberries and huckleberries to renew their vigour and eliminate competition. Highbush and rabbiteye blueberries were domesticated at the end of the 19th century. Plants were initially dug from the wild and transplanted into New England and Florida fields.

    The NHB V. corymbosum was first domesticated in 1908 by Frederick Coville of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). He was the first to establish the fundamental requirements of these plants, determining that blueberries need acid, well-drained soils, have no root hairs and require a low-temperature rest period (Coville, 1916). He also learned how to propagate blueberries by stem cuttings and established that bumble bees were the best pollinators. In addition, Coville learned that some genotypes are self-unfruitful, and that the highbush blueberry is a tetraploid (Coville, 1927).

    Coville began breeding highbush blueberries in 1908, with the help of a private grower in New Jersey, Elizabeth White (Ehlenfeldt, 2009). White grew out Coville’s hybrid populations and was particularly helpful in identifying elite wild clones by offering a reward to individuals sending her samples of blueberries that were unusually large. The best clones identified by Coville and White were named after their discoverers and included ‘Adams’, ‘Brooks’, ‘Dunfee’, ‘Grover’, ‘Harding’, ‘Rubel’, ‘Russell’, Sam’ and ‘Sooy’. ‘Rubel’ is still grown today, being favoured as a processed berry.

    In an address to the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture in 1934, White stated:

    The best of the hundred bushes located was that found by Rube Leek. In my notes on the variety, I at first used his full name, but Dr. Coville said Leek savored of onions and used in his notes the name Rube. Rube! What a name for such an aristocratic a plant! Finally, on Dr. Coville’s suggestion, a happy solution was found in the name ‘Rubel’; the finder’s first name plus the initial of his surname.

    (White, 1934)

    Coville bred blueberries from 1908 to 1937, and left 30,000 seedlings for his replacement, George Darrow, to sort through (Mainland, 1998). His first releases came in 1920, ‘Pioneer’ and ‘Katherine’ (‘Brooks’ × ‘Sooy’). Coville remains the most successful breeder, as over half of the current blueberry hectarage is still composed of his selections, including ‘Rubel’ (1911), ‘Jersey’ (1928), ‘Weymouth’ (1936), ‘Bluecrop’ (1952), ‘Croatan’ (1954) and ‘Blueray’ (1955). However, none of these cultivars is widely planted anymore.


    Through the 1970s and early 1980s, the NHB area continued to expand in Michigan, and large new plantings began to appear in British Columbia and Oregon (Table 1.1). The area covered by NHB blueberries increased from about 370 to 1,540 ha (+316%) in the Pacific Northwest and from 3,100 to 4,900 ha (+58%) in Michigan. Rabbiteye hectarage also grew by about 40% in the 1970s and early 1980s, primarily in Florida and Georgia. Only limited planting was done in North Carolina and New Jersey.

    In the 1980s, steady growth continued in the northern production regions of Oregon (+168%), Washington (+53%), British Columbia (+100%) and Michigan (+41%), and major new plantings of NHBs also began to appear in New York and Indiana. Significantly less planting was done in New Jersey (+11%) and North Carolina (0%) (Table 1.1). In the south, the surface area of blueberries increased by 112% in Florida and 39% in Georgia, and Mississippi and Texas emerged as significant blueberry-producing states. The first plantings of SHBs were made during this period in Florida and Georgia, and by 1992 southern blueberry hectarage was about 7% SHBs and 93% rabbiteyes.

    Growth in the blueberry industry generally slowed during the 1990s in the primary northern growing states of Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon and Washington; however, much more substantial gains were observed in British Columbia (148%) and the newer producing states of New York (+105%) and Indiana (+132%). Growth across the southern states was relatively stagnant, except in the newer Gulf States of Mississippi (+82%) and Texas (+41%), where rabbiteye hectarage began to expand.

    From 2003 to 2014, blueberry hectarage in the USA and Canada continued to dramatically expand. California emerged for the first time as a major blueberry-growing state, along with the country of Mexico. There was tremendous growth in the Pacific Northwest, the south-eastern USA and the south-west. Much more modest gains occurred in the Mid-western and Atlantic states. Growth in California (+5802%) Washington (+971%), Mexico (+693%), Oregon (+532%), Georgia (+477%) and British Columbia (+145%) led the way. By the early 2000s, in southern USA, SHBs became more widely planted than rabbiteyes (Table 1.1).

    Table 1.1. Growth patterns of major centres of highbush and rabbiteye blueberry production in North America. (Adapted from Moore, 1994; Strik and Yarborough, 2005; Brazelton, 2009, 2015.)

    a Mostly highbush.

    b All highbush.

    c Highbush and rabbiteye.

    d Mostly rabbiteye.

    Today, the total hectarage in North America is over 65,000 (Brazelton and Young, 2017), and the surface area covered by blueberries increased by 120% between 2003 and 2014. The western region accounted for the majority of the area in 2014 at 40%, while the southern region represented 35%, the midwest 17% and the north-east 6% (Table 1.2). This distribution pattern is quite a contrast from 25 years ago, when the western region represented about 14% of the hectarage in North America, while the mid-west was 35%. British Columbia and Georgia now have more blueberry hectarage than Michigan, the industry leader for the previous 50 years.


    The first planting of highbush blueberries outside of North America was made in 1923 by a Mr Borgesius in Assen, the Netherlands. Dr Piort Hoser, the founder of the Faculty of Horticulture of Warsaw Agricultural University, also imported some blueberries from the USA in 1924, but they were killed by winter cold in 1929. The NHB was introduced into Germany in the 1930s by Dr Walter Heermann, who also started breeding blueberries and introduced commercial production techniques. His fields encompassed 50 ha by 1951. Other early plantings were made by David Trehane in the UK in 1959 and Wilhelm Dierking in Germany in 1962. The first commercial plantings in Poland, the Netherlands and Italy were made in the 1970s. Planting of blueberries began in France in the 1980s and in Spain in the 1990s.

    Table 1.2. Proportion of total highbush and rabbiteye hectarage found in different regions of North America; see Table 1.1 for the states included in each region. (Adapted from Moore, 1994; Strik and Yarborough, 2005; Brazelton, 2009, 2015.)

    Blueberry hectarage remained small across Europe until 1990, with most planting being done in Italy, France, Germany and the Netherlands. In the 1990s, hectarage rose from about 1,000 to 4,000 ha across Europe, with the greatest growth occurring in Poland (1,520 ha) and Germany (1,370 ha) (Table 1.3). Between 2003 and 2014, the European hectarage continued to expand dramatically to over 11,400 ha, an increase of 187%. The greatest growth in that decade was in Spain/Portugal (+954%), Italy (+199%), Poland (+149%) and the Netherlands (+136%). The blueberry hectarage in Germany, Poland and the Netherlands is spread across them fairly well, while it is concentrated in the south-eastern corners of France and Spain. NHBs are grown at all locations in Europe, except in Spain/Portugal where SHBs predominate.

    Table 1.3. Growth patterns of major centres of blueberry production across the world. (Adapted from Eck and Childers, 1966; Brazelton, 2009, 2015.)

    The first blueberries were planted in Australia and New Zealand in the 1960s and 1970s, primarily as a crop for export markets (Table 1.3). The industry in New Zealand had its greatest growth period during the late 1980s to 1990s until its export markets became oversupplied. The industry in Australia has undergone relatively steady growth since the 1980s. The industries in New Zealand and Australia are dominated by a few larger grower-marketers, some of which have close ties with northern hemisphere producers and marketers, as they pursue a year-round supply model for the Asia Pacific and European regions. From 2003 to 2014, hectarage in Australia rose from 520 to 1,085 ha (+109%), and in New Zealand from 405 to 737 ha (+82%).

    In Australia, blueberries were historically grown in New South Wales, but in recent years their culture has expanded dramatically into Tasmania, Far North Queensland and Western Australia (Bell, 2006). The biggest blueberry region is around Coffs Harbour. In New Zealand, most of the hectarage is in the northern Waikato region, with some new plantings being made on the east coast of the North Island (Furniss, 2006). NHBs predominate in northern New Zealand and southern Australia. SHBs predominate in northern New South Wales and southern New Zealand.

    The first blueberries were planted in Asia in the 1950s (Table 1.3). A significant industry emerged in Japan in late 1980s (180 ha), but only a few blueberries were planted in China until recently. From 2003 to 2014, the surface area of blueberries increased from 51 to 14,858 ha (+29,033%) in China and from 355 to 1,303 ha (+267%) in Japan. Production in China has been highest in Jilin Province, but significant hectarage has now also been planted in Shandong, Liaoning, Yunnan and Zhejiang (Li et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2012). Currently, hectarage in Yunnan Province is growing rapidly. NHBs and half-highs are grown in the colder regions of China, while SHBs and rabbiteyes are found in Shangdong, Yunnan and Zhejiang. Japanese production is scattered in small hectarages across the country (Tamada, 2006). NHBs and half-highs are grown in the north of Japan, NHBs, SHBs and rabbiteyes in central Japan, and SHBs and rabbiteyes in southern Japan.

    The blueberry was first brought to South Africa in the 1970s, but was not widespread until the 1990s (Table 1.3). In 2016, a total 1,300 ha were reported to be planted in that country. Of this total, nearly 50% were planted between 2015 and 2016 (Sikuka, 2017). South African blueberry production is scattered across the country, with concentrations along the Cape, Eastern Free State and Lydenburg/Nelspruit (Greeff and Greeff, 2006). SHBs predominate in the southern coastal areas, while NHBs are grown in the more inland areas with higher chilling hours. In the last few years, a major blueberry industry has emerged in Morocco. With over 766 ha now planted, it is the ninth largest blueberry-producing country outside the USA (Brazelton and Young, 2017).

    The first South American blueberry plantings were made in Chile in the 1980s and Argentina in the 1990s (Table 1.3). In 2014, there were 15,559 ha of blueberries in Chile and 3,004 ha in Argentina. Blueberry hectarage grew in Chile by 629% between 2003 and 2014 and by 323% in Argentina. Significant hectarages of blueberries have also emerged recently in Peru (3,800 ha), Brazil (400 ha) Uruguay (368 ha) and Colombia (220 ha). Growth of the blueberry industry in Peru is currently growing by leaps and bounds.

    In Chile, blueberries are grown from region IV to region XIV, with concentrations in regions VII and VIII (over 49% of the hectarage). Over the last 10 years, by far the greatest growth in Chile has occurred in the south-central regions from 34°50′ to 38°15′. In the north-central regions IV and V, only SHBs are grown, while in the south-central regions IX and X, NHBs predominate. In the middle regions VII and VIII, there is a transitional zone where both SHB and NHB types are cultivated. There are three major production regions in Argentina that all grow predominantly SHBs: Tucumán, Entre Ríos, and Buenos Aires and San Luis (Taquini, 2006).

    In 2016, the top ten highbush blueberry-producing countries in the world were (in million t): the USA (270), Chile (125), Canada (73), Spain (30), China (28), Argentina (18), Poland (16), Peru (16), Mexico (17) and Morocco (12) (Brazelton and Young, 2017).


    Highbush blueberries are grown across a broad range of climatic zones including: (i) climatic type I: mild, moist summers and very cold winters; (ii) climatic type II: mild, moist summers and moderate winters; (iii) climatic type III: hot, wet summers and mild winters; and (iv) climatic type IV: hot, dry summers and mild winters.

    Jilin Province in China, northern Italy, Germany, Michigan and New Jersey, the Netherlands and Poland fall into the first climatic class with mild, wet summers and very cold winters (Tables 1.4 and 1.5). At these locations, winter temperatures commonly fall below 0°C and summer temperatures are generally below 30°C. Chilling hours exceed 1000 h and the number of frost-free days ranges from 130 to 180. Most of the soils in this climatic type are rich organic sands or loams that do not require acidification. NHB cultivars are commonly grown, with ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Duke’, ‘Elliott’ and ‘Jersey’ predominating, and ‘Aurora’, ‘Draper’ and ‘Liberty’ being widely planted. In the coldest zones of China, half-highs are also grown.

    France, northern Japan, northern New Zealand, south-central Chile, the Pacific Northwest and southern Australia have climates that fall into climatic type II with mild, moist summers and moderate winters (Tables 1.4 and 1.5). At these locations, chilling hours generally exceed 600 h, average winter low temperatures are above freezing and the number of frost-free days ranges from 170 to 200 (or more). The soils vary from sands and loams with high organic content and low pH to mineral soils requiring acidification. NHBs predominate with ‘Aurora’, ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Brigitta’, ‘Draper’, ‘Duke’, ‘Elliott’, ‘Legacy’, ‘Liberty’ and ‘Reka’ being the most common.

    Table 1.4. Climates of major North American highbush and rabbiteye blueberry production regions. (Adapted from Lyrene, 2008; National Centers for Environmental Information,; accessed 15 January 2015.)

    Table 1.5. Climates of major global highbush and rabbiteye blueberry production regions. (Adapted from Novoa et 2008; World Meteorological Organization,; accessed 15 January 2018.)

    Argentina, Mexico, northern New South Wales, southern China, north-central Chile, south-eastern USA and Uruguay represent climatic type III with hot, wet summers and mild winters (Tables 1.4 and 1.5). At these locations, available chilling hours (<7°C) are low, ranging from 0 (Mexico) to 500–800 h in North Carolina. Low winter temperatures generally remain above freezing, summer temperatures average above 28–30°C and the number of frost-free growing days exceeds 250. Mexico has the most unique climate of the group, being the only one with no chilling hours and mostly dry winters. These regions generally have mineral soils with a high clay content that require acidification. SHBs predominate in these zones, with ‘Emerald’, ‘Jewel’ and ‘Star’ being the most widely planted. The intermediate highbush cultivar ‘Legacy’ has made recent inroads in North Carolina. The SHB ‘Biloxi’ is the most widespread cultivar planted in Mexico but is being replaced by newer public and proprietary cultivars.

    North-central Chile, Peru, Morocco, Colombia, southern South Africa and Spain represent climatic type IV with hot, dry summers and mild winters (Table 1.5). Chilling hours are generally between 250 and 450 h, mean winter low temperatures rarely fall below freezing, summer temperatures average above 30°C, and growing seasons exceed 250 days. Most of these regions have mineral soils with a high clay content that require acidification, although fields in northern Peru (near Trujillo) are planted on almost pure sand. Only SHBs are grown in this climate type, with University of Florida cultivars often dominating, although several proprietary cultivars now compete for hectarage. In Peru, ‘Biloxi’ has been the most widely planted cultivar, but its importance is in decline.


    There is considerable variation across the blueberry-growing regions in production systems. In eastern and mid-western USA, south-central Chile, Japan and the cold climates of Europe, plants are typically planted in the spring at in-row spacings of 1.0–1.2 m with 3 m between rows (‘pick-your-own’ in Japan is at 2 m spacing). Most plantings are on natural acidic soils with high levels of organic matter (>3%). Pine chips or sawdust is sometimes used for mulching, most commonly in Chile. Overhead irrigation is more common than trickle irrigation in these areas where frost protection is critical. Dormant pruning is done annually or biannually by removing the least productive canes; only limited fine pruning in the canopy is employed, except in Chile. Fertilizer is generally broadcast on the soil in the eastern USA and Europe, while fertigation is most common in Chile.

    In the Pacific Northwest, southern USA, north-central Chile, Argentina and Spain, higher-density plantings are generally used (0.7–0.9 m within rows and 3 m between rows), on raised beds, with considerable attention often paid to pH management. Plants are commonly set in the autumn or early winter. Plastic mulches are common, along with sawdust and pine bark. Trickle irrigation is more prevalent than overhead irrigation, and fertigation is commonly employed.

    Growth regulators (e.g. Dormex®) are commonly used in the southern USA to enhance leaf development in the spring and advance ripening in SHB blueberries. Gibberellic acid has been used to increase fruit set and to ‘rescue’ frost-damaged rabbiteyes in Georgia. Rabbiteye and highbush blueberries are commonly hedged to control plant size, encourage branching and enhance fruit set.

    While most of the highbush hectarage across the world is grown in open fields, protected culture is becoming increasingly important in the earliest production regions such as Spain, Mexico, Chile and Florida to speed up harvesting and protect against rain damage (Santos and Salame-Donoso, 2012). Hail-proof netting is used in Argentina and Mexico for season extension and hail protection. Netting is also used in Australia to protect against hail and birds. Shading nets were tested in Chile and the USA to delay the harvest and prevent sunburn of leaves and fruit (Lobos et al., 2012), but have not been widely used.


    Blueberry fruit is now available all year around across the world (Tables 1.6 and 1.7). In North America, the season starts in Florida in March, followed soon by California, then Georgia and the Gulf Coast in mid-April. North Carolina begins harvesting in mid-May, followed by New Jersey, Oregon and Washington in mid-June and finally Michigan in July. The last fruit comes out of Michigan in late September and Washington, and from British Columbia in mid-October. The fruit is exported to North America from South America in the northern hemisphere’s autumn and winter, starting with Peru and then Argentina in September, and finishing with southern Chile in mid-March. The fruit is harvested in Mexico from October to February.

    Most of the fruit coming out of Florida, Mexico, California, New Jersey and North Carolina is sold fresh (Table 1.6). Close to half of the fruit harvested in Georgia, Michigan and Oregon goes to the fresh market, while 29–39% of the fruit produced in British Columbia and Washington is sold fresh. Most of the fruit going to the fresh market is harvested by hand, although the use of machines is now common. Almost all of the processed fruit is harvested by machine.

    Table 1.6. Production and marketing patterns in major North American highbush blueberry production regions. (Adapted from Brazelton, 2015.)

    In Europe, the season starts in March in Spain and Portugal, followed by Italy beginning in June, France and the Netherlands in July, Germany in mid-July and Poland in August. The last fruit in Europe is picked in late September. Most of the European fruit is hand harvested and goes to the fresh market (Table 1.7).

    In South America, Argentina produces fruit from mid-September to January. Chile starts a little later, from October to mid-March. Peru can produce fruit in two seasons – March–April and September–December. Most of the Argentinean, Chilean and Peruvian fruit is sold fresh and hand harvested (Table 1.7).

    Australia begins shipping fruit to Europe and Asia in August and continues until February. New Zealand begins harvesting in November and its season ends in March. The season begins in China in April, but most fruit is produced in the autumn. Japan produces blueberry fruit from May to mid-August. The fruit from South Africa is produced from August to January and that from Morocco from December to June. The majority of the African, Asian and Pacific Rim fruit is hand harvested and goes to the fresh market (Table 1.7).


    While highbush and rabbiteye blueberries are native to the USA, they have now become an international crop, being widely planted in North America, South America, Europe, China and the Pacific Rim. Most of this growth has come in the last 15–25 years. Traditionally, the greatest amount of hectarage has been in Michigan, but the amount of land planted to blueberries is now larger in Chile, Georgia and British Columbia. The blueberry industries China, Peru, Mexico, Spain and Morocco are growing at a fast rate. Highbush blueberries are grown across a broad range of environmental conditions ranging from hot, dry climates with limited chilling hours (<7°C) to cold, wet climates with considerable chilling hours. SHB types are grown where chilling hours are less than about 550 h, while NHBs are grown in regions with more chilling hours. Highbush blueberries are typically grown at in-row spacings of 1.0–1.2 m with 3 m between rows. Overhead irrigation is more common than trickle irrigation, and annual dormant pruning is typical. SHBs are generally grown at closer spacings, with trickle irrigation being most common, and the bushes are typically hedged after harvesting for size control. Most of the highbush hectarage across the world is in open fields, although protected systems are common in many early production regions. Blueberry fruit is now available all year around. In the northern hemisphere, harvesting begins in Florida, Spain and North Africa in March and ends in the Pacific Northwest and Poland in late September. In the southern hemisphere, harvesting starts in August in Australia and ends in Chile in March.

    Table 1.7. Production and marketing patterns in major global highbush blueberry regions. (Adapted from Brazelton, 2015.)


    Bell, R. (2006) Australian blueberry industry. In: Childers, N.F. and Lyrene, P.M. (eds) Blueberries for Growers, Gardeners and Promoters. Dr Norman F. Childers Publications, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 250–254.

    Brazelton, C. (2009) World Blueberry Acreage and Production Report. US Highbush Blueberry Council, Folsom, California.

    Brazelton, C. (2015) World Blueberry Acreage and Production Report. US Highbush Blueberry Council. Folsom, California.

    Brazelton, C. and Young, K. (2017) World blueberry statistics and global market analysis. International Blueberry Organization, El Dorado Hills, California. Available at: (accessed 18 November, 2017).

    Coville, F.V. (1916) The wild blueberry tamed. National Geographic 29, 535–546.

    Coville, F.V. (1927) Blueberry chromosomes. Science 66, 565–566.

    Eck, P. and Childers, N.F. (1966) Blueberry Culture. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey.

    Ehlenfeldt, M.K. (2009) Domestication of the highbush blueberry at Whitesbog, New Jersey, 1911–1916. Acta Horticulturae 810, 147–152.

    Furniss, G. (2006) New Zealand blueberry industry. In: Childers, N.F. and Lyrene, P.M. (eds) Blueberries for Growers, Gardeners and Promoters. Dr Norman F. Childers Publications, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 248–249.

    Greeff, M.P. and Greeff, P.F. (2006) Blueberries in South Africa. In: Childers, N.F. and Lyrene, P.M. (eds) Blueberries for Growers, Gardeners and Promoters. Dr Norman F. Childers Publications, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 255–256.

    Li, Y., Yang, W.Q., Lu, W. and Zhang, Z. (2006) Blueberries in China. In: Childers, N.F. and Lyrene, P.M. (eds) Blueberries for Growers, Gardeners and Promoters. Dr Norman F. Childers Publications, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 243–247.

    Lobos, G.A., Retamales, J.B., Hancock, J.F., Flore, J.A., Cobo N. and del Pozo, A. (2012) Spectral irradiance, photosynthetic characteristics and leaf traits of Vaccinium corymbosum L. ‘Elliott’ grown under photo-selective nets. Environmental and Experimental Botany 75, 142–149.

    Lyrene, P.M. (2008) Breeding southern highbush blueberries. Plant Breeding Reviews 30, 354–414.

    Mainland, C.M. (1998) Frederick Coville’s pioneering contributions to blueberry culture and breeding. In: Cline, W.O. and Ballington, J.R. (eds) Proceedings of the 8th North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, pp. 74–79.

    Moerman, D.E. (1998) Native American Ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.

    Moore, J.N. (1994) The blueberry industry in North America. HortTechnology 4, 96–102.

    Novoa, R., Villaseca, S., del Canto, P., Rouanet, J.L., Sierra, C. and del Pozo, A. (1989) Mapa Agroclimático de Chile [Agroclimatic Map of Chile]. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Santiago, Chile.

    Santos, B.M. and Salame-Donoso, T.P. (2012) Performance of southern highbush blueberry cultivars under high tunnels in Florida. HortTechnology 22, 700–704.

    Sikuka, W. (2017) The budding blueberry industry in South Africa. Global Agricultural Information Network, Washington, DC. Available at: (accessed 1 November 2017).

    Strik, B. and Yarborough, D. (2005) Blueberry production trends in North America, 1992 to 2003, and predictions for growth. HortTechnology 15, 391–398.

    Tamada, T. (2006) Blueberries in Japan. In: Childers, N.F. and Lyrene, P.M. (eds) Blueberries for Growers, Gardeners and Promoters. Dr Norman F. Childers Publications, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 257–260.

    Taquini, I.L. (2006) Argentine blueberries. In: Childers, N.F. and Lyrene, P.M. (eds) Blueberries for Growers, Gardeners and Promoters. Dr Norman F. Childers Publications, Gainesville, Florida, pp. 257–260.

    White, E.C. (1934) The Development of Blueberry Culture. Address to the Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. Whitesbog Preservation Trust archives, Whitesbog, New Jersey.

    Yu, H., Gu, Y., Jiang, V. and He, S. (2012) An update on blueberry growing in China. International Journal of Fruit Science 12, 100–105.




    The genus of blueberries, Vaccinium, is widespread, with species being found in the Himalayas, New Guinea and the Andean region of South America. The origin of the genus is thought to be South American, and estimates of species numbers range from 150 to 450. Crop species are found in the sections Cyanococcus (blueberries), Oxycoccus (cranberries), Vitis-idaea (lingonberry) and Myrtillus (bilberry, whortleberry). Many of the species in the genus are polyploid and carry multiple sets of chromosomes. Chromosome numbers range from diploid (2n = 2x = 14) to tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) to hexaploid (2n = 6x = 42).

    Most blueberry production comes from cultivars derived from tetraploid V. corymbosum L. (highbush blueberry), hexaploid V. virgatum Ait. (rabbiteye blueberry; syn. V. ashei Reade) and native stands of tetraploid V. angustifolium Ait. (lowbush blueberry). The cultivated hexaploid blueberry has long been referred to by horticulturists as V. ashei but is more correctly called V. virgatum, as a type specimen of this taxon was originally described as V. virgatum in Hortus Kewensis in 1789 (US National Germplasm System).

    The identification of species in the blueberry subgenus Cyanococcus has been problematic due to polyploidy, overlapping morphologies, extensive hybridization and a general lack of chromosome differentiation. In the first detailed taxonomy of the group, Camp (1945) described nine diploid, 12 tetraploid and three hexaploid species, but Vander Kloet (1980, 1988) reduced this list to six diploid, five tetraploid and one hexaploid taxa. He included all the crown-forming species into V. corymbosum with three chromosome levels (2x, 4x and 6x).

    Most blueberry workers feel that the variation patterns in V. corymbosum are distinct enough to retain Camp’s diploid Vaccinium elliottii Chapm., Vaccinium caesariense Mack. and Vaccinium fuscatum Ait., tetraploid Vaccinium simulatum Small and hexaploid V. ashei Reade and Vaccinium constablaei A. Gray (Luby et al., 1991; Galletta and Ballington, 1996; Table 2.1). This is the classification system used by the USDA National Resources Conservation Service. Others have chosen to use the designation ‘forma’ to represent these taxa; i.e. V. corymbosum forma caesariense (Ehlenfeldt and Ballington, 2012). There is also an ongoing debate on the correct species name of the cultivated tetraploids. Camp considered the progenitor of the cultivars to be what he recognized as Vaccinium australe. Uttal (1986) argued that Camp’s V. australe was more appropriately named Vaccinium formosum and considered V. formosum to be the cultivated species epithet. Utall’s conclusion was based on Camp’s apparent mistaken identity of a type specimen. Vander Kloet (1988) did not recognize either V. australe or V. formosum, and thus in his taxonomy the cultivars would be represented by V. corymbosum. V. corymbosum is now most commonly listed as the progenitor species of the cultivars, but V. formosum is still used in some taxonomic treatments (Uttal, 1987; Weakley, 2007).

    Further confusion about the correct species name for the cultivars has been added in the last few decades as more and more different species have been introgressed into the cultivar background by breeders (see section on Use of Native Germplasm Resources in Blueberry Breeding). For this reason, Butkus and Plizka (1993) suggested that the cultivars be given a separate species name, Vaccinium × covilleanum. Ballington et al. (1997) argued that native V. corymobosum was actively hybridizing with other species itself, so remained an appropriate epitaph for the cultivated forms.

    The tetraploid highbush blueberry V. corymbosum is genetically an autopolyploid, with two sets of similar chromosomes (Soltis et al., 2007). The primary mode of speciation in Vaccinium has been through unreduced gametes (Qu and Hancock, 1995; Vorsa and Rowland, 1997; Qu and Vorsa, 1999).


    Blueberry breeding is a recent development (Lyrene, 1998; Hancock, 2006a,b). Highbush breeding began in the early 1900s in New Jersey, with the first hybrid being released in 1908 by Frederick Coville of the USDA. He conducted the fundamental life history studies of the blueberry that served as the basis of cultivation, such as soil pH requirements, cold and day-length control of development, pruning strategies and modes of propagation. Working with Elizabeth White and others, he collected several outstanding wild clones of V. corymbosum and V. angustifolium, which he subsequently used for breeding improved types. A high percentage of the current blueberry hectarage is still composed of his hybrids, most notably ‘Berkeley’, ‘Bluecrop’, ‘Blueray’, ‘Croatan’, ‘Jersey’, ‘Rubel’ and ‘Weymouth’ (Mainland, 1998, 2011).

    George Darrow assumed the USDA programme after Coville died in 1937 and made important contributions on the interfertility and phylogeny of the native Vaccinium spp. in cooperation with the taxonomist W.H. Camp (Hancock, 2006a). He formed a large collaborative testing network that encompassed private growers and Agricultural Experiment Station scientists in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey and North Carolina. From 1945 to 1961, he sent out almost 200,000 seedlings to his cooperators for evaluation.

    Table 2.1. Important native species of the genus Vaccinium. (Adapted from Hancock et al., 2008.)

    Arlen Draper followed Darrow and focused on incorporating the genes of most wild Vaccinium spp. into the cultivated highbush background (Draper, 1995; Hancock, 2006b). He maintained and strengthened Darrow’s collaborative network and released a prodigious number of SHB and NHB cultivars with improved fruit colour and firmness, smaller pedicel scars and higher productivity (Hancock and Galletta, 1995). His NHBs ‘Duke’ and ‘Elliott’ have been huge successes, along with his last release, ‘Legacy’. The blueberry industries in Mexico and Peru were built on his SHB ‘Biloxi’. Mark Ehlenfeldt assumed the USDA–Agricultural Research Service (ARS) programme in 1998.

    Ralph Sharp began working in the 1950s in Florida on the development of SHB types in collaboration with Darrow (Sharp and Darrow, 1959; Lyrene, 1998). He was the first collector of V. darrowii for breeding, and, until recently, all SHB cultivars contained genes from his wild clones. Sharp and his colleague, Wayne Sherman, developed ‘Sharpblue’, which was the first commercially successful low-chill cultivar. Paul Lyrene took over the breeding programme in 1977 and released a group of landmark, low-chill cultivars. These proved critical to the worldwide expansion of the blueberry industry into subtropical and Mediterranean climates.

    Jim Ballington in North Carolina was a leader in incorporating wild southern species into the highbush background and released several important cultivars including ‘O’Neal’ and ‘Reveille’. Jim Moore at the University of Arkansas and his successor John Clark were also intent on generating highbush types with complex species backgrounds, and released the once widely planted SHB ‘Ozarkblue’.

    Stanley Johnston at Michigan State University spent a considerable amount of time in the 1950s and 1960s improving the cold tolerance of highbush by crossing it with V. angustifolium. Out of this work came the half-high cultivar ‘Northland’ and the mostly pure highbush type ‘Bluejay’, which was released by his successor Jim Moulton. The programme was abandoned in 1978 but renewed in 1990 by Jim Hancock. He released ‘Aurora’, ‘Draper’ and ‘Liberty’, which have become dominant wherever northern highbush are grown. ‘Draper’ has also proven to be an exceptional parent.

    In the Pacific Northwest, Joseph Eberhart, in Olympia, Washington, released three cultivars – ‘Olympia’, ‘Pacific’ and ‘Washington’ – in the 1920s and 1930s. ‘Olympia’ is still grown today.

    Outside the USA, blueberry breeding work was conducted in Australia, Germany and New Zealand. Johnston sent open-pollinated seed to David Jones and Ridley Bell in Australia in the 1960s that generated the important cultivar ‘Brigitta Blue’ (commonly known as ‘Brigitta’) along with several others. Narandra Patel at HortResearch Inc. in New Zealand released the cultivars ‘Nui’, ‘Puru’ and ‘Reka’ from breeding material initially provided by the University of Arkansas and the USDA at Beltsville in the 1960s and 1970s. Walter Heermann in Germany working with seed provided by Frederick Coville released several cultivars in the 1940s and 1950s including ‘Ama’, ‘BlauweissGoldtraube’, ‘Blauweiss-Zukertraube’, ‘Heerma’, ‘Gretha’ and ‘Rekord’.

    Rabbiteye breeding was initiated in 1939 by George Darrow in collaboration with Otis J. Woodard at the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (Tifton, Georgia) and Emmett B. Morrow at the North Carolina Experiment Station, although a collection of wild selections from Florida and Georgia had been planted at Tifton in the 1920s (Austin, 1994). This work was continued by Max Austin and then Scott NeSmith in Georgia, Gene Galletta followed by Jim Ballington in North Carolina, and Ralph Sharp, Wayne Sherman and then Paul Lyrene in Florida. These breeding programmes have resulted in significant improvements in fruit colour, size, texture and appearance over the original wild selections. The most important cultivars have been ‘Tifblue’ (1955) and ‘Brightwell’ (1971) from Georgia, ‘Bluegem’ (1970) and ‘Bonita’ (1985) from Florida, and ‘Powderblue’ and ‘Premier’ (1978) from North Carolina. Rabbit-eye cultivars were also bred in the New Zealand HortResearch Inc. programme of Narandra Patel. Several releases came from this programme in the 1990s including ‘Maru’ and ‘Rahi’.

    Lowbush blueberries have been hybridized with V. corymbosum to produce half-high cultivars. The major releases of this type were ‘Northland’ developed by Stanley Johnston in Michigan and ‘Chippewa’, ‘Northblue’, ‘Northcountry’, ‘Northsky’, ‘St. Cloud’ and ‘Polaris’ released by Jim Luby in Minnesota. The half-highs have much higher yields and larger fruit than lowbush but have low enough stature to be protected by snow in areas with extreme winter cold.


    The current goals of SHB breeders are to obtain early-ripening cultivars with high plant vigour, improved disease resistance and a later flowering (particularly in the south-east USA, where late freezes are a problem). Higher yields, better flavour and characteristics favourable for mechanical harvesting are also being sought. There is a growing interest in developing cultivars that fruit on 1-year-old wood without chilling (primocane fruiting). These can produce spring and autumn crops, or can be manipulated through pruning to only produce an autumn crop. Cultivars and advanced lines are being used to breed SHBs, along with hybrids derived from native, low-chill highbush selections from Florida and Georgia (V. darrowii, V. virgatum, V. elliottii and V. atrococcum). Because of their low chilling requirement and the influence of genes from the evergreen species V. darrowii, many SHB cultivars can be grown as evergreens that avoid dormancy in areas with mild winters, with a harvest season that extends for several months through the winter and early spring (Darnell and Williamson, 1997; Lyrene, 2008). Rabbiteye breeders hope to improve berry size and fruit quality, expand harvest dates, reduce susceptibility to rain cracking and extend storage life.

    SHB cultivars are being developed at several public institutions including North Carolina State University, the University of Florida, the University of Georgia, and the USDA-ARS in Poplarville, Mississippi. At the University of Florida, Jim Olmstead replaced Paul Lyrene in 2009 and was the first blueberry breeder to incorporate molecular approaches into his genetic improvement efforts. His focus was on very early, low- to no-chill types that can be grown in an evergreen management system. He recently left the university to manage the global blueberry berry improvement programme of Driscoll’s and has been replaced by Patricio Muñoz. Scott NeSmith at the University of Georgia has generated several new early, mid-chill cultivars including ‘Camellia’, ‘Palmetto’ and ‘Rebel’. He also has an active rabbiteye breeding programme and his ‘Ochlockonee’ and ‘Titan’ have generated considerable interest. Steve Stringer at the USDA-ARS in Mississippi has developed a number of promising new cultivars, including the SHBs ‘Gupton’ and ‘Pearl’ and rabbiteye ‘Prince’. Jim Ballington in North Carolina has successfully incorporated a vast array of southern species germplasm into the highbush background and has generated a number of cultivars, including ‘New Hanover’, ‘O’Neal’ and ‘Reveille’. He has retired and has been replaced by Hamid Ashrafi, who hopes to fully integrate traditional and genomic approaches to blueberry improvement.

    A number of large, private breeding programmes are also actively breeding SHB types including Atlantic Blue in Spain (Juan Luis Navarro and Ulf Hayler), Berry Blue LLC in Michigan, Chile and Peru (Ed Wheeler and Jozer Mangandi), Driscoll’s in California (Jim Olmstead), Costa in Australia (Gary Wright), Fall Creek Genetics (Paul Sandefur and Dave Brazelton) and Mountain Blue Orchard in Australia (Ridley Bell). The genetics of all these SHB breeding programmes came from germplasm provided contractually by the University of Florida.

    The Berry Blue programme is actively mixing southern- and northern-bred germplasm to develop a new generation of cultivars for Florida, Georgia, California, Mexico, China, Chile and Peru with chilling requirements from 0 to 750 h. The programmes of Driscoll’s, Costa and Mountain Blue are more focused on very low-chill, evergreen types, but they still have their eyes on global expansion. Costa licenses its cultivars to Driscoll’s, who are planting them in California, Mexico, Chile and Peru. Driscoll’s and Costa have established joint farming ventures in Australia, Morocco and China, near Shiping in the Yunnan Province. Costa and Driscoll’s have licensed Mountain Blue Orchard cultivars for their expansion into China. Fall Creek Genetics has released only one SHB (‘Ventura’), but their nursery is doing most of the propagation for the joint efforts of Driscoll’s and Costa.

    NHB breeders are concentrating on flavour, longer-storing fruit, expanded harvest dates, disease and pest resistance, and machine harvestability. Established breeding lines are being used in these efforts, along with complex hybrids made up of V. darrowii, V. angustifolium, V. constablaei and most of the other wild species. Even though it has limited winter hardiness, V. darrowii has proved to be an interesting parent in colder climates because it passes on a powder blue colour, firmness, high flavour, heat tolerance and potential upland adaptation (Hancock, 1998).

    NHBs are currently being bred in public breeding programmes in New Jersey, Michigan, Oregon and Chile. Jim Hancock at Michigan State University was replaced in 2015 by Pat Edger who will continue to focus on late, long-storing cultivars. He plans to systematically incorporate genomics into his programme. Mark Ehlenfeldt of the USDA programme in New Jersey is focusing on identifying genotypes with high disease resistance and tolerance to winter cold, and has released several cultivars including ‘Chanticleer’ and ‘Hannah’s Choice’. Nicholi Vorsa at the Cranberry and Blueberry Research Station of Rutgers University is working to develop locally adapted NHB cultivars with machine harvestability and high fruit quality. Chad Finn of the USDA-ARS has recently released two novel cultivars: ‘Baby Blue’, the first small-fruited type released primarily for the processed market, and ‘Perpetua’, which has early summer and autumn harvest seasons. Jessica Scalzo is coordinating a joint breeding effort in New Zealand (HortResearch Inc.) and Germany (Dierking Blueberries), which is focusing on nutraceuticals and fruit quality.

    Private programmes breeding NHBs include Berry Blue LLC, Fall Creek Genetics and Driscoll’s Fall Creek Genetics has released a stable of cultivars that are well adapted to almost all global environments where NHBs thrive, except the coldest regions. The NHB efforts of Driscoll’s have produced cultivars best adapted to the milder areas of the Pacific Northwest and the UK. Berry Blue has released several NHB cultivars that are well adapted to both moderate and very cold winters.


    Fruit and flowering characteristics

    Among the most important characteristics being sought after by blueberry breeders are flavour, large size, light blue colour (a heavy coating of wax), a small scar where the pedicel detaches, easy fruit detachment for hand or machine harvesting, firmness and a long storage life (Hancock et al., 2008). Most people prefer a sweet, crunchy fruit with a trace of acidity; however, high-acid fruits tend to store longer than low-acid ones. The best compromise is to develop cultivars with high sugar and moderate amounts of acid. Other important fruit characteristics are uniform shape, size and colour, high aroma and the ability to retain texture in storage. Much genetic improvement has been made in all of these traits through conventional breeding. V. darrowii has been a particularly important source of powder blue colour, intense flavour and fruit that remain in good condition in hot weather.

    Interest remains high in the antioxidant capacity of blueberry fruit, although little breeding has been undertaken for this trait (Hancock et al., 2008). Blueberries are among the most antioxidant-rich fruit crops. Genetic improvement could be rapid, as considerable amounts of variability have been observed in this trait.

    Plant architecture

    The most sought-after bush habit is one that is upright, open and vase shaped, with a bush height of 1.5–2.0 m and a modest number of renewal canes. This is the ideal bush shape for both hand and mechanical harvesting. Many cultivars have been developed that meet this ideotype. In general, plant height appears to be inherited quantitatively, although the short stature of V. angustifolium and V. darrowii can be dominant to highbush in many interspecific crosses. High percentages of dwarf plants are found in many SHB breeding populations.

    Another common breeding goal is to identify genotypes that can easily be picked, with open fruiting clusters and fruits that are well separated. Long pedicels and peduncles are the major components of this feature. There is considerable genetic variability for this characteristic in the current highbush breeding populations, but Paul Lyrene in Florida has also found the wild species V. arboreum to be a valuable donor of this characteristic.

    Due to limited labour availability and its cost, many highbush breeding programmes are developing cultivars that can be harvested mechanically for the fresh market. A number of traits must be incorporated to achieve this goal, including an upright, open bush habit, loose fruit clusters, easy detachment of mature berries compared with immature berries, no stem retention, a small stem scar, a persistent wax layer and firm fruit (Olmstead and Finn, 2014).

    Physiological adaptations

    Expanding the range of adaptation of NHBs by reducing their chilling requirement has been an important breeding goal for over 50 years (Hancock et al., 2008). This has been successfully accomplished by incorporating genes from the southern diploid species V. darrowii into V. corymbosum via unreduced gametes, although hybridizations with native southern V. corymbosum and V. virgatum have also played a role. Cultivars are now available with an almost continuous range of chilling requirements, from 0 to 1000 h. The genetics of the chilling requirement has not been formally determined; however, segregation patterns suggest that it is inherited largely quantitatively with the low chilling requirement showing some dominance.

    Most blueberry breeding programmes are working on expanding the harvest season. Earliness is at a particular premium in the southern parts of the USA, Spain, Argentina, Morocco, Colombia, Peru and north-central Chile, while lateness is extremely important in Michigan, the Pacific Northwest and southern Chile. Increases in earliness have been successfully achieved by selecting for earlier bloom dates and shorter ripening periods, while lateness has been increased primarily by selecting individuals with very slow rates of fruit development. Bloom date is strongly correlated with ripening date, but early-ripening cultivars have been developed that have later-than-average flowering dates, such as ‘Duke’.

    There is now major interest in developing cultivars that are specifically adapted to regions with few to no chilling hours, such as southern Florida, Mexico, Morocco and Peru. Two kinds of cultivars are being developed for these climatic regions: (i) those that remain evergreen throughout the winter and have a very early production season; and (ii) those that flower and fruit on first-year wood without dormancy (primocane fruiting) and can produce both spring and autumn crops. The latter can also be manipulated through pruning to only produce an autumn crop.

    A major focus of many blueberry breeders has also been adaptation to heat. Most blueberry species are negatively impacted by high temperature and drought; however, SHBs are generally superior to NHBs. Breeders have had some success in producing more heat-tolerant cultivars, although the hottest temperatures of summer still have a major impact on the storage life of harvested fruit in all areas of blueberry production.

    Spring frosts commonly damage flower buds in most production regions. The stage of floral development when a frost occurs appears to be much more important than relative bud hardiness. Those cultivars with late bloom dates tend to suffer less frost damage than those flowering earlier because frosts are less common later in the season. As previously mentioned, breeders have produced a number of early-ripening cultivars with later bloom dates that can avoid frosts.

    Winter cold often causes severe damage to blueberry flower buds and young shoots in the colder production regions. In general, NHB types survive much colder mid-winter temperatures than SHB cultivars, although considerable variability within groups exists that has been exploited by breeders.

    Among the other abiotic factors limiting blueberries, high pH and tolerance to mineral soils are very important. The Vaccinium are ‘acid-loving’ plants and as such generally require soils below pH 5.8 for high vigour. Most blueberry breeders have not focused on this characteristic, even though a number of interspecific hybrids have been generated by Arlen Draper and Jim Ballington that have considerable upland adaptations.

    Pest resistance

    The most important problems in highbush and rabbiteye blueberries are mummy berry (Monilinia vaccinii-corymbosi (Reade)), blueberry red ringspot virus, blueberry stunt phytoplasma, blueberry scorch virus, blueberry shoestring virus, blueberry shock virus, tomato ringspot virus, bacterial leaf scorch (Xylella fastidiosa), stem blight (Botryosphaeria dothidea (Moug.: Fr.) Ces and de Not.), stem or cane canker (Botryosphaeria corticis Demaree and Wilcox), Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands), Phomopsis canker (Phomopsis vaccinii Shear), Botrytis fruit rot (Botrytis cinerea Pers.: Fr.) and anthracnose fruit rot [Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. and Sacc.]. Resistant or tolerant cultivars have been produced for most of the fungal diseases in highbush blueberries; however, only limited sources of resistance have been found to most virus diseases. See Chapter 8 (this volume) for more detailed descriptions of cultivar resistances.

    The most important insect and arthropod pests of highbush and rabbiteye blueberries include the blueberry maggot (Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh), blueberry gall midge (Dasineura oxycoccana Johnson), blueberry bud mite (Acalitus vaccinii Keifer), flower thrips (Franklinellia ssp.), Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman), sharp-nosed leaf hopper (stunt vector) (Staphytopius magdalensis Prov.), blueberry aphid (vector of the blueberry shoestring and scorch viruses) (Illinoia pepperi Mac. G.), cranberry fruit worm (Acrobasis vaccinii Riley), cherry fruit worm (Grapholita packardi Zell), plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar Herbst) and spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii Matsumura). Little variation in resistance has been reported to most of these pests in Vaccinium spp., except for the sharp-nosed leaf hopper, blueberry aphid, bud mite and gall midge. See Chapter 8 (this volume) for more detailed descriptions of cultivar resistances to these pests.


    Interspecific hybridization within the Vaccinium section Cyanococcus has played a major role in the development of highbush blueberries. Most species with similar chromosome numbers hybridize freely, and crosses between species with different chromosome numbers are frequently successful, through unreduced gametes. Even pentaploid hybrids of diploid ×

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