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Estimating With Microsoft Excel
Estimating With Microsoft Excel
Estimating With Microsoft Excel
Ebook239 pages1 hour

Estimating With Microsoft Excel

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Creating estimates for your new residential construction project just got a little easier. In Estimating with Microsoft Excel, Third Edition, Jay Christofferson, a recognized expert in computerized estimating, details step-by-step how you can save money and time by using Microsoft Excel 2007 to develop estimates that are reliable enough for your most important management decisions. The book and CD includes formulas for calculating concrete, rebar, labor, permits, taxes, and more, and demonstrates how to apply them in your everyday construction project management.You'll learn essential skills for programming basic formulas to automating Excel to integrate with other software packages— Estimating with Microsoft Excel will show you how to eliminate time-consuming steps and repetitive work by-- setting up an accurate, efficient estimating system creating databases writing formulas adapting shortcuts Boost your profit margin with the power of Microsoft Excel 2007!Jay Christofferson is a master in the industry. I can't imagine how we could run our business without Excel and the teaching and training that he has provided us. --Chad Magleby Vice President, Magleby Companies 2007 NAHB Custom Home Builders of the YearThis book teaches essential skills for a successful career in construction and beyond. What you learn from Estimating with Microsoft Excel will build your confidence and increase your versatility in today's world of work. —Matthew Edwards Professor of Construction Management Southern Utah UniversityLearn how to budget and estimate using Excel with this great resource written especially for builders. --Skip Howes, CGP Scott Homes Ltd. Woodland Park, ColoradoMost builders wear many hats in their companies. They need quick solutions for understanding and managing costs. Jay's step-by-step approach teaches builders how to rapidly deploy Excel to create estimates that will improve their bottom line. —J. Bradley Simons President Cottage Homes Corporation
Release dateJan 1, 2010
Estimating With Microsoft Excel

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    Book preview

    Estimating With Microsoft Excel - Jay P. Christofferson



    Most people have Microsoft Excel® installed on their computers and they are increasingly proficient using the software. However, most users do not realize the full capacity and power of computerized spreadsheets in automating and simplifying a multitude of office tasks. Adapting to and becoming competent with computer skills, including using the full capability of Excel®, are analogous to using a power saw rather than a handsaw to build. The knowledge you will gain by reading this book and practicing the examples provided will help you transition to using the power saw.

    One of my favorite cartoons shows a medieval general leading his army into battle. The army is arrayed for battle, with shields held high and spears in hand. The general stands next to an aide, who is trying to introduce a salesman to the general. The salesman is peddling a machine gun. The general’s aide is trying to catch the attention of the preoccupied general but is waved off. The caption under the cartoon reads, No! I can’t be bothered with new technology … we have a battle to fight!

    As a builder, you understand the payoff for the time you spend to sharpen a saw or oil a tool. Likewise, knowing how to apply new technology to your construction business management practices is the only way to maintain your competitive edge. Without this knowledge, you may survive, but your business won’t thrive. Although you may win the battle, you will lose the war. That is, although you may be able to break even or perhaps earn a small profit doing construction, you will not attain long-term profitability and growth.

    This book presents the basics of using Excel® spreadsheets for new users and it offers tips for experienced users too. It is organized to help you scan for topics you are not familiar with and skip areas in which you are proficient.

    The book will teach you how to create customized Excel® spreadsheets that will save you time and increase your professionalism. Following the book’s guidelines, you will be able to create estimates that are both accurate and visually appealing.

    You will learn how to set up and organize your spreadsheet estimate into a summary sheet with detail or work-up sheets backed by databases that store the cost information. More specifically, you will learn how to

    create and use formulas that will automatically calculate quantities

    use functions to look up information from databases and detail sheets

    link information

    navigate spreadsheets

    use macros to automate your work

    calculate profit and overhead accurately

    implement controls to add functionality to spreadsheets

    To make the most of this book, you will need to have Microsoft Excel® 2007 installed on your computer. You can download a 60-day trial version of Microsoft Excel® 2007 online at Simply search for Excel® 2007. This program will run with either the Windows Vista or Windows XP operating systems.

    Each teaching module in this book includes step-by-stcp examples to practice using companion workbooks available at Each Microsoft Excel® 2007 workbook corresponds to a chapter in the book and contains the completed worksheets illustrated in the chapter. These worksheets include both detail sheets and databases. The databases are identified by DB at the end of the worksheet names. You will notice that some workbooks are macro enabled. (Their icon includes a yellow sheet with an exclamation point.) This means that they have an embedded computer code that will execute with a specific keyboard sequence or after a worksheet object is clicked. To allow the macros to run, you will need to save these workbooks using the save option Excel macro-Enabled Workbook."

    To open the files

    Point your browser to Error! Hyperlink reference not valid..

    Click the hyperlinkcd text to download the companion practice workbooks.

    When the window pops up asking if you wish to open or save the file, click Save.

    Choose the location where you would like to save the file (Desktop, My Documents, etc.), and click Save again.

    Open a blank worksheet, follow the instructions in the book, and compare your results with the completed worksheets you downloaded.

    Choosing Hardware

    Your system hardware will determine how well Excel® performs. Upgrading the random-access memory (RAM) of your computer’s hardware will usually increase the speed of your computer’s processing ability. Newer computers generally are fast enough to accommodate the Excel® spreadsheet application.

    In general, you will save yourself from a lot of frustration by upgrading your computer every four to five years. With up-to-date hardware, your software will run much faster and you will be able to work more effectively. You don’t need the latest and most expensive computer system, but you should buy high-quality hardware. This will save you money in the long run by extending the useful life of your computer.

    Conventions in This Book

    Instructions are listed step-by-step with Excel® commands in bold type.

    Formulas are in bold type.


    Multilevel menu commands are separated by a forward slash (/).


    The Basics of Spreadsheets and Beyond

    Computerized spreadsheets are essential to business management, and construction management is no exception. Microsoft Excel® is the most commonly used program for maintaining these spreadsheets. Even if you are proficient in Excel®, you need to invest time to practice using Excel® 2007. The program has a number of new capabilities, so this investment will be well worth the effort.

    The Office button and tab-and-ribbon layout replace the traditional menus and toolbars. For the most part, the commands and features of earlier versions are there, but in different locations (fig. 1.0).

    Finding Help

    or Close button) of the ribbon. After clicking the Help button, type in a key word and choose from the topics displayed the one that addresses your question.

    Figure 1.0. Office button, tab, and ribbon

    Figure 1.1. Undo and Redo buttons

    Undoing Mistakes

    Don’t be afraid to try something new. If Excel® doesn’t behave as you expected it to, click the Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar (QAT) located to the right of the Office button. When you click the Undo button, the last instruction you performed will be undone. The second time you click it, the second to the last instruction you performed will be undone, and so forth. If you click the down-pointing arrow next to the Undo icon, Excel® will display a list of previous actions. By selecting one of the actions on the list, that action and those that followed it will be undone. If you decide that you really didn’t want to undo, you can click the Redo button (fig. 1.1).

    Using Workbooks

    An Excel® workbook is the file in which you store and analyze data. Figure 1.2 shows a blank Excel® workbook. The Title bar displays the file name and application. The Office button allows you to set preferences for printing, saving, and other functions. The QAT allows you to display commonly used commands so you can see them no matter which tab on the ribbon is selected. You can also place icons for custom commands on the QAT, which will be discussed in later chapters. The Formula bar, which allows you to edit cell contents, is located above the column headings (A, B, C, etc.) and the Status bar, which alerts the user to the state of Excel®, is at the bottom of the page.

    Each worksheet contains 16,384 columns (A through XFD) and more than a million rows (1 through 1,048,576). The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. Cells are storage bins that can hold numbers, text, formulas, and formatting. Each cell has its own unique address. For example, the intersection of column D and row 5 is cell D5. Although the data stored in cells can change, the cell addresses do not change.

    Adding and Deleting Worksheets

    Similar to a folder in a file cabinet, a workbook contains any number of related sheets. However, each worksheet consumes space and increases the size of the workbook so unless you need them, you are better off with fewer sheets in your workbook. The default number of blank worksheets is 3. To change the default number of worksheets that open in a workbook

    Click Office button/Excel® Options/Popular.

    Select the desired number of sheets next to Include this many sheets.

    Figure 1.2. Excel® workbook

    You can add or delete worksheets from a workbook at any time. To add a worksheet

    Click the Insert Worksheet tab to the right of the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the workbook or right click one of the sheet tabs. If you use the first option, Excel® inserts the new sheet to the left of the Insert Worksheet tab. If you use the second option, Excel® inserts the new sheet to the left of the sheet that you right

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