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Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy
Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy
Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy
Ebook306 pages4 hours

Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Never Let Me Go

Annie Parks came to Hawaii to settle a score, not spend time handcuffed to a sexy stranger's bed--even if said stranger saved her from drowning after she was pitched overboard by some goons. Looking at six feet of hard, Hawaiian muscle and gorgeous cool that's making forgotten parts of her say, "Aloha!," Annie needs to stay focused. But a side dish of Kane Travers is awfully tempting.

Kauai Police Chief Kane Travers is not a vacation kind of guy. So it figures that when Internal Affairs suspended him, he'd end up rescuing a sarcastic, dishonest, extremely hot redhead who is clearly hiding something. Kane's got half a mind to give Miss Whoever She Is something she'll never forget, even if his cop senses tell him she needs his protection. But how can he get her to tell him anything when his mouth won't stop covering hers?
Release dateMar 3, 2009
Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy

HelenKay Dimon

Award-winning author HelenKay Dimon spent twelve years in the most unromantic career ever – divorce lawyer. After dedicating all of that effort to helping people terminate relationships, she is thrilled to deal in happy endings and write romance novels for a living. Her books have been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine and E! Online. HelenKay loves hearing from readers, so stop by her website at and say hello.

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Rating: 3.52380960952381 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I was in the mood for a light, erotic romance and decided on YMDMC because it had a bit of mystery thrown in. I read contradicting ratings and so far, I agree with the less positive one.Dimon's writing isn't bad but the story just isn't good. In fact, it's rather boring when it shouldn't be. It has all the ingredients of an erotic, hot read - Hawaii location, hero is 6'3" Hawaiian Chief of Police and a heroine from the Mainland. Yet it goes on page after page of leading nowhere and no suspense. As such, the mystery is no longer interesting much less suspenseful and is becoming an irritation.I am a little past half way through and am already bored as there is no sex to speak of. Just an allusion to it in the blurb and is a classic case of not judging a book by its cover cos it's a hot cover and it's s hot blurb.But the author just doesn't deliver.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    While this book had a bit of a rocky start for me (the manner in which the heroine was found, and her initial interactions with Kane, were distracting), I'm glad I continued on. While the plot is over the top, and the villains were a bit too "villainous" for my taste, I loved the conversation and chemistry between Kane and Annie.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    My mom found this book on the Oprah book list. She read it and told me she didn’t like it, it wasn’t what she expected. And I swear she told me she thought it was going to be a little more… dirty. Well, let me tell you – it was definitely dirty.This is not a book that you want anyone under 18 to read. There are at least 3 parts that are descriptively sexual.Lets get back to the beginning though. Kane is on vacation, sort of. He’s hanging out on his beach front property when he sees something, a person, that has washed up on the beach. He takes her in and puts her in the shower, gets her warmed up. Little does he know the firecracker he took off the beach.Annie is on a mission. A very bad man took advantage of her mother and Annie is back for revenge. And she will not be leaving the island until he’s dead. But other people keep turning up dead.I didn’t expect all of the drama that was in this book. It was a nice surprise though. It made it easy and quick to read. It was definitely a page turner.And I love, love, loved the characters. Annie is great. She has the mouth of a sailor and she’s one tough cookie. Kane is a man’s man. He’s tough, strong, doesn’t show emotion and doesn’t really like to talk a lot. But once you get to know him, he’s a great man.There was one thing that caught my eye a couple of times during the book. We all know I’m a stickler for grammar and mistakes. There were 2 times in the book that a sentence needed and extra quotation mark and they were left out. That drives me crazy.Although it was a little, ok, a lot more sexual than I bargained for, I still liked it. But for the sexuality, I have to take a bookmark away. I know I should have expected it because of the title. As soon as Michael read the back, he was like “Are you serious?”. I guess my mom forgot to mention how dirty it was I give Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy 3 bookmarks.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fun romantic suspense book. Kane is the local police chief who is on a forced leave of absence thanks to a drug bust gone bad. He's not the kind of guy who enjoys time off and after a few days is bored out of his mind. Instead of being relaxing, a walk on the beach turns up a red-headed firecracker of a woman with a smart mouth and a lot of secrets. His instincts can't decide if she's crook or victim, but his body tells him to keep her close.Annie is a nature photographer who has come to Hawaii to find the man who scammed her mother and sent her over the edge mentally. She isn't going to give up just because someone tried to drown her. Telling the hunky police chief who rescued her what she has planned doesn't seem to be the best idea, but she can't deny that she feels safe with him.The sparks between Kane and Annie were evident from the beginning. I loved the rescue/shower scene, as Kane works to revive Annie, but can't help his very male reaction to her. Annie isn't too happy about her own reaction - she doesn't need the distraction, and his bossiness really gets on her nerves. I loved watching her use every trick she can think of to keep her secrets and see Kane call her on every one of them. Though Kane's friend Josh accuses him of thinking with something other than his brain, Kane quickly realizes that Annie is in a heap of trouble and his protective instincts kick in.I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Kane and Annie. The push and pull between them is fun with sarcastic banter and attempts to resist the sparks that continue to flare between them. But underneath the snark, each of them also recognizes a similar pain. Kane has closed himself off emotionally after too many losses have battered his heart. He doesn't want to risk the pain again, but he's also a man to whom family means everything and he misses it. Annie blames herself for what happened to her mother, and that guilt is one of the driving forces behind her quest for revenge. Letting Kane in risks losing that drive. I loved seeing Annie work her way past Kane's walls and see him start to feel again. I also loved how Annie became so protective of both Kane and Derek. The final scene was fantastic as both had to open up their hearts all the way to get what they most desired.I enjoyed the suspense of the story also. There were two things going on. First was Kane's suspension while he was under investigation. He was suffering enough from what he'd had to do without having to put up with the vendetta from the Internal Affairs guy. On top of that was the frustration that the person running the drug ring hadn't yet been identified and caught. I liked that Kane's officers respected him so much, which led to some pretty interesting confrontations with the IA guy.The second was Annie's search for the con man and trying to stay ahead of those who were trying to stop her. Once she finally let Kane in on the whole story, things seemed to move pretty quickly. The final confrontation was very intense with some unexpected twists and turns before it was all over. I ached for Annie and the demons she had to face and loved that Kane was with her all the way.

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Your Mouth Drives Me Crazy - HelenKay Dimon


Chapter 1

Three days into his involuntary vacation, Kane Travers realized one thing: he wasn’t a vacation type of guy. He had enough home projects to fill exactly two days. He cleaned up the yard, painted the porch railing and ripped out the built-in bookcase in the family room.

He tried surfing. Running on the beach. Washing his sporty red pickup truck under the intense Hawaii sun. That blew another day.

And still six days to go. Six long, boring days until he knew his fate at work. Until he heard the results of the trumped-up investigation. Rather than dwell on the mess his life had become, he inhaled, breathing the scent of warm salt water deep into his lungs.

Just then, something moved off to his left. Squinting, he tried to identify the strange pile sitting about a hundred feet down the abandoned beach. Probably debris washed on shore or abandoned by the resort tourists earlier that day when the Pacific Ocean had unleashed a powerful storm on the rocky coast of Kauai.

He stood there, his feet sinking deep into the wet sand as pink and orange bands from the retired sunset streaked across the sky and dipped low on the horizon. How any person could hear the rhythmic beating of the waves against the shore and decide this was the perfect place to throw a used potato chip bag, he’d never know.

He’d bought the one-level cottage here as a place for escape. The edge-of-the-world feel appealed to him on a fundamental level. Having someone ruin the scenery with litter ticked him off. Also gave him something to do. Cleaning up the beach could knock ten or twelve minutes off his unwanted vacation time.

Wearing nothing more than a low-slung pair of faded jeans, he walked the waterline back to his house to fetch a bag. Along the way, chilly February ocean water splashed across his bare feet, and small pebbles pelted his chest.

He’d taken only a few steps when a strange sensation pricked at the back of his neck. His gaze slid back to the lump on the beach.

The thundering crash of water against the beach blocked out most sounds. But, no doubt about it, this time the damn thing moved. One step toward the mass, then he saw it. A slim, bare arm.

Damn! He broke into a blinding run, kicking up wet sand behind him.

He reached the pitiful bulge and dropped to his knees. Sweat broke out on his forehead as a wave of desperation hit him. The same frustrating mix of rage and helplessness he’d experienced before. The worry that he was one second too late. Again.

Sweeping the seaweed aside, he encountered a tattered blanket and tangled long hair. This time the bump groaned.

Can you hear me? He lifted the rest of the waste away from the crumpled form.

Not just any form. A woman. A naked woman with a slight blue tint to her pale skin. With two fingers pressed against the cool flesh of her neck, he felt for a beat. Despite the strong thumping, concern coursed through his veins, shutting out any of the normal interest that might have flickered to life at the sight of a nude female body.

Three months had passed since he’d scratched that particular itch. Not that long for some men, maybe, but about two months longer than he could tolerate without getting twitchy. On the small island, one rich in tradition, everyone seemed to know or be related to everyone else.

This sense of community, combined with a few too many pushy matchmaking mothers hell-bent on securing appropriate husbands for their baby girls, made dating rough on a single man. Especially on a single man who intended to stay that way. The resulting involuntary celibacy sometimes came with the job and the life whether or not he liked it.

And he didn’t. Not one damn bit.

But now wasn’t the time for those thoughts. He wasn’t that guy. He’d never taken advantage of a woman in his life. Hell, this one wasn’t even awake.

Ma’am? Are you hurt? It was an obvious question, but he didn’t know what else to say.

He brushed her wet hair off her cold cheek. Soaked from head to toe, he couldn’t even tell her hair color.

Marks and scratches marred her pale skin. Getting tossed around in the rough water had battered her a bit, but she looked relatively untouched. Even with the surface injuries and her bedraggled condition, he saw a hint of cheekbones, a slim refined nose and a full mouth.

If he didn’t do something soon, she could be a fine-looking corpse.

Talk to me, he said, as if ordering her awake might work. People told him his yell could raise the dead. He could now state with some authority that theory appeared to be wrong.

With hands planted on the damp sand on either side of her head, he leaned down. His ear hovered above her mouth so he could hear over the crashing surf. Steady small puffs of air brushed against his skin, calming his anxiety.

The coolness of her skin still scared him. He knew from training and experience that too long in the water and hypothermia kicked in. Tropical climate or not, a body could take only so much abuse from the elements.


Her eyes stayed closed. Her body still. She needed a shower and dry clothes. Even then…

He tunneled one arm under her legs and the other around her shoulder. In one fluid move, he pushed to his feet with the injured stranger clutched to his chest. He looked up and down the beach. No one lingered except him.

Quick strides turned to a jog. He had to get to the front door of his bungalow. Two hundred feet, then he could warm her up, dry her off and get whatever help she needed. There was no time to waste.

He now had something to fill those long hours. He just hoped he wouldn’t be spending the time checking her into the morgue.

Annie Parks refused to open her eyes. Open eyes meant facing reality. She wasn’t ready for that yet.

She’d been in the ice cold waves only a few minutes. At least she thought that was the case. Time blended and distorted. Sluggish muscles and misfiring brain cells made thinking and moving almost impossible.

Nothing about the last few hours made any sense. She remembered standing in the small bathroom of her stateroom, looking over her crude drawing of the yacht’s floor plan. She fiddled with her camera, unconsciously adjusting the settings to account for fading light. The steady beat of jazz music sounded from the main living area and adjoining dining room. With everyone enjoying a pre-dinner drink, she had the privacy she needed to study the layout of the rooms and decide where the owner would keep valuable paperwork.

She had slipped out of her stained dress. The spill of red wine had given her a reasonable excuse to leave the party. The fact she had to ruin the one fancy dress she owned ticked her off, but what was one more sacrifice to the cause. She’d sacrificed so much already.

One minute she was reaching for the black outfit she’d set aside for her snooping. The next, someone held a bag over her head, hands went around her waist and…splash. Then a mouthful of water followed by a hard skid to a beach landing and pain. She couldn’t forget the pain.

Now someone held her. Sure, the guy didn’t throw her back in the water, but that didn’t necessarily mean things were looking up. Her back teeth slammed together with each one of his firm steps. The brisk walk cuddled against his chest had warmed her, but at this pace she’d be broken into little pieces before they got to their destination. Wherever that was.

The naked early evening jog with a perfect stranger was new, not to mention embarrassing. Plenty of fear ran through her, too. She thought about jumping out of this guy’s arms and running as fast as she could in any direction but the water.

Thought about it. Even plotted out the escape. But, she knew the smarter move was to bide her time and figure out her next step. She’d spent her entire life biding time. Waiting for the right moment to get her revenge.

Panic and weakness were the enemies. Two of them, anyway. During the past few hours she’d discovered a new one of the human variety. She’d been knocked around, dropped into the ocean and nearly drowned due to her mediocre swimming skills. All that made washing up on the beach the highlight of her evening.

Not the normal day for a nature photographer. Of course, this wasn’t a paid assignment. This one was a personal project. An investigation gone seriously wrong. Somehow she’d managed to stumble onto the right track. Got close enough to get tossed into the ocean. She’d lost her camera and nearly her life.

And now…well, she did not know what was happening. She lifted one eyelid in the barest move possible. She spied miles of muscular forearm. Tan and, she hoped, connected to the safe and friendly variety of male on the other end.

Before she could squawk, her rescuer balanced her body on his hip, reached for a doorknob and opened the door. She silently added strong to the list of her rescuer’s attributes.

Looking through the slit under her eyelashes, she tried to scan her new surroundings. They stood in the center of a small room with a red sectional sofa as the centerpiece. Not what she imagined the home of a typical serial killer would look like. That was her first good news of the last forty-eight hours. The only good news.

He started to move. With each step, she saw a flash of his bare feet against the oak hardwood floor below her. She poised for fight or flight. Tried to concentrate on getting the hell out of there—even though she still didn’t know where there was.

He threw her in the shower before she could make her big escape.

Chapter 2

The world spun beneath Annie until her feet landed on the cold tile floor of the shower stall. Strong arms banded around her waist, holding her in place.

Every cell in her body snapped to life. The lethargy weighing her down disappeared with the screech of the shower curtain rings against the rod. A rush of water echoed in her ears as steam filled the room.

Here we go, the stranger said to the room as if the nut chatted with unconscious people all the time.

He balanced her body against his. Rough denim scratched against her sensitive skin from the front. Lukewarm water splashed over her bare body from the back, making her skin tingle and burn.

A gasp caught in her throat as her shoulders stiffened under the spray. A scream rumbled right behind the gasp, but she managed to swallow that, too.

This should help. He continued his one-sided conversation in a deep, hypnotizing voice.

He seemed mighty pleased with himself. And since he had stepped right under the water with her, a bit ballsy for her taste.

This will feel better in a second, he said to the quiet room.

He wasn’t wrong.

Firm hands caressed her skull, replacing the frigid ocean with bathwater. He rinsed and massaged and rinsed again. The sweep of his hands wiped away the last of her confusion. With that task done, his palms turned to her arms, brushing up and down, igniting every nerve ending in their path.

His chest rubbed against her bare breasts until heat replaced her chill. With thighs smashed against his legs, the full-body rubdown sparked life into body parts that had been on a deep-freeze hold for more than a year.


She didn’t answer him. Wasn’t even sure she could speak if she wanted to.

Open your eyes and say something.

The husky command broke her out of her mental wanderings and sent a shot of anxiety skating down her spine. This was the part of the program where she ran and hid…and then ran some more.

Naked. Alone. Strange man. Yeah, a very bad combination.

I know you’re awake. He sounded pretty damn amused by the idea.

The jig was up. Okay, fine, she got his point.

Not knowing if her rescuer counted as a friend or foe, she played the scene with the utmost care. Only a complete madman would attack a vulnerable woman who didn’t know her own name. If her stranger fell into that category, she’d scream and make a mad dash into the kitchen for the nearest sharp knife. The nearest sharp anything.

She groaned in pain that was only half false.

Your eyes are still closed, he said.

Yeah, pal, no kidding.

You aren’t fooling me.

Well, she could certainly try.

His hands continued to massage her sore flesh with just the right amount of pressure to bring her blood sizzling back to life. If he kept this up, her eyes wouldn’t open. She’d be asleep.

She couldn’t remember the last time she slept through the night. Actually, she could. It had been fifteen months. Fifteen months of searching. The path led to Kauai. To the yacht. To flying over the side and into the water. To being in this shower.

We can stand here all night for all I care, he said.

Nothing that extreme. Maybe ten more minutes.

He chuckled. Doesn’t bother me.

Lucky for her she found an accommodating potential serial killer.

Because I’m the one with clothes on, he pointed out.

Her eyelids flew open.

The deep rumble of his laugh intensified. Thought that one might get your attention.

Oh, he had her attention. All six-feet-something of him, with haunting dark eyes, straight coal black hair cut short and blunt, and chiseled high cheekbones that spoke to Hawaiian bloodlines.

Her gaze dipped lower and…damn.

That gasp she’d been holding finally escaped her lips. The part below his neck looked as impressive as his face. A broad muscular chest, every inch tan and perfect. Blue jeans balanced on lean hips.

Double damn. Obviously strong and in command, this guy could crush her if he wanted to.

That realization got her talking. Who are you?

One dark eyebrow kicked up in question. That was my question. You are…?

A woman in deep trouble. A woman at home with a camera and in a darkroom. A woman with a mission.

The idea of confiding in someone tempted her, but she resisted. She didn’t know this guy or his agenda. Hell, she didn’t even know who her enemies were and why. Until she did, she was not saying a word.

I…I don’t know, she stammered out.

She was playing a dangerous game. No other choice. Someone had pushed her off a party boat. Either Sterling Howard had figured out her real identity and ushered her off his yacht the hard way or…actually, she couldn’t think of an or option.

Don’t know what? he asked.

My name.

Those deep brown eyes, almost black, narrowed. For most people it’s an easy question. You’ve likely had one since birth.

I, uh, can’t remember it, she said, making sure her voice held the appropriate mixture of concern and shock. Funny how those two emotions came to her without any trouble at the moment.

Wait a second. You mean—


His hands tightened briefly on her elbows, then relaxed. Interesting.

The longer she stood there, the more pronounced their size difference became. Not to be rude or sound ungrateful, but could we have this little chat later? Like, when I’m dry and fully dressed.

You really can’t remember your name?

She lifted her hands and covered her breasts. A stupid move, yes. He’d already seen all the goods. Not that he cared one wit. He didn’t appear to be staring anywhere but dead into her eyes.

Trying the dry thing now would be good, she said.

He reached behind her and turned off the water. You’re saying you have amnesia?

For a second she wondered if a person with a real case of amnesia would recognize the word amnesia. Deciding that type of thinking would drive her nuts, she answered, Yes.

Seems a bit convenient.

The least the guy could do was have the decency to look a little worried about her made-up amnesia story. There’s nothing convenient about not knowing who you are.

He stepped out of the tub and grabbed up a towel for her. Here. Dry off. We need to pump some heat into you and then…

Yes? she asked, a bit concerned about what the rest of his sentence could be.

Find some clean clothes for both of us. I’m guessing you’d like to be dressed when we talk.

She’d rather skip the talking part. Talk about what?

Whatever it is you’re running from.

Wariness washed over her. This time not about being naked, although she wasn’t real fond of that either. The heart-to-heart he had planned was the bigger problem. She’d made a promise to her mother, although in her mother’s catatonic state, she likely didn’t understand the vow. But that wasn’t the point. Annie had enough guilt for a lifetime without failing her mother a second time.

He turned away and lifted an oversized terry cloth robe off the back of the door. Once you’ve settled in, we’ll get to the bottom of who you are.

I told you— Whatever she was going to say stuck in her throat when he cuddled her in the warm material and gently tucked in the loose ends between her breasts.

You can explain why you’re in Hawaii, what you were doing on the beach and how you got there, he continued.

Now that the uncertainty about her safety with him had eased, she could focus on his habit of interrupting. Very annoying.

Other aspects about him were annoying, but for a different reason. Being soaking wet, his jeans clung to his body. Water dripped down his bare chest and lean frame, forming a puddle on the bath mat. When he wiped a hand through his damp hair, stray ends stood up straight. For some reason, the goofy look worked on him.

Shame she couldn’t say the same thing about the intelligence lingering behind those dark eyes. He was going to be a problem. Hard to fool.

Time to leave. She had to track down the yacht and find her camera. Out of habit, she carried around her photography equipment wherever she went. Being separated from it made her nervous.

I think it would be better if I got back and left you to your life, she said.

A sly grin tugged on the corner of his mouth. You don’t know who you are or how you got here. Hard to imagine you know where you’re going.

She clenched at the cotton gathered between her breasts and adjusted the rest of the robe to make sure everything important stayed under wraps. I meant that I should check in with the police. Look for a bag or some other type of identification, that kind of thing.

His smile beamed now. You’re in luck.

Lucky, right. That was how she felt. How exactly?

I’m the police.

Her stomach dipped to the floor and took up residence there. Excuse me?

I’m Police Chief of Kauai County.


That’s a fancy way of saying Kauai.

The entire island? That’s not possible. Please have that not be possible.

I promise it’s true. I attended the swearing-in ceremony.

The last thing she wanted was to talk with a police officer. She was operating under the radar on this. She didn’t want justice. She wanted revenge and didn’t plan to walk within the lines of the law to get it.

Show me your badge. She wouldn’t know a fake badge from a real one, but the request seemed like one a smart woman would make.

He grabbed a black leather billfold from the vanity and flipped it open. Shiny badge. He flicked it closed again before she could read the name.

You wanted me. Here I am and with all the time in the world to listen to what you have to say. He paused, drawing out his comment. Let’s get to those questions.

But… That was all she had. The rest of the sentence just kind of died in the air.

He snatched up a towel and draped it over his shoulders. Including your name.

I don’t—

Remember? Yeah, heard you the first seven times. He grabbed both ends of the towel and pulled it taut against his neck. I just don’t believe you.

The man was as smart as he looked, which was a damn shame.

Chapter 3

Copper. Out on the beach Kane had wondered. Looking at the mystery woman standing on his bath mat, now he knew. Her hair fell in loose copper-colored curls around her shoulders,

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