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The Daemon Device
The Daemon Device
The Daemon Device
Ebook369 pages5 hours

The Daemon Device

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London, 1891. Dirigibles, like dark leviathans, surge through the sooty skies of London. Steam powers the engines that supply electricity to the new lights along the Thames. And strange murder appears on the seamy streets.

Someone is killing women and gutting them for their body parts. Is it Jack the Ripper returned, or a far more sinister plot afoot than murder?

Magician Leopold Kazsmer, the Great Enchanter, ashamed of his Jewish-Gypsy blood, has fashioned himself into a proper English gentleman, though he harbors a carefully guarded secret; he has learned the dangerous art of summoning daemons and through it, performs real magic.

With the help of Raj, a tarot-reading automated man, and Eurynomos, a shrewd Jewish daemon, Leopold must discover what is behind the revolting murders that suddenly seem to involve tight-lipped German scientists, Golems in a plot of world domination, ghosts, demons, and the beautiful Scotland Yard Special Inspector, Mingli Zhao. Is she truly from the secret depths of Scotland Yard or is she instead a heartless spy and murderess?

Release dateOct 2, 2019
The Daemon Device

Jeri Westerson

Jeri Westerson was born and raised in Los Angeles. As well as nine previous Crispin Guest medieval mysteries, she is the author of a paranormal urban fantasy series and several historical novels. Her books have been nominated for the Shamus, the Macavity and the Agatha awards.

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    Book preview

    The Daemon Device - Jeri Westerson

    Chapter One

    London, 1891

    LEOPOLD STRAIGHTENED HIS shoulders and raised his chin. In utter silence, he pulled the string that tied his cape and released the knot. With a soft whoosh of fabric, the cape slid from his shoulders and pooled on the stage floor at his feet. Deftly, he opened the buttons of his coat, and keeping the audience under his cool gaze, he whipped it so quickly off his arms and shoulders, that a woman in the front row gasped.

    With two delicate fingers, he raised his top hat, as if doffing it for a lady. He showed the white satin of the interior to the audience and, never moving his gaze from the far seats, dropped it softly onto his coat and cape.

    In only his shirtsleeves and waistcoat, he carefully removed each glove in turn, first the left, then the right, ultimately leaving them on the pile of clothing. He took another breath before rolling up the sleeve of his left arm. When it was folded back to his elbow, he finally flicked his glance to his white forearm. Like a bracelet, the dark tattoo encircling his wrist shown starkly against his pale skin. Its intricate design wove in and out of itself almost in the form of a Celtic knot but was nothing so whimsical. For the Eye of Providence etched on the inside of his wrist, right at the pulse point, took any possible quaintness away from the black design. The eye stared back at him with intricate detail as if it were capable of blinking at any moment. He had wanted the mark once, begged for it. Now he hated the sight of it.

    Holding his marked wrist forward toward the audience, he pulled a small item from the pocket in his waistcoat with his free hand. He held it with two fingers, the other three digits poised above it. It was second nature, this expression of his fingers, always proving to the punters that nothing was in his hands, all the while hiding whatever he wished in the palm of it.

    But this time, there was nothing but the small object, that when he pushed a button with his forefinger, snapped a blade out of the handle. The sound was so sudden and so loud in the complete silence that a woman or two…and even a few men…let out a protracted shriek.

    Light gleamed off the blade. It was sharp. Had to be. He stood, positioning his legs apart, fist at the end of a naked arm stretched out so taut the blue veins beneath his skin pulsed. The knife poised. He dreaded the moment.

    With a flash he struck.

    There was just a slash at first on the delicate skin. A gash of torn flesh. But then the blood welled, filling the slash, until there was so much of it the red spilled out over his wrist, marking its own trail in crimson, like a bracelet. And then the drip, drip onto the stage floor.

    He could feel the audience tense, feel their inheld breaths. So quiet, he could hear each droplet as it splashed to the plank floor at his feet.

    He stared at his life’s blood pooling and took a final deep breath.

    "Ani metzaveh alaycha, lachshof et atzmechah!" he cried.

    A pause, as if the very Earth hesitated, waiting.

    The puddle of his blood shifted. Rippled. A crease of light, then a blinding flash exploded from the floor. The audience screamed. Leopold could do nothing about it. He had to hold his arm forth, fist closed tight. The arm trembled but he held it steady, even as blood continued to drip, drip from it.

    The light blasted over him, flinging back his hair. He looked into the blinding abyss, saw the shapes move and contort in shadows beneath the light that slowly dimmed. And as it receded, a figure formed and rose out of the blood. Its head hung low. The shoulders seemed to rise first as a great hulking shape, and then the head lifted. Horns resembling those of some great African beast, twisted and towered above his head. His skin was textured like a lizard’s and was as dark red as Leopold’s blood. His muscled body stood taller than the magician, with thick thighs and wide shoulders. And he was nude but seemed not to care about this state as he surveyed the crowd with disdain. Who has summoned me? he bellowed, voice like a black cloud before a thunder-burst.

    Women had not stopped screaming and now that the smoke had cleared, Leopold saw many of them scrambling for the exits. No! They mustn’t leave before the complete performance.

    "I have summoned you! he declared above the noise of screams and running feet. And I alone control you."

    The rumbling of panicked citizens died off, as some lingered by the exits, thrown in confusion by the spectacle before them. Was it only a show? Was it something else, something horrific? Female faces turned away, but just as many eyed the naked daemon with fascination.

    I command you, Leopold said, turning toward the demonic apparition, to conjure doves. Doves of peace to calm the crowd.

    The daemon lifted his hands and out of them appeared from nowhere white, spotless doves that flew into the audience.

    But that only seemed to set off a new chorus of screams and they ducked and flung their hands over their heads, shooing the fluttering doves away as if they were vermin. No one stayed in their seats.

    Wait! Leopold called to the audience. He stood at the footlights, watching helplessly as his entire audience ran over themselves to escape. Men trampled men and women fell to their knees, weeping. Brave souls helped them up, tugging them away from the apparition on the stage. Even the orchestra had ducked out through their trapdoor, leaving a disarray of fallen sheet music and tipped music stands.

    It wasn’t long before no one remained. Even the stagehands had fled in terror at this unexpected flourish from their disagreeable master.

    The doves circled the empty seats, leaving their white droppings on the dark velvet.

    Leopold waved his hand at them. Enough!

    They vanished without so much as a whisper.

    Tough luck, old man, said the daemon in a perfectly modulated West End baritone.

    Chapter Two

    LEOPOLD GESTURED TOWARD the hulking creature. Where are your bloody clothes!

    The daemon looked down. Thought it would make a more dramatic show. Too much?

    Yes, it bloody well is!

    Dear me. That’s twice in a row you said ‘bloody.’ I must have truly made you cross.

    Leopold tucked his anger away and closed his eyes. I apologize. I was just…surprised. And not a little annoyed that they all…departed.

    The greatest trick they’ve ever seen and they couldn’t sit for it. That’s Gentiles for you.

    Leopold huffed and relaxed his tensed shoulders. He waved vaguely at the daemon’s nether regions. "Do something about…that, if you please."

    Oh. Sorry, old man. Instantly, a black loin cloth appeared at his hips, covering his considerable endowments. I suppose the show’s over.

    Leopold nodded dejectedly and slipped his knife back in his waistcoat.

    Ah! Should I…? The red hand waved over Leopold’s bloody wrist.

    If you will, Eurynomos. He held out his arm. Truthfully, he felt a little faint. He’d cut too deeply this time.

    Eurynomos closed his hand over it and sucked in a breath, euphoria spreading over his features. After a moment he released the magician and left the arm perfectly healed.

    Leopold rubbed his wrist. No scar remained. Only the twinge of the remembered knife slash. As his fingers passed over the mark, though, he swore he could feel the tattoo as a raised pattern, but it was as a part of his flesh as any other part. Hastily he rolled down his sleeve and fixed the cuff with a shaky hand.

    There goes my box office. And there goes my show. Blast it. I’ve already sacked my assistants so what more could go wrong?

    Oh, never say that around a proper daemon, old man. You don’t know what ‘wrong’ can be.

    "I do know," he said quietly.

    Eurynomos chuckled and scratched the back of his head. I daresay you do. He shrank a bit from when he first appeared, only now standing a foot taller than Leopold rather than the eight or so feet when he emerged from the floor. Is that why you summoned me during a show? To throw your weight around to the punters.

    I suppose. Reddening, he reached the wings and found a chair. He sat and ran his fingers through his hair. I…I thought I could…that it would…oh dash it. I’ve ruined everything!

    The sound of squeaky wheels rolling toward him meant only one thing. I suppose you saw that disaster, Raj.

    The automaton, a figure of an Oriental man with turban and evening suit, sat at a table perpetually playing out a deck of tarot cards. His head moved smoothly and mechanically with a soft sound of air through pistons and machine-driven clicks.

    Is that what you call it? said the mechanical man. "Namaste, Eurynomos."

    "Shalom, old friend."

    Leopold, nonplussed by the independent movement and speech of a creature he knew well, ran both hands through his hair. Yes, it was a blasted disaster. I’m ruined.

    The gears clicked and whirred. Don’t be silly, Leo. It was smashing! Quite top drawer.

    Wasn’t it? said the daemon, elbowing the automaton.

    The desperate act of a desperate man, Leopold muttered.

    The daemon leaned toward Leopold. You mentioned you had to let your assistants go, but you didn’t mention why. I thought you liked Ruby and Rose.

    I did. But this was the third time Rose was late. Actually, she never showed up at all. What was I to do? I couldn’t do even half my routines without the two of them, so I decided to do without. I warned them. Now look what I’ve done.

    They all stood around, quiet and thoughtful. Until Leopold exhaled an angry breath. And your lack of dress will get me thrown into gaol for indecency. And come to think of it…I should think the Church will be round soon with a stake for burning.

    Well! I won’t let that happen. He patted Leopold’s shoulder with exceptional tenderness. I had such a jolly time, I certainly owe you.

    You certainly do. He pinched the bridge of his nose. What the hell was I thinking?

    "What the Gehenna were you thinking. Droll."

    I’m not laughing. He sat up. I’ll have to close down my act until I can get new assistants. If anyone will even hire me again. Perhaps even go into hiding. Blast it all! What a fool! Why had he done it? He should have just persevered with the one assistant. Too late now.

    But, old man, said Eurynomos. He grabbed a chair in his large hand and positioned it. He sat, stretching his thick legs outward. "What do you need with assistants when you have me?"

    I can’t do real magic all the time. It’s too draining. Haven’t I lost enough blood tonight?

    The daemon licked his lips. Yes. And it was most delicious. Thank you.

    He eyed the daemon from under lowered brows. Don’t mention it.

    By the way. The daemon swirled a finger in the air toward Leopold’s face. Love the hair brush, old man. It quite suits you.

    Leopold quickly raised a hand to stroke his mustache. He felt his cheeks redden at the compliment. "Well…I had to do something. Everyone kept mistaking me for the assistant."

    Makes you look quite mature. Perhaps try a little gray at the temples?

    I’m not ready to look that old yet.

    Raj, ignoring their conversation, laid out his tarot cards one by one, ticking his head with a hiss of compressed air. I hate to see you close the show.

    I don’t think it’s my choice any longer. He leaned dejectedly against the proscenium. I’ve done it now. He glanced at Raj as he laid out his cards. Do me a favor and don’t do a reading.

    Too late. I’ve already begun laying the cards. What has begun cannot now be stopped.

    Leopold wrung his hands and sighed. Then do me the favor of not telling me what you see.

    Really? Why ever not?

    I just don’t want to know.

    Leopold dragged his feet away but wasn’t far enough not to catch the automaton’s gasp and whisper, Then it’s a good thing you don’t.

    Before he trudged to his dressing room, he made a search of the theatre. Not a soul remained. I must be out of my blasted mind. Why did I ever summon Eurynomos? It was Yanko’s appearance that did it, he told himself. It flustered him. He took the bait as he always did. Mention of his father—his Jewish father, as Yanko was always pleased to remind him—had sealed his fate. After all, it was his father who had told him of the ancient art of summoning Jewish daemons, taught him the wisdom and mystical nature of the Kabbalah. Only special men were marked, he had told him, and Leopold had wished for that mark, wished for the same power…

    How foolish he had been.

    Yanko, in his battered and mud-spattered coat, had told the stagehands he was Leopold’s uncle, and Leopold had felt all over again the shame at their looks of disgust. But Yanko had told him that one of the Romani in their camp—Jaelle—was missing.

    Jaelle. It had been a long time ago, but sudden memories rushed in on him. Of a young girl with wild dark hair, of a small hand holding his when the thunder frightened him, of cuddling under a smelly wool horse blanket before a smoky campfire, and shared secrets and dreams…but it had only been after the real nightmare had begun.

    He had told Yanko he could do nothing, even though Leopold had worked with Scotland Yard many times. But Leopold knew—even at his urging—they would not bother with one missing Gypsy girl.

    He rubbed his marked wrist, fingers twitching over the cursed tattoo. If only he hadn’t done it that first time, then perhaps his father would still be alive. And he wouldn’t have to have been raised by Yanko and his ilk.

    He stopped, sagged against his dressing room doorframe, and stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets.

    You’re troubled, said Eurynomos, suddenly at his elbow. He’d shrunk again so that now he was the same height as the magician…except for his tall horns.

    You’re damned right I’m troubled.

    I’m here, old friend. How can I help?

    I doubt you can.

    I have the whole dominion of Gehenna at my beck and call. Of course I can help.

    He glanced at the daemon speculatively. How did it happen, Eurynomos? How did my life become so befouled? I thought I was moving forward. But I seem to be falling behind. First that blasted manager said my act was getting stale, then Rose failed to show, and now I’ve ruined it. What’s to be done?

    You need a girl, the daemon pressed. I mean Raj and I are fine company, but the soft embrace of a lady…ah!

    Leopold blushed again. I…I don’t have time for that. Especially now.

    My friend, a man always has time. Or at least that’s what I’ve heard, not being a man myself.

    The sound of a door opening and feet shuffling gave Leopold pause. It sounded like the stage door. He glanced at his daemon friend. You’d better go.

    I think I shall remain, just to make certain you will be all right.

    At your pleasure. But stay out of sight.

    Eurynomos bowed. Don’t I always?

    Leopold checked his clothing to make certain he looked fit for company. There was no blood on his shirt. A good thing. He’d left his frock coat, gloves, and hat on stage. No matter. He was certain if he was to be arrested, they would allow him to gather his things.

    When he turned the corner and spied the man in the bowler, he realized with some alarm that he was to be arrested. The man seemed to move with the tactless effort of a policeman. And when he raised his head toward Leopold’s step, he was certain of it.

    Inspector Thacker.

    Kazsmer! What goes on here? Shouldn’t you be in the midst of your act or show, or whatever the hell you call it?

    Oh. You hadn’t heard?

    Heard what? Where is everyone?

    He sighed. He felt the sting of his own stupidity. The losses started adding up silently in his head. You’ll hear about it soon enough. I’m afraid my newest trick went awry and frightened both audience and stagehands away. There might have been injuries. I was certain I was to be arrested. I shall certainly be sued. I suppose I must call my solicitor straight away.

    Arrested? Blimey! What in hell did you do?

    I’ll show you. As he walked the inspector to the stage, Leopold concentrated and waved his hand surreptitiously, hiding the elaborate movement with his own body. He felt the magic tingle in his hand. It would be efficient, this he knew, by virtue of Eurynomos’ presence, for the magic was always strongest when the daemon was near or when Leopold had just summoned him.

    As Leopold bent down and reached for his cloak, he pulled it away, revealing a pedal on the stage floorboards that had not been there before.

    He paused and turned back to the inspector. These are ancient secrets for which I will hold you personally responsible should the general public get wind of them. My very livelihood depends upon secrecy.

    You well know, sir, that I am the model of discretion. There was the barest tinge of a slur to his voice. Thacker’s discretion was easily achieved from a bottle.

    Very well. During tonight’s disastrous performance, I removed my cloak, let it fall here, thus hiding this pedal, you see?

    Thacker bent over a little unsteadily to look.

    When I compressed this pedal with my foot, it set a series of mechanical devices in motion. Below the stage, a bellows began to fill a most amazing fabrication. Observe. He stepped on the pedal and only the faint sound of a mechanism churned below their feet, all the more amazing because there was nothing there to make a sound. And though the stage was full of trapdoors for his routines, a trapdoor that had not been at that exact location, sprang open, and out popped an inflating replica of Eurynomos, complete with horns and without his breechclout. As it inflated, it rose, filled out, and stood tall.

    With the addition of smoke and noise, the conjure was quite astonishing.

    Thacker eyed the anatomically correct nether regions of the inflatable. Quite.

    And quite terrifying. The audience believed it. Indeed, so did the orchestra and stagehands, all of whom had no prior knowledge of this new addition to my show. So you see. He released the pedal and the daemon shrank and disappeared once more into the stage floor, to disappear from existence, he imagined. It was much too good a trick.

    Indecent, is what it was, said the inspector, pushing back his bowler and scratching his thatch of brown hair. Why did you make that fellow…well…in the all together?

    He had a breechclout but it must have fallen off. The fabricator of this particular inflatable was most strict in his adherence to detail.

    I should say so. Bloody hell. Well, you are in a fix, aren’t you?

    Yes. I’ll lose my job, that’s a certainty. But at least now you can vouch for me.

    Indeed. You and your devices. He shook his head.

    Leopold folded his cloak over his arm. "Then if you are not here to arrest me, Chief Inspector, why are you here?"

    Thacker’s face grew solemn and he doffed his hat and held it before him in both hands. For unhappy business, Kazsmer. Most unhappy.

    A tickle of fear itched his chest and he raised a brow.

    I fear you would have had to close your show at any rate. Your Rose…aw Christ, Leo. You’d best come see for yourself. It’s horrible. Horrible!

    Chapter Three

    CASTING A GLANCE toward the immobile Raj, Leopold donned his coat and hat and followed the inspector out the door. It looked as if Raj would get his whist game with Eurynomos after all. Though there was no telling if the stagehands would suddenly return.

    It seemed Leopold’s days consisted of London’s misty cobblestoned lanes and the faint glow of its new electric lights powered by steam generators, competing with the old gas lamps. Dim shadowy figures of street hustlers, prostitutes, and gambling men, staggering either to or from their local public houses completed his society.

    Above the rooftops, a slow-moving dirigible chugged through the sooty skies. It belched puffs of black smoke behind it as it trundled along, its dim lanterns hanging fore and aft glowing fitfully in the gloomy air. Another one, moving perpendicular to it, soared slowly overhead like some wheezing leviathan, its pistons squeaking with each turn of its huge gears. Leopold heard the faint clang of two bells ring from its nether gondola, and he watched the airmen through its lighted windows move steadily about.

    Despite the fact that Parliament had declared that they weren’t supposed to sail the dashed things at night after a certain hour, the dirigible companies flouted the laws. They had Parliament in their pockets, so it was said. Or at least the hearty seal of approval from the Prince Consort. After all, many of the dirigible concerns were owned by men whose surnames were Saxe-Coburg.

    Leopold shivered as the dark shadow of the flying machine passed over him. He turned away from it and followed Thacker down the dimmer streets of the East End where he knew his former assistants Ruby and Rose shared a flat. They made careful their comings and goings, as they didn’t want anyone to know that there was more than one of them. Twin assistants were crucial to any magician’s routine. How else was an enchanter to dissemble, that he could make a woman disappear in one place only to have her reappear in the next? Two flexible girls to fit into tight spaces was the secret.

    Leopold asked no questions as they made their way down an alley. An undertaker’s carriage waited at the mouth of the narrow passage, nearly blocking their path to the street beyond to the boarding house Thacker was leading him to. Uniformed police, smart in their long blue coats and custodian helmets, milled about below the steps.

    Leopold studied the brick building, much like any other sooty brick structure along any London street. A sign hung above the door: Morningstar Boarding House for Ladies. Women in dressing gowns were leaning out the windows in the upper floors and looking down with tired faces and wary eyes.

    What has happened here, Thacker? asked Leopold.

    It’s best you see. Come along.

    The policeman didn’t stop Thacker from climbing the steps, but he did eye Leopold with a narrowed expression.

    They emerged onto a checkered-tile entry and followed the noise of weeping to the open doorway down the corridor, where another uniformed copper stood guard.

    Leopold smelled it before seeing it, but it still gave him pause. The metallic tang of it hit the back of his throat first. He was well accustomed to blood, its smell, its sticky wetness, for he had bled himself so many times over the years, summoning Eurynomos, that it had become as familiar as his shaving potion. But to see so much of it all at once…

    He noticed the patterned wallpaper first. The dingy flowers were smeared with one long swipe of bloody fingers. The window sill was likewise smeared as if someone had taken a mop drenched with it, and carelessly sopped the sill and window glass.

    A table sat in the center of the floor and on it was a shrouded body. The sheet was blotched with blood. It could only be Rose. For a moment, Leopold thought that there was a red rug beneath it, until more of the blood from the table dripped into the pool.

    He swallowed. What was this horror? Did they expect him to look at the…at her?

    A man in a white surgeon’s coat approached. He was bald but had white mutton chops curving up his face into a broad mustache. He gestured toward the body. Chief Inspector? he queried.

    Yes. Thacker was not unmoved. He wiped his dingy handkerchief down his sweaty face. This is my associate, Mr. Kazsmer.

    Sir, said the man with a bow. He did not question Leopold’s credentials. I am Doctor Woodbine. What you are about to see may shock you.

    Go on, said Thacker, unsteadily. Leopold nearly grabbed his arm in protest. He glanced desperately at Thacker but the man’s attention lay with the body on the table. Woodbine approached the corpse, grasped the edge of the sheet, and tossed it back.

    Leopold gasped. Several things accosted him at once. For one, it was indeed the missing Rose. The other was that she was nude, and at this, he inhaled sharply. The Romani who raised him were a strict lot, and for all the outward wanton sexuality the women sometimes exhibited when they danced, any state of undress was strictly forbidden. And Leopold’s own inexperience caused him constant frustration backstage. Actresses, it seemed, had very loose morals.

    He tightened his jaw and girded himself. His collar felt hot and he gulped down the bile that threatened to rise. The third thing he noticed was that a perfectly rectangular hole was cut into her abdomen where one surely should not be, leaving it open and exposed, the skin peeled back like a book cover. The fourth thing was that there was nothing inside her empty exposed ribcage but a few yards of folded and coiled intestines.

    He yanked a handkerchief from his pocket, shoved it into his face, and raced from the room. He barely made it outside before he vomited over the side of the stoop, nearly splashing the copper.

    You all right, sir? asked the uniformed man as Leopold heaved once more.

    Leopold wiped his lips, held tight to the railing, and breathed through his mouth. He’d seen a great deal in his young life, but he had never seen anything quite so vile.

    He steadied himself and took a breath. Yes, constable. I’m quite…recovered. He tucked the kerchief away and trudged back up the steps, down the corridor, and into the room once more. He had hoped the doctor would

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