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Every Tenth Lover: The Dangers of Dating a Poet
Every Tenth Lover: The Dangers of Dating a Poet
Every Tenth Lover: The Dangers of Dating a Poet
Ebook109 pages27 minutes

Every Tenth Lover: The Dangers of Dating a Poet

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About this ebook

A memoir of ten relationships, told from falling in love through falling apart, in poetry form. Readers will learn why it's best to ask someone if they're a poet on a first date, to avoid their fate.

PublisherCarrie Moran
Release dateOct 16, 2019
Every Tenth Lover: The Dangers of Dating a Poet

Carrie Moran

Carrie Moran is a queer, feminist & human rights activist, and spends as much time outdoors as possible. She’s a native of Upstate NY, but her heart is scattered everywhere. She's currently a Freelance Creative Consultant, Photographer and Writer. Find more on her website ( and Instagram (@sillycarrs).

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    Book preview

    Every Tenth Lover - Carrie Moran

    Sometimes starting

    is like jumping off a cliff,

    in the dark,


    hoping there is water

    close enough to

    stop your bones from smashing.


    We moved so many times

    her look

    up from the well worn winding sidewalk

    caught me

    and still has not

    let me forget her

    one bedroom


    how can

    so much love

    fit in any space it's given

    being obese

    in a world designed for endless beach days

    hurts less in hindsight

    now I'm tan

    two blizzards


    we lost the dog in the mountainous snow

    I could always find your warm hand

    wrong place

    full of dangerous looks lobbied across open spaces

    we thought it was them

    removing the mirrors from the wall

    a fresh start

    like oranges

    spraying mist on the cracked parts of hands

    it stings

    until we can’t find the sweetness anymore

    you've never been

    to Bumby

    but it looks like the house we dreamed

    except more empty

    To arrive is a calamity

    A darkening forest chases

    Her steps with flowers,

    Beauty always just behind

    A pane of frosted glass.

    Like her heart knows the

    First real time was the last,

    And has no need to hold

    Anything anymore.


    It's too easy

    to flip from calm

    to smoldering

    my bones

    call out with

    fiery tongues

    hands lust

    for a punch

    throb for



    i split seconds

    until regret


    her old patterns

    triggering guilt

    even when

    anger is


    & shelved

    no one shook

    those bottles

    like you


    adj. gradually disappearing or imperfectly developed

    all we have left is rewind,

    taking something fully

    developed off the line,

    into an acid bath,

    sucked back on film,

    reeled to antiquity

    with tiny little clicks;

    a disposable heart,

    put back on her shelf.


    You weren't supposed

    To stop loving me,

    But when you did

    The Earth kept spinning.

    Each day the sun rose softly,

    Fell through night shades,

    Made way for the moon

    With her army of stars

    Yielding to sunrise;

    I belong to the skies.


    Your body, speaking

    Your body speaks

    Like lightning bolts

    Striking dry earth,

    Devastating illumination

    Against darkening night.

    Your voice shivers my spine,

    Sweetens my stomach,

    Sings a siren song;

    Your hands catch me,

    Drag me deeper;

    Your mouth moves

    My hips in a sway,

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