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The Little Book of Big Explorations: Adventures into the Unknown That Changed Everything
The Little Book of Big Explorations: Adventures into the Unknown That Changed Everything
The Little Book of Big Explorations: Adventures into the Unknown That Changed Everything
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The Little Book of Big Explorations: Adventures into the Unknown That Changed Everything

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This is a book about expedition, adventure, our thirst for knowledge and pushing the limits of human endurance.

From the navigational instruments that have led us through unknown lands, to the advanced engineering that carried us into the depths of the ocean, to the rocket science that propelled us into space, science and adventure have always been inextricably linked. Both are at the heart of everything we now know about the complex universe we find ourselves in.

From the groundbreaking sea voyage in 1735 that settled the debate raging between Descartes and Newton about the shape of the earth to the balloon ride that led to the discovery of cosmic rays, we have pushed the limits of what's possible, both on our planet and beyond the clouds.

The Little Book of Big Explorations is a collection of some of the most daring and eye-opening adventures in history that have changed the way we view the world, as well as a look at what's still to be discovered. Our insatiable curiosity has driven our survival as a species and can be charted through the centuries by these incredible voyages of discovery.

Release dateNov 14, 2019
The Little Book of Big Explorations: Adventures into the Unknown That Changed Everything

Jheni Osman

Jheni Osman is a science presenter, journalist and author. Her books include 100 Ideas That Changed the World (BBC Books) and The World's Great Wonders (Lonely Planet). She writes for BBC Focus magazine, and presents for BBC Radio 4's Costing the Earth and SciTech Voyager for TRT World. She is former Editor of BBC Focus magazine. Before that she played tennis professionally, representing Great Britain, playing at junior Wimbledon and modelling for Nike. Her love of wildlife and adventure developed while growing up in the Caribbean. She has travelled extensively, lived in Istanbul, been involved in conservation projects, swum with whale sharks and climbed to the summit of Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc.

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    The Little Book of Big Explorations - Jheni Osman





    Other titles in the series

    The Little Book of Big History

    The Little Book of Big Ideas


    First published in Great Britain in 2019 by Michael O’Mara Books Limited

    9 Lion Yard

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    Copyright © Michael O’Mara Books Limited 2019

    All rights reserved. You may not copy, store, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

    ISBN: 978-1-78929-079-0 in hardback print format

    ISBN: 978-1-78929-175-9 in trade paperback print format

    ISBN: 978-1-78929-080-6 in ebook format

    For Max and Dad, who also love to explore this incredible planet.



    Part 1: Adventures in Unknown Lands

    Part 2: Uncharted Seas

    Part 3: Ocean Depths

    Part 4: Space Missions

    Part 5: Adventures Yet to Come


    Picture Credits



    Curiosity is innate in all of us. Without it, we would not have evolved into the technologically advanced species that we are today. Our insatiable appetite for knowledge has driven us to explore the unknown, pushing scientific, technical and geographical boundaries. And, while one person may gain the credit for going where no person has gone before, in reality there are many people working behind the scenes to enable such a feat. For example, when Neil Armstrong first set foot on the moon, it was the culmination of thousands of hours and different expertise that helped him take that giant leap for humankind. When Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh dived to the depths of Challenger Deep, a whole team of experts supported them at the surface 11 kilometres above. And Henry Walter Bates’ decade-long adventures in the Amazon were possible only with the help of local guides and their knowledge.

    Scientific discovery is the same. As Isaac Newton famously said: ‘If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’ While a scientific breakthrough can come from the germ of an idea, years of observation and experimentation often follow before there is a paradigm shift in our knowledge. For example, Charles Darwin’s voyage on HMS Beagle sowed the seeds for his ideas about how species evolve, but he took many years to pull together all his evidence before publishing his theory of evolution by natural selection. And, though it may be true that scientific breakthroughs are often made in the lab, sometimes it is only by voyaging to the final frontiers and physically exploring unknown worlds that groundbreaking discoveries can be made or verified.

    This book focuses on the expeditions that have changed our understanding of science. So, while the likes of Marco Polo, Gertrude Bell and Edmund Hillary were great explorers, their expeditions are not included here as they didn’t fundamentally contribute to our scientific understanding.

    We can often get rather blasé about our forays into unknown worlds. For example, every day it seems that another space mission launches – nowadays to very little fanfare. It’s so easy to forget just how challenging it must be to create a machine that will blast through the atmosphere, voyage millions of kilometres across the cosmos and slingshot into orbit around some alien world before touching down to explore the hostile environment and send back reams of data that continue to build on our knowledge of our cosmic neighbourhood and beyond. However, it’s often said that we know more about space than we do about the oceans here on Planet Earth. It’s certainly true that over the last few decades we have explored many of the extraordinary worlds that exist in our solar system, and yet only a handful of people have been to the deepest parts of our oceans. Experts estimate that 83 per cent of the world’s land surface has now been transformed in some way by humans, but there remain pockets where few have ventured – areas of Papua New Guinea or the hostile wilderness of the Darién Gap between Panama and Colombia – and which remain ripe for scientific discovery.

    From caves to mountains, the depths of the oceans to the outer reaches of space, many of these regions would be better left untouched by human hands. Yet, it’s a fine balance: it is only through scientific exploration that humans and other species will be able to survive the environmental onslaught currently being wreaked upon this planet.

    Historically, explorers tended to be from wealthy backgrounds. Today, while major expeditions still require funding and support, many of us are able to explore this incredible world for ourselves and contribute to scientific discovery. Through reading about great adventures that have changed our understanding of the world in which we live, maybe this book will inspire you to set off on your own journey of discovery – a journey that could also one day change the face of science.

    PART 1


    Early human ancestors began migrating out of Africa possibly as far back as 2 million years ago. Travelling on land, they spread out across the globe – through the Arabian Peninsula and into the vast landmass of Eurasia. Not even a bitter ice age could stop these curious migrants, searching for a better life and new terrain to settle on. Fast forward a few millennia and intrepid explorers are still venturing across land on voyages of discovery, intent on learning more about every corner of our planet.


    A herd of reindeer saunter along the valley of rugged tundra that is cradled by snow-capped mountains. The low sun glints on the river, swollen by snowmelt. This is Lapland at its finest. Lines in hand, the men fish for their supper. Meals usually consist of smoked Arctic char or reindeer with a bit of bread made from pine bark, and a pudding of berries.

    The team are almost halfway through their five-month trip, which started in the town of Uppsala, just north of Stockholm, then hugged the coast up to the remote realms of Lapland, taking the odd detour inland. Leading the group is the young botanist Carl Linnaeus, who will go on to become one of the most renowned scientists of his day and whose work helped lay the foundations of biological sciences.

    Linnaeus was born in the village of Råshult in southern Sweden in 1707. As a boy, he reportedly learnt Latin before Swedish, which could explain why he came up with the binomial system of giving every creature and plant a double-barrelled Latin name made up of its genus and species. So, for example, brown trout are Salmo trutta. In his vast encyclopaedia, Systema Naturae, he divided life into kingdoms, then each one into phylum, then class, order, family, genus and, finally, species.

    Interestingly, Linnaeus came up with the system as a sort of shorthand to help him define in his own mind groups of species. He could never have imagined how it would go on to be such a bedrock of biology. By the time of his death in 1778, he had given binomial names to about 14,000 species. Today, around 1.5 million have a Latin name.

    Hierarchy of biological classification

    Linnaeus travelled extensively during his lifetime and was just twenty-five years old when he led the Lapland expedition. The trip was sponsored by the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala, where he taught at the university. While collecting specimens was a key aim of the expedition, the patrons also wanted him to gather information on the Sami – semi-nomadic people who survived by fishing, fur trapping and herding reindeer. A bit like modern-day bioprospectors studying the ways of indigenous tribes in the hope of finding cures to deadly diseases, Linnaeus had been tasked with studying how the Sami used medicinal plants. The hope was that he would bring back knowledge that could cure some of the terrible diseases of the day.

    The expedition was fairly successful. Linnaeus not only acquired valuable knowledge about the Sami, such as learning about flora like the Angelica plant (a mainstay of the Sami diet that was thought to cure the plague); but he also kept a detailed journal and made many drawings of the species he encountered, as well as bringing back pressed plant specimens for later analysis.

    Linnaeus was, however, slightly cheeky in moulding the truth about the extent of the journey. As he was being paid by the kilometre, he claimed the group had travelled over 7,200 kilometres and made one extra detour inland, when in fact they had covered half that distance. But that doesn’t diminish his achievement at such a young age for cataloguing so much about Arctic life.

    This was just the start of an incredibly successful career. Indeed, after his visit to London, in 1736, the Chelsea Physic Garden was rearranged according to his classification system. And some even claim that Charles Darwin might not have come up with his tree of life without Linnaean classification. Linnaeus’s influential work is recognized on Swedish currency – his favourite flower (Linnaea borealis) appears on the 20-kroner note, while his face is on the 100-kroner note. He certainly deserves his place in the hearts of his countrymen and in the annals of science.


    The sails billow in the breeze. From behind the clouds, the winter sun makes an appearance. The noisy Spanish port of Cadiz echoes in the distance. Ahead lies adventure. On board are the crew and numerous members of the French Academy of Sciences, led by astronomer Louis Godin, as well as two Spanish naval lieutenants they’d picked up in Cadiz. This French–Spanish collaboration is to be the first truly international expedition ever to be undertaken.

    It was November 1735. The final destination: Quito, Peru. The aim: to end a long-running dispute between the supporters of English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton and French mathematician René Descartes. Descartes claimed that Earth was elongated at the poles and shaped a bit like a lemon; Newton said it was flattened at the poles, like a grapefruit, because of the force exerted on it due to the rotation of the planet.

    The expedition would end the dispute and change our view of the world. Yet it wasn’t an overnight success – the trip lasted many years, for all sorts of reasons: sickness, fatal duels, poor planning and leadership, the complex nature of the calculations involved, and funds running out halfway through.

    The problems began on the journey to Peru, when Godin fell in love with a prostitute and squandered a large sum of cash on expensive jewellery for her. That was just the start of Godin’s failings. Not only was he utterly useless at taking care of the finances but he also proved to be a terrible manager, which led to bitter infighting within the group. Eventually, astronomer Pierre Bouguer took over.

    The voyage to South America was the easy bit. Once there the men fought dangerous rapids, battled boggy roads and hacked their way through dense forest. By the time they made it to Quito they were exhausted and decrepit. They spent a few weeks recovering, and then started their scientific work.

    The project proved to be hugely time-consuming due to its complexity and scale. The aim was to measure the length of a degree of latitude and compare it to a measurement taken back in France before the team left. From that they would be able to calculate the shape of the Earth using a combination of star sightings to determine latitude and a surveying technique known as triangulation.

    Using trigonometry, you can calculate the height (h) of a mountain if you know the baseline length (I) and angles (α and β)

    The reason they had travelled halfway around the globe to do this was that the length of a degree of latitude differs at different points on Earth because the planet’s curvature is not uniform. So the further one is from the equator, the larger the distance of one degree of latitude. And taking measurements at two points that are very far apart would produce a more accurate calculation of Earth’s shape.

    The team started off by measuring a relatively flat stretch of land not far from Quito. After carefully surveying the terrain, using long wooden poles to build up a chain of triangles stretching for hundreds of kilometres, they then calculated the angles of the triangles using a heavy cast-iron instrument known as a quadrant, which they had to lug up and down mountains. Once they had these measurements, they took star sightings to work out the exact latitude and from that were able to accurately calculate the distance of one degree of latitude at the equator. Finally, they were able to compare the curvature of the Earth at the equator with the curvature in France, and hence work out the shape of the planet.

    In total, the expedition lasted a decade. It was a long, arduous trip, beset by difficulties. At one point, one of the team realized that two years worth of measurements had all been in vain and had to be redone because of an incorrect star-sighting method. But, despite the setbacks, when the team (or those left of them) returned to Europe, the expedition was hailed a success. They had not only confirmed that Newton was right about the grapefruit-shaped Earth (which transformed naval navigation), but they had also made all sorts of other discoveries – from finding new medicinal plants previously unknown in Europe to geological breakthroughs, such as Bouguer being the first to show the effect of a mountain mass on a plumb line. (A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string, used to determine a vertical line down to the ground. Bouguer worked out that if a huge mass such as a mountain is nearby, its gravitational attraction slightly deflects the plumb line.)

    Indeed, following this expedition, Europeans began to view South America in a different light – with all the cultural and scientific discoveries of the time, it’s no wonder that this era became known as the Age of Enlightenment.


    Screaming, followed by a gunshot, echo across the sea. The crew rush to see what has caused the commotion. A 2-metre-long snake lies dead on the deck. It had escaped from the enormous jar it had been stashed in, and immediately fell victim to a terrified servant of the duchess.

    The creature had been one of a collection of prized possessions of physician, collector and botanist Hans Sloane. He was returning from fifteen months in the Jamaican sunshine, where he had been working as the physician to the Duke of Albemarle – who was now lying dead in a casket on board the ship, having passed away at a fairly young age.

    In 1687, the duke had been appointed Governor of Jamaica. He’d asked Sloane to accompany him and his wife to the island to work as their physician. Sloane couldn’t resist the draw of adventure. What he probably hadn’t accounted for was the world he was about to step foot in.

    Jamaica was an English royal colony and the Duke of Albemarle had been sent to the island to help establish imperial control. This was the heyday of the transatlantic slave trade. Between 1450 and 1850, at least 12 million Africans were shipped across the ocean to colonies in the Americas and West Indies. The conditions were appalling on board – slaves were packed together and shackled in the cargo holds. It is estimated that around 20 per cent of them died on the voyage. And the fate of those that survived wasn’t much better – forced to do backbreaking work on plantations across the colonies.

    Sloane’s main job in Jamaica was to tend to the health of the Duke of Albemarle and his retinue, but he seized the opportunity to explore this exotic island and spent any free time he had collecting hundreds of plant and animal specimens as well as writing notes on the flora, fauna and local customs.

    Sloane did not appear to be concerned by the slave trade as he experienced it. He enlisted a number of slaves to help him collect specimens, and made notes in his journals about aspects of slave life and that of their masters – even noting details of the plants that were transferred from Africa to the colonies by slave traders.

    His journals were also packed with information on the island’s topography, weather and natural phenomena such as earthquakes, as well as detailed drawings of the exotic species he encountered and collected. Featured among his illustrations were the cocoa plant and an accompanying description of how the islanders prepared it as a medicine. Sloane found their preparation hard to digest, though, so he started mixing it with milk, which made it far more palatable. Upon his return to the UK, he marketed ‘drinking chocolate’ for its medicinal value, making a small fortune from it. Many years later, two brothers by the name of Cadbury spotted its potential – and the rest is history.

    Back in London, Sloane set up a medical practice but continued to add to his ever-growing collection, for which many items were imported on slave ships. His house became a veritable ‘cabinet of curiosities’, overflowing with stuffed creatures, plants, gems and other paraphernalia, such as a shoe made of human skin and ‘ear ticklers’ from China. Influential people would visit to view his collections. One such was botanist Carl Linnaeus (see here), whose famous work Species Plantarum was influenced by Sloane’s notes and illustrations.

    Upon Sloane’s death in 1753, his wish that the vast collection of curiosities remain together was granted and the British Museum was founded to store it. It was the first public museum in the world.

    So Sloane was a philanthropist, but also a man who became rich off the trappings of the slave trade – a lifestyle that all started with that expedition to Jamaica.


    Brandy and courage both played their part in conquering Europe’s highest mountain. Twenty-six-year-old Jacques Balmat lived with his wife in the Chamonix Valley at the foot of Mont Blanc. He earned a small wage selling crystals to collectors and hunting chamois, a species of goat-antelope. So, in 1786, when he heard about a Geneva-based scientist offering a cash prize to climb to the summit of Mont Blanc, he jumped at the chance.

    Telling his wife that he was off to sell some crystals, he filled his gourd with brandy and set off to attempt to climb the formidable peak. But in those days there was no known route to the top, so this climbing challenge wasn’t just physical but navigational, too.

    After spending hours hunting for routes past inaccessible outcrops and deep crevasses, Balmat was eventually forced down by bad weather – although he had to spend the night on the mountain before making it safely back home.

    In the eighteenth century, only those hunting chamois or crystals would risk venturing on to glaciers or climbing passes. Mountains were seen as fearsome mystical places, definitely not somewhere to be trapped on overnight. But, undeterred, Balmat tried again a few weeks later, having on the way picked up a companion – in the form of Chamonix doctor, Michel-Gabriel Paccard – and some more brandy. Maybe it was the brandy, their tenacity or sheer good fortune with the weather, but on 8 August 1786, the pair made it to the summit.

    ‘I had reached the goal where no one had as yet been – not even the eagle nor the chamois,’ Balmat later remarked.

    Whether it was true that no eagle had ever landed on the top of Mont Blanc, no one knows. But what was verified was the fact that the pair reached the summit, as their progress was monitored through a telescope by a group of intrigued onlookers.

    Paccard had packed a compass, a thermometer and a barometer to take measurements throughout their expedition. He also collected rock samples and noted a number of species – a butterfly, a fly and a type of bird known as a snow bunting – that had never been seen

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