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Evolution's Final Days: The Mounting Evidence Disproving the Theory of Evolution: Evolution Problems, Myth, Hoax, Fraud, Flaws
Evolution's Final Days: The Mounting Evidence Disproving the Theory of Evolution: Evolution Problems, Myth, Hoax, Fraud, Flaws
Evolution's Final Days: The Mounting Evidence Disproving the Theory of Evolution: Evolution Problems, Myth, Hoax, Fraud, Flaws
Ebook91 pages1 hour

Evolution's Final Days: The Mounting Evidence Disproving the Theory of Evolution: Evolution Problems, Myth, Hoax, Fraud, Flaws

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The Theory of Evolution Is In a Crisis

Updated 2nd edition is packed with new proof, new chapters, and includes sources to all information!

"In China we can criticize Darwin, but not the government. In America, you can criticize the government, but not Darwin." - Jun-Yuan Chen (Paleontologist)

In this groundbreaking book, John Morrison examines the theory of evolution currently being taught in high schools and colleges across the world. This planet was once nothing but liquid and gas but somehow, over billions of years, the countless number of living organisms currently on earth came into existence. This includes humans descending from apes.

Once the currently taught theory is understood, John then proceeds to explain what the textbooks don't teach which puts the theory of evolution in a new light. Once you're done reading Evolution's Final Days, you'll realize that the theory of evolution could never have happened in the way scientists proclaim, and the many reasons why new theories are not currently being taught. You'll understand why we need to stand up as a community, and fight for science to be taught as it was intended. And you'll come to know why the theory of evolution is truly in its final days!

Whether you're new to the theory of evolution or have your PhD, this book will truly make you question what you have been told, and you'll be sure to learn new information you may have never knew existed.

As a complimentary bonus, only for book buyers, you'll receive John's special report titled The Top 5 World Mysteries. This special report is not available to the general public, or anywhere else. It exists solely as a "thank you" to buyers of this book.

Learn the truth about the theory of evolution. Click the "Buy Now" button at the top of the page and start reading Evolution's Final Days right now!

PublisherZML Corp LLC
Release dateApr 22, 2022
Evolution's Final Days: The Mounting Evidence Disproving the Theory of Evolution: Evolution Problems, Myth, Hoax, Fraud, Flaws

John Morrison

John Morrison received a BS degree in Physics from University of Santa Clara in California. During his undergraduate years, he majored in English, Philosophy, and Physics and served as the editor of the campus literary magazine, the Owl. Enrolling at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, he received a PhD degree in theoretical Physics and moved on to postdoctoral research at Argonne National Laboratory where he was a member of the Heavy Atom Group. He then went to Sweden where he received a grant from the Swedish Research Council to build up a research group in theoretical atomic physics at Chalmers Technical University in Goteborg, Sweden. Working together with Ingvar Lindgren, he taught a graduate level-course in theoretical atomic physics for a number of years. Their teaching lead to the publication of the monograph, Atomic Many-Body Theory, which first appeared as Volume 13 of the Springer Series on Chemical Physics. The second edition of this book has become a Springer classic. Returning to the United States, John Morrison obtained a position in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of Louisville where he has taught courses in elementary physics, astronomy, modern physics, and quantum mechanics. In recent years, he has traveled extensively in Latin America and the Middle East maintaining contacts with scientists and mathematicians at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Technion University in Haifa. During the Fall semester of 2009, he taught a course on computational physics at Birzeit University near Ramallah on the West Bank, and he has recruited Palestinian students for the graduate program in physics at University of Louisville. He speaks English, Swedish, and Spanish, and he is currently studying Arabic and Hebrew.

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    Book preview

    Evolution's Final Days - John Morrison

    Evolution’s Final Days

    The Mounting Evidence Disproving The Theory of Evolution

    2nd Edition

    By John Morrison

    Copyright © 2022

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 9781393071495

    Published by ZML Corp LLC


    Evolution’s Final Days



    Part 1: History of Evolution

    Part 2: Microevolution

    Free Gift

    Part 3: Macroevolution

    Part 4: Reproduction

    Part 5: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

    Part 6: Irreducible Complexity

    Part 7: Vestigial Organs

    Part 8: Humans are 99% Identical to Chimpanzees

    Part 9: The Fossil Record

    Part 10: Questioning Evolution

    Part 11: The Origin of Life

    Part 12: Effects of DNA Mutations

    Final Thoughts


    This book is written for informational and entertainment purposes only. The author and publisher are not affiliated with any schools, organizations, or persons mentioned in this book. All information contained is deemed accurate up until the publishing date. Affiliate links may be present throughout the book which provide a small commission to the publishing company. It is illegal to copy or distribute any part of this book without written consent from the author or publisher. Written by John Morrison, published by ZML Corp LLC. Copyright © 2022, all rights reserved.



    My name is John Morrison. I was born in Newburgh, New York, United States and raised in a Christian household. I classified myself as a Christian until the end of my college years when I started shying away from organized religion. As I studied more, I began to find myself claiming to be spiritual, as many would say, and not a part of any particular religion or denomination. In other words, I have no preset motive when presenting evidence in this book, nor am I trying to push any religious agenda. I am merely presenting facts as they relate to evolution, and allowing you to draw your own logical conclusions.

    I’m quite analytical in nature, looking at the evidence presented in an argument before drawing conclusions and making a decision. With that said, ever since I was first taught the theory of evolution during high school, I’ve had more questions than answers. Where are all the transitionary fossils? Why have we never been able to create life ourselves? How were organisms able to originally reproduce?

    While delving deeper into evolutionary theory during college, I quickly learned students were supposed be quiet, not ask questions, and just accept that evolution happened as presented. I would compare it to when the government told us going to war in Vietnam would be good for the country, and to just accept their advice and support the war. If logical facts were presented by scientists which could justify the theory of evolution, facts which could clearly show how life on earth formed, I would be more than willing to accept the theory. But to present something as a scientific theory that has so many holes and presumptions, while at the same time not allowing for alternative explanations, is never how science was intended to operate.

    In high school and college classes around the world, the theory of evolution is taught as a fact. It begins with the origin of life from non-living substances and proceeds through humans evolving from chimpanzees. But as you may recall, many parts of the evolutionary process are skipped over or not even mentioned when the subject is taught. Why is this? It’s because they have no explanation for them!

    In this novel, I will go over the many holes in the theory of evolution which biology textbooks fail to mention. I will show you how the world gravitates towards disorder, and why the theory of evolution doesn’t fit within the framework of our planet. I will dive into the scientific community and explain why questioning evolution results in ridicule and ex-communication. And I will prove to you why evolution, as presented by the scientific community, could have never happened and is not a viable explanation for how life on this planet originated.

    Part 1: History of Evolution


    For thousands of years, humans have been coming up with ideas to explain how our world operates and how we got here. We are fascinated by the complexity and intricacies of our world and have a lust to explain it. Before the 1800's, there weren’t many good ideas to explain the existence of human life. Many scientists held Christian-Judeo beliefs and debated on when God created humanity as opposed to how life actually started. Scientists at the time believed life forms were fixed. In other words, everything was created as it was and nothing changed. In the early 1800's, a group of scientists began quietly questioning this notion.

    Jean-Baptiste Lamarck is considered the first evolutionist, briefly predating Charles Darwin. He held a belief known as soft inheritance, or use and disuse. This belief stated that organisms do change over time, and this change was related to adaptations while living (which were passed on to offspring).

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