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Celestial Celeste
Celestial Celeste
Celestial Celeste
Ebook33 pages17 minutes

Celestial Celeste

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About this ebook

Join captain Celeste and her crew in an epic multi-dimensional struggle to stop the looming calamity of their own creation.

This cosmic drama, spanning multiple universes, tries to convey the importance of knowledge, responsibility, and sacrifice for the betterment of society. In a setting where consciousness is vital to the utopian equilibrium, where celestial objects share a unique bond with all living creatures, the most advanced utopian race of one thriving galaxy reaches another evolutionary level which brings them in contact with a new energy source. This multi-dimensional particulate substance, provided by the stars themselves, proves to be fraught with danger, and still shrouded in mystery.

The arrogant beliefs of the thriving Zygnian society along with their self-perception of omniscience will lead them to the brink of extinction; their flawed knowledge of cosmic laws which govern their own universe will cause a potential destruction of multiple universes.

Their fight to prevent their own demise will confront them, once again, with a realization that there is still much to learn, that the great unknown will never be fully understood, not even by the utopian society such as their own.

The mysteries of cosmos never cease to amaze us, as the sheer abundance of never-ending beauty pushes us forward in our incessant quest for elucidations of life.

Release dateDec 13, 2019
Celestial Celeste

Damir Franusic

Damir Franusic was born in Zagreb in 1981. At the age of ten he started his incessant journey to becoming a software developer, but he always felt the need to express himself in some other manner, completely unrelated to IT. He was always attracted to poetry and fascinated by the longevity of literature in comparison to evanescence of software and technology.Torn asunder by the fact that an inner poet might be suppressed in his subconscious, he finally decided to release it, embrace the polarity, and pursue this long dormant dream of becoming a published author. During the last six months of 2019, Damir has become an active member of writing community and has decided to pursue this new path with zeal and curiosity.

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    Book preview

    Celestial Celeste - Damir Franusic


    Celestial Celeste

    Damir Franusic

    November, 2019


    1 Utopia

    2 The scintilla drive

    3 The parley

    4 The crew

    5 The speed limit

    6 The convergence

    7 The eternal shine

    Chapter 1


    A long time ago in a universe adjacent to our own, there existed a thriving galaxy of splendor, the Zygnus-GX. Among a myriad of stars, planets, and their moons, only a few possessed conditions suitable for the evolution of super-human intelligence unlike anything known to us Earthlings. Although the galaxy was populated by various life forms, one stranger than the other, the inhabitants of a planet Zygnus-Z5, a part of Zygnus-Z system, were very human-like. Their medium sized planet orbited a red giant named Zygni-X1, a star similar to our own Sun, only much older and of greater luminosity.

    Given the size and age of the life giving companion, their planet’s trajectory was kept at a safe distance. For a society endowed with such immense wisdom, their technological marvels existed in harmony with their home world. Slight adjustments in planet’s trajectory were considered a routine, as the very essence which fueled their society was their strange telepathic connection with the life force of their planet. Their home was orbited by four vastly different moons; the equilibrium of this entire system was flawless. Such amalgamation of intelligence, benevolence, and symbiosis was merely a dream for

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