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Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine: From principles to practice
Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine: From principles to practice
Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine: From principles to practice
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Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine: From principles to practice

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Globally, the way the animal production industry copes with infectious diseases is changing. The (excessive) use of antimicrobials is under debate and it is becoming standard practice to implement thorough biosecurity plans on farms to prevent the entry and spread of pathogenic micro-organisms. Not only in farm animal production, but also in facilities where companion animals are kept, including in veterinary practices and clinics, awareness of the beneficial implications of a good biosecurity plan has raised. The book Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine is the first compilation of both fundamental aspects of biosecurity practices, and specific and practical information on the application of the biosecurity measures in different animal production and animal housing settings.

The book starts with a general introductory chapter on the epidemiology of infectious diseases, followed by a chapter explaining the general principles of biosecurity. Specific topics of biosecurity, including rodent and insect control, cleaning and disinfection, hygiene and decontamination of feed, drinking water and air, and measuring the biosecurity status of farms, are detailed in dedicated chapters. Explanations on the relevance of the implementation of biosecurity plans in order to improve animal health and performance and reduce antimicrobial usage are described, and a chapter on ways to motivate farmers to implement a biosecurity plan has been included. Practical chapters deal with biosecurity in the poultry, pig and cattle industry, horse facilities, dog kennels, veterinary practices and clinics and laboratory animal facilities.

The book is a practical guide that can be used by farm and animal facility managers, consultants, veterinarians, animal caretakers, and people with an interest in prevention of diseases in animals. Academics and students will benefit from the book because it contains all relevant information on animal biosecurity.
Release dateDec 23, 2019
Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine: From principles to practice

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    Biosecurity in Animal Production and Veterinary Medicine - Jeroen Dewulf

    Preface on biosecurity in animal production and veterinary medicine

    Veterinary medicine is an interdisciplinary field, the goal of which is to minimise the impact of animal diseases through both prevention and treatment. In view of the growing issue of antimicrobial resistance, it has become more important than ever to not only focus on treating disease but also on maintaining the health of animals and avoiding the introduction or development of diseases. Biosecurity is defined in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code as a set of management and physical measures designed to reduce the risk of introduction, establishment and spread of animal diseases, infections or infestations to, from and within an animal population. These preventive, non-medication-based measures are relevant for the maintenance of animal health, and by extension, of food production, food safety, and biodiversity.

    Furthermore, the principles of biosecurity are necessary not just for limiting the spread of pathogens between animals, but also from animals to humans and from humans to animals. This integrated approach is well known as the ‘One Health’ concept, which recognises that human health is intrinsically linked to animal health and the environment. In accordance with this concept, biosecurity is a holistic concept, whereby disease prevention strategies applied to the protection of animal health also serves to preserve the environment and protect human health.

    Since its creation in 1924, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has been actively engaged in the prevention and control of animal and zoonotic disease, particularly through the development of standards. As most emerging infectious diseases have the potential to cross national borders with significant inherent trade implications, international collaboration against biological risks is crucial. The OIE promotes transparency and a better understanding of the global animal disease situation by collecting, analysing and disseminating animal health information, strengthening international coordination and cooperation in the control of animal diseases and zoonoses, and ensuring the safety of international trade of animals and their products. The cornerstone of the successful implementation of biosecurity practices within the international community is the compliance of Member Countries with OIE standards and guidelines, which the OIE supports through training where necessary, and through making available appropriate tools and human resources, in particular for developing countries.

    The OIE, National Veterinary Services and livestock producers will benefit from the comprehensive information included in the book ‘Biosecurity in animal production and veterinary medicine’, edited by Profs. Dewulf and Van Immerseel and co-authored by a wide range of international experts from different institutes and industries. It provides a compilation of both the fundamental aspects of biosecurity practices as well as specific and practical information on the application of biosecurity measures in different animal production and animal husbandry settings. In this book, readers will find explanations about the relevance of biosecurity planning for the improvement of animal health and production, as well as for reducing the need for the use of antimicrobials. Practical examples such as those on the implementation of biosecurity that is specially adapted to different animal species will facilitate awareness and motivation among farmers.

    The book is a practical guide that can be used by farm and animal facility managers, consultants, veterinarians, animal caretakers, and people with an interest in the prevention of diseases in animals. Academics and students will also benefit from this comprehensive compilation on animal biosecurity. This book contains fundamental information that anyone involved in animal biosecurity should be aware of, and it will contribute to the prevention of diseases in animals and humans while preserving the environment.

    Elisabeth Erlacher-Vindel,

    Head of the Science and New Technologies Department, OIE



    Magdalena Dunowska

    1 Introduction

    A variety of transmissible agents can cause disease in animals. These include viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Within each of these main groups there are hundreds of potential pathogens with unique biological characteristics and life cycles. Our understanding of the causative relationships between infectious agents and disease has evolved over the years. While the canonical Koch’s postulates presumed a simple direct relationship between a pathogen and disease, even Koch himself predicted the inadequacy of such an assumption in all situations (Fredericks & Relman, 1996). Today, we have a much better appreciation of the multifactorial nature of many diseases, and the complexity of events that determine not only the outcome of infection for each individual, but also the ability of pathogens to spread within populations. Understanding these complex interactions is necessary for the implementation of effective infection control programs.

    New technologies have facilitated advanced molecular research and a sharp increase in our knowledge of the microbial world over the past 20-30 years. At the same time, rapid technological development has also created new challenges. The ever-increasing density of people has led to intensification of agriculture and change of land use through activities such as irrigation, deforestation or urbanisation. These changes have been accompanied by increased international travel, as well as increased international trade of animals and animal-derived products. The association between such anthropogenic activities and the emergence of diseases is fairly well recognised (Mackenzie & Jeggo, 2013). Human encroachment on wildlife habitats has created increased opportunities for cross-species transfer and potential for emergence of new zoonotic diseases, as we have seen with cases of Hendra virus in Australia, Nipah virus in Malaysia or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus in China (Plowright et al., 2015). What once may have been confined to a few localised cases of disease now has a potential to spread throughout the world within days. As an example, about 8,000 cases and 900 deaths in 30 countries were traced back to a single SARS-infected person staying overnight at the Metropole hotel in Hong Kong (Mackenzie & Jeggo, 2013). In 2013-2016 we also witnessed an epidemic of Ebola virus infections in West Africa at the unprecedented scale compared to several previous geographically restricted outbreaks (Shultz, Espinel, Espinola, & Rechkemmer, 2016).

    Transmission of infectious agents from one host to another is a complex and multi-step process that requires a number of conditions to be fulfilled. Understanding how the pathogens are maintained within individual hosts and within populations enables us to intervene in this process. In a sense, the old saying ‘know your enemy’ is as applicable to people as it is to microbes. The better we understand the ‘offenders’ and the methods they adopt in order to survive and perpetuate themselves, the better we are able to effectively target the most relevant stages in their transmission circles.

    This chapter provides a short overview of the steps necessary for transmission of microscopic pathogens from one host to another. It is not meant to be a comprehensive review of the topic. Instead, it introduces some basic concept, with an emphasis on common principles that can be exploited for the purpose of infection control.

    2 Common steps in transmission of infectious agents

    It is important to consider all potential pathogens that may be encountered in a given situation when designing an effective infection control programme (Morley, 2002; Traub-Dargatz, Dargatz, Morley, & Dunowska, 2004). Many of these pathogens have unique biological properties and life cycles. While this needs to be taken into account, it is often practical to focus on commonalities, as opposed to differences. Route of transmission is one of such characteristics that is often shared by several infectious agents and can therefore be exploited in the design of control measures that are effective against a number of different pathogens. For example, the use of disinfectant foot mats or footbaths helps to minimise the spread of pathogens that transmit via the faecal-oral route (Dunowska, Morley, Patterson, Hyatt, & Van Metre, 2006). Similarly, the use of disposable gloves and/or appropriate hand hygiene is an effective control measure against pathogens that can be transmitted through fomites (Neo, Sagha-Zadeh, Vielemeyer, & Franklin, 2016). In contrast, neither hand hygiene nor disinfectant foot mats/footbaths would be particularly effective in controlling arboviral infections such as Bluetongue or African horse sickness. In order to prevent infections with these arboviruses, measures to control vector population (Culicoides midges) and to minimise contact between midges and susceptible animals would need to be implemented (Maclachlan & Mayo, 2013). These may include elimination of stagnant water (breeding environment for midges), application of insect repellents, use of screens in stables/barns, or keeping the animals indoors at times when the activity of midges is the greatest (dusk/dawn). Concurrently, minimising the density of susceptible animals, for example via vaccination, could also be implemented.

    In general terms, most pathogens have to follow some common steps in order to spread and maintain themselves in populations. These include entry, replication and spread within the host (either locally or systemically), which may or may not be accompanied by disease, and exit to enable infection of the new host (Fig. 1.1). Each of these steps can be targeted by infection control strategies.

    Fig. 1.1: Circle of disease transmission: Common steps in a transmission cycle of infectious pathogens and examples of actions that can facilitate breakage of the cycle.

    Table 1.1: Routes of entry

    ¹ For more examples see: Diseases and Resources by species available at

    2.1 Entry

    Entry of the pathogen can occur via a variety of routes (Table 1.1). Respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts are the most common routes of entry for pathogenic micro-organisms. Some pathogens use one predominant route of entry, while others may use a number of different routes. For example, bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus can enter a new host via a respiratory route (droplet transmission), a venereal route either by natural service or through contaminated equipment used for artificial insemination (fomites). It can also establish infection in a foetus via a transplacental route of entry (Lanyon, Hill, Reichel, & Brownlie, 2014).

    2.2 Incubation period

    Incubation period is defined as a period between the time of infection (entry) and the development of clinical signs of disease. The length of the incubation period may vary from hours (e.g. rotavirus, influenza viruses), days (e.g. foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) virus) to months (e.g. rabies virus) or even years (e.g. ovine progressive pneumonia lentivirus). The period of infectivity defines a period of time during which the animal is infectious to others. It coincides with shedding of infectious pathogens via various routes (exit). Shedding can start at any point in the infection cycle (Fig. 1.2). For example, clinical signs of Maedi-Visna/ovine progressive pneumonia develop years after primary infection with the causative lentivirus (Perez et al., 2013). Throughout this long incubation period, infected animals can transmit the virus to other susceptible animals. In contrast, the incubation period for FMD is short (1-8 days). None-the-less, shedding of FMD virus may also start before infected animals develop the clinical disease (Alexandersen, Quan, Murphy, Knight, & Zhang, 2003) and the virus may be already widespread by the time infected animals are identified and isolated or destroyed. The length of the incubation period is important for the development of quarantine guidelines. Animals should be quarantined for a period of time that exceeds the maximum incubation period of the pathogen in question. Knowledge about the length of the incubation period is also useful for back-tracking animals that have been potentially exposed to the infected individuals.

    Fig. 1.2: Shedding of a pathogen may start after (A) or before (B) development of clinical signs. Some infected animals may shed the pathogen without any overt clinical disease (C). Pathogens that are shed during the incubation period are more difficult to control than those that are shed only after clinical signs of disease are apparent.

    2.3 Spread within the body

    Pathogens may remain at the site of entry and cause localised infections, or may use the initial site of entry as a portal for subsequent systemic dissemination throughout the body. Examples of the former include scabby mouth disease in ruminants caused by a parapox virus infection (Buttner & Rziha, 2002), infected wounds, gastrointestinal infections caused by a variety of viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens (Foster & Smith, 2009) or localised upper respiratory tract infections. Systemic spread from the site of entry may occur via the lymphatics, blood vessels or nerves. Following dissemination of pathogens to various tissues, secondary replication in those tissues may lead to generalised systemic disease. The clinical signs observed are dependent on the organ/tissue predilection of the pathogen and on the extent of tissue damage caused by the infection.

    2.4 Disease

    The severity of disease observed following infection with pathogens varies. It is important to recognise that infection is not synonymous with disease. Diseased animals typically represent the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of all infected animals (Fig. 1.3). They are reasonably easily recognised by skilled observers such as veterinarians, astute owners, farmers, etc., and should be placed under appropriate containment to prevent transmission of infectious agents to other susceptible hosts (either animals or people). In contrast, sub-clinically infected animals are difficult to recognise. They appear clinically normal, and can be identified only through targeted use of appropriate diagnostic tests. Not surprisingly, sub-clinically infected animals often play an important role in the spread of infectious agents and have been implicated in the introduction of pathogens to new geographical areas or disease-free herds (e.g. introduction of FMD to Europe (Sutmoller & Casas, 2002), equine arteritis virus to New Zealand (Horner, 2004), or equine influenza virus to Australia (Watson, Daniels, Kirkland, Carroll, & Jeggo, 2011)).

    Fig. 1.3: The iceberg concept of the maintenance of pathogens in populations. Only a proportion of animals exposed to an infectious agent become infected. Of those, many develop sub-clinical infections and only some become clinically sick. Severely diseased animals are those most noticeable, but they typically form the ‘tip of an iceberg’ of all infected animals. Sub-clinically infected animals are difficult to recognise without targeted surveillance. Therefore, they are important sources of infection for other susceptible animals and play a key role in maintaining infectious agents in populations.

    2.5 Exit

    Pathogens must exit their host in order to initiate infection in a new host. The route of exit is, therefore, inherently linked to the route of entry for many infectious agents. Some pathogens use predominantly, or exclusively, one route of exit. This is particularly true for pathogens that establish localised infections without the systemic spread. Examples include local respiratory tract infections (exit via respiratory secretions), local gastrointestinal tract infections (exit via faeces), or local skin infections (exit via skin). Other pathogens can use several different routes of exit. Pathogens able to cause systemic infections are often shed in various body excretions and secretions. For example, equine arteritis virus (EAV) may be isolated from a variety of tissues and body fluids following infection via a respiratory route (Balasuriya, Go, & MacLachlan, 2013) and classical swine fever virus has been detected in oronasal secretions, conjunctival secretions, urine, faces, semen, and blood from infected pigs (Althouse & Rossow, 2011; E. Weesendorp, A. Stegeman, & W. Loeffen, 2009).

    Some pathogens are not shed in secretions/excretions, even though they may still cause disease in the infected animals. Whether or not such pathogens can be transmitted further varies. For example, many vector-borne infections (e.g. West Nile virus or Bluetongue virus) enlist the help of a blood-sucking insect to ‘exit’ the host through skin. This is also true for Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus when it circulates between mosquitoes and its natural avian hosts. When horses (or people) are bitten by an infected mosquito, they may ‘accidentally’ become infected with the virus and may develop a neurological disease. However, despite severe clinical signs, the level of viraemia in the horse is usually too low to allow infection by mosquitoes and further transmission of the virus. As such, infected horses are ‘dead-end’ hosts for EEE – the virus dies together with its aberrant host (Molaei, Armstrong, Graham, Kramer, & Andreadis, 2015).

    Pathogenic parasites of th e Trichinella species provide an example of yet another way in which infection can be perpetuated in the population in the absence of shedding. This parasitic disease is transmitted via consumption of undercooked meat (common route of infection for people) or carcasses (common route of infection for predatory animals) that contain infectious Trichinella cysts (Pozio, 2015).

    3 Pathways of pathogen transmission

    Traditionally, the transmission of infectious agents has been broken down into three main routes: 1) airborne 2) droplet and 3) contact, each of which requires different infection-control precautions in hospital settings (Siegel, Rhinehart, Jackson, & Committee, 2007). Although these were originally created with human health care settings in mind, the same principles are also applicable to the veterinary field.

    3.1 Main routes

    3.1.1 Airborne

    Conventionally, all respiratory infections were considered to be transmitted via the airborne route. However, to be truly airborne, the infectious agent needs to be dispersed in suspensions of small particles in the air, referred to as infectious aerosols (Fernstrom & Goldblatt, 2013; Gralton, Tovey, McLaws, & Rawlinson, 2011; Seto, 2015). Infectious aerosols are created when pathogens are dispersed in particles smaller than 5 μm, as the particle’s settling time is influenced by its size: smaller particles remain suspended in the air for longer periods of time than the larger ones (Gralton et al., 2011; Seto, 2015). Coincidentally, particles within similar size range can be inhaled directly into the lungs, while particles larger than 10 μm are trapped in the mucous of the upper airways and removed by the cilliary action of the respiratory epithelium (Tellier, 2006). Thus, disease transmission is most likely when infectious particles smaller than 10 μm are generated (Gralton et al., 2011; Jones & Brosseau, 2015).

    In order to guarantee successful airborne transmission, the pathogen needs not only to be aerosolised, but also to remain infectious in the aerosolised form for a period of time, within which it needs to gain access to the appropriate tissues of the susceptible host(s) (Gralton et al., 2011; Jones & Brosseau, 2015). It is not common for all three conditions to be met. In fact, only three human diseases are currently classified as predominantly airborne: tuberculosis, chicken pox and measles (Seto, 2015). While the ability of other respiratory pathogens to become airborne has been documented (Goyal et al., 2011; Myatt et al., 2004), there is a lack of agreement on the importance of these findings with relation to the likelihood of effective airborne transmission (Jones & Brosseau, 2015). Comparatively few studies looked at the airborne potential of veterinary pathogens, with FMD being a classic example of a veterinary disease with proven airborne transmission (Cole-nutt et al., 2016; J. Gloster et al., 2009; J. Gloster et al., 2007; Schley, Burgin, & Gloster, 2009). Other economically important veterinary pathogens for which airborne transmission has been documented include porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus and M. hyopneumoniae (Alonso, Raynor, Davies, & Torremorell, 2015; Cutler, Wang, Hoff, Kittawornrat, & Zimmerman, 2011; Cutler, Wang, Hoff, & Zimmerman, 2012; Dee, Otake, Oliveira, & Deen, 2009; Otake, Dee, Corzo, Oliveira, & Deen, 2010), classical swine fever virus (Weesendorp, Backer, & Loeffen, 2014; Weesendorp, Stegeman, & Loeffen, 2009), Rhodococcus equi (Muscatello et al., 2006) or African swine fever virus (de Carvalho Ferreira, Weesendorp, Quak, Stegeman, & Loeffen, 2013). The importance of airborne transmission of mammalian influenza viruses remains somewhat undetermined (Alonso et al., 2015; Goyal et al., 2011; Jones & Brosseau, 2015; Seto, 2015). Aerosolised particles containing infectious agents may be dispersed by air currents over considerable distances. For example, transmission of FMD virus has been documented to occur, under suitable conditions, over more than 200 km (Donaldson & Alexandersen, 2002; Gloster et al., 2010). Proximity between infected and susceptible individuals therefore is not an essential condition for infection to occur (Fig. 1.4). This is an important difference between droplet (see below) and true airborne transmission, which makes the latter more difficult to control.

    Fig. 1.4: An infected animal generates infectious particles of various sizes. The larger ones (droplets, red circles) settle quickly within approximately 1 metre of the animal. If another susceptible animal is present within that distance, the infectious droplets may fall onto its mucosal surfaces and initiate the infection. Particles smaller than 5 μm in size (infectious aerosol, yellow stars) remain suspended in the air for long periods of time – they may be carried by air currents over considerable distances and be a source of infection to animals at distant locations.

    Pathogens present in respiratory secretions may be aerosolised not only through coughing or sneezing, but also through normal breathing (Christensen et al., 2011; Nicas, Nazaroff, & Hubbard, 2005). Infectious aerosol may also be generated from other contaminated sources such as faecal material, dust, or animal bedding during a number of everyday farming activities (Blais Lecours, Veillette, Marsolais, & Duchaine, 2012; Millner, 2009) including the application of animal manure to agricultural land (Jahne, Rogers, Holsen, Grimberg, & Ramler, 2015; Jahne et al., 2016). Hence, pathogens that are shed from sites of the body other than respiratory tract (e.g. faeces) may be accidently aerosolised, which in turn may enable their transmission via the atypical (or opportunistic) route. In this scenario, infection may be initiated when aerosolised gastrointestinal pathogens are deposited on mucosal surfaces of susceptible individuals and subsequently swallowed (Dungan, 2010). To illustrate this concept, porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus has been shown to be present in aerosols around infected animals (Alonso et al., 2015). It has also been proposed that airborne transmission may have contributed to the recent spread of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus in the USA based on a positive correlation between the spread of disease and the predominant wind direction (Beam et al., 2015). However, as other variables such as the level of physical contact between farms were not available, the authors cautioned against drawing definitive conclusions from the study.

    3.1.2 Droplet

    Droplet transmission is a common route of transmission of many respiratory pathogens. It occurs via particles that are larger than 5 μm in size. Just like rain drops, such large ‘droplets’ fall to the ground within a short period of time (Fernstrom & Goldblatt, 2013; Gralton et al., 2011). If a susceptible animal is within a short distance of the source of infectious droplets (e.g. an infectious animal), then the droplets may settle on the susceptible animal’s mucosal surfaces, potentially leading to infection (Fig. 1.4). In the case of human infections, the approximate distance within which droplet transmission is likely to occur has been defined as 1 metre (Gralton et al., 2011). While the velocity of particles generated by animals during sneezing or coughing may differ somewhat to that of particles generated by humans, droplet transmission relies on close proximity between the infected animal and a susceptible host, but without the necessity for direct contact between the two.

    The separation between airborne and droplet transmission routes is somewhat artificial and considerable overlap exists between these two routes. Many activities generate infectious particles over a broad size range (Gralton et al., 2011). Thus, both infectious aerosols and droplets contribute to the transmission of disease a short distance from the source of infection. At a greater distance (beyond approximately 1 metre), droplet transmission is less likely and airborne transmission becomes more important.

    Settled infectious droplets may also be transmitted via fomites such as people’s hands, shoes, equipment, etc. The importance of the latter relies on the level of hygiene maintained at premises and on the environmental stability of the pathogen of interest (see indirect contact transmission below).

    3.1.3 Contact

    Contact transmission results from either direct or indirect contact between infectious and susceptible individuals. Close contact between infected and susceptible individuals (direct transmission, Fig. 1.5) is a pre-requisite for transmission of pathogens that do not survive well outside their hosts (e.g. mammalian influenza viruses, emerging paramyxoviruses Hendra and Nipah). The level of direct contact required for transmission of various pathogens varies and depends on the infectious dose of the pathogen in question, the levels of the pathogen shed by the infected animals, and its typical route of entry.

    Environmental contamination and transmission via fomites (indirect transmission) are important for pathogens that are resistant to adverse environmental conditions. Many gastrointestinal infections are caused by agents that can survive harsh conditions encountered in the gastro-intestinal tract, such as low pH of the stomach or enzymatic action of digestive enzymes. These pathogens can also survive well on inanimate surfaces, sometimes for weeks to months (Kramer, Schwebke, & Kampf, 2006). Examples include rotaviruses, parvoviruses, caliciviruses, enteroviruses, Salmonella spp, Cryptosporidium parvum and others. Pathogens that show stability under diverse conditions are also often more difficult to disinfect, increasing the likelihood of environmental contamination, particularly in hospital settings. Occasional persistence of Salmonella spp in large animal stalls at a veterinary teaching hospital despite rigorous disinfection protocol may serve as an illustration of this point (Dunowska et al., 2007).

    Fig. 1.5: Many pathogens are transmitted by direct contact between infected and susceptible animals. Intensive production systems with high density of animals facilitate such transmission.

    3.2 Descriptive terms

    From a practical point of view, transmission patterns of infectious agents are often referred to in more descriptive terms, which take into account not only the main route of transmission (one of the three listed above) but also the main source of the infectious agent. The latter is often linked to the main route of exit or the preferred ecological environment for the pathogen in question. We’ll discuss 7 commonly used terms.

    3.2.1 Faecal-oral transmission

    The gastrointestinal tract provides a very efficient route of exit and subsequent spread for many pathogens, particularly if infection is associated with diarrhoea. Voluminous, watery diarrhoea is very difficult to contain, clean and disinfect (Fig. 1.6). The pathogen load in diarrheic faeces can be very high. Watery, diarrheic faeces provide a perfect vehicle for environmental contamination, which facilitates transmission by fomites. Local gastrointestinal infections that manifest themselves as diarrhoea may alter the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract and allow commensal and pathogenic intestinal flora to gain entry into the bloodstream, which negatively impacts the severity of disease and prognosis. In one study (Johns et al., 2009) bacteria were isolated from blood collected from 9 out of 31 mature horses with diarrhoea within 24 hours of admission to the hospital. Horses with bacteraemia were less likely to survive compared to horses with negative blood cultures.

    Fig. 1.6: Watery, diarrhoeic faeces often contain a high pathogen load and provide an excellent vehicle for contamination of the environment.

    3.2.2 Transmission by fomites

    Fomites are inanimate objects that, once contaminated with pathogens, serve as a source of infection in susceptible animals (Fig. 1.7). Examples of fomites include peoples’ clothing, boots, vehicles, animal crates, or general farm equipment. To illustrate the importance of this route of transmission, flexible intermediate bulk containers (‘feed totes’) used for transport of bulk feed were considered to be one of the likely sources of entry of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus into the United States in 2013 and the subsequent spread of the virus throughout the country (Scott et al., 2016). Permanent structures such as water troughs, fences, gates etc. may also serve as fomites, as may any surface commonly touched by hands including computer keyboards, light switches, phones etc. For example, Salmonella species were commonly isolated from hand-contact surfaces in a veterinary teaching hospital whenever a Salmonella-shedding animal was hospitalised (Burgess, Morley, & Hyatt, 2004). Transmission via fomites is more likely for pathogens that remain infectious for long periods of time under various environmental conditions than for those that only survive for a short period of time under a narrow range of conditions.

    Fig. 1.7: Inanimate objects can become contaminated with pathogens and serve as fomites in indirect contact transmission. Common fomites include footwear, equipment used with animals, contaminated hands, clothing, vehicles, etc.

    3.2.3 Vector-borne transmission

    This route of transmission relies on the transmission of pathogens from one host to another via vectors. Common vectors include various species of mosquitoes, midges, flies or ticks (Fig. 1.8). The lifecycle of some pathogens involve infection of the vector itself. Examples of such transmissions, referred to as ‘biological’, include West Nile virus (transmitted by mosquitoes), African horse sickness and Bluetongue viruses (both transmitted by culicoides midges), African swine fever, bovine anaplasmosis, or bovine theileriosis (all three transmitted by ticks). Animals affected by vector-borne diseases are often (but not always) not directly infectious for in-contact susceptible animals, and control of arthropod population is the mainstream for control of the spread of those infections.

    Other pathogens are transmitted in a purely mechanical manner e.g. equine infectious anaemia is typically transmitted through direct transfer of contaminated blood on the mouth of a biting fly. This is most likely to occur if feeding on an infected horse is interrupted and the fly continues its meal on a nearby uninfected horse. Similarly, Moraxella bovis (causative agent for infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis) is predominantly transmitted within a group of animals via face flies (Kopecky, Pugh, & McDonald, 1986).

    The ecology of vector-borne diseases is often complex and influenced by factors such as density of vectors (which is affected by environmental and climatic condition supportive of vector breeding and survival), feeding preference of vectors, or density of susceptible hosts (Marini, Rosa, Pugliese, & Heesterbeek, 2017).

    Fig. 1.8: Many diseases are transmitted by arthropod vectors either biologically (the pathogen replicates within the vector) or mechanically.

    3.2.4 Water-borne transmission

    This term refers to indirect transmission via pathogen-contaminated water (Fig. 1.9). This can occur through drinking, but also through other activities such as swimming or using contaminated water for rinsing. Examples of water-borne pathogens include protozoa from Cryptosporidium, Giardia and Toxoplasma species (Dubey, 2004; Moss, 2016), bacteria from Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Pseudomonas or Leptospira species (Aho, Kurki, Rautelin, & Kosunen, 1989; Bayram et al., 2011; Leclerc, Schwartzbrod, & Dei-Cas, 2002; Monahan, Miller, & Nally, 2009; Mughini-Gras et al., 2016; Nohra et al., 2016; Tambalo, Boa, Aryal, & Yost, 2016) and viruses such as avian influenza (Fourment & Holmes, 2015) or noroviruses (Zhou et al., 2016). Although water-borne transmission has been mainly described in relation to epidemics of gastrointestinal disease in people, it can also contribute to the spread of pathogens in veterinary settings. For example, absence of a body of water within 0.5 km of the farm was identified as one of the factors associated with a reduction in the odds of a flock being infected with Campylobacter species on Irish low-performance chicken farms (Smith et al., 2016). Infections of sea mammals with parasites typically associated with land animals such as Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona or Neospora caninum are thought to be a result of contamination of the oceans with water run-offs from land (Dubey et al., 2003; Miller et al., 2002). Of most concern to human health is contamination of drinking water with unfiltered surface water containing faecal pathogens from various wild and farm animals (Ashbolt, 2015; Bowman, 2009; Kuhn et al., 2017; Mughini-Gras et al., 2016; Nohra et al., 2016). It should be noted, however, that the presence of specific pathogens in water supply does not always indicate cross-species transmission. In one study, no evidence for significant transmission of Giardia spp between cattle and people was found despite contamination of water supply with bacterial species present in both human and cattle populations examined (Ehsan et al., 2015). As the quality of water treatment plays a role in preventing waterborne transmission of infectious pathogens, it is not surprising that water-borne diseases in humans are most prevalent in countries with low socio-economic status (Yang et al., 2012).

    Fig. 1.9: Contamination of drinking water is an efficient way of spreading infections amongst animals that use the same water source. Contaminated water supply has also been linked to epidemics of human gastrointestinal disease.

    3.2.5 Sexual transmission

    Sexual transmission refers to transmission of pathogens that are shed in reproductive secretions. This may occur during natural mating, but also during artificial reproductive procedures (Lockhart, Thrall, & Antonovics, 1996). Examples include EAV (Balasuriya et al., 2013), Mycoplasma agalactiae (causative agent for ovine contagious agalactia) (Prats-van der Ham et al., 2017), BVD virus (Givens & Waldrop, 2004; Grooms, 2004), trichomoniasis (Michi, Favetto, Kastelic, & Cobo, 2016) and others. Pathogens may be transported in contaminated semen over large geographical distances. As an example, EAV was introduced to New Zealand in imported equine semen and subsequently spread throughout the country (Horner, 2004). Introduction of a voluntary control scheme focused on prevention of sexual transmission of the virus eventually lead to the eradication of EAV from New Zealand (McFadden et al., 2013).

    3.2.6 Vertical transmission

    Vertical transmission relates to transmission of pathogens from mother to her offspring via placenta or during birth. All other transmissions from one animal to another are considered horizontal. Some also regard transmission during the neonatal period as vertical transmission, although technically this represents horizontal spread. For example, small ruminant lentiviruses are transmitted predominantly via ingestion of infected colostrum or milk (Blacklaws et al., 2004; Souza et al., 2015). Examples of pathogens that can be transmitted vertically include BVD virus, bovine leucosis virus (Meas, Usui, Ohashi, Sugimoto, & Onuma, 2002), Bluetongue virus (van der Sluijs et al., 2013) or parvoviruses of various species (Mengeling, Lager, Zimmerman, Samarikermani, & Beran, 1991). Trans-placental infection of the foetus may have different consequences depending on the stage of pregnancy, as can be exemplified by a variety of possible outcomes of BVD virus infection of a pregnant cow, ranging from foetal resorption (early pregnancy), through birth of persistently infected calves or calves with congenital abnormalities (mid-pregnancy) to birth of healthy calves that have cleared the virus and are positive for BVD virus antibodies (late pregnancy) (Lanyon et al., 2014).

    3.2.7 Iatrogenic transmission

    Iatrogenic transmission refers to man-made transmission. This may occur during surgery or invasive procedures (e.g. injections) via contaminated medical equipment. Blood-borne pathogens can be transmitted in this way not only from one animal to another, but also from animals to humans during needle-stick injuries (Venter & Swanepoel, 2010). While the risk of infection through contaminated medical equipment is limited to individuals undergoing an invasive procedure, contamination of biologicals at the time of productions carries an even greater risk of dissemination of the contaminating pathogen among susceptible populations over large geographical areas. This can be exemplified by an epidemic of scrapie in Italy in 1996/1997, which was traced to a vaccine against Mycoplasma agalactiae contaminated with the scrapie agent (Zanusso et al., 2003), or an outbreak of lymphomas in commercial broiler flocks traced to Marek’s disease vaccine contaminated with chicken reticuloendotheliosis virus (Fadly et al., 1996).

    Some pathogens are transmitted predominantly via one route, while others use several different routes of transmission. For example, rabies is spread nearly exclusively via bites of rabid animals (Crowcroft & Thampi, 2015), while anthrax can be transmitted via inhalation of Bacillus anthracis spores, via entry of spores through a break in the skin, or via ingestion of vegetative form of the bacteria in meat from diseased animals (Anonymus, 2012; Bengis & Frean, 2014; Beyer & Turnbull, 2009). However, even diseases that are transmitted predominantly via a single route may, under some circumstances, use alternative routes of transmission. This can be illustrated by several cases of human rabies acquired through organ transplantation (Dutta, 1998; Gibbons, 2002) or the epidemic of mad-cow disease in the UK. The latter was caused by feeding meat and bone meal containing ruminant proteins to ruminants, without adequate precautions to inactivate potentially infectious agents present in the product (Nathanson, Wilesmith, & Griot, 1997). The mad cow disease epidemic would have never occurred in nature, as cows do not normally eat meat-derived proteins of its own species.

    4 Factors affecting the spread of pathogens within populations

    In epidemiological terms, the transmissibility of a pathogen within populations is characterised by a reproductive number R0. The R0 denotes the number of secondary infections that would theoretically result from an introduction of one infected individual into a fully susceptible population (Lavine, Poss, & Grenfell, 2008). The same concept can be applied at herd level to illustrate the ability of a pathogen to spread from herd to herd (‘herd reproductive number RH’). Diseases with a R0/RH below 1 are not capable of evolving into epidemics and would die on their own even without the implementation of any control efforts. Diseases with a R0/RH greater than 1 have the capability to perpetuate themselves in populations. The higher the R0/RH, the more difficult it is to control the spread of the disease.

    The R0/RH is dependent on a variety of factors, depicted in a traditional epidemiological triangle as those related to the pathogen, the host, and the environment. Determinants of resistance/susceptibility to infection and disease with a particular agent are complex and include not only species, breed, or individual genetic differences, but also factors such as age, nutritional status, or the presence of stressors. The influence of non-pathogen-related factors on R0/RH can be illustrated by dynamics of FMD spread among different animal species in various geographical regions. The R0 during the incubation period of disease in non-vaccinated animals was calculated to be 0.31 for calves, 0.20 for lambs, but as high as 13.20 for piglets and 176 for dairy cows infected with the FMD virus under experimental conditions (Orsel, Bouma, Dekker, Stegeman, & de Jong, 2009). The corresponding R0 estimates for vaccinated animals were considerably lower and ranged from 1.03 x 10-⁸ to 1.26. These data illustrate that the efficiency of transmission of the FMD virus depends on the species of animals affected, their age and vaccination status. In another study (Estrada, Perez, & Turmond, 2008), it was estimated that the RH during the FMD outbreak among heavily vaccinated animal populations in Peru decreased from 5.3 at the beginning of the epidemic to 1.31 towards the end. Similar estimates for RH were reported during the FMD outbreak among unvaccinated animals in the Netherlands (Bouma et al., 2003), potentially highlighting the importance of other variables (e.g. geography, climate, density of herds, speed of detection of disease and introduction of control measures etc.) affecting the spread of FMD virus between herds.

    4.1 The pathogen

    Pathogen characteristics that play a role in disease transmission include virulence, survival in the environment, species specificity, ability to persist in the host, or the strength and duration of the induced immune response following infection.

    In general, pathogens with broad host range are more difficult to control than species-specific pathogens. This is particularly true for those pathogens that are able to establish infections in domesticated species and in wildlife. For example, outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks among chickens have been linked to asymptomatically infected waterfall (Haase et al., 2010; Shin et al., 2015). The source of fatal Nipah and Hendra virus infections in people has been traced to infected horses and pigs, respectively. However, neither horses nor pigs proved to be natural hosts for these viruses, which circulate in nature among flying foxes (Aljofan, 2013; Eaton, Broder, Middleton, & Wang, 2006). As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the on-going, human-driven changes in the ecology of many geographical areas are likely to influence the host range of pathogens circulating within those areas.

    Pathogens that evoke strong, long-lasting immune responses (e.g. systemic poxviruses, parvoviruses or paramyxoviruses) rely on an on-going supply of young naive individuals to maintain themselves in the population. In contrast, immunity to re-infection with herpesviruses, influenza viruses, or many bacterial pathogens tends to be short-lived, and animals may become re-infected several times in their lifetime.

    Some pathogens have evolved sophisticated strategies to evade the immune responses of their hosts, which in turn facilitates their maintenance in populations and hampers any control efforts. Two different examples of such strategies can be provided by influenza viruses and herpesviruses. Influenza viruses may respond fairly quickly to pressures generated by the host’s immune response through antigenic drift (slow change in antigenicity due to accumulation of mutations at the antigenic sites of the virus) or antigenic shift (a sudden change in antigenicity due to exchange of whole segments of the genome between two different viruses) (Bouvier & Palese, 2008; Epstein & Price, 2010). This creates a constant supply of new viral variants that may be partially recognised, or not recognised at all, by the immune responses raised to their progenitors, which in turn has obvious implications for the level of immunity in the population and for the efficacy of available vaccines. In contrast, herpesviruses are comparatively antigenically stable, but renowned for their ability to establish life-long infections in their hosts. This is accomplished by establishing latency (van der Meulen, Favoreel, Pensaert, & Nauwynck, 2006). During latency, the viral genome undergoes very limited transcription and infectious viruses are not produced. This means that latently infected animals are not infectious. They are also usually clinically normal. Under certain conditions (e.g. stress or immuno-suppression), the latent virus may undergo re-activation, which leads to the establishment of productive infection and subsequent transmission to a new host. As it may be difficult to detect (and therefore control) all latently infected animals, they may become a source of infection to others. For example, re-activation of the virus is the most likely explanation for sporadic cases of abortion or neurological disease due to equine herpesvirus type 1 infection in a closed group of horses.

    4.2 The host

    Host factors that are important in the transmission of infectious agents include nutritional status, age, presence of concurrent infections, level of immunity or individual genetic predispositions. All of these combined determine the level of resistance/susceptibility to infection with a given pathogen. Host-related factors that are important for the transmission of infectious agents in populations include density of susceptible hosts and availability of carrier/intermediate hosts, when applicable.

    Animals may remain healthy following exposure to an infectious agent either because they are resistant to infection with that pathogen (e.g. horses are resistant to infection with the FMD virus) or because they have some level of pathogen-specific immunity. Immune animals exposed to the pathogen may still become infected with that pathogen, but they mount a fast, effective immune response, which controls the infection. In other words, they are susceptible to infection, but resistant to disease. Shedding of pathogens by immune animals, where it occurs, is typically of a much lower level and duration than shedding observed following infection of fully susceptible animals. Immune animals are therefore unlikely to constitute an important source of infection for other animals, although vaccination should not be regarded as a sole infection control strategy in the absence of other preventive measures. Under some circumstances (e.g. ‘poor responders’), vaccinated animals may still play a role in transmission of infectious agents, as has been the case in several equine influenza outbreaks (Powell, Watkins, Li, & Shortridge, 1995; van Maanen, van Essen, Minke, Daly, & Yates, 2003; Yamanaka, Niwa, Tsujimura, Kondo, & Matsumura, 2008).

    Some pathogens may cause overt clinical disease in animals from one species, but only sub-clinical infections in other animals. Sub-clinically infected animals constitute reservoir hosts for such pathogens. They are excellent sources of infection for susceptible animals (of the same or different species), as they are difficult to detect without specific surveillance programmes, which are usually costly to run. Awareness of the presence and distribution of potential reservoir hosts for pathogens

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