The Tarantula Scientist
By Sy Montgomery and Nic Bishop
About this ebook
Yellow blood? Skeletons on the outside? These attributes don’t belong to comic book characters or alien life forms, but to Earth’s biggest and hairiest spiders: tarantulas. In this book you are invited to follow Sam Marshall, spider scientist extraordinaire (he’s never been bitten), as he explores the dense rain forest of French Guiana, knocking on the doors of tarantula burrows, trying to get a closer look at these incredible creatures. You’ll also visit the largest comparative spider laboratory in America—where close to five hundred live tarantulas sit in towers of stacked shoeboxes and plastic containers, waiting for their turn to dazzle and astound the scientists who study them.
“Superb color photos abound in this spectacular series addition…This is a vivid look at an enthusiastic scientist energetically and happily at work…A treat, even for arachnophobes.”—School Library Journal (starred review)
A Sibert Honor Book
An ALA Notable Book
A John Burroughs Nature Book for Young Readers
A Kirkus Reviews Editors Choice
Sy Montgomery
In addition to researching films, articles, and thirty-six books, National Book Award finalist Sy Montgomery has been honored with a Sibert Medal, two Science Book and Film Prizes from the National Association for the Advancement of Science, three honorary degrees, and many other awards. She lives in Hancock, New Hampshire, with her husband, Howard Mansfield, and their border collie, Thurber.
Read more from Sy Montgomery
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The Tarantula Scientist - Sy Montgomery
Text copyright © 2004 by Sy Montgomery
Photographs copyright © 2004 by Nic Bishop
All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to [email protected] or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file.
ISBN 978-0-618-14799-1 hardcover
ISBN 978-0-618-91577-4 paperback
eISBN 978-0-547-53005-5
To Clarabelle,
a great tarantula
For Bill,
Kiwi colleague
Just north of the equator, French Guiana’s steamy rainforests are home to about a dozen species of tarantulas.
Sam uses a fishing stick
to trick a Goliath birdeater out of its burrow.
Sam Marshall is lying on his belly in the rainforest, his freckled face just inches from a fist-sized hole in the dirt. He turns on his headlamp. He gently pokes a twig into the tunnel and wiggles it. Come out!
he says into the hole. I want to meet you!
Normally, it’s not a great idea to poke sticks into burrows in the jungle—especially if you don’t know who lives there. Snakes, for instance, don’t appreciate it. In this particular rainforest, the most common snake is the fer-de-lance. The name means spearhead
in French, which suggests you’d better not bother one.
WARNING!") reads the rough-hewn sign at the head of the jungle trail to Trésor Réserve. The sign warns visitors to beware of snakes—and, while they’re at it, to watch out for spiders, wasps, biting ants, bees, wild pigs, slippery trails, roots poking up from the ground, and branches falling down from the trees.
But Sam knows this forest well. He knows exactly what he’s doing. Sam is a spider scientist, or arachnologist (pronounced ar-rack-NAWL-o-gist
). His specialty? The biggest, hairiest, and, some would say, scariest group of spiders on earth: tarantulas. That’s why he’s come all the way from Hiram, Ohio, to French Guiana in South America.
Just north of the equator, French Guiana is home to only 150,000 people. It’s about the size of Indiana. But for its size, this is probably the tarantula capital of the world. Perhaps a dozen species of tarantulas live here, including some of the most spectacular.
So far, Sam has caught only a glimpse of hairy legs in the hole. But he knows who’s in there: a Goliath birdeater tarantula, the largest species of spider on the planet.
How big might that be? Big enough that with outstretched legs, this spider could cover your whole face. A large one could weigh as much as five mice. This tarantula is a Goliath for sure!
Sam isn’t frightened at all. C’mon, sweetie!
he calls down the hole. Sam is trying to lure the spider out. Normally tarantulas spend the day waiting in their silk-lined retreats. They come out at night to sit in front of the burrow. There they wait for prey. But by wiggling the stick as if it were a juicy worm or a scuttling cockroach—a meal the Goliath birdeater, despite its name, would probably prefer to a bird—Sam hopes to coax her out into daylight.
There! Sam feels her grab the twig with the pair of food-handling feet, called pedipalps, next to the front of her head. She’s pretty strong,
he says. He knows she’s a female because he can already see how big she is. Females are bigger than males and live much longer.
He wiggles the stick some more. He thinks she’ll come out if the prey
seems to be trying to get away. And he’s right: Here she comes,
he announces.
She thunders out of the hole! Her eight walking feet, each tipped with two claws called tarsi, patter loudly on the dead leaves on the forest floor. These tarantulas are the jaguars of the leaf litter,
Sam says. And it’s true—to the frogs and worms and insects who live here, this tarantula must be an awesome predator.
Even for a big mammal like a human, the sight of a Goliath birdeater tarantula rushing out of her burrow takes your breath away. She’s not even full grown, but her head is the size of a fifty-cent piece. Her abdomen is bigger than a quarter. All of her body, including each of the seven segments of her eight strong, long legs, is covered with rich, deep reddish brown hairs, some of them half an inch long.
When she races out, she looks as if she might rush up Sam’s arm—maybe onto his face! And if she does, will she bite him? Would he die?
The giant tarantula stops abruptly, just four inches past the mouth of her burrow. Even