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Mother Savant
Mother Savant
Mother Savant
Ebook338 pages5 hours

Mother Savant

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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It is now 2244 and the all-female society of Arkite is on the brink of revolution. Only the return of the Mother Savant can hope to maintain order.

Savant Elise Jackson, Arkite’s supreme leader, is stricken with terrible grief over the recent loss of her lover. She has spent the last two years with her assistant, Sara, trying to repair and genetically engineer her lover’s damaged body and mind.

But the Viceroy of Pyramid City and her followers in the Savant Council have no interest in squandering the city’s resources for Elise’s personal gain. With the help of the mainframe AI, they will vie for power, even attempting collusion with Sara and sabotage.

And even if her enemies fail and Elise somehow manages to revive her lover, Elise knows she’ll have to vie for something she covets even more—her lover’s love. For Sara once loved her just as much, if not more.

Mother Savant is book 2 in the Candy Savant series. The two books in the series are complete self-contained novels not ending in cliffhangers. Some spoilers cannot be avoided, but book 2 can be enjoyed without reading book 1, Candy Savant.

Content warning: Arkite is a dystopian city featuring a ruler who is not nice. Expect profanity, adult situations, and sexual scenes.

PublisherA.L. Hawke
Release dateJan 22, 2020
Mother Savant

A.L. Hawke

A.L. Hawke is the author of the internationally bestselling Hawthorne University Witch series. The author lives in Southern California torching the midnight candle over lovers against a backdrop of machines, nymphs, magic, spice and mayhem. A.L. Hawke has published eight books specializing in fantasy romance and science fiction.

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Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    It is quite difficult to give a review when you intensely dislike the main subjects. Not only the main subjects, but this whole world.But the book itself was well written.The SF-description is very nice: flying bikes, a mailframes which almost rules the world. One of the subjects is very scheming. It is nice to follow her thoughts.All that was wat kept me reading and in the end influenced my opinion positively.

Book preview

Mother Savant - A.L. Hawke

Chapter 1

For Another XY

Where is it? Tell me. Where!

Savant Sara Holmes leaned forward in her metal chair, nearly spitting at the woman seated across from her. They were in matching silver chairs, Sara dressed in her tight lime-green leather Savant jumpsuit and the prisoner with long pepper-gray hair wearing a white lab coat, her hands tied behind her back.

"Tell me where now!"

The room was quite lovely. It was a small observation deck built at the top of Team Mother’s newly made crystal Sky City with a transparent glass ceiling opening up into the darkening azure sky. The walls were paneled by glass windows on three sides and a beige wall with a steel door on the fourth. A large surgical light with folded spiderlike mechanical arms hung above the door. The room had been designed for tissue experimentation, but tonight, the laboratory workstation was replaced for quite different purposes. The sun had just set, and only a yellow-red shine from the horizon bounced off the checkered steel walls of Arkite City and reflected over the steel floor. The windows afforded a gorgeous view of the pyramidal city of Arkite, with the massive spire of Sector One’s HQ Civic Building looming on one side, flanked by a dozen or so other pyramidal structures with their brightening, twinkling lights, and the vast green of Central Park on the other. Sara could even make out the faint remnants of an orange-red sunset over the distant desert sands—like she cared at the moment.

Goddamnit! Tell me where the drive is! Sara leaned forward again. Now! she shouted. Where is it! Never had Sara wanted to hurt someone so badly. She pulled her silver pistol from her belt and pressed the barrel against Dr. Teller’s forehead.

Dr. Florence Teller had once been among the most prized scientists in Arkite. She had worked under Reyburn in Allele Corporation for twenty years. She had led the company in producing more efficient embryo machines by lining them in rows in the factory, proving that even human reproduction could be enhanced by industrial mass-production techniques. Combining the ancient lessons of Henry Ford with the achievements of the crop field machines of Sanborn and Tritch, Dr. Teller had brilliantly sped the velocity of human reproduction. The machines oddly resembled lines of twentieth-century washing machines, save for the growing female fetuses visible through their round central windows. Dr. Teller and Reyburn had successfully ruled Allele Corporation until Team Mother Elise Jackson had personally gunned down every lead scientist, dissolving the corporation.

Dr. Teller’s eyes were wide open and leaking tears. She shook under the barrel of Sara’s gun. In a trembling voice, she said, I will only speak with your leader. She had repeated that phrase over ten times in the past hour.

After Elise’s massacre, Dr. Teller had escaped. Tracked down, she had spent a couple of years in Station One Court, Arkite’s maximum-security prison. But after two years of exemplary behavior, she had been released. Sara wondered in amazement why Elise hadn’t executed her. Then none of this mess would have happened.

The prisoner turned her forehead, her stringy gray hair drifting over the pistol. With one hand, Sara yanked Dr. Teller’s hair, pulling her head back, while with the other she pressed the barrel harder against the old woman’s skull. Sara had never wanted to shoot anyone so badly in her life.

To stop herself from pulling the trigger, she whacked Teller over the head with the barrel of her silver gun.

"Bitch! Tell me! Where? Where is the XY! Where is Dr. Lilith Carloff? Where is my neural net!"

Then she hit Teller’s head a few times with the butt of the gun, which yielded a more satisfying crack. But even as blood mingled with tears, her prisoner just winced and closed her eyes, saying nothing. That’s when the gun slipped out of Sara’s hands, tumbled over her tight lime-green rubber thigh, bounced, and clanged metal to metal against the steel floor. Sara caught a flash of the steel from her silver pistol reflecting off the outdoor light from the glass ceiling.

"You bitch!" Sara screamed.

Sara reached down, grabbed her gun, and pressed the barrel against Dr. Teller’s forehead one last time. She had every intention of killing her. Tell me now where you’ve taken it, where they are, or so help me I swear I will shoot!

I will only speak with your leader, the doctor muttered again.

But Dr. Teller was worn out. She had been given no food or water for the past day and a half and had already pissed herself—Sara could smell it. Now the gray-haired former Savant sat trembling with her eyes closed, waiting for the bullet.

Enough! said Sara. I won’t shoot you. That would be too merciful. Sara raised her free hand. Give it to me now, Rex!

Sara held up her hand, waiting for the mainframe to lower a laser scalpel from the ceiling. But nothing happened. She felt stupid with her hand raised and nothing happening.

Dr. Teller opened her eyes and squirmed in the chair.

Now, Rex! Sarah commanded.

I apologize, Savant Holmes, came the unemotional robotic voice of the mainframe. The mechanical arms dangling above jerked, unfolded, but then froze. I seem to be having some difficulty lowering the arm. It appears to be locked. Just a moment. Just a moment.

Now, Rex!

Sorry, Savant Holmes, said Rex. I am having difficulty with the mechanical arms. Just a moment. Just a moment.

Sara felt perspiration drip down the back of her tight lime-green rubber Savant suit. Her stomach roiled with nausea. Despite her threats, the idea of actually cutting this criminal’s withered flesh made her sick. She wasn’t used to doing this kind of thing. She had never done anything like this before. She hadn’t even interrogated anyone. But she was furious.

Finally, a thin metal mechanical arm slowly lowered from the ceiling, holding a laser scalpel. Dr. Teller stared at the tip of the laser scalpel with wide-open eyes.

Judging by your lab coat, Doctor, Sara said sarcastically, you know what this is.

Without waiting for a reply, Sara lit the flame at the end of the silver scalpel and brought it close to the prisoner’s cheek. Dr. Teller’s eyes bulged as Sara ran it close to one eye, which squeezed shut at the heat.

Cut me if you wish, said the doctor, her voice trembling more than ever. She took a deep, shuddering breath. I can’t tell you anything, Savant. I don’t know where Lilly is. She made sure not to tell me. She knew I’d be taken.

Why’d you help her?

For the people. For our future. I only know that Lilly has asked for an audience with your dog of a leader at Primdon Street. She will exchange your precious cargo at Primdon. I promise you’ll have the drive back for an exchange of exit from the city. I won’t tell you anything else. I . . . I can’t, for Lilly made sure I wouldn’t know.

But who’s to say I won’t shoot her? asked another voice in the room.

Sara stepped back and looked around. Dr. Teller searched the room too. But it was as empty as ever.

Elise? she asked. Of course it was Elise. Elise didn’t need to be physically present to see and hear what went on in her city. Sara knew that more than most, yet her rage had made her forget.

Who’s to say I won’t shoot her, Flo? repeated Elise’s voice.

Lilly will be armed, answered Dr. Teller with a nod. And she carries your neural net.

So she wants to trade the net for her freedom. Elise’s voice sounded amused as it echoed through the room. Where will she go? Sara could hear the working of Elise’s jaw, the steady chomping as she chewed the stimulant gum to which she was as addicted as she was to cruelty. Do tell, Flo. One of the reasons I stopped chasing the rats was because I believed they were content to hide in their hovel. Now you’re provoking me. Tell me where they are. I know a thing or two about Sara, and she very well might cut you. She’s sweet, you see, but if you cross her and play with her Candy, God help you. She will have no qualms about systematically shredding your flesh off your shriveled-up dollface. So, come, come, spare us the trouble of making a mess, won’t you, and tell us where the drive is. There’s no reason for you not to. You’ll be sent back to Station Court, and I will provide clemency in thanks for your cooperation. You may live. That’s a hell of a lot more merciful than me leaving you to Sara right now.

Let me cut her, Elise! yelled Sara. Goddamnit, let me melt her fucking dollface!

Tsk, tsk, Sara. I think you need to take a deep breath, came Elise’s voice. Breathe in and out, in and out, nice long deep breaths and calm down. Relax and quiet yourself.

I can’t tell you anything, Dr. Teller said, her head drooping. I don’t know.

Well, Flo, then how about telling me why you did it, Elise said. Surely you know your fate. I already let you go free once. That was a mistake. I won’t do it again.

They waited. Dr. Teller kept her head down. When Sara brought the blade up again, ready to scalp her, and a small waft of gray smoke appeared over her skin, the former Savant spoke. The boy, Adam. Adam will save us. The boy’s more important than me or you. Freedom from Rex . . . freedom from the mainframe.

The XY? Elise asked with a laugh. You’re a criminal for him? An XY?

He will save Arkite, Mother.

Why do you think Arkite needs saving?

For another XY! cried Sara. Please, Elise. Please. Say the word. I’m gonna kill her!

Sara dropped the blade from her hands. It landed on the doctor’s thigh, cutting deep into her leg. Dr. Teller screamed. Then the scalpel fell to the floor. Had it been an accident? Sara wasn’t sure. She didn’t care.

Did you cut her, Sara? asked Elise with a sigh.

Just dropped the blade by accident, Mother.

If my sister wants to meet with me, Sara, Elise said, I think we should give her a royal welcome. I think the whole city should welcome her. We’re family, after all.

There was silence. Just the sizzling sound of the scalpel lying on the steel floor and Dr. Teller whimpering in pain as blood oozed from the wound in her leg.

Enough of this unpleasantness, ordered Elise sternly. Transfer Dr. Teller to Station Three Court. I need her unharmed—for now. There may be more in her traitorous head. But be warned, Flo, execution or not, I don’t think my orders will stop Sara from slicing you in half if you damaged the drive.

Chapter 2

Everybody Calm Down and Take a Deep Breath

Team Mother Elise Jackson wanted to look good for her guest. She wore a lovely formal black lace dress with a draping dark cape, long dark leather boots, and a sharp silver choker around her neck that resembled the rings of Saturn—sharp enough to guillotine her head off. She had applied black mascara and black lipstick, and her black hair was slicked back and tied in a ponytail.

Leaning an elbow on Sara’s green rocket cycle, she stood beside Sara in front of her black bike. Sara, wearing her tight shiny lime-green Savant jumpsuit, had her hands on her hips. She was blowing large red bubbles from the Mint she was chewing—the same sweet, stimulant-laden, highly addicting gum Elise favored. A small army of over fifty Officers from the Guard stood at attention behind them. It was quiet enough for Elise to hear the Officers’ lips smacking. They were chewing Mint too.

They stood near the exit of Primdon Street, the only opening out of the checkered megatruss pyramidal wall of Arkite City. It was one thirty in the afternoon on a clear bright sunny day, the day following Dr. Teller’s interrogation.

It wasn’t often that an army of police stood before the exit of the city. Citizens watched along the sidewalks, nearly a hundred of them in drab gray suits, waiting for whatever their supreme leader was about to do. Above circled a swarm of small copter drones. Automated cars were backed up in traffic on the one-lane street—not because they were traveling out of the city, for nobody ever did that, but because so many people were watching and refusing to turn off the road.

Elise ran a hand down Sara’s lovely long blond mane and then glided her fingers down the side of her assistant’s slick lime-green Savant jumpsuit. Sara was so hot. She reminded her of Candice.

That’s why they were here—for Candice. Elise lived for her Candy.

A rocket cycle, white and shiny, finally appeared through the clouds from the direction of Sector Two. Escorting it was a formation of a hundred copter drones piloted by Rex. In unison, the Officers lifted their rifles from inside their coats behind Elise and aimed at the approaching bike. One of the Officers, whose name was Gena, turned to Elise. Say the word now, Mother, and we’ll bring her down.

Gena was a hefty bald woman towering over six and a half feet in height. The Officer had been engineered in the embryo farms to be stronger than most women, selected all the way back in childhood to be an Officer of Arkite. Gena was Elise’s favorite. Usually stoic and cold, vicious and loyal—but today Gena looked anxious. She was never nervous, but Elise knew why. The criminal was related to her. Gena and Dr. Lilith Carloff were assigned from birth to be raised together in the same household as sisters.

Steady, Gena, said Elise. Your sister has the disk. No action until my order.

Yes, Mother.

The cycle came close. It was particularly lustrous, reflecting the light of the midday sun as though built for no other purpose. There were two occupants on board. Dr. Lilith Carloff and a smaller passenger holding on to her waist from behind. Their ragged clothes contrasted sharply with the bike’s pristine polish. The operator wore what once had likely been a pearl-white Savant jumpsuit as lustrous as the white bike. Now it was gray, dirty and torn. Elise liked Lilly’s hair: it trailed a deep red over her white uniform and bike. Elise stared at the cargo Lilly was bearing. It was the XY boy.

She deserves to die, snapped Sara. Sara had her pistol pointed at the rocket cycle too.

Stay in line, repeated Elise.

The child got off the bike first. He was young but tall for his age.

He must be eight, Elise thought. It was eight years ago when Lilith fled from Allele Corporation.

The boy had a hardened expression, likely from scurrying under the earth and running from police all his life. It made him seem older. It was this boy that had once made Elise line up the scientists of Allele Corp, many of whom had been Elise’s friends, in the main lecture hall and gun them down—the dastardliest act she had ever done. But she had never found the boy. Nor had she found Lilith.

Elise impatiently tapped her fingers over Sara’s bike as Lilly and the boy approached, carrying their folded visor helmets under their arms. Elise’s eyes widened as she noticed what was tucked under Lilly’s other arm: a small silver metal case.

Stop there, Gena said. That’s close enough.

Sister, Lilly said to Gena. Gena nodded stoically. Then Lilly faced Elise with a scowl. She repeated sister, this time referring to their political relationship.

Search her, demanded Elise, staring into Lilly’s eyes.

Lilly stepped back, dropped her helmet on the ground, and pulled out a pistol with her free hand from a holster concealed behind her back. She pointed it at Elise’s head. The Officers turned the muzzles of their rifles right back at Lilly.

Back off! yelled Lilly. We have a deal.

Calm yourself, said Elise with a smile, raising a hand. Certainly you know you’re surrounded. There’s no escape.

Drop the gun, Lilly, said Gena.

I ask for freedom, Lilly said, addressing everyone. Freedom from the city for Adam and me.

Then she dropped the metal case on the ground. Elise’s eyes bulged. Her fingers closed into a gloved fist at the sound of the metal clanging against the asphalt. It nearly made her lose all reason.

Deep breaths. Remember, Elise, mindful meditation.

There’s your precious lover! snapped Lilith. Now let Adam and me go.

The little man too? Elise said.

The twerp looked right up at Elise, fearlessly meeting the leader of Arkite’s gaze with challenging eyes.

Yes, replied Lilith. Safe passage from Arkite—both my son and me.

Calm yourself, Elise repeated. Everybody just take a deep breath and calm down. It’s—Elise gestured with her arms extended—why, it’s such a lovely day, isn’t it? Lower your weapons. I get jumpy when people point guns. I was shot once, you know.

You should have died, Lilly said.

After all our work, Elise, cried Sara, how dare she! Let me kill her.

Sara, we don’t kill. You know that. You’re a Savant. Elise cocked her head back at her Chief Guard. We have our Officers do that. She smirked, then continued. Lilly, although I’m so very happy to see you, it’s rather difficult to talk with a gun pointed at my head.

Lilly lowered her gun toward Elise’s chest. Elise chuckled.

Let us go, Lilly snapped.

Don’t you want to chat?

I’m here to leave with my son. Turn around and walk slowly to your bike without looking back. When you and your guards are far enough away, Adam and I leave.

We’ll just shoot you down the moment you’re airborne, Elise said with a shrug.

I have a kill switch. Lilith showed Elise a small black handheld device worn like a ring over her third finger in her free hand. Do anything stupid, and I’ll erase the drive completely.

Clever, Elise said with a sly grin. You’ve always been clever. If I remember, I even once considered recruiting you as Lead Savant. You’re an attractive one too.

And you’re an animal.

Well I must say, I admire a good bit of blackmail, said Elise. But why? Why go through all this trouble just to kill yourself and the XY outside the city walls? You can’t survive outside the Pyramid. Nobody can. You know that.

Just turn around and walk slowly back to your bike. I don’t have to tell you anything.

Oh, yes, you do, Elise said. You will tell me, or I won’t give you a goddamn thing. You might have a gun pointed at me, but I have hundreds of drones above and over fifty rifles below aimed at your pretty little red head.

I seek safe passage. You get the neural net back, and we’re allowed to leave freely. That’s all you need to know.

Elise shook her head. Why?

Lilith looked back, deadpan. Her son had the same impassive expression.

What a lovely day for a family reunion, Elise said. She turned to Sara, who looked ready to tear the criminal apart with her bare hands. Lilly was Reyburn’s wife, Sara. Reyburn chose her after Reyburn turned over the city to me and Magnacourt. You probably recall Connie-con Reyburn, Sara. Remember Team Grandmother, the one who tried to kill me? But we should be nice to Lilly. See, once Lilly had to bend over for Connie-con too. I actually feel kind of sorry for her. Elise made a mockingly sad face.

You disgust me, replied Lilly.

Of course, Reyburn chose me ’cause I was a dollface, continued Elise with a shrug. Elise walked right up to Lilly’s face, feeling the barrel of the gun press against her sternum. I was once the cream of the crop when it came to dollfaces, not like the old shriveled-up prune you see before you now, Lil. Once I was quite attractive. But Lilly, you’re still lovely, aren’t you? No stringy hair yet. Still a flashy red. Sara, all Savants choose their Chief Savants to fuck—or fuck over. It’s custom. The sexiest, fuckiest, hottest young girls—

Shut up! cried Lilly. I’ll shoot! I can’t stand your filthy mouth.

Take advantage of ladies at the top of the class, Elise continued, ignoring her. The cream of the crop. Indeed, I was your wife’s little dolly, Lil. Before you were even hatched. That made me, like you, her bitch, you know.

I’ll shoot!

Do you know what your wife used to do to me? Elise asked Lilith, narrowing her eyes and speaking in almost a whisper. "When she recruited me? She used to stand over me, Elise said more quietly still, leaning close to Lilith’s ear, order me to undress and kneel before her, and then have me lap up her legs like a thirsty stray dog, force me to lick and pleasure her, while tying a rope over my choker—the same choker I’m wearing now, dear—and tug at it until the bitch came, whimpering all over me."

Enough! cried Lilith, pushing Elise back with the gun pressed deep into her stomach. The Officers moved closer.

Whenever it served her, Elise added as if the gun wasn’t there, Connie-con would bind me with wires and tape, doing all sorts of kinky shit.

The case! Lilith shouted impatiently. Shut the hell up and take it. Let us go.

She’d make me run naked in frigid snow, continued Elise, looking up as if in fond remembrance. Choke me before sticking things up my ass and cunt—without my consent, I might add. But she wasn’t only a sick motherfucker. She was also a sadist. She would inspect my work and inflict pain. Once—

You sick bitch! Lilith shouted. Let us go. Don’t say another word.

Desperation changes a girl, I suppose, Elise drawled, shrugging her shoulders. Lilly dug the gun deeper. And perhaps time can change one into an animal, Lilly. Yes. Yes, an animal. That’s what you called me, right? An animal?

You are.

"And who do you think made me this animal, you fuck! yelled Elise, finally enraged. Lilly stepped back at the sudden outburst. How dare you take the only thing I care about in this world! What do you think I’m going to do? Set you free? I’d rather string you up by your goddamn toes than watch you roam free with that mutant freak by your side! Elise closed her eyes, straightened her skirt, and took a deep breath. Well, now you’ve upset me. She took another breath, tempering her rage. She forced a smile. I’ve been trying very hard lately to learn to calm myself. Meditation is important to center oneself. Now you’re fucking that up too. I . . . Elise looked at Sara. I didn’t know Connie-con well during her last years of life, Sara. Not when she married Lilly. Who knows, maybe she changed and stopped being a sadistic abusive whore. Elise chuckled. Well, Lilly, you may as well shoot. Without Candy-can, I’m as good as dead anyway. So shoot me. Ask the guards. Elise turned to Gena. Gena, do I fucking care to live since she took my Candy Doll?"

You’ve been very unhappy, Master, Gena said.

Yeah. Elise chuckled and pushed her body deeper into Lilly’s gun, squinting her eyes and squirming a bit. "Notice what she says. She says Master. See, she calls me Master. Just like your bitch wife made me call her time and time again when she bent me down and—"

Turn around and walk to your bike, Elise! No more words! Do it now, Mother, or I will pull the trigger! I won’t warn you again.

No, Elise said, staring into her eyes. Kill me. Free me. If you damaged her, I don’t really care to live anymore.

Lilly looked at her oddly, and Elise nodded as if urging her on.

Mommy, said the boy, who stood beside his mother. It broke the tension. Are we leaving the city now?

Elise looked down at him and smiled. Why don’t you move your gun for a moment from my stomach, Lilly, so I can inspect the drive? If it’s undamaged, who knows, I might do exactly what you ask.

Lilly hesitated but then lifted the gun and pointed it at Elise’s head.

Elise carefully knelt down and picked up the small rectangular steel case from under their feet. It was the size of her palm. She removed a black leather glove and held it in her bare hand, looked it over, concerned that it could be damaged from the fall. There were small scratches along the sides, but it seemed intact.

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