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CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide: Setup, Operation, and Programming
CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide: Setup, Operation, and Programming
CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide: Setup, Operation, and Programming
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CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide: Setup, Operation, and Programming

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About this ebook

CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide is focused on providing the knowledge base required for obtaining certification, credentialing and/or job preparation in CNC Machining with CNC Mills and Lathes. It covers foundational skills that all those seeking employment as a CNC Operator/Machinist must possess. Managers responsible for workforce development in manufacturing facilities will use the book as a guide for on-the-job employee training and apprenticeships.

The work can be used as a curriculum component for technical schools and colleges for students preparing for certification and credentialing exams based on the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) Machining Level I standards for: CNC Mill Programming and Setup and Operations, and CNC Lathe Programming and Setup and Operations. At a time when the CNC market is experiencing a shortfall of skilled, qualified workers, this Exam Guide is the perfect resource


  • Presents CNC Programming with G-Code so users can execute their programs with confidence.
  • Focuses on the creation of CNC programs using Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
  • Written with the end goals of certification, credentialing and job readiness in mind.
  • Practice study questions mimic those presented on credentialing exams and practice exercises prepare readers for the required practical activities.
  • An affiliated website (  will contain additional certification questions and answers, as well as suggested additional exercises.
Release dateAug 16, 2019
CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide: Setup, Operation, and Programming

Ken Evans

Ken Evans has taught and applied ORM in English and French for 10 years. His know-how in data and process modeling and complex systems management comes from over 30 years in industry, including international jobs with IBM, EDS, Honeywell Controls, and Plessy and clients among the Fortune 500.

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    Book preview

    CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide - Ken Evans

    CNC Machining


    Exam Guide

    CNC Machining


    Exam Guide

    Setup, Operation and


    Ken Evans

    Industrial Press

    Industrial Press, Inc.

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    Author: Ken Evans

    Title: CNC Machining Certification Exam Guide Setup, Operation and Programming

    Library of Congress Control Number is on file with the Library of Congress.

    © by Industrial Press, Inc.

    All rights reserved. Published in 2020.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    ISBN (print):          978-0-8311-3637-6

    ISBN (ePUB):        978-0-8311-9501-4

    ISBN (eMOBI):      978-0-8311-9502-1

    ISBN (ePDF):         978-0-8311-9500-7

    Publisher and Editorial Director: Judy Bass

    Copy Editor: Elise Davies

    Compositor: Paradigm Data Services (P) Ltd., Chandigarh

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher.

    Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty

    Notice to the reader: While every possible effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented herein, the author and publisher express no guarantee of the same. The author and publisher do not offer any warrant or guarantee that omissions or errors have not occurred and may not be held liable for any damages resulting from the use of this text by the readers. The readers accept full responsibility for their own safety and that of the equipment used in connection with the instructions in this text. There has been no attempt to cover every controller or machine type used in the industry and the reader should always consult the operation and programming manuals for the machine they are using before any operation or programming is attempted.

    All rights reserved.

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    1 CNC Machining Fundamentals

    Section 1 Machine Safety

    Section 2 Types of CNC Machines

    Section 3 Machine Maintenance and Workspace Efficiency

    Section 4 Cutting Tool Selection

    Section 5 Machining Mathematics

    Section 6 Understanding Engineering Drawings

    Section 7 Basic Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

    Section 8 Deburring Tools and Techniques

    Section 9 Machined Part Inspection

    Section 10 Basic CNC Program Structure and Format

    2 Setup Operation and Programming of CNC Mills

    Section 1 CNC Mill Setup and Operation

    Section 2 Introduction to CNC Mill Programming

    3 Setup Operation and Programming of CNC Lathes

    Section 1 CNC Lathe Setup and Operation

    Section 2 Introduction to CNC Lathe Programming

    4 Introduction to Computer-Aided Manufacturing

    Section 1 Introduction to CAM for CNC Milling

    Section 2 Introduction to CAM for CNC Turning

    5 Preparing for the Certification Exam

    Section 1 Exam Preparations

    Section 2 Practice Exam

    Further Reading


    Answer Key for Chapter Study Questions



    First, I give thanks to God, for blessing me with the opportunity, knowledge, and ability to share in this work. Thanks to all machining instructors who help change the lives of their students by teaching them skills that will provide for a bountiful future. Special thanks to the publisher, Industrial Press, Inc. and specifically to: Owner/CEO Alex Luchars; Managing Editor Laura Brengleman; Editorial Director/Publisher Judy Bass; Typesetting and Design Devanand Madhukar; Project Manager Patricia Wallenburg; and Elise Davies, Copy Editor. Thanks also to Daniel E. Puncochar for his work on the second edition (original text based on ASME Y 14.5 1994) of Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (based on ASME Y14.5-2009, 3rd edition). Thanks also to all of the following contributors:

    ■ ATAGO USA, Inc.

    Miyuki Clauer, Marketing Supervisor for Brix Scale and Refractometer images

    ■ Autodesk, Inc.

    Al Whatmough, Sr. Product Manager, for granting the use of Autodesk Fusion 360 and Autodesk Inventor Professional CAD/CAM software for design graphics, program creation, and screen shots used throughout the text; and Tim Paul, Manager – Manufacturing and Business Strategy, for his support.

    ■ Buckeye Fire Equipment Company

    Kevin Bower, President for fire extinguisher-related images and text.

    ■ CAMplete Solutions, Inc.

    Jeff Fritsch, VP of Sales and Marketing for temporary license and use of CAMplete Trupath simulation software and screenshot graphic images from within.

    ■ Command Tooling, LLC

    Bounti Hanedae, CFO for Haas BMT style lathe turret tooling models and images.

    ■ DATRON Dynamics, Inc.

    Steve Carter, Brand Manager for 15-station ATC (automatic tool changer) with tool-length sensor on DATRON M8Cube highspeed milling machine image.

    ■ Haas Automation, Inc.

    Scott Rathburn, Marketing Product Manager/Senior Editor for Haas CNC machine images used throughout the text.

    ■ Harvey Performance Company, LLC Tim Lima, Senior Content Marketing Specialist for text excerpts and graphics from the Helical Machining Guidebook and the 2018 Product Catalog.

    ■ Kurt Manufacturing Inc., Industrial Products Division

    Steve Kane, Sales and Marketing Manager for vise 3D models and images of workholding accessories downloaded from the Technical Library, Kurt Images, Gallery at

    ■ The L.S. Starrett Company

    Krys Swan, Senior Graphic Designer for excerpts from Bulletin 1211, Tools and Rules, including related graphic images.

    ■ National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for images and text on the NFPA/OSHA Comparison of NFPA and HazCom Labels 2012 Labels Quick Card.

    ■ Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

    for image and text on the Hazard Communication Standard Labels Quick Card and the Hazard Communication Safety Data Sheets Quick Card.

    ■ Sandvik Coromant

    Angela Roxas, PR and Sponsorships for 3D models and images of inserts, cutting tools, holders, and assemblies from their CoroPlus Tool Guide application and the CoroPlus ToolLibrary.

    ■ Vericut

    Meridith Choy, Marketing Specialist for temporary software license and screenshot images from the software.


    Congratulations on your decision to seek skills and earn certification in CNC Machine Operation, Setup, and Programming. The career of machining has been around for a very long time. This career is constantly changing with new technology influencing manufacturing methods at a pace that is fascinating. Hang on—you are in for a ride! Have an open mind to discovery, never be afraid to change, and keep learning. With these new skills you will not be out-of-work unless you wish to be.

    Instructors, teach your students. Let them do. The best way to learn is by doing. If they fail or miss the mark, encourage and be patient. The old saying, This is the way we have always done it is a death sentence to new ideas and productivity. Never accept the status quo, keep learning.

    Manufacturing is in crisis with a shortage of skilled workers needed to fill open positions. In times of crisis, people pull together to get the task done and rebuild. Sometimes, new and more productive methods are the result. Humans are amazingly resilient and able to overcome unthinkable odds. You don’t have to look back very far in history to see examples. Never be afraid of change, embrace it!

    The most important thing to remember is to never compromise when it comes to safety, quality, and work ethic. Be tenacious in your endeavors and don’t be hard on yourself when things go awry. Keep trying, keep learning.

    May God bless all who read this text with extraordinary skill and a positive career experience for a better world. Life is good, my friends! Live it!

    When working with any type of machinery, you are the only one who can protect yourself from injury. This is only possible if you understand the risks associated with machining and apply safe work practices that are outlined here and in every machine operation/maintenance manual provided by the manufacturer. By following these best practices, you and those you work with will be protected from injury on the job. Also, under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act), employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy workplace. All provided safety-related training should be documented and updated at least annually.

    Some requirements related to working safely on machines are

    ■ Wear appropriate clothing—no loose-fitting sleeves or neck ties, limit skin exposure (hot metal chips can find their way into places and burn you where they land).

    ■ No jewelry or lanyards—like rings, dangling chains or watches. Lanyards are common for employee badging in today’s workplace but pose a risk around machines. For safety, either remove lanyards during machining activities or, at minimum, use only the breakaway type.

    ■ Keep hair tied back.

    ■ Avoid distractions—like horseplay or loud music.

    You should not operate any machine without first understanding basic safety and operation procedures necessary to control and stop the machine in emergency situations and when necessary. Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines with enclosures are equipped with safety devices (door interlocks) that prevent machine operation with the doors open to protect personnel from injury. Operators should never modify or disable these safety devices.

    The machine enclosure guarding and especially the windows are not a guarantee of protection and caution should be taken at all times during machining. Machine tools are required to display safety warning decals near high-risk areas of the machine, such as on electrical cabinet doors, where the potential for electrical shock is present. Electrical cabinet doors should only be opened by qualified maintenance personnel. Read and heed these labels on all machines and equipment. Some examples and brief explanations are given in Figures 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3.

    Figure 1-1. Warning label layout, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Figure 1-2. Machine danger, warning and notice labels, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Figure 1-3. Machine warning labels, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Eye Protection

    As a rule, you should always wear appropriate eye protection when working with machines and tools. Even with safety glasses it is still possible that debris or a liquid splash can get into your eyes. If this happens, DO NOT rub the eye(s) or use any object in an attempt to remove the item. Sometimes the natural flow of tears will dislodge the item. In every case, you should know the location of the eye wash station in your workplace and use it to flush out the offending object or substance. Remember to allow the water to flow into your eye(s) for several minutes.

    Hearing Protection

    The machining work environment can be quite loud at times, so it is important to wear proper hearing protection. The OSH Act states that when the noise levels are at or above 85 decibels (dB), protection measures should be taken. How do you know when the level is at 85 dB? A general rule is that if you are standing within three feet of a person and you have to raise your voice to be heard, then you should be wearing hearing protection. A common situation is the noise caused when using compressed air to clean parts after cutting. The most common types of hearing protection found in machine shops are plugs and ear muffs. Both are effective, so which one you use depends mostly on preference.

    Hand Protection

    Machinists perform much of their work directly with their hands and the fact is 13 percent of all industrial injuries are cuts to the fingers and hands. The Bureau of Labor Statistics data report that 70 percent of on-the-job hand injuries happen to workers not wearing gloves. For many years, wearing gloves around machine tools had been considered a risk. Today, there are times when it is acceptable and even advisable to wear gloves and is considered safe practice. Some multipurpose gloves made with advanced materials (polyurethane-coated, cut-resistant gloves) enable the user to perform different tasks to avoid cuts and chemical exposure while maintaining grip and dexterity. For example, multipurpose and leather gloves are suitable for materials handling, Nitrile gloves perform well for light chemical applications, rubber may be required for more hazardous chemicals. Do not wear gloves if the danger of entanglement exists. To avoid entanglement risks, always keep hands out of the path of moving parts during machining operations and perform all setup procedures and loading or unloading of workpieces with the spindle stopped.


    Appropriate protective footwear is required in every shop environment. At minimum, shoes covering the toes should be worn, but steel or composite toe are most effective at preventing injury. Shop floors are often slippery due to coolant and oil residue in the area, so anti-slip soles are highly recommended. Many employers subsidize the purchase of work boots, shoes and other PPE.

    Some of the most common causes for injuries in the workplace are slips, trips and falls. Always be aware of your surroundings and pay special attention to floor hazards like cords, unmarked obstacles, uneven or wet surfaces, steps, drop-offs and traffic pathways. Take special care when accessing raised work areas like portable stairs and scaffolding. Pay attention when fork-lifts are being used in the work area and walk at a safe distance from the forks.

    Dust Masks

    In some cases, machining can create airborne particles that are small enough for the operator to inhale. This is especially true when machining foams, wood products, carbon-fiber or composites. A particulate dust-mask should be worn. In rare circumstances, where hazardous materials are being machined, respirators may be required. Your employer is required to train and equip you with protective equipment if this is the case.

    Contact with Blood

    The most common injuries that occur when using CNC machines are minor cuts and lacerations caused by mishandling of sharp cutting tools or the burr edges of parts after machining. When these incidents happen, it is important to protect yourself and others from coming in contact with blood. Blood-borne pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms that can cause serious disease.

    Seek first aid immediately and report the accident. Do not continue working or touching equipment until the bleeding has stopped. Apply pressure to the wounded area with a clean towel. Wash the wound thoroughly with soap and water and apply an appropriate bandage or dressing as needed. If you are helping someone else with an injury, be sure to put on non-latex or nitrile gloves before administering first aid to the victim.

    Note: It is important to decontaminate the area or item where blood is present by cleaning with the proper disinfectant in the blood-borne pathogen kit in your first aid cabinet and properly disposing of cleaning towels (your employer may assign a janitorial crew for this step). For more detailed information, visit

    Lifting Techniques

    In the shop there are often times when the part, material or work-holding system weighs more than fifty pounds. Back injuries are a common result of improper lifting in the workplace. In all cases, proper lifting techniques should be followed. When lifting mechanisms such as portable lifts, scissor lifts, hoists and cranes are available they should be used (after being properly trained) rather than lifting by hand. Overhead cranes require special training certification (OSHA CC – Cranes and Derricks in Construction, as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1427) for safe use, including lifting accessories such as chains, cables, hooks and straps. At least two people, the operator and a spotter, must be present when using a crane. The crane operator must wear a safety vest and both the operator and spotter must wear hard hats.

    When mechanical lifting methods are not available and the item is less than 50 pounds, lift by bending your knees, lift with your legs— not your back. If the item you are lifting is long or awkward, enlist a helper (see Figure 1-4).

    Figure 1-4. Two-person lift

    Although the OSH Act does not specify an exact weight limit a person should be required to lift, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed a mathematical model. Applications Manual for the Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation (on the web at predicts the risk of injury based on the weight being lifted and other criteria as a voluntary guideline. Generally speaking, lifting an item weighing over 50 pounds should not be attempted without some form of assistance. Protect yourself, get help.

    Fire Prevention and Suppression

    There is always a potential for fire when working in a manufacturing environment. CNC machining itself is not usually flammable; however, sometimes materials being machined may pose a threat. Magnesium and titanium machining can create fine particles that are very flammable. It is more likely some of the chemicals used for lubrication and cleaning might cause a fire. Understand the potential risks. Read all chemical safety data sheets (SDS), follow directions related to flammability and adhere to safe working habits at all times. Discard oily rags in approved safety cans.

    Building fire codes require sprinkler systems and fire extinguishers based on square footage of each room. Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher in your area. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards require that your employer have a fire prevention plan and the minimum elements of a fire prevention plan must include (per training requirements in OSHA Standard 1910.39):

    ■ A list of all major fire hazards, proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials, potential ignition sources and their control, and the type of fire protection equipment necessary to control each major hazard.

    ■ Procedures to control accumulations of flammable and combustible waste materials.

    ■ Procedures for regular maintenance of safeguards installed on heat-producing equipment to prevent the accidental ignition of combustible materials.

    ■ The name or job title of employees responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent or control sources of ignition or fires.

    ■ The name or job title of employees responsible for the control of fuel source hazards.

    OSHA Fire Protection and Prevention Standard 1926.152 states that flammable liquids must be stored in an approved container or storage cabinet. For more information, go to

    Extinguisher Selection Guide

    To provide the best protection of life and property from fire, proper extinguisher selection is critical. The classification and rating of an extinguisher are vital pieces of information for making this selection.

    The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has established the requirements for the number, size, placement, inspection, maintenance, and testing of portable fire extinguishers. These requirements are contained in NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.

    Within this standard it is stated that the selection of fire extinguishers for a given situation is determined by the following:

    ■ The character and size of the fires anticipated to be encountered

    ■ The construction and occupancy of the property to be protected

    ■ The ambient temperature of the area where the extinguisher will be located

    ■ Other factors that may dictate the selection of a particular type of extinguisher

    Fire Classifications

    Generally, fire extinguishers are selected based on the hazard(s) they are intended to address. Classifications have been established to categorize these hazards as shown in Figure 1-5.

    It is important to be aware of the locations of fire extinguishers in your facility and to understand the function for each of the components as shown in Figure 1-6.

    Before trying to fight a fire:

    1. Know where all exits are.

    2. Alert others that there is a fire in the building.

    3. Have someone call the fire department.

    4. Assess the magnitude of the fire and, if it is too large, exit the area immediately.

    5. Determine if there may be toxic smoke; if in doubt, exit the area immediately.

    6. If the fire is small and contained, retrieve the fire extinguisher.

    Figure 1-5. Fire classification types, courtesy Buckeye Fire Equipment

    Figure 1-6. Fire extinguisher components, courtesy Buckeye Fire Equipment

    Follow the PASS method: Pull the pin. While holding the extinguisher with the nozzle pointing toward the fire, Aim low and at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly and Sweep the nozzle from side to side repeatedly until the fire is out.

    The NFPA developed what is called the 704 Diamond and is the standard labeling system for hazardous chemicals that identifies the health hazards, flammability, reactivity and other special hazards intended primarily for emergency response personnel (Figure 1-7).

    Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS)

    In the United States, OSHA, through the revised Hazard Communication System (HCS), requires suppliers and employers to follow labeling standards to identify health hazard levels from 1 to 4 (1–minimal; 2–slight; 3–moderate; 4–serious and severe) for all chemical materials found in the workplace in order to communicate the chemical hazard (see Figure 1-8). This labeling requirement includes all containers, including small bottles used for distribution at the point of use.

    Figure 1-7. NFPA 704 and HazCom labels, courtesy NFPA

    Figure 1-8. Hazard communication standard labels quick card, courtesy OSHA

    Safety Data Sheets

    According to the HCS, employees have the right to know the hazards related to the chemicals used in their workplace. You have the right to a safe workplace. The OSH Act was specifically passed to prevent workers from being killed or otherwise harmed at work, and it requires employers to provide their employees with working conditions that are free of known dangers. The OSH Act resulted in the creation of the OSHA, the administration which sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards. OSHA also provides information, training and assistance to employers and workers (OSHA 3021-11R 2016, Workers’ Rights). Training conducted in compliance with 1926.59, the Hazard Communication Standard, will help employees to be more knowledgeable about the chemicals they work with and familiarize them with SDS (OSHA 1910.39) (Figure 1-9). (Safety Data Sheets [SDS] is the current terminology used).


    There is nothing more important than your safety and health when it comes to working in the machining environment. There are risks that must be recognized and avoided. Some very basic techniques and tools have been presented here to help you avoid injury. Knowledge about your workplace and the associated risks of working with machining equipment and the use of common sense are your best protection. Protect yourself and always THINK SAFETY FIRST!

    Figure 1-9. Hazard communiction safety data sheets, courtesy OSHA

    Machining Safety, Study Questions

    1. Some of the most common injuries that occur when working with CNC machines are:

    a. From slips, trips and falls

    b. Cuts and abrasions

    c. From using improper lifting techniques

    d. All of the above

    2. Hearing protection is required when shop noise levels exceed:

    a. No specific level; always wear hearing protection

    b. 85 dB

    c. 65 dB

    d. A point where talking at a normal level cannot be heard when standing three feet apart

    e. b or d

    3. Safety Data Sheets are:

    a. Chemical manufacturer- and distributor-required information about hazards related to their use

    b. Used to communicate dangers related to handling chemicals

    c. Only needed for flammable materials

    d. Both a and b

    4. The acronym HMIS stands for?

    a. Horizontal Machining Information Standard

    b. Heavy Materials Instruction Sheet

    c. Hazardous Materials Information System

    d. Hazardous Materials Identification System

    5. Personal protective equipment includes which of the following?

    a. Hearing protection (plugs or muffs)

    b. Safety glasses

    c. Appropriate clothing sometimes including steel- or composite-toe shoes

    d. All of the above

    6. When lifting an object that weighs more than 50 pounds you should:

    a. Use the two-person lifting method

    b. Use a lifting device when available

    c. Either a or b

    d. An individual can be required to lift up to 75 pounds by oneself

    7. What does the fire extinguisher-related acronym PASS stand for?

    a. Pull pin, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep

    b. Pull pin, Assess the situation, Send for help, Shower the fire

    c. Point, At, and Stand at a Safe distance

    d. None of the above

    8. Which of the following is the organization that sets and enforces protective workplace safety and health standards?

    a. USDA

    b. NFPA

    c. OSHA

    d. ORCA

    9. When an accident occurs that includes the loss of blood, why is special care and protection needed when cleaning the work area after first aid is administered?

    a. As a courtesy to other workers

    b. Because blood-borne pathogens are pathogenic microorganisms that can cause serious disease

    c. To avoid frightening other workers

    d. The machine coolant will dilute any remnant blood and render it harmless

    10. The use of overhead cranes and forklifts to lift heavy objects requires:

    a. Special attention to weight distribution

    b. Special training and certification

    c. The operator to wear a hard hat

    d. All of the above

    11. What type of fire extinguisher is used for fighting a burning metals fire?

    a. A

    b. B

    c. C

    d. D

    CNC machine tools are steadily advancing and have all but eliminated manual machining in a production environment. Manual lathes and milling machines still exist, but they are primarily used for secondary operations or simple one-off parts and tooling. On CNC machines, program data can be entered through manual data input at the control panel keyboard to create programs that are downloaded via ethernet connection from a remote source like a personal computer (PC) network, a USB drive or, in rare cases, wi-fi. Today, many CNC machines offer conversational or shop floor programming right at the control and some even incorporate computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software within the control. All operations on CNC machines are carried out automatically once programmed. The CNC machine will only do what it is programmed to do and requires human involvement for cutting tool work-holding setups, loading and unloading the workpiece (sometimes robotic) and entering tool and work offsets into registers on the control.

    A major objective for using CNC machines is to increase productivity and improve quality by consistently controlling the machining operation. It is necessary for CNC programmers to have a thorough understanding of the CNC machines they are responsible for programming. Knowledge of the exact capabilities of the machine and its components, as well as the tooling involved, is imperative when working with CNC.

    Some machines that are CNC-controlled today include milling machines, lathes, routers, wire electronic discharge machines, laser, grinders, turret punches, plasma cutters, water jets, multitask mill turn centers, robotic pick-and-place loading devices, robotic machining systems and many more. There are also several design variations of machining and turning centers. Some of the five-axis machining centers (see Figures 1-10 and 1-11) use a rotary axis on a trunnion table and some turning centers have live tooling, secondary spindles and multiple turrets. All operations on these machines can be carried out automatically, but human involvement is necessary for programming, setting up, loading and unloading the workpiece, and entering the amounts of dimensional offsets into registers on the control.

    Figure 1-10. Five-axis machining centers, courtesy CAMPlete Solutions Inc.

    Figure 1-11. Five-axis machining centers, courtesy CGTech Vericut

    Figure 1-12. Multi-axis mill turn center, courtesy CGTech Vericut

    In this section, we will focus on three-axis CNC vertical mills and two-axis CNC lathes and turning centers (Figures 1-12, 1-13 and 1-14). These types of machines comprise the foundation of CNC learning and are where most new machinists start their career as operators.

    CNC Machine Configurations

    All CNC machines are equipped with the basic traveling components, which move in relation to one another and in perpendicular directions.

    Figure 1-13. Three-axis CNC mills, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Figure 1-14. Two-axis CNC lathes, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Vertical mills and machining centers are equipped with a traversing worktable or column, which travels along two axes, and a spindle with a driven tool that travels along a third axis (Figure 1-15). All of the axes of these machines are oriented in an orthogonal coordinate system (each axis is perpendicular to the other), as in the Cartesian coordinate system. On vertical mills, the X-axis is left and right movement in either direction, the Y-axis is movement away from and toward the operator in both directions and the Z-axis is movement of the spindle toward or away from the machine worktable. The right-hand rule is often used to describe the axis orientation for vertical mills.

    Figure 1-15. Vertical mill axis designation, the right-hand rule

    In discussing the X, Y and Z axes, the right- hand rule establishes the orientation and the description of tool motions along a positive or negative direction for each axis. This rule is recognized worldwide and is the standard for which axis identification was established. For the vertical representation, the palm of your right hand is laid out flat in front, face up, the thumb will point in the positive X direction. The forefinger will be pointing the positive Y direction. Now fold over the little finger and the ring finger and allow the middle finger to point up. This forms the third axis, Z, and points in the Z positive direction. The point where all three of these axes intersect is called the origin or zero point. When looking at any vertical milling machine, you can apply this rule.

    CNC Lathe Axis Designation

    Two-axis CNC lathes and turning centers (Figure 1-16) are equipped with a turret and tool carrier, which travels along two axes. The Z-axis is from right to left with the face of the spindle nose representing zero location of the coordinate system and the X-axis is from front to back, with the center line of the spindle representing the zero location of the coordinate system. The X-axis is the diameter controlling axis.

    Figure 1-16. CNC lathe, axis designation, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    With two-axis CNC lathes, tools are mounted in a tool turret that can hold eight or more tools at once. The turret normally has every other tool location (pot) dedicated to outside diameter (OD) tools or inside diameter (ID) tools. When tool changes are commanded in the program, the tool turret unclamps, rotates to the desired position and then reclamps. Caution must be exercised when mounting tools in consecutive pot locations to avoid interference with other tools, the part or work-holding system.

    There are also two-axis lathes with similar configurations to manual lathes where tools are mounted to the tool post using a wedge lever locking system (Figure 1-17). In this case, the face of the cutting tool or insert is visible from above. These types of tool posts make it possible to mount tools for OD and facing as well as ID boring. On this type of machine, drilling is completed manually by advancing the tailstock into position, locking it and turning the hand crank to advance the drill into the work. At tool change commands, the machine will prompt the operator to uninstall the current tool and install the next tool. This type of machine is an effective transitional step for those just moving away from manual turning to CNC, and many technical schools start their machinist trainees on these machines.

    Figure 1-17. CNC tool post lathe, axis designation, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    It is important to note that, in the following drawings of turning centers, the cutting tool and turret is located on the positive side of spindle center line. This is a common design of modern CNC turning centers. For visualization purposes, in this book, the cutting tool will be shown upright as would be true for tool post lathes. In reality for turning centers, the tool is mounted with the insert facing down and the spindle is rotating clockwise for cutting.

    Note: The direction of spindle rotation in turning—clockwise (CW) or counterclockwise (CCW)—is determined by looking from the head- stock toward the tailstock and tool orientation.

    CNC Mill Tool Changer Types

    CNC machining centers use an efficient tool change system that incorporates an automatic tool changer (ATC) in the form of an umbrella, magazine or rack style. With the umbrella, tools are held vertically and have dedicated locations for each tool (Figure 1-18); with the magazine style (Figure 1-19), tools are held horizontally. Racks (Figure 1-20) are commonly used on CNC routers. Another ATC type (not shown) is the chain style, where tools can be removed and replaced more quickly and incorporate random assignment to tool locations and track tool pot location via Remote Frequency Identification (RFID) chip. The number of tools vary with each machine and options are available for expansion.

    Figure 1-18. CNC mill umbrella ATC, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Figure 1-19. CNC mill magazine ATC, courtesy Haas CNC Automation

    Figure 1-20. Fifteen-station ATC with tool-length sensor on DATRON M8Cube high-speed milling machine, courtesy DATRON Dynamics

    Machine Selection

    Determining which machine is needed to make a part is driven by the part design. Typically, cylindrical shaped parts are turned on a lathe, whereas parts with rectangular or prismatic shapes are machined in a mill. Some part configurations may require both types of machines for specific operations. This situation is commonly handled by multiple operations including use of both types of machines, but today multi-task mill-turn machines (Figure 1-12) are making it possible to complete all operations in one setup on one machine. As product designs are developed, the manufacturing method should be considered. This is called design for manufacture. For example, CNC milling machines cannot ordinarily make square holes and two-axis CNC lathes cannot cut rectangular part shapes. The machine used must have the physical ability to perform the machining. If the planned machining cut requires ten horsepower from the spindle motor, a machine with only 7.5 horse power will not be an efficient choice. It is important to work within the capabilities of the machine tool. When planning for machining, always remember

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