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Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Case Study
Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Case Study
Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Case Study
Ebook478 pages3 hours

Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Case Study

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Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy is one of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Sustainable energy access planning (SEAP) plays a vital role when it comes to ensuring energy access for poor households particularly in Nepal's Pyuthan district. SEAP identifies the needed resources and investments for sustainable energy in the district. This case study, supported by the Asian Development Bank, presents the application of a SEAP framework for developing cost-effective energy plans for Pyuthan district. It also highlights the benefits of access to cleaner energy in terms of social well-being, reduction in the emission of local pollutants and greenhouse gas, and reducing energy inequality.
Release dateAug 1, 2018
Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Case Study

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    Sustainable Energy Access Planning - Asian Development Bank



    AUGUST 2018

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2018 Asian Development Bank

    6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines

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    Some rights reserved. Published in 2018.

    ISBN 978-92-9261-040-1 (print), 978-92-9261-041-8 (electronic)

    Publication Stock No. TCS189194


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    Figures and Tables



    Appendix Tables


    Asia and the Pacific is home to more than 420 million people lacking access to electricity and about 2 billion people without access to clean cooking. Complicating this challenge is the need to deliver these energy services sustainably—utilizing renewable energy resources at an affordable cost and minimum impact to climate and the environment.

    In 2015, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released Sustainable Energy Access Planning: A Framework to help planners and policy makers design affordable and clean energy systems that both the poor and nonpoor can access for their basic energy needs.

    As a follow-up to its publication, ADB applied the methodologies presented in the sustainable energy access planning (SEAP) framework in a study to develop a sustainable universal energy access plan for households in Pyuthan District, one of the economically poor districts of Nepal.

    The case study demonstrates how the SEAP framework can be used by energy planners to develop strategies for providing universal energy access to households using clean energy.

    Using primary and secondary data with 2014 as base year, the study identified Pyuthan District’s household characteristics and energy patterns and estimated its future energy requirements. Following the SEAP framework, the study conducted assessments of costs, benefits, sustainability, and affordability of energy access options through 2030.

    ADB is committed to helping developing member countries in Asia and the Pacific provide sustainable energy for all and supporting their journey to a low-emissions development path. It has made significant contributions to energy development by providing loans and grants in the energy sector—including support for the three pillars of sustainable energy for all: universal energy access, energy efficiency, and renewable energy.

    We hope that the methodologies and examples presented in this publication will serve as useful tools for developing member countries, breaking down some of the knowledge barriers and challenges in preparing a sustainable energy plan for all.

    We would like to take the opportunity to thank the Government of Nepal as well as the project team and authors for their support for this joint publication of the Sustainable Development and

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