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Textbook for the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE
Textbook for the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE
Textbook for the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE
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Textbook for the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE

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This textbook sets new standards in the diagnosis and therapy of chronically ill people. The research results of important scientists were put into practice. The book shows the way for a long overdue union of conventional medicine and naturopathy. This step leads to another dimension of medicine, by integrating new, synergistic methods. This results in a higher quality, with simultaneous cost efficiency, which can initiate the necessary paradigm shift: from specialist to generalist, who can grasp overarching relationships. Quantum mechanics has made a significant contribution to this and opened up new perspectives.

As an internist with extensive additional training in naturopathy, the author has about 50 years of experience in clinics and his own practice.
Through intensive research and exchange with many top-class scientists, he has acquired comprehensive knowledge. The focus of his work is on biophysics and the therapeutic methods derived from it. In addition to several specialist books and over 150 publications, this has resulted in his own therapeutic methods and the development of medical products. The author is active as a lecturer at home and abroad.
Release dateFeb 18, 2020
Textbook for the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE

Bodo Koehler

O autor, Dr. med. Bodo Koehler, nascido em 1948, é um internista com ampla formação adicional em medicina naturopática e tem quase 50 anos de experiência em clínicas e em seu próprio consultório. Através de intenso trabalho de pesquisa e intercâmbio ativo com muitos cientistas de primeira linha, ele adquiriu uma extensa gama de conhecimentos. Isto resultou em vários livros especializados e mais de 150 publicações, bem como em seus próprios métodos terapêuticos e no desenvolvimento de dispositivos médicos. O autor é ativo como palestrante no país e no exterior.

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    Textbook for the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE - Bodo Koehler


    This textbook is also a synopsis of many scientific findings and discoveries of the last 100 years. It is at the same time a tribute to the courage and steadfastness with which these responsible pioneers have defended progress from a firm inner conviction in opposite to any mainstream hostility.

    The following list of the names of some of these researchers is not complete, but stands for all those who have served humanity. I confine myself to those who are no longer with us and could easily be forgotten.

    I would like to start with Nicola Tesla, who was a friend of Walter Russel and who recognized the importance of his work as one of the few. He advised Russel to seal it and bury it, because it may only be understood in 1000 years. But already today, 100 years later, the revelations of Russel are a treasure that should be made available to anyone who is interested. That's why they take up a lot of space in this book.

    Wolfgang Pauli, who was close friends with Carl Gustav Jung, had recognized the universal order behind the matter and raised its bipolarity to the 3 + 1 law.

    Burkhard Heim fared a bit like Russel. His ingenious work is still not understood and even known to the least.

    Jules Muheim had been able to prove the calculation of Heim experimentally, without having met him before, or to know his theory.

    In another discipline, namely physiology, Juergen Schole met a similar fate with his three-component theory. Health and every healing process requires a normally regulating cell metabolism.

    That's as natural as the need for air to breathe. But until today his knowledge has not found its way into the curriculum of medicine.

    Even Max Luescher could not achieve a breakthrough with his color test, although it is the optimally simple module for psychodiagnostics. Much more important and even less understood is his ingenious categorical ordering system, which is based on a cube, the primal form of the cosmic order.

    Johanna Budwig was one of the few competent fat researchers in Germany, who was not afraid to defend her truth in court against a lot of hostility.

    A very important contribution to the idea of considering man as a complex networked system came from the University of Vienna by Alfred Pischinger and his many co-workers such as Perger, Bergsmann, Kellner, Draczynski and others, who recognized the importance of the connective tissue as a self-regulating organ. This work was later continued by Hartmut Heine and underpinned with new findings.

    This is where the insights of Hans Selye on stress research fit.

    An entirely new kind of diagnosis and therapy was launched by other pioneers. These included Reiner Voll, who had developed electro-acupuncture diagnostics (EAV) from the TCM, Franz Morell, who initiated MORA therapy, and Wolfgang Ludwig, who was a leader in magnetic therapy.

    Fortunately, many groundbreaking research results have recently been made that put the whole person in a whole new light. These come primarily from quantum mechanics, which postulates for the first time again a creative universe and turns away from pure materialism.

    This book increasingly refers to the new paradigm of a unified universe, opening up higher dimensions with unprecedented opportunities for diagnosis and therapy. Without the findings of the aforementioned and not mentioned thought-givers, there would be no such progress. Therefore this dedication posthumously in deep gratitude.

    The Author

    1st Preface

    When the foundation stone for this book was laid in 2017, an Ebolaepidemic in Africa was spreading, spreading to other countries. Thousands of people died. Fear and terror spread, leading to strikes, even among medical staff. In these and other situations, could the UNITED life supporting MEDICINE that is at stake here help and react differently? The answer is a clear YES!

    The whole reality, including viruses and diseases are subject to informative processes. Everything that happens around us is retrieved from the infinite potential of the so-called Unified Field, the quantum space (or just SPIRIT) through consciousness processes. Any desired change of reality is also induced through our consciousness. It is very important, if our intentions and thus all acting forces are in balance (harmony), or there is chaos.

    These relationships seem magical to us and perhaps very suspicious to some. However, they are subject to clear scientific laws that are known today, but are largely ignored by science and therefore also by medicine. Here are claims to power in the game, which simply do not tolerate that this knowledge becomes common knowledge. Therefore, these facts are routinely deported to the obscure track of esotericism, ignoring the advocates at best, but often ridiculed and defamed, even on Internet portals.

    There is no matter, just a web of energies given shape by intelligent mind ... Max Planck

    Imagine, every human being is aware of his creative potential, which he can recall via his emotions! Suddenly, the world would change without external revolution. This would take place in every human being and enable him to perceive the total interconnectedness of everything with everything as a feeling of being carried and being free from fear. Any manipulation of anxiety that is at home in many areas of daily life and especially in politics would be over.

    That's why not only correction is a necessity, but protest! The doctrine of solid matter, while denying knowledge of the central role of mental processes and therefore of consciousness, should no longer forbid humanity to put up in the 21st century and impose it. We doctors are primarily called upon to help the sick and the weak. Currently, however, the entire humanity is sick! The general consciousness has the level of a toddler. We are facing these events helplessly, even though we have the potential for every conceivable change. But we are not informed about it and therefore consider it impossible.

    Quantum theory proves the existence of a universal consciousness in the universe. Eugene Paul Wigner, NP 1963

    When members of a human society wear expensive clothes from brand manufacturers that have been produced by child slavery, when equally GMO-approved foods are admitted – at the risk of using unknown endangering hormone-active pesticides, despite knowledge of the catastrophic bee mortality caused by it – to say nothing about the risk of cancer – of the increasing use of nanoparticles whose risk to the organism must be considered incalculably high, if weapons are delivered to crisis areas that may someday turn against us, if our descendants in this technically society have forgotten, how to communicate in a natural way with eye contact, instead only text messages, then our society has long lost its status of being highly civilized and humane.

    This has nothing to do with capitalism or socialism, but solely with a regression of human consciousness.

    This disaster does not stop at the doctors. In practice, when with Antis suppresses life rather than conforming to the causes of life, when healing fever is reduced, without knowing the consequences, when patients are considered to be herd animals and are all receiving the same treatment according the official guide lines, disregarding any individuality, when infants are given 8-fold vaccinations, even though the immune system is not yet developed, when cancer patients are given time forecasts and a death signal is given, when osteoporosis is confused with osteomalacia and falsely associated with calcium and vitamin D rather than magnesium and silica is treated, when vital cholesterol is lowered, although the cause of atherosclerosis is completely different, when naturopathic physicians use the artifact vitamin D instead of prescribing lots of exercise at the sun and fresh air, if without knowledge of the four-pole regulation are found diagnoses and prescribing therapies, there is a lack of basic knowledge as well as awareness and ethical commitment to the patient. Training on existing basic research, including quantum mechanics – that would be the right answer! However, everyone has to make an effort to dilatate their personal consciousness.

    If people do not learn to think differently then they will not survive. Albert Einstein, NP 1922

    If politics fails and subordinates itself to power interests, it is we – the people – who must bring about change. We have the power, even if it sometimes does not seem that way. However, there is still a lack of knowledge about the deeper connections, which must be conveyed to people. The message is very clear:

    It is up to each of us to make life as desired and to master difficult situations.

    These include diseases, but not only. Every burden that we are exposed to can be transformed by us.

    That is why this book was written. It was not written only for doctors and therapists, but provides background knowledge that can and should be used in everyday life. Life can be designed in such a way that happiness and satisfaction come naturally.

    If you have not dealt with such topics before, you may be a little confused in some parts of this book. In it statements are made, which can partially contradict the current world view completely.

    In the meantime, I have deliberately struck a very personal style and left the strict textbook mode, in order to bridge the distance to you, the reader.

    I also do not shy away from incorporating religious references where appropriate. On the contrary – the ignorance of scientists towards our Creator, even the relentless attempt to prove his nonexistence (!), as exemplified by the Big Bang, is no longer acceptable. As a brake on progress, this is a major obstacle in human development.

    A feasible way out of this dilemma shows us the quantum physics. Therefore, I would like to thank warmly welcome Dr Ing. phil. nat. Bernd Zeiger for the scientific advice.

    Luckily, there are many other courageous scientists of our time who are not subordinate to the mainstream, but are treading their own creative path. I can only thank them flat-rate. When the truth comes to light, action must be taken and make a stand.

    However, this book would never have come about without the impulses of my beloved wife Helga, who has critically scrutinized many theses and brought in her feminine perspective – the true creative potential that many women unfortunately are unaware of and make her far superior to us men. That makes them adorable and true partners, for which I am very grateful.

    2nd Preface

    After three years, a lot of new things can be expected in the flood of data of our time – one would think. That's wrong. The big wave of information is indeed data. That is true, but not containing more knowledge!

    We are heading for a dead end with our education. This is not changed by the accelerated digitalisation. Our thinking system is no longer up to date, that's the problem.

    Let's go back in time something. Millennia ago, there have already been some high cultures that have not only perished, but have left almost no traces. That's why only myths surround Atlantis. With the Incas it looks a bit better, but without being able to really understand the culture until today.

    This is an indication that in every major period of time there has been a completely different, but by no means more primitive development and way of thinking, which we can no longer grasp today.

    However, one thing the research has undoubtedly discovered: the human brain was 15,000 years ago larger than ours. Apparently a lot of data had to be processed. But that is certainly not due to a flood of data, as we have today in unimaginable extent, but with intelligent creative processing. In contrast to binary YES / NO computer logic, the black and white thinking of today, more complex thought processes were needed at that time to create high cultures. Probably a quinary logic was used with yes - no - both - as - also - neither - nor - indefinite.

    Despite the flood of data (or even because of?) our mental abilities are decreasing. The IQ reached a plateau in 1960 and has been falling slightly since then. 100 years ago, the reaction time was 50 ms better! Today there are only ¼ of inventions in comparison to the past.

    Our intellectual education excludes creativity! On the contrary, there is an unwanted homogeneous of the fields of consciousness.

    In antiquity, there were great scientists who had to fear for their dissenting theses for their lives, or even lost, such as Giordano Bruno. Part of his research is still accessible and shows a great world spirit. Even today, freethinkers are ostracized, persecuted and muzzled as they were then. Is not that strange?

    Who is interested in preventing the expansion of knowledge across thought boundaries?

    Imagine it would not be so. Every scientist would be able to research result-openly with his creative intelligence, and the insights would merge effortlessly! There would be no gaps in understanding, because the same phenomena would be illuminated from different perspectives and thus a comprehensive overview would be possible. With the comprehension of the whole, it would also be easier to recognize the underlying meaning that is inherent in all events. It would show the work of the universal intelligence behind it and the theologians call it GOD.

    Is that perhaps the reason why the research results of quantum mechanics, until now ignored by the other disciplines, are sometimes even suppressed? May there be no higher intelligence? If this is true, it would be devilish.

    Let's go back to the present time. Is digitization the logical consequence of technological development in our world? Is it a path that inevitably results and that we all have to go?

    Doubts may be raised again here, because humans and nature are by no means digital, but basically analog.

    Even more than ever before, even in its most extreme form, linear cause-and-effect thinking is applied to all areas. The problems of our time can not be solved with it. Networking, bipolar function models, awareness processes and a new view of life are the cornerstones of new thinking in medicine.

    The Author Autumn 2019

    3rd Preface

    Although the intervals between the individual editions of this book are not very large, new aspects are constantly arising due to our fast-moving time.

    The climate is currently taking up much space in the daily discussion. Depending on their political affiliation, the opinion-makers outdo each other with ever-rousing slogans. From climate became climate catastrophe, from global warming earth heating, from a natural trace gas of the earth became the greenhouse gas CO2. If there really should be a warming of the Earth, which is doubtful due to the space weather that directly affects us, then there are other reasons.

    Every housewife knows the heating effect of a microwave oven. However, only a few know what it is based on: the ever-occurring water molecules are set in motion by the high-energy radiation and generate strong heat through friction.

    The same thing happens constantly in our atmosphere and heats up the air, because we have been in a global microwave oven for years, which is constantly fueled by further expansion of mobile telephony – especially with generation 5.

    This is the actual effect of man-made climate, not the CO2, which according to climate experts involved only with a maximum of 1.5%, so it can be neglected.

    Unfortunately, this is not published, and the inexperienced students have to freeze on the streets in the autumn and winter on Friday unnecessarily. The question is, however, whether they would be ready to dispose of their cell phone immediately after appropriate education!

    Again, people are manipulated and abused for strange purposes. This happens increasingly and very often creates deep-seated fears. Only information helps, and that's the main concern of this book.

    The Author Spring 2020

    4th Preface

    We are at the end of the year 2021, and although 1½ years have passed, things are not looking any better in the world. Most people do not notice how they are being increasingly manipulated. They confuse community of values with common dependency.

    Dissenters are massively excluded and defamed. The formerly highly praised diversity of opinion has given way to a one-way street. People are only allowed to think what has been decreed by the state.

    How is it possible that the whole of humanity has strayed so far from its purpose? How could it happen that every individuality was sacrificed to a single ideology, and that in a country that used to be thoroughly democratic?

    We have seen totalitarian communist states that only wanted the good but mercilessly oppressed their people and persecuted any dissenter. How can it be that after 70 years of democracy the entire so-called free world has fallen victim to a dictatorship?

    Nothing works without processes of consciousness. We create our own personal reality. Therefore, every change in life always has something to do with ourselves, including, of course, a disease. But how was such a world-wide manipulation possible in the first place?

    The question can be answered very simply. In order to build trust in any claims, science is used with great success. Statements by scientists, no matter how insignificant, are usually convincing. Yes, if that's so? say most people and put their conviction at the back of their minds. But hardly anyone asks who pays these people! But this is crucial, because very few (!) of our scientists can freely dispose of their budgets and therefore neither determine their topics nor the expected results themselves.

    That is why it is becoming increasingly important to draw on findings from independent research and to integrate them into one's own thinking.

    The Author in autumn 2021


    1. Introduction


    2. History

    3. Role of science

    Critism of studies

    4. Consciousness

    New thinking



    Switching of reality


    Information storage


    Change of reality

    Observer effect



    Cosmic order

    Death and dying

    Limes abstraction

    Levels of consciousness

    5. The characteristics of the UNITED MEDICINE

    5.1. Preliminary remarks

    5.2 Objective

    5.3. What means life supporting?

    5.4. Health versus disease

    5.5. Emergence of deficiency

    5.6. Processuality

    5.7. Healing in the encounter

    5.8. Law of resonance

    5.9. Polarity

    5.10. Four-pole bipolarity

    5.11. Syntactics

    5.12. Thinking in systems

    6. The role of the brain

    New scientific findings


    Coherent signal processing

    Motivation systems

    Creation of one's own reality

    What are the specifics?


    Control of the healing reaction

    Inner attitude

    Therapeutic approach

    6.1. Neurodegenerative diseases

    6.2. Aging factors

    7. Categorical order system

    7.1. The science of emotions

    7.1.1. Explanatory notes

    7.1.2. The meaning of the 4 basic structures

    7.1.3. The application of categories

    7.1.4. Crisis as an opportunity

    7.1.5. Application of the catagorical order system

    8. Universal reference system

    8.1. Regulation of cell metabolism

    What is the special value for the practice?

    Metabolic regulation

    Acute Diseases

    Chronic diseases



    Therapy procedure


    Immune system


    Basic work

    8.1.1 Resilience of the organism

    4 Aspects of Body Organization


    8.1.2. Oxidative stress

    Far-reaching effects

    8.2. Acids-base balance

    Chemical basics

    Energetic interactions

    Relationships in the organism

    The real backgrounds of acidification

    Dynamic balancing of life

    Experience gained


    8.2.1. Heartburn – sign of hyperacidity?

    Physiological processes

    Role of bile acids

    Liver function


    8.2.2. Calcium – underestimated high-risk factor

    Cell & Milieu

    Importance of calcium in medicine

    Importance of magnesium in medicine

    9. Matrix – basic regulation system acc. to A. Pischinger

    Coherence and overall integration

    Dielectric and electron flow

    Basic building blocks

    Liquid crystal and information transfer

    Cell metabolism & acids-base balance

    Focus emergence

    10. Quantum mechanics and medicine

    Who is right, and where is the truth?

    Quantum mechanical ground state

    Stone Age program in thinking

    Explanatory model for Information Medicine

    Quantum systems

    Extended Unified Quantum Field Theory by Burhard Heim

    Biophysics or consciousness?

    Context and Information Therapy

    11. Medicine and Philosophy



    Being human



    The layers of BEING

    12. Pathogenesis

    Principles of disease development

    12.1. Case study

    12.2. Trias of burdens

    12.3. Avoidable errors

    12.4. Preculiarities of cancer

    12.5. Cancer from the perspective of the LSM

    12.6. New knowledge about development of cancer

    13. Diagnosis




    Cell metabolism

    Matrix burdens

    13.1. Psyche

    13.2. Personality assessment

    13.3. Cell metabolic regulation

    13.4. Basic regulation system of the matrix

    13.5. Quadrant diagnostics of the LSM

    13.6. Bioenergetic testing

    13.7. Imaging procedures

    13.8. Laboratory diagnostics

    Special features and standard values

    Example of a laboratory order

    14. Therapy

    Practical implementation

    Therapeutic approaches

    Quadrant assignment

    14.1. Living Sytems Information Therapy LSIT


    Ground state: Franz Morell and Erich Rasche

    Uniform field of all natural laws: Wolfgang Ludwig from 1980

    Specifically stimulation of memory: W. Ludwig and B. Koehler

    Living Systems Information Therapy LSIT: Bodo Koehler

    Experience in medical practice

    The Practice of Living Systems Information Therapy

    Tetrad (four-pole) as a holistic structure


    Main indications




    14.2. Four-quadrant FQT Therapy of the LSM


    Healing readiness

    Therapy steps

    Consciousness of the key symptom

    Further therapy steps

    Retro transformation of burdens

    14.3. Coherence Therapy CHT

    14.4. Balancing therapy with Equalizer 103

    Therapy variants with EQ 103

    Trauma therapy – cleaning the receiving channel

    Balancing bladder meridian

    Balancing chakra System

    Balancing sympathetic – parasympathetic

    Balancing side difference (pain treatment)

    Interference field projection (pain treatment)

    Partner therapy

    Shock resolution

    Toxin removel / receptor blockade relief

    Additional information

    User instructions

    14.5. Relief

    14.6. Intestinal restoring

    14.7. Nutrition


    Purpose of nutritional recommendation

    One-sided diets

    Acids / bases balance

    Disease-related diets





    Mental mood




    Structure and order


    Scientific findings

    New impulses

    Anabolic-inhibiting foods

    Anabolic-promoting foods

    Catabolic-inhibiting foods

    Catabolic-promoting foods

    Aim of a nutritional recommendation

    Blood group type

    Rough division of food and drink

    Practical application

    General recommendations


    14.8. Movement, light, air and sun

    14.8.1. Sun & vitamin D

    14.8.2. The effects of light in the organism

    14.9. Osteoporosis

    Pathomechanism of osteoporosis

    Cell metabolism

    Interactions of the 4 electrolytes

    The special role of glucosamine

    Diagnostic procedures

    What really helps with osteoporosis

    Review / study situation

    14.10. Atherosclerosis

    Blood fats

    Development of arteriosclerosis

    study situation



    14.11. Fatty liver (NAFLD)


    Insulin resistance



    14.12. The 4 stages of healing

    15. Therapist

    16. Patient

    17. Special features

    18. Summary

    19. UNITED MEDICINE – requirements

    20. Epilogue

    21. List of Figures

    22. Bibliography

    1. Introduction

    Already at this point the foundation stone is laid for all following chapters. The interested reader should therefore take a close look at all the passages that do not agree with his worldview. Contradiction is a good way to question the existing and to open new perspectives.

    In order to do justice to the purpose of this book, namely to find a common superstructure for different views, it is important to point out controversial points of view and to address the critical points. This does not just apply to medicine.

    t is enough to look at the events in the world, to know that we belong to no high culture, but still inhabit our huts in the jungle. This is not deceived by the enormous technical development, which is falsely called progress. We are just at the beginning of the long road to becoming HUMAN.

    The true progression is always about the consciousness, but only in small steps. The technology age was far too fast for that.

    We can not be proud of the achievements of our time, because what makes us technically admiration astonishing goes hand in hand with the evolution of humanity, and this is anything but beneficial. For example, an atomic bomb should never have existed.

    Awareness lags behind, although it should actually provide the motivation. It is running partly backwards again. Thinking often comes after doing, and the emotional world comes too short anyway. In many areas we are reminded of the middle Ages. This manifests itself in the coexistence of people, but also in re-emerging religious wars.

    The big concern of this book is UNIFICATION. It would be a misconception, however, to aim for this target only for certain groups. Medicine will only reunite if all humanity succeeds. Impossible? Pure utopia? Not at all, but the goal must first be formulated in this clarity, and it takes patience.

    End quarrels; fill in ditches and the integration of all rejected areas – that is the big goal.

    What sounds very utopian here is the common thread that runs through this book. For we are pursuing an intention that is already anchored in the primal ground of humanity and has since been rediscovered by science: Everything that has been separated from one another remains eternally connected with one another and strives for (re) union.

    But this only happens 'effortlessly' or in a 'superfluid state', as scientist Bernd Zeiger puts it. So, whenever we let things that are together be as they are and do not force, imbalances can be lifted. We can observe this phenomenon in nature as often as in experiments. Everything strives for balance. This represents a more stable order, while saving energy.

    In quantum mechanics one speaks of the return to the quantum mechanical ground state, namely by reducing the excitation of the system. Thus, the third law of thermodynamics becomes effective in its reversal, according to which automatically (!) a higher order is established. In principle, this (according to B. Zeiger) is the basis of every cure, because it is based on reunification (in the Unified Field).

    If, therefore, the trench fights were ended in medicine, this law would automatically lead to a merger.

    The better or more effective one gets through, without dogma or ideological background.

    It is therefore a matter of consciousness, whether there will be a union in medicine or not, but in no case a factual dispute about the better methods! And because that is so, a broad space is given to the consciousness, the mind, our beliefs, the intellect, emotions and our origins, spiritual and ideological questions.

    Analytically we are usually very good. We split up, cut off, but in the end we often do not know how everything gets together again.

    In medicine it is no different. The human being is (imaginary) divided into parts, without even understanding the interaction of the individual components, what we understand by LIFE. The increasing number of chronically ill people speaks a clear language. Those who bear a high responsibility for the well-being of other people, doctors have sworn the oath of Hippocrates, should feel obliged to question our current worldview.

    It is amazingly based on splitting and single combat. Everyone against each, to get the best out of themselves. All means are right. This is the foundation of our material reality; Money is the energy and often the only motivation in life.

    This fight against countless enemies is also fully established in medicine.

    With destruction and suppression, perhaps a pain relief can be achieved. But this has nothing to do with healing. As already indicated, healing is about reunification, about (re) insertion into the healthy cell state, about loving service to the community. This is always a process of consciousness.

    What applies to medicine applies without compromise to all humanity. Wars can only be ended by an expansion of consciousness and avoided in the future, if all people have a common goal. This is the self-imposed task of serving the creation and enriching the lives of others, each in their own unique way. According to the highest law that exists in the cosmos, namely, JUSTICE, every person receives the reward for which he is entitled.

    In communism that went bad. Millions of people suffered under or did not survive this ideology. The reason is obvious: it was a materialistic ideology, not a spiritual one. The individuality was abolished, which is not possible at all, but built up pressure, which resulted in terror.

    Creation is a product of love. That is the prerequisite for a harmonious coexistence.

    So it's about something completely different:

    The feeling of connectedness with full individuality

    This allows one to live in freedom, without envy of others, because everyone can and should develop their talents, but in an effort to serve others and to enrich their lives. This fulfills exactly what we understand by humanity.

    And that, although so many people are capable of evil? This is a genetic program! Social communities were the only chance to survive in the Stone Age. Each seclusion (or segregation) was life-threatening. Only by (slowly developing) social differences led to power struggles, in which mostly the stronger ones won. This behavior comes from the animal kingdom, but this is exactly the spirit of consciousness where we are still today in.

    The increasing number of hostilities, wars, but also malignant diseases forces us to rethink.

    This is not only necessary, but our OBLIGATION! But how is it achieved? Only about a change of consciousness!


    What would a real progress be? For that, we have to ask ourselves the question about the source of all being. This is answered by the mainstream science in a materialistic way with: Big Bang and subsequent self-organization of matter. But was that really the case?

    The English physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose (b. 1931) has calculated the probability that an organized explosion (of which – out of nowhere?) could lead to an ordered universe. The unspeakable number is 10-10 higher -123, which means something like: completely excluded!

    But where do the innumerable stars and planets actually come from – and ourselves?

    Philosophers are looking for this answer for thousands of years. They could not answer that question, though sometimes the truth was very close.

    Theologians speak of God's creation, but leave open what GOD actually means.

    At most, physicists could give clues to the origin, which here more quantum physics is meant than astrophysics with their limited viewing space. From quantum mechanics we know that separated objects, which previously formed a unity, are still connected, even over long distances. Einstein spoke about spooky distance effect. For this, the not quite correct term Entanglement was introduced. Today one speaks of an 'extended quantum system'.

    Within a quantum system (QS) there is no place and no time. Everything happens at the same time. Every information is available everywhere. Each QS is a unit, which can include countless subcomponents. These swim, so to speak, in a pool of the same information. This is also called quantum fluctuation and can be described with the wave function according to Schroedinger. Man forms such a quantum system (see later).

    In addition, quantum physicists knew 100 years ago that the lawful processes in the universe are not possible without an intelligent mind. Max Planck has frankly called this intelligence GOD. Albert Einstein was also convinced that a divine order predominates (God does not roll dice).

    In spite of everything, this does not satisfactorily answer the main question of the 'Cause of all BEING'. If we really want to get to the bottom of it, we need to know what SPIRIT is all about.

    The attentive reader will not have escaped that already at this point legality emerges that brings us closer to the declared goal of unification with unlimited individuality.

    Out of the yet to be named origin the whole humanity, indeed the whole creation has emerged. That means from today's scientific point of view

    The cosmos with all creation is a quantum system!

    That could also be called a boson. In such a system, therefore, all information is available tangibly. It is filled with a by no means empty vacuum, also called unified field, with an unlimited (!) potentiality, i. unimaginably many possibilities that we can retrieve and realize. This is nothing but pure spirit.

    However, in order not to overwhelm the reader with heavy material at the beginning, in-depth explanations are given in Chap. 10 and 11 dealt with.

    However, one thing should already be understood now: not only the recording and processing of the book content, but also the implementtation of this knowledge in the treatment of patients, depends on the personal world view, which explains many a failure. So it's worth taking a closer look at this area.

    2. History

    Today's science raises a power claim to truth that goes so far that it has lost its ability to constructively implement criticism. This has a full effect on medicine, in which conventional medicine tolerates no other view of illnesses besides itself. The consequences are known. Chronic, so-called incurable diseases are constantly increasing, as well as antibiotic resistance. Multidrug-resistant germs make the stay in the sick house a real risk. Despite everything, the self-imposed guidelines are not questioned, but cemented. This unilaterally erected front against dissenters primarily affects the detriment of the patients.

    Here, first of all, the historical background has to be examined more closely. Science and thus medicine, use the reductionist approach by sharing, separating and analyzing. This looks quite reasonable at first and has also led to very remarkable results. This approach goes back to the Greek Aristotle (384 - 322 a C.), a doctor's son. He developed as a contemporary and disciple of Plato the Aristotelian logic of the excluded third and raised the duality to the law: where the one is, another (thing) can not be. This actually applies to material forms.

    However, a connection between individual structures, let alone any relationships with each other, is left completely unconsidered. Classical physics follows this approach to the last consequence. The binary YES / NO code is based on it. Accordingly, computer programs are reaching their limits fast.

    Living systems can not be grasped with duality because they always act and respond as a whole.

    This either-or is opposed by the fuzzy logic, with its both-and. She knows wholes and relationships.

    Life happens in the tension between plus and minus, a polarity. The material forms step into the background. They are interchangeable.

    Here are some basic remarks, according to Armin Risi:

    Polarity is the binary of complementary opposites: both-as-also. They form a dynamic balance.

    LOVE keeps us in balance. Falling out leads to duality: either-or.

    Duality consists of insurmountable opposites, which means division and strife: the diabolical principle.

    The associated one-sidedness through exclusion of the opposite creates the shadow: missing light.

    Wholeness is not the plus, together with the minus – that's just the prerequisite for it – but the (dynamic) indeterminable realm in between. This is blurred, follows the quantum logic and therefore can not be grasped with the criteria of the Aristotelian science. Only the inanimate matter is subject to the law of duality.

    The individual is important – but only in relation to other people. Confucius

    Every state of being exists only in one polarity. So there are always two poles that are in conflict with each other. The greater the tension is, the stronger the impact on reality. Each pole represents its own entity and is the opposite of the other. This will display two sides of a coin at the same time.

    LOVE is the consciousness of where we recognize ourselves as part of the whole. As part of the whole, we realize in consciousness how we are two and yet ONE. Armin Risi

    Justice is the highest law.

    It means balancing between giving and returning.

    Who loves likes to give and gives abundantly.

    Love comes back in abundance.

    Every accumulation in duality violates the highest law.

    This leads to stagnation with illness and suffering.

    Only love can dissolve the imbalance.

    There are also other special features. Both poles of one polarity strive for realization, want to be saturated – no matter where, with whom and at what time. This is a pure quantum process. Example: love – disapproval. Life is the in between. It is the relationship between the two poles.

    Relationships between opposites are more important than structures.

    Motivation determines our perception.

    Motivation is shaped by the consciousness.

    If we perceive love, is given us.

    If we perceive hatred, love-awareness is lacking.

    If we perceive suffering, the adversary (foe) dominates.

    We can choose with free will.

    Giving in LOVE is more blissful than taking.

    However, the fundamental dispute that has flared up through the two approaches – Aristotelian logic versus quantum logic – is completely unnecessary, because classical natural science, to which conventional medicine refers, can be integrated into quantum theory in an outstanding manner. At the same time, this dissolves the contradictions in which science is trapped today. The result is a holistically founded science, as the basis for a UNITED life supporting MEDICINE.

    Science does not have to exclude an area just because she can not explain it, so as not to violate her principles, as she does now.

    The universal connection of everything to everything presupposes a spirit-oriented medium.

    Probably the oldest term for this is ether, which, however – because unprovable – was dropped again. Other terms are world soul, universal intelligence and quite modern superfluidity of the vacuum.

    With all these, rather confusing formalisms, the basic principle should not be lost sight of:

    1st A (spiritual) idea is charged with emotions.

    2nd That enables a creative process.

    3rd At the end is the finished product.

    4th Through self-interaction, a reference back to the idea takes place.

    Through this 3 + 1 principle (see W. Pauli later) the circle closes, and we return to the unity of the mind, or the 'unified field' of quantum mechanics. This will be discussed later in Chap. 10 in more detail.

    Medicine would profoundly benefit from this view that the entire material reality not only has a common spiritual origin, but is in constant interaction with it. Thus, a holistic view of the disease is possible, which means a departure from the pure symptom suppression – the domain of conventional medicine – to causal, healing-promoting methods. In the future, there would be only one medicine that would be able to find solutions, even for diseases that are still considered incurable today.

    Under the aspect that 'life' presupposes an unstable regulatory equilibrium which can immediately compensate for any imbalances that occur, in the case of illness the first thing to do is to look for the reason responsible for the desturbed capability of balancing, because it is always about the balance of giving and returning, on all levels. Although our body is constantly trying to restore this balance and thus make it possible to continue living. But lasting one-sidedness, caused by (strict) rejection of the antipole, leads to duality, thus to one-sidedness with lack on the one hand and accumulation on the other hand.

    Anyone who has after completing his basic training as a medical doctor undergone an extensive training in naturopathic treatment and has expanded his or her horizons is often branded a renegade and, in addition to malice and ridicule, can also feel the open struggle. The orthodox medical neighbor often does not like that someone is more successful than he, especially with completely different methods. The accusation of unscientificness, or the insinuation of the placebo effect, quickly follow to veil one's own ignorance. Such a behavior is completely unnecessary and superfluous like a goiter, when just all, the current scientific basis for assessing the situation would be used.

    In reality, there is no contradiction between the two basic views in medicine as long as the special status of conventional medicine is taken into account in the overall context.

    By special status is meant not the pioneer function in which she likes to see herself, but an outsider role she holds. Conventional medicine does show its strengths, e.g. with surgery or inensive care. But the absence of a holistic view of the human being, where everything interacts with everything, prevents a causal approach to the disease.

    This is not devaluation, but is intended to show that, with its materialistic-mechanistic approach, it primarily represents classical physics whose significance is inviolable, but contradictory.

    But there is also – and not instead – the equally inviolable quantum mechanics, which, in contrast to classical physics, has a completely coherent concept and so far has shown no contradictions. By contrast, classical physics quickly reaches its limits when it comes to general statements because only quantum physics is capable of efford so.

    No special training is needed to understand the principle of quantum mechanics. Also, mathematical derivations and formulas are unnecessary. That belongs to the experts. Here only an attempt is made to create a generally understandable overview and to point out the future perspectives derived from it.

    Quantum mechanics is a comprehensive science that can primarily describe processes in the universe, from the fields behind the quanta (vacuum, zero-point field) to the interactions of the planets. It is by no means (only) a science of the smallest particles.

    Quantum mechanics deals first and foremost with relationships and possibilities (according to Thomas Goernitz).

    Relative to medicine, the principle can be presented quite simply: A life-supporting medicine oriented towards quantum mechanics no longer focuses on individual facts but examines their relationships with each other.

    Fig. 1: Classical and quantum physics complement each other to the wholeness

    But even quantum mechanics is not yet able to explain all phenomena, especially life. Only the marriage of science with religion, as Walter Russel put it, would be the necessary link. Because without the reference to an intelligent creative genius, as it is e.g. Max Planck expressed, life can not be understood.

    In order to prevent language confusion, the difference between quantum mechanics and quantum physics has to be explained briefly. The latter is the application of the (superordinate) term to physics. If quantum mechanics is used in biology or medicine, we speak of quantum biology or quantum medicine.

    Classic things (material facts) are described as before with physics and its laws. These include e.g. all examination findings of a patient. At best, this can verify symptoms. However, we do not get any indication of the cause of a disease! We have to establish relationships first. For this purpose, it is necessary to find functional systems in which four-pole interactions can be represented. For everything in the living nature works on the ground of a four-pole order, which is subject to a hierarchy.

    The bipolarity derives from the cube, the basic model of the universe (to be continued in Chapter 7).

    This has practical effects on a life-supporting medicine. If, for example, a lack of magnesium has occurred, we are not only interested in the determined laboratory value, but we also consider the relation to the antagonist calcium, but at the same time consider sodium and potassium. All four together form a functional system (Fig. 46 page →) whose interactions represent a part of the processes of life.

    If, for example, calcium is

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