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The Language Codes
The Language Codes
The Language Codes
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Language Codes

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About this ebook

The author of Eleven Self-Empowerment Protocols shares the secret to drawing greater happiness into your life just by choosing the right words.
Building on the principles of neuro-linguistic programming, The Language Codes demonstrates the unconscious ways we influence our reality through the words we speak. R. Neville Johnston explains that the vibrations of words have a profound effect on the quantum field we all live in. The wrong vibration can cause a short circuit in the quantum field, and because we’ve been taught a dysfunctional language, most of what we say is dysfunctional. But if we speak more consciously, we become more conscious—and we experience fewer short circuits in our lives
Why is it that after we "fall in love," so many of us get hurt? Because we "fell!" But love feels light, energizing—so it would be more fitting to say "I've ascended in love!" and not set ourselves up for a fall. With wit and empathy, Johnston shows us the words and phrases that can cause short circuits and how we can start to think—and speak—in a new and more harmonious paradigm.
Release dateJan 5, 2000
The Language Codes

R. Neville Johnston

Mr. Johnston was shot to death. The NDE started his new path. “The human race is to become an advanced civilization, we are designed to be.” He began by writing a series called “The language Codes.” His latest works have incorporated Story Telling to do the teaching. Everything he writes awakens people.

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    Book preview

    The Language Codes - R. Neville Johnston


    ONE WARM SPRING DAY (in 1977), I am with a beautiful actress. We are leaving the theater where we are thespians. Then suddenly—I am shot to death. A man, a total stranger, appears in front of us with a gun. He shoots me three times. I'll hear those shots for the rest of my life. The one that hits my head turns out to be fatal.

    A few moments before this, I am feeling very good, looking forward to the next adventure the evening will hold. The night air is very warm and, pardon the pun, muggy. As we approach the top of the steps of this literally underground theater, a man comes straight toward us, a chrome pistol in his hand.

    Thinking it's a robbery, I begin to reach for my wallet. The next thing I know, I am looking at a hole in my new silk shirt. Looking at the wound, my brain is saying, Look, that's the dermis, epidermis, yuck fatty layer, muscle. Wow, I have a muscle! That dark hole must be the inside of my stomach.

    I look up to see what is happening. A second bullet hits my hip, and ricochets down into my left leg. It's still there today. Where is this coming from? As I look in the direction of the first two bullets, I see hairs from my head falling in front of my eyes. The bullet that impacted my cranium cut the follicles as it passed through the scalp/ skull. I feel the warm gush of blood flooding down my forehead. I feel zero pain.

    The man is running away. I am standing there watching him disappear into the crowd by the entrance to the theater. I look down to see a body lying there. It is wearing my clothes, lying in a puddle of blood, no eye movement. Humm…It's me!

    I'm thinking to myself, Gee, this is the best astral projection that I've ever done. Ah, this may not be the best time to be astrally projecting; there may be some restriction on getting back into my body. I realize that an alarm bell is sounding. In fact, very loudly. Humm…That's my old high school fire drill alarm…Playing here? Upon my realization that it is justa memory tape, the bell stops.

    The next thought is, Dust collects up. I never realized that dust collects on the ceiling. I know this because it's tickling my nose. During the entire experience my conscious stream of thought never stops. The following thought is being in a room filled with white light.

    I never experienced the tunnel that people talk about. The tunnel is an illusion that is created by looking at the light and then looking all around. I am just there.

    Now because there is a brain between me and the white light, the light becomes an angel. Over the years I have done a lot of research into near death experiences (NDEs). The being who meets you, after death, has to do with your belief system. It could be Charon with the ferry across the river Styx, if you are a pagan. It could be Grandpa or an elder clan member if you worship ancestors in the Chinese or Native American traditions. Shamans who have passed over will take on the role of greeting in many tribal cultures. Whomever you meet, it is someone with whom you feel perfectly safe.

    The being that is greeting me has the clearest blue eyes I've ever seen. Let's call him St. Peter. He is literally looking through a book, the book of my life, my file. I immediately begin the Guilty Dance saying, I may not be doing the best possible job down there, given my talents and the circumstances. Besides, I'm an only child and if my mother hears that I've been shot down this way it could kill her. Is there something that can be done?

    He says, Chill. My angels speak to me in a sort of street vernacular. I immediately cease the guilty dance and am silent. A great calm comes over me. I feel very safe. He explains that the life I have just lived was just one more suit of clothes. It could easily be laid aside, meaning that this is just one more facet in my central soul—one more aspect of the wonderfulness of myself.

    He says something that at the time totally exceeds my belief system. He says that those in heaven love many things about me. I could understand that they could like one thing, but love many things? I am amazed! What could they possibly love about me?

    When the other soul shoots me, I forgive him on the spot. As the bullets enter my body, I am thinking, If this person has a father, he is an abusive alcoholic. I cannot believe he has ever experienced being loved and certainly not as a child. I could only feel sorry for that other soul because he has chosen such a path.

    I am remembering part of the lesson. I am remembering to forgive him, not to seek revenge, not to engage in the vendetta. I am wondering what else?

    Next, in nanoseconds, St. Peter shows me fifty lifetimes where I have danced with this other soul. The first lifetime is set in a time period when humans are divided into clans. It is dark and wintry. We are in a cave warming by a central fire. Times are very hard, food wise. I am gnawing on some piece of cooked bird. My nemesis is pulling the food away from me. He just turns around and is walking away laughing.

    I remember the smooth round stone, how it fits in my hand. I bean the little dickens right in the back of the head. He is dead before he hits the ground. He reincarnates. He kills me. I reincarnate. I kill him. Then he reincarnates and kills me, etc., etc.

    The funny thing was that during the last four lifetimes, he kills me, I don't kill him. I said, Pete, what is happening here? Gimmie me the skivvy. What, I'm four ahead? I get to knock him off four times, gratis?

    What is happening is that my hatred of him keeps this pattern in place. Therefore, I recreate him killing me those four times. The mnemonic is, what you hate you recreate until you love it. And believe me, I had more baggage stuck to me from those four lifetimes than a lot of others, because I judge him for killing me.

    Therefore we were stuck to each other. What you judge sticks to you. Remember when you were a kid? I'm rubber and you're glue. What you say bounces off me and sticks to you. You may still be

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