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Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications
Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications
Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications
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Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications

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About this ebook

Advances in biomedical research have had a profound effect on human health outcomes over the last century. Biophysical, biochemical and cellular techniques are now the backbone of modern biomedical research. Understanding these laboratory techniques is a prerequisite for investigating the processes responsible for human diseases and discovering new treatment methods.

Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications
Provides information about basic and advanced analytical techniques applied in specific areas of life science and biomedical research.

Key Features:
- Book chapters present a broad overview of sophisticated analytical techniques used in biophysics, biochemistry and cell biology.
- Techniques covered include in vitro cell culture techniques, flow cytometry, real time PCR, X-ray crystallography, RNA sequencing
- Information about industrial and biomedical applications of techniques, (drug screening, disease models, functional assays, disease diagnosis, gene expression analysis and protein structure determination) is included.

The book is an excellent introduction for students (as a textbook) and researchers (as a reference work). The information it presents will prepare readers to understand and develop research methods in life science laboratories for different projects and activities.

Release dateOct 30, 2019
Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology: From Principle to Applications

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    Cutting Edge Techniques in Biophysics, Biochemistry and Cell Biology - Bentham Science Publishers

    Animal Cell Culture: From Fundamental Techniques to Biomedical Applications

    Neetu Mishra*, Joyita Banerjee

    Symbiosis School of Biological Sciences (Formerly called Symbiosis School of Biomedical Sciences), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India


    Animal cell culture techniques in today’s scenario have become indispensable tool in the field of biomedical research. It provides a basis to study molecular and biochemical changes associated with disease pathogenesis. It explicitly provides a scope to study gene expressions, regulation, proliferation, and differentiation in normal as well as pathologic conditions. The culturing of animal cells requires aseptic conditions and vital technical skills to carry out successful cell culture experiments. It provides an appropriate model for studying cell and molecular biology, biochemical changes in cells, drug screening and efficacy etc. This chapter describes the essential techniques of animal cell culture as well as its applications.

    Keywords: Animal cell culture, Adherent cells, Bacterial contamination, Biomedical research, Biomedical applications, Cell counting, Cell lines, Cell viability, Contaminants, Cross contamination, Cryopreservation, Laboratory instruments, Mycoplasma contamination, MTT assay, Primary cell cultures, Secondary cell cultures, Suspension cells, Thawing of cells, Virus contamination, Yeast contamination.

    * Corresponding author Neetu Mishra: Associate Professor, Symbiosis School of Biological Sciences (Formerly called Symbiosis School of Biomedical Sciences), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India; E-mail: [email protected]


    Animal cell culture has become an important tool in biomedical research and applications. Animal cells are the most ideal resources for the diagnostics, therapeutics and pharmaceutical applications. Animal cell or tissue culture technique is a rapidly growing field which extends a better understanding of the complex cellular and physiological processes outside the human body in a controlled environment. The term ‘animal tissue culture’ is used for the technique involved in removing of the cells, tissues, or organs from an animal and subsequ-

    ently growing them in an artificial and controlled growing environment consisting of a suitable culture vessel and liquid or semisolid medium supplemented with nutrients and growth factors.

    The animal cell culture was first undertaken in 1907 by Ross Harrison, which later on underwent several developments such as development of antibiotics to avoid contaminations, use of trypsin to remove cells from culture vessels, development of chemically defined cell culture media, laminar flow hoods and development of continuously growing cell lines [1]. These fundamental developments in animal cell culture made it to become an indispensable tool in cellular and molecular biology. Animal cell culture provides an appropriate model for studying biochemistry and physiology of cells, effects of drugs on the cells, toxicity of compounds, screening of lead compounds in drug development, mutation, and carcinogenesis. Animal cell culture allows obtaining consistent and reproducible results. This chapter, therefore, is aimed to serve as a basic introduction to animal cell culture and its applications in biomedical research.

    Fig. (1))

    Basic instruments required in animal cell culture laboratory.


    The foremost requirement in an animal cell culture laboratory is to adhere to the proper laboratory protocol in order to reduce the chances of contaminations in the cell cultures. It is appropriate for the laboratory personnel to have the key concepts about the requisites of tissue culture laboratory and to strictly follow the fundamental guidelines necessary while working in the animal tissue culture laboratory. Table 1 and Fig. (1) summarize the basic materials or reagents and instruments required in the tissue culture laboratory. Fig. (2) depicts the fundamental steps necessary to follow in cell culture laboratory.

    Table 1 Essential requisites in animal cell culture laboratory.


    The cultured cells are usually sub-divided based on their morphologies (shapes or appearances) and functional characteristics [1]. Based on morphologies, cells are classified into three types:

    Epithelial-like cells: attached to a substrate, appear flattened or polygonal in shape.

    Lymphoblast-like cells: normally remain unattached to a substrate and remain in suspension with a spherical shape.

    Fibroblast-like cells: attached to a substrate and appear elongated or bipolar in shapes, form swirls in heavy cultures.

    The functional characteristics of the cells depend on their tissues of origin such as liver, heart, pancreas etc. The cultured cells may lose their parental characteristics on being placed in an artificial environment. The biochemical or morphological markers are present to determine whether the cells exhibit similar specialized functions as that of tissues of origin. Some cell lines stop dividing after certain number of divisions. These cell lines are called finite cell lines. Some cell lines divide indefinitely and become immortal, called continuous cell lines. When finite cell line undergoes a fundamental irreversible change, either intentionally or spontaneously due to drugs, viruses, or radiations, the cells become transformed [1].

    Fig. (2))

    Fundamental steps to follow in cell culture laboratory.


    Animal cell cultures are typically of two types: primary and secondary cell cultures. The cells may be directly removed from the tissues or they may be derived from an established cell line or cell strain.

    4.1. Primary Cell Culture

    When the cells are directly obtained from the cells of a host tissue or organism and placed into a suitable culture environment, where they grow and divide is called primary cell culture. The cells detached from parental tissue grow either as an adherent monolayer or in a suspension, depending on the nature of parent tissues. The primary cell cultures may be done by two methods, either by explants culture or by enzymatic dissociation method. In explants culture method, the first small pieces of tissues are attached to a glass or plastic culture vessel bathed in culture medium. Subsequently after a few days, individual cells will migrate from the tissue explants into the culture vessel surface where they will start dividing and growing. Next, in enzymatic dissociation method, the cells are disaggregated by using proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin, collagenase. This method is a faster one and more widely used. In this method, a suspension of single cells is created which then placed into the culture vessels for growing and dividing [1, 2].

    4.2. Secondary Cell Culture

    When a primary culture is sub-cultured, it is known as secondary culture or cell line or sub-clone. The process involves removing the growth media and dissociating the adhered cells. Sub-culturing of primary cells to different divisions leads to the generation of cell lines. During the passage, cells with the highest growth capacity predominate, resulting in a degree of genotypic and phenotypic uniformity in the population. However, as they are sub-cultured serially, they become different from the original cell [2].

    4.3. Maintenance of Cell Cultures or Sub-culturing of Cells

    The maintenance of cell cultures in optimal conditions is one of the foremost requisites after obtaining them from cell repositories. Sub-culturing of cells (also known as passaging of cells) enables cells for further propagation. Sub-culturing requires removal of the old media from the culture flask and transferring the cells to another culture flask with fresh growth media. The requirement of sub-culturing of cells depends on the confluence of cells. The growth and culturing conditions vary depending on the cell types [2].

    4.3.1. Adherent Cell Cultures

    Adherent cultures should be sub-cultured when they are in log phase and not reached confluence. When the normal cells reach confluence, they stop growing due to contact inhibition. Fig. (3) shows the steps required in the sub-culturing of adherent cells.

    4.3.2. Suspension Cell Cultures

    Sub-culturing of suspension cell cultures also needs to be done once the cells are in log phase and so not reach full confluence. The cells clump together when they reach confluence and the media becomes turbid. The sub-culturing of suspension cell cultures is less complicated as compared to the adherent cultures. Fig. (4) shows the steps required in the sub-culturing of suspension cell cultures.

    Fig. (3))

    Flow-diagram showing steps to follow in sub-culturing adherent cell cultures.

    Fig. (4))

    Flow-diagram showing steps to follow in sub-culturing suspension cell cultures.


    Cryopreservation or freezing of cells is a vital procedure to develop stock of cells. The cell lines are always prone to genetic drift, susceptible to contamination, and the finite cells are fated for senescence. As cell lines are valuable resources, so it is always necessary to freeze cells for long-term storage. The cryopreservation of cultured cells is done by storing them in cryovials in liquid nitrogen in freezing mixture containing FBS/ FCS and cryoprotective agent such as dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), glycerol. The cryoprotective agents have lower cooling rate which reduces the risk of ice crystal formation that can damage the cells. It is recommended to handle DMSO using appropriate measures as it is toxic and known to facilitate the entry of organic molecules into tissues [3].


    The thawing or reviving frozen cells from liquid nitrogen tank has to be done quickly to ensure a high proportion of cells to survive the procedure. The steps necessary to follow for thawing frozen cells are given below:

    Set the water bath at 37oC.

    Take the cryovial containing required cell cultures from the liquid nitrogen tank

    Thaw the frozen cells quickly (<1 minute) by keeping the cryovial in a floater in a 37°C water bath.

    Take 5-6 ml of pre-warm complete media in a 15 ml centrifuge tube in the biosafety cabinet/laminar hood under aseptic conditions.

    Add the thawed cells slowly to the pre-warm media.

    Centrifuge the tube at 200g for 5 minutes.

    Decant the supernatant to remove DMSO contained in the freezing mixture.

    Resuspend the cell pellet in pre-warm complete media.

    Add the cell suspension in the culture flask containing fresh complete media.

    Examine the culture flask under microscope and keep it in 37oC incubator humified with 5% CO2.


    Cell counting is the routine procedure performed in cell culture experiments. Counting of cells and cell’s viability check can be done easily and accurately by using automated cell counter. Alternatively, hemocytometer (or haemocytometer) with trypan blue dye exclusion assay can be used to count the total cells and check the viability percentage. Hemocytometer contains 4 major squares in 4 corners and each square contains 16 small squares. It necessary to count all the small squares of 4 major squares. The steps necessary to follow for thawing frozen cells are given below:

    Wipe the glass hemocytometer and the coverslip with 70% ethanol.

    Add 10µl of cell suspension mixed with 10µl of Trypan blue dye (0.4%, w/v).

    Place the cover slip on the hemocytometer.

    Use a 10µl micropipette and transfer 10µl of cell suspension mixed with trypan blue to both the chambers of hemocytometer.

    Carefully allow each chamber to fill by capillary action. Do not overfill or underfill the chambers.

    Carefully place the hemocytometer under microscope and count cells under 10X magnification.

    The viable cells remain unstained whereas; the non-viable or dead cells retained the stain and appear bluish in color.

    Each square of the hemocytometer represents total volume of 0.1 mm³ or 10-4cm³.

    As, 1cm³ is approximately 1ml. Therefore, total number of cells per ml=Average count per square x dilution factor x 10⁴cells/ml.


    Principle: Measuring cell viability and proliferation by using MTT (3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) are the most important and routinely performed in vitro assays. The yellow tetrazolium MTT is reduced by metabolically active cells containing dehydrogenase enzymes and by reducing equivalents such as nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH). The resulting intracellular purple formazan can be solubilized by DMSO and the absorbance can be quantified spectrophotometrically at 570 nm. In absence of cells, MTT reagent yields low absorbance [4]. The percentage of cell viability can be calculated by the following formula:

    Fig. (5))

    Flow-diagram showing steps in MTT assay.


    The fundamental requirement of the cell culture laboratory is to protect cells from contamination. Cell culture contaminations lead to very serious consequences, if not controlled in the beginning. It is sometimes difficult to eliminate the contamination entirely, but it is possible to reduce the frequency of contamination by having a basic understanding of cell culture contaminations and by following stringent cell culture protocols [5, 6].

    Cell culture contaminants can be broadly divided into two categories:

    Chemical contaminants include impure culture media, sera, unsterilized water, presence of endotoxins and detergents.

    Biological contaminants such as bacteria, molds, yeasts, viruses, mycoplasma and cross-contamination by other cell lines.

    9.1. Overview of Biological Contaminants in Cell Culture

    Primarily the biological contaminants in cell culture include bacterial contaminants, contaminants due to mold and virus, mycoplasma and yeast contaminations. It is necessary to identify the type of contamination to overshoot it while performing routine cell culture protocols.

    9.1.1. Bacterial Contamination

    Bacteria are ubiquitous and are the most commonly encountered biological contamination in cell culture. The bacterial contamination can be detected by naked eyes by simply visualizing the culture media. The infected media appear cloudy or turbid. The change in color of the infected culture media due to drop of pH can also be detected. Under a microscope in low magnification, bacteria look like tiny, moving particles between the cells.

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