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The Highly Intuitive Child and Psychological Disorders:
The Highly Intuitive Child and Psychological Disorders:
The Highly Intuitive Child and Psychological Disorders:
Ebook95 pages1 hour

The Highly Intuitive Child and Psychological Disorders:

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This book explains the different types of highly intuitive children that are currently experiencing fourth- and fifth-dimensional thinking but are being frustrated and limited by the very people who are supposed to help them grow into fully functioning adults. I can only hope and pray that parents will learn to take their children for spiritual assessments. In this book, the author shares his experience and uses daily terminology for parents to understand and comprehend how various so-called psycho disorders are, in actual fact, spiritual behaviour being used as a coping mechanism for spiritually gifted children.


Dr Johan Claassens has researched and advised on highly intuitive children for over 15 years. He has found that there is a very thin line between children diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Bi-polar and spirituality. Children are being born with the spiritual veil and educators, psychologists etc are missing the diagnosis completely. Many of these gifted children are being "spiritually lobotomised" with the wrong medication.

Release dateMay 31, 2020
The Highly Intuitive Child and Psychological Disorders:

Johan Claassens

Author, Adventurer, Legal Strategist for Companies, Keynote speaker on Spiritual Awakening, and Human Behavior.

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    The Highly Intuitive Child and Psychological Disorders: - Johan Claassens

    Copyright © 2018 Dr. Johan Claassens.

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    Chapter 1 Truths and Myths About a Highly Intuitive Child

    Chapter 2 What Symptoms does a Highly Intuitive Child Display

    Chapter 3 The Brain and its Functions

    Chapter 4 The Most affected parts of the Highly Intuitive Childs Brain

    Chapter 5 Explaining ADD, ADHD, Bipolar and Social Dysfunction

    Chapter 6 Medication

    Chapter 7 Highly Intuitive Child Psychology.

    Chapter 8 Energy Based Children

    Chapter 9 What Every Parent Should Know About Highly Intuitive Children

    Chapter 10 Parents Need Training

    Chapter 11 Dreams

    Chapter 12 Intuitive Healing

    Chapter 13 Colours

    Chapter 14 Animal Communication

    Chapter 15 Exercise

    Chapter 16 Pre-Teen, Teens and Adult Issues

    Chapter 17 Prayers

    Chapter 18 Exercises for Highly Intuitive Children

    Chapter 19 What is dimensional thinking for a child

    Chapter 20 Conclusion

    For all the little people out there, may you be blessed.

    You are all very special.

    Children are a blank canvas – Parents are the artists, therefore, they must choose their colors and brush strokes wisely


    Having worked with children for over 15 years who have experienced spiritual moments or have been misdiagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, Anxiety Disorder, Social Dysfunction and several other psychological dysfunctions, I felt the need to explain in basic detail what every parent should know and consider when taking care of these special children. Too many children are medicated due to being misunderstood.


    The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.

    —Albert Einstein

    Over my fifteen years of research with highly intuitive children I have come to the conclusion that they are so much more advanced than their parents and most of the parents of these beautiful children are threatened by that very thought. We are taught by our parents that they know everything and are the beginning and end of all laws in our homes.

    I laugh at that! These children know exactly who is in charge. They are so aware of their abilities and will use these abilities to their benefit thus causing mom and dad instant anxiety and frustration attacks. I have personally met children that are so connected and intuitive that they rule the home and their siblings with such cuteness, because they can. Hence, the title Angels in Disguise very much a tongue in cheek title.

    Where my greatest concern comes in too play is when these children are used to increase the sale of prescription medication. I cover the workings of the brain in a very basic manner for all parents to understand. I feel labels such as ADD, ADHD, BI-Polar and many other so called diagnoses are way off course. These drugs are doing more harm to these children than any other method of healing.

    My research over the years has proven that the incorrect diagnosis or medication is nothing else other than a Spiritual Lobotomy! The ill informed are creating future psycho patients, emotional and psychological patients who become dependent on anti anxiety, anti depressants, sleeping tablets and become alcohol dependent adults.

    This is not the future these children are looking forward to. They have been blessed with this highly intuitive set of skills as they are the future. They are the ones who will make this world a better place and work at balancing the scales of life in the way our God wanted all along. The power that is at work here on this earth, the healing that needs doing, the changes we all would like to see, that power is being given to these special children, and the adult through ignorance is stifling the child and its duties to the world and to the Powers that be.

    Nothing and I mean nothing, is going to stop the increase of these children being born and every year that goes by the intuition of these children will be greater and greater. They will start having a

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