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Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood (Communication, Emotions & Feelings)
Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood (Communication, Emotions & Feelings)
Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood (Communication, Emotions & Feelings)
Ebook201 pages4 hours

Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood (Communication, Emotions & Feelings)

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Practical and Positive Parenting that Promotes Your Boy’s Emotional Intelligence

From nationally recognized parenting expert and spokesperson, Will Glennon, come two hundred suggestions for raising emotionally aware and healthy boys.

Encouraging emotional intelligence from boyhood to manhood. Raised against a backdrop of gendered social and cultural norms, it’s no wonder that boys are more likely to struggle with their emotional intelligence. In this quick read, Glennon lists two hundred ways to nurture young men and, in turn, teach them how to nurture back.

Parenting tips and quotes. Avoid fragile masculinity, frat boy culture, and everything in between with a better understanding of male child behavior. Designed to help raise compassionate, emotionally intelligent boys and supplemented with emotional intelligence examples and child rearing anecdotes, Nurturing Boys encourages playful, thoughtful, and deliberate parenting styles.

Inside, boys will learn how to:

  • Connect with and manage their feelings
  • Use their feelings constructively, not destructively
  • Communicate their feelings

If you’ve asked, “What is toxic masculinity?” or “What is emotional intelligence,” and enjoyed books like Decoding BoysWild ThingsRaising Cain, or How to Raise a Boy, then you’ll love Will Glennon's Nurturing Boys.

Release dateJun 16, 2020
Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood (Communication, Emotions & Feelings)

Will Glennon

Will Glennon is the author of 200 Ways to Raise a Boy's Emotional Intelligence, 200 Ways to Raise a Girl's Self-Esteem, and an editor of the bestselling Random Acts of Kindness series. He is a regular columnist for Daughters newsletter and sits on the Board of Advisors for Dads & Daughters, a national parenting organization. The father of two children, a son and a daughter, Glennon lives in Berkeley, California.

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    Nurturing Boys - Will Glennon

    Copyright © 2020 by Will Glennon.

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    Nurturing Boys: 200 Ways to Raise a Boy’s Emotional Intelligence from Boyhood to Manhood

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: has been requested ISBN: (print) 978-1-64250-370-8, (ebook) 978-1-64250-371-5

    BISAC category code: FAM034000, FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: The Importance of Emotionally Healthy Sons

    Chapter 2: Exploring Your Own Assumptions

    Chapter 3: Developing New Attitudes and Behaviors

    Chapter 4: Helping Him Navigate the World of Emotions

    Chapter 5: Supporting Him in Resisting Stereotypes

    Chapter 6: Creating a New Model of Manhood



    About the Author


    Like Will, I have dedicated my professional life to researching positive methods of parenting, aiming to impact the psyche of our children and how they treat others in the future. So, when Will asked me to craft a foreword for this book, I reflected upon my own experience as a young boy in America, as well as the lack of accessible advice available when I was raising my own boy. As a clinical psychologist, certified life coach, and, most importantly, a devoted husband and doting father to my only son, I have personally experienced the hardships of raising a boy in our ever-evolving, fast-paced society. With technology being at the forefront of everything we do, it seems as if our children are more vulnerable to succumbing to toxic societal norms, at earlier ages than ever. Although everything around us seems to be progressing—technology, economies, and trends—traditional methods of raising our boys have withstood the test of time, imprinting our sons with the same archaic notions of toxic masculinity from childhood and onwards. Real men don’t cry. Man up! Don’t be a girl! Unfortunately, these are phrases that I, and far too many other men, have heard consistently since adolescence. So, how do we reverse this toxic phenomenon if the society we live in seemingly perpetuates its existence? Well, first and foremost, the journey must begin within the very families that are currently raising these young boys.

    As parents, I know we all want to nurture and care for our children, protecting them from any semblance of harm at all times. Often, we forget that danger does not solely lurk in a physical form but also within the social norms encouraging toxic masculinity and detaching our sons from their emotional intelligence. By guiding parents toward a healthier, more emotionally literate path of raising young boys, Will’s book Nurturing Boys tackles an all-too-overlooked issue that impacts nearly half our population. With over two hundred straightforward (and well-researched) methods of showing our boys the importance of nurture by validating and acknowledging their emotions, Will encourages the healthy expression of feelings within our sons through playful parenting techniques. Equipped with the tools provided within this book, parents will be ready to skillfully encourage the emotional management of their boys, navigate constructive, not destructive, utilization of their sons’ emotions, and establish a safe space for effective communication. With a deemphasis on fragile masculinity, frat boy culture, and everything in between, Nurturing Boys guides parents toward a better understanding of childhood behavior patterns, rather than defaulting to toxic norms. Encompassing thoughtful anecdotal details throughout, Will’s book will warmly reach out to you, like the friend who always shares their most successful parenting tips with you over dinner.

    This intimate read conveys the solution to a problem that impacts not only our young boys, but also the world we eventually must send them off into. At one point or another, we have each been impacted by the wrath of toxic masculinity. Our current world has been plagued with mass shootings, domestic violence, and male domination due to the violent effects of social norms that deem emotional vulnerability a wretched sin. There is no better time than now to put your foot down and demand radical change: a change which seeks to liberate the emotions of young boys and nurture their fragility rather than demonize it. Although it is impossible to control all aspects of the environment we send our children into, what we can control is the approach and methods of parenting we impose upon them. I hope you join me in following the advice and guidance Will provides in this book and have

    as much fun as I did engaging with my son throughout

    this experience.


    Dr. John Duffy

    Proud husband of Julie and father to George

    Chapter 1

    The Importance of Emotionally Healthy Sons

    When my son was five, I took him on one of many trips to visit his grandparents. As we sat around in the post–evening meal glow, I watched him work the room in his unique and extraordinary style. He had a capacity to insert himself effortlessly right into your heart, alternately playing, talking, touching, cuddling, laughing, and hugging. As he made his rounds before being shuttled off to bed, my mother, who sat beside me watching this unfold, turned to me and said, He reminds me so much of you at that age.

    She meant it as a compliment, both for him and for me, but it left me speechless—I could not ever remember myself so uninhibitedly connected to my heart. Somehow, in the process of growing up male in this culture, in the space of a decade between my childhood and my confused teenage years, I had grown into a young man who lived completely within his head and was, without even knowing it, completely cut off from his feelings.

    The long journey back to reconnecting with my emotional self has been the most difficult and painful thing I have ever undertaken, and the years I existed as an emotional cripple are lost forever. Watching my son, who was not yet weighted down by the enormous pressure to be tough, to be rational, to hold back tears, and, implicitly, to stop feeling, I vowed that I would do whatever was necessary to help him survive his youth with his beautiful heart intact. It was a solemn promise I made that day, but not one that was easy to achieve. Much of whatever wisdom might appear in this book arose from mistakes I made with him.

    As a society, we have made great strides on behalf of women, and that is an extraordinary thing. We have realized that in denigrating the feminine, we have impoverished the whole. By systematically hindering women from assuming their power in the world, we have lost generations of insight. And in the process, we have forced our sons to grow into adulthood without access to the very resources they need to become decent, caring, full human beings.

    We look out today in horror at a society scarred by senseless violence and hatred. From mindless massacres in our schools to the numbing randomness of street violence, our society seems to have taken leave of its senses. And the truth that we scarcely want to admit is that the violence is virtually all committed by men, and these men were once young boys who laughed and hugged and loved.

    Our focus on the plight of women has produced a significant body of research on the how, when, and why of collapsing self-esteem in girls. Though we have only begun to turn our attention toward the development of boys, some significant information has emerged. Studies show that young girls tend to be strong and self-confident until the onset of puberty. It is then that the crisis of self-esteem hits and hits hard. Boys, on the other hand, tend to go through two distinct crises: the first at age five or six, and the second at puberty. One more tantalizing piece of information is that among infants and toddlers, boys tend to be more emotionally expressive than girls, only to lose this skill as they grow. At age five or six, the acculturation process first kicks in, and for our sons, it kicks in with a merciless impact.

    As I see it, the issue in raising our daughters is providing them with the love, support, internal strength, and self-confidence to grow fully into their lives; the issue for our sons is bringing them to maturity with their emotional centers intact and accessible.

    Through interactions at school and on the playground and exposure to cultural stereotypes in television shows, movies, and video games, our sons quickly learn that boys are expected to be tough, showing no other emotions except anger. In a boy’s world, everything becomes competitive, and you need to take the blows—literally and figuratively—and pretend they don’t hurt if you hope to measure up. At age five, boys are already deep into the process of sealing off their hearts, cutting the ties that connect them to their own emotional worlds.

    The second and potentially more dangerous crisis strikes boys at puberty, when issues as emotionally charged as sex, love, and one’s identity as a man suddenly emerge with urgency. Yet the very resources our sons need to deal with these issues, a solid grounding in their own emotional worlds, never fully developed. As a consequence, they find themselves living in a strange and dangerous world filled with pressing and confusing questions, and they don’t even have the language to find the answers.

    Cut off from their emotions, our sons are truly lost, since they do not even know what is missing. They try to compensate by pressing on to understand, to develop their gift of reason, for therein appears to lie protection from the unknown. Their emotions remain intact but are repressed into the darkness of their unconscious.

    Much research still needs to be done to complete the picture. One question that may not be answered for a very long time is just how much of the behavioral differences between boys and girls is rooted in biology and how much is a product of social and cultural expectations. At one extreme are those who believe that boys and girls are from different worlds altogether—for lack of a better term, the Mars and Venus theory. I personally think this is a foolhardy position, if for no other reason than it tells us to stop thinking and worrying about how we raise our children; the results are inevitably coded into our genes.

    But the status quo is not acceptable. Raising generation after generation of girls with shattered self-esteem and boys with little or no emotional intelligence is neither inevitable nor desirable. There is nothing alien about little boys or little girls. We are the same species and we dream the same dreams. We all want to love and be loved and to have lives of meaning and purpose. While we cannot change our biology, we can begin to change the way we raise our children.

    In my earlier book, 200 Ways to Raise a Girl’s Self-Esteem, I tried to provide practical suggestions for giving our daughters a better chance of growing up with their self-esteem not only intact but vibrantly strong and resilient. In this book I offer equally straightforward suggestions for helping our sons grow into manhood connected to their hearts and resonating with the deep emotional intelligence that they will need to live full and joyful lives. Some are suggestions to develop or support your son’s emotional repertoire; others are attitudes that we adults must cultivate in order to nurture our boys into adulthood. No matter who the boy in your life is, no matter his age, it’s never too late to start.

    Chapter 2

    Exploring Your Own Assumptions

    Living at a time of great transformation is exciting, especially when the changes taking place are long overdue and coming at a dizzying pace. But it is also extremely challenging since, as pioneers of change, we are constantly entering new territory in which we have only a general idea of which direction to take. It takes enormous energy and focus to sort out the paths and to figure out what we need to do to make this journey easier for our sons. But most of us are more than willing to commit this energy and time because we want to provide our sons with full, rich upbringings that will serve as a solid foundation for their growth and development into the extraordinary men we know they can be.

    By far the most difficult part of our task is discovering and dismantling the places where our own training hinders our role as pioneers. Someone must go first, and it is both a great honor and a solemn responsibility, but we need to remember that our own training, our own complex array of assumptions, was forged under different times. Much of it is no longer appropriate for or supportive of our immediate task.

    Simply replaying past expectations, assumptions, and traditions will not change the landscape one iota. We as a

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