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The Bible, The Basketball, and The Briefcase: How An Arkansas Lawyer Also Became An Inner City Pastor
The Bible, The Basketball, and The Briefcase: How An Arkansas Lawyer Also Became An Inner City Pastor
The Bible, The Basketball, and The Briefcase: How An Arkansas Lawyer Also Became An Inner City Pastor
Ebook108 pages1 hour

The Bible, The Basketball, and The Briefcase: How An Arkansas Lawyer Also Became An Inner City Pastor

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As a promising new lawyer, Jay Martin would have seem like a guy out of place in the projects of Little Rock, Arkansas, shooting hoops, befriending fatherless kids, and introducing them to Jesus. Since then, Jay has enjoyed a prominent career in law and politics. Yet, despite his vocational demands, Jay continued his outreach. Today it has grown into a vital ministry that is reaching hundreds of Little Rock’s needy kids and their families for Christ.
As an eye-witness of what God can do with someone who wants to make a difference, Jay presents ample evidence for why your vocation need not limit your ministry potential. His story is convincing testimony that, no matter how demanding your career is, if you have a passion for helping others, then Jesus is ready to use you! 
Release dateJul 5, 2016
The Bible, The Basketball, and The Briefcase: How An Arkansas Lawyer Also Became An Inner City Pastor

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    The Bible, The Basketball, and The Briefcase - Martin Jay


    by Jay Martin

    Published by Creation House

    A Charisma Media Company

    600 Rinehart Road

    Lake Mary, Florida 32746

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission.

    The story of Svea Flood and her daughter, Aggie Byrd, may be found in Jim Cymbala, Fresh Power (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2003).

    Millard Fuller’s biography is based on "Millard Fuller: Habitat for Humanity International Founder, Habitat for Humanity, accessed May 11, 2016, at

    Design Director: Justin Evans

    Cover design by Ken McClure

    Copyright © 2016 by Jay Martin

    All rights reserved.

    Visit the author’s website:

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016940941

    International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62998-556-5

    E-book International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62998-557-2

    While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication.


    Foreword by Rev. Rod Loy

    Foreword by Dr. Alton Garrison


    Chapter 1:A Titanic Moment

    Chapter 2:Fried Catfish at Lassis Inn

    Chapter 3:Though None Go With Me

    Chapter 4:Saturday Afternoons in the Hood

    Chapter 5:Camp Love 1998

    Chapter 6:Clothe My Children

    Chapter 7:Giving Thanks at St. John

    Chapter 8:Christmas

    Chapter 9:South Little Rock Community Center

    Chapter 10:Metro Worship Center

    Chapter 11:LA Lesson and the LR Homeless

    Chapter 12:Ives Walk, Sunset, and the Ten Most Challenged Neighborhoods in Little Rock

    Chapter 13:Metro Reflections

    About the Author

    Contact the Author


    by Rev. Rod Loy

    THE STORY OF Scripture is that God works in unique ways. He uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. The key is willing obedience, even when what God asks doesn’t seem to make logical sense.

    Over two thousand years after the last book of Scripture was written God’s methods haven’t changed. He still uses the unlikely to do the impossible in His strength and power.

    Over fifteen years ago, God spoke to a preppy, comfortable lawyer, challenging him to get out of his comfort zone and love kids and students who were overlooked, unwanted, and unloved. From an inner-city basketball court to what is today Metro Worship Center, Jay Martin has been obedient.

    Jay has accumulated a lot of titles: lawyer, successful politician, community leader, and majority leader of the State House of Representatives of Arkansas. But, none of those titles describe Jay as well as his favorite one: pastor.

    Metro Worship Center, ministering to the homeless, the hurting, and at-risk students, is not Pastor Jay’s dream. It’s God’s dream, brought to pass because of Jay’s dogged determination and dedication to the task.

    Over and over I’ve watched Pastor Jay walk away from career advancement and money-making opportunities in order to spend time in the worst neighborhoods of our city building God’s kingdom instead of his own. Jay and his wife, Dawn, and their three girls have aligned their lives so they can say yes to whatever God asks. The results? Children, students, and adults are becoming lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. The long-term impact of the ministry is a joy to see!

    My prayer as you read this book is that you will see how one person determined to make a difference can be used in an incredible way. One person obedient to God and willing to sacrifice can change the world.

    My prayer goes beyond you seeing that it can happen. I want you to be willing to be the one God uses. Your moment of obedience and your life of sacrifice could set in motion something beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.

    The story of Pastor Jay and Metro is more than a story. It’s what God wants to do in communities across the country. There’s no doubt it’s on God’s heart. I pray He places it in your heart!

    Do you feel ordinary? Do you wonder how God could ever use you to do something magnificent? Get ready! You are just like Pastor Jay Martin! God’s got huge plans for your life. I pray you sign up for the adventure of a lifetime and change the world!





    by Dr. Alton Garrison

    IN A SURVEY of church attendees 93 percent said they thought it was the responsibility of every Christian to share the gospel with non-Christians, yet just 17 percent felt totally confident they could share their belief in Christ with someone else effectively. If sharing our faith is so important why do so few of us attempt it? Maybe we are afraid of rejection or we feel untrained and inadequate. Some may even think they must possess the gift of evangelism to be successful. Regardless of the obstacles, evangelism does not feel natural or easy to most people.

    But what if you took a different approach?

    What if you did not try to preach a sermon or share a memorized, predetermined speech? What if you decided to become a friend in just a normal, relaxed way—someone who would care about another person’s needs and build a relationship with them?

    Jay Martin was one of the most unlikely people to drive into a needy neighborhood, walk out onto a concrete basketball court, and start playing ball with little African-American kids. The trajectory of his life seemed to be leading him in a much different direction. As you read his story you will realize his future seemed destined for a law career, political involvement, and marriage to a beautiful lady, Dawn, a pediatrician.

    Yet the tugging in his heart and his obedience to a relentless prompting led him onto a court that day. As his pastor at the time I remember it well. It did not start with a sermon. There certainly was not a Metro Worship Center on the drawing board. Nonetheless, one step motivated simply by caring about inner-city children who needed love, attention, and spiritual direction has resulted in a dynamic ministry to the hurting and hopeless.

    The book you are holding could be a textbook for Relationship Evangelism 101. Jay tells moving stories and shares proven principles that will challenge and motivate all of us to begin conversations and build relationships while believing God for redemptive results.





    ILOVE STORIES. I love to learn about journeys of faith that people take. As a Christian having felt called to ministry, stories motivate me to further my ministry journey. As an attorney, stories of people who used their profession to help the less fortunate have encouraged me to serve as an attorney who puts public service first.

    The story that motivated me the most in my ministry journey was told by my then-pastor, Dr. Alton Garrison, in the late 1990s during a sermon at First Assembly, North Little Rock.

    Pastor Garrison told the story of a missionary couple, David and Svea Flood. They were commissioned by their home church in Stockholm, Sweden, and dispatched to a country in Central Africa. The couple left with the hope of establishing churches and communities of faith all over central Africa.

    However, the witch doctors in the village in which they were ministering were very powerful. After a year of ministry, loving people in the community and sharing their faith, the Floods still had not established one church or even had one convert to the Christian faith. Yet, they continued loving and serving the families in the village.

    One point of hope occurred often when Ms. Flood welcomed a young boy into her home. The

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