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Let Scripture, Mindfulness and Meditation Be Your Guide

Life is crazy. It comes at you fast. Relentless deadlines, commitments, pressures. We find ourselves running, racing and in the process emotionally wearing down. But living with peace is possible! You can experience a calmness even in the midst of the stress and strife that life throws at you.

Over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety – You don't have to be part of that statistic!

Imagine how good it would feel to wake up in the morning not feeling anxious about what lies ahead but excited. Imagine being emotionally relaxed and at peace even when your to-do list is spilling on to multiple pages.

Author Tim Atkinson will guide you through the process of mindfulness and meditation not based on Buddhist eastern philosophy but on the Word of God.

This book can be healing exercise for your brain!

If you're ready to defeat anxiety, worry and stress, your journey starts here.


PublisherZion Press
Release dateFeb 2, 2021

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    Unwind - Tim Atkinson





    Dr. Tim Atkinson

    Copyright © 2020 Tim Atkinson

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed Attention: Permissions Coordinator, at the address below.

    Zion Press

    1601 Mt. Rushmore Rd, STE 3288

    Rapid City, SD 57702

    Ordering Information:

    Quantity sales. Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the Special Sales Department at the address above.

    Unwind/Atkinson —1st ed.

    ISBN 978-1-63357-326-0

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020937492

    First edition: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    All Scripture quotations are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide

    Praise for Unwind

    Unwind is a refreshing look at an ancient-yet-new, radical way of Christian life. Reading this book is like sitting with a wise friend who offers that rare integration of sound science, deep spirituality, and practical instruction. In a time of spinning anxiety, Unwind offers a clear, alternative path. Atkinson shows the way out for lives held captive to worry as well as the way in for those who simply want a healthier spiritual life.

    —Amy Oden, Ph.D.

    Author of Right Here, Right Now: The Practice of Christian Mindfulness

    Visiting Professor of Early Church History and Spirituality

    Saint Paul School of Theology @ OCU

    Atkinson’s Unwind: A Christian’s Guide for Battling Stress, Worry, and Anxiety offers a six-week course in mindfulness fully integrated with Christian spirituality. Week One helps us appreciate that our breath is life from God, Week Two presents the body as the God created an opportunity to sense this present moment, Week Three and Four show, respectively, that love and forgiveness start as an intention, the intention becomes a practice which makes us more caring for others and heals our own wounds, Week Five instills the recognition that gratitude is what unhooks us from negative or anxious thinking, and Week Six shows us that both mindfulness and the Christian life is not about being perfect but about becoming whole, that is, allowing God’s grace to enter into our breath, our flesh, our heart, and our mind. Atkinson’s book gives clear guidance to mindfulness and directs us to similar audio guidance on his website. There are also many pearls of wisdom for Christian living. After reading one feels greatly encouraged to put that wisdom into practice. I recommend it to all who are interested in the connection between mindfulness and Christianity.

    —Stefan Reynolds, Ph.D.

    Author of Living with the Mind of Christ: Mindfulness in Christian Spirituality

    Benedictine Oblate of the World Community for Christian Meditation

    In a 5G hand-held immediacy of modern life, Dr. Atkinson encourages us to Unwind. He teaches us how to slow down and rediscover a head to heart relationship with Christ. It is grounded in the rich history of Christian contemplative practice and mindfulness-awareness. Read it to change your life.

    —Paul Bane MDiv

    Mindful Christianity Today

    Dr. Atkinson gracefully reminds us how an ancient spiritual formative practice can address the modern problems of anxiety and stress. Unwind is a refreshing and practical guide for people to explore and reflect on the benefits of the Christian discipline of meditation. Atkinson carefully walks the reader through a biblical perspective and scientific literature to reveal the benefits of daily meditation. Anyone on an intentional journey of discipleship or dealing with stress and anxiety would benefit greatly from the simple practical guides and spiritual formative exercises offered in Unwind.

    —Timothy Bullington, Ph.D.

    Chair of the Ministerial Studies Board

    North Arkansas District Church of the Nazarene

    For good reason, Richard Foster begins his spiritual classic, Celebration of Discipline, with the discipline of meditation, foundational to spiritual well-being. The Prophets of Scripture were able to hear the voice of God because they found the inner quietude necessary for hearing, the key to spiritual learning, and growth. Dr. Tim Atkinson’s Unwind fills a void in uniquely Christian meditation literature, providing rich guidance from personal experience that helps lead us all to the quiet place of spiritual and physical wholeness.

    —Thomas Nowlin, M-Div.

    Unwind is a beautiful gift of self-care and gives thoughtful, research-driven practices towards healthy living that are anchored in the Christian faith. Dr. Atkinson gives a transparent and personal testimony for how mindfulness and meditation can and should be a daily prescription whether for personal therapy or anxiety prevention.

    —Chad Tappe, MBA

    Vice-President of Central Arkansas Christian Schools

    Worship Minister at Central Church in Downtown Little Rock

    To my father, the original Dr. A, who wanted to tell the world about the rewards of being a Christian. To my mother, who supported me every step of the way, and then some.

    To Tina who reminded me of what love looks like. To David and Elizabeth who still laugh at my jokes. To Chris who helped me through a really tough time.


    Praise for Unwind

    Part 1: Introduction

    Chapter 1: A Bold Step

    Mindfulness the Christian Way

    Meditation the Christian Way

    Anxiety, Stress, and Worry for This Program

    Why This Book?

    The Model in a Nutshell

    Chapter 2: Just Do It - Mindfulness Pathways for the Christian

    My Pathway: How I Learned the Long, Hard Way

    Pathway 1: All Things Belong to God

    Pathway 2: The Scriptural Prescription

    Pathway 3: Commandments in Plain Sight!

    Pathway 4: Practice What You Preach

    Quick Guide: A Christian Mindset for Meditation:

    Chapter 3: Silence Your Inner Critic - The Evidence

    The Whole-Brain

    Early Evidence of Pain Reduction

    Reduces Depression, Anxiety, and Pain

    Changes the Brain

    Improves Psychological Well-Being

    Reduces Pain Intensity

    Love and Kindness for Empathy

    Complements Medical Treatment

    Reduces Anxiety in Multiple Conditions

    Combats Mood Disorders

    Conclusion: It Works

    Part 2: The Program

    Week 1: The Breath – Unwind from Continuous Thoughts

    Breath Is Life

    Inhale: Breath in the Beginning

    Exhale: Breath in the End

    Breath Is Spirit

    Breath Awareness and Science

    Meditation Practice

    Encouragements and Reminders

    Sample Basic Breath Training Schedule

    Sensations Workshop

    Week 2: The Body – Unwind from Physical Tension

    Body Awareness

    Body and the Spirit

    Body and the Fruit

    Body Awareness and Science

    Meditation Practice

    Encouragements and Reminders

    Week 3: Love and Kindness – Unwind from Hate

    Love for Others

    Love Your Enemies

    Love and Kindness: How the Duo Works

    Meditation Practice

    Encouragements and Reminders

    Sensations Workshop

    Week 4: Forgiveness – Unwind from Resentment

    Why Forgiveness Is Advanced Practice

    The Forgiveness Cycle

    Forgiveness and Grace

    Forgiveness and Science

    Forgiveness at Your Own Pace

    Meditation Practice

    Encouragements and Reminders

    Sensations Workshop

    Week 5: Gratitude – Unwind from Selfishness

    Thanksgiving to Tackle Anxiety

    Thanksgiving in Science

    Meditation Practice

    Encouragements and Reminders

    Sensations Workshop

    Week 6: Humility – Unwind from Pride

    Humility to the Core

    Humility and Anxiety

    Meditation Practice

    Encouragements and Reminders

    Sensations Workshop

    Part 3: Program Toolbox

    Epilogue: Rinse and Repeat - Building Your Cycle of Healing

    Six Week Checklist

    Sacred Space


    Practice Schedule


    References and Other Reading

    Part 1



    Chapter 1

    A Bold Step

    About the Book

    When we run our lives on automatic, we often miss the subtle moments when stress and worry become intertwined, forming mental and physical holds on our bodies and minds. Living without pause, we set the stage for anxiety to emerge unwittingly until our overall well-being declines. This book is for you if you want to battle stress, worry, and anxiety with mindfulness and meditation, but you are concerned that these practices conflict with your Christian values. In this small volume, allow me to gently guide you through a six-week mindfulness program, sensitive to Christian thought and grounded in Scripture so you

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