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Love in the Wild
Love in the Wild
Love in the Wild
Ebook324 pages4 hours

Love in the Wild

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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A Sensual, Powerful, And Thought Provoking Tarzan Retelling

Eden Matthews stumbled upon the discovery of a life time while photographing wildlife deep in the heart of Africa…


A gorgeous god of a man living in the wilds of the African jungle among a family of gorillas…


When he saves her life she's compelled to uncover the man's tragic past and the fate which led him to grow up in the wild.


But Eden soon learns she can take man from the wild, but she can't take the wild out of the man…


When her savage savior soon shows her just what he wants of her…her sensual surrender, she finds she can't resist him teaching her how to love…in the wild.

PublisherEmma Castle
Release dateSep 28, 2020

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    Love in the Wild - Emma Castle


    Uganda—present day

    G et on your knees, a cold voice commanded.

    Eden Matthews sank to her knees. Half a dozen men and women next to her did the same. One woman was sobbing, and a man was begging for his life. But Eden saw no mercy in the eyes of the man who stood in front of her holding a gun to her head.

    All around them the jungle was quiet. Even the animals and insects seemed to have sensed the danger and elected to stay still. She stared at the barrel of the gun, her gaze fixed on the circular black hole, then forced herself to look her soon-to-be-murderer in the eyes. The man was unshaven, mid-forties, his clothing splattered with blood and mud. Behind him were four other men with stony, empty black eyes, all armed. They were a mix of white and black men, and the heavy weapons they carried meant they were most likely rebels. Or worse—poachers.

    We were supposed to be safe, one woman whispered to herself. This is a national park. We have permits . . .

    Permits didn’t matter to men like these—these were the true monsters of the jungle.

    Keep your mouths shut, the leader snapped. She didn’t dare take her eyes away from him. His gun swung a few inches to Eden’s left at the older woman who’d spoken.

    Eden’s heart was beating so fast she was amazed she hadn’t had a heart attack. These men wouldn’t let them go. They were going to kill them and leave their bodies in the Ugandan jungle, never to be found. The gorillas she had come to photograph had fled before these men had arrived, as if they had sensed the danger. If they were poachers, and the gorillas had been their intended target, Eden at least hoped the majestic creatures were far away and safe.

    Cash, what we gonna do with them, eh? one of the men asked their leader.

    Shut up—I’m thinking, he growled. His eyes swept over the group of visitors and their two Ugandan guides.

    The boss wouldn’t like witnesses, the other man added.

    True. The one called Cash stroked his beard, and then, with terrifying slowness, he swept the gun to the forehead of the man at the far end of the tourist group and fired. Eden jerked as his body fell face-first onto the leaf-covered ground.

    Several more bangs echoed in the small clearing, and more bodies fell.

    Eden wasn’t able to close her eyes. Fear had so immobilized her that she simply couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. She could only watch.

    Maybe we keep one alive? Cash volunteered to his men with a cruel laugh. These other bitches were old. But this one, she’s fresh and young. We can have our fun with her first. The boss would never need to know.

    Lungs burning, Eden sucked in a breath, her back aching from being stiff on her knees.

    Yes, I think we’ll keep her. Cash lowered his gun, but Eden didn’t relax. Whatever hell was about to come next for her would be far, far worse than a quick death.

    Blood roared in her ears, so loud that the trees actually seemed to tremble and the ground to vibrate.

    Wait, no. That sound wasn’t in her head. It was coming from somewhere else, somewhere distant, but near enough to frighten the men closest to her.

    What the fuck was that? Cash demanded.

    "Mnyama, one of the men murmured in Swahili. Mnyama Anakuja!"

    Eden didn’t speak much Swahili, but it sounded like he said, The beast is coming.

    A silverback? Cash asked.

    The man shook his head. No. The pale ghost.

    Pale ghost? What the fuck are you talking about?

    Two of the men exchanged glances and just ran. They vanished into the moss-covered hagenia trees that formed the canopies high above them.

    Cash spun around, firing shots in their direction before he turned back toward Eden. The roar echoed again, sending birds into flight and small monkeys in the trees scampering away.

    We should go!

    The other men clambered away at once, but Cash shouted at them. Not until I kill this one. He pointed his gun at her again.

    Eden closed her eyes tight. She imagined her parents’ faces back in Arkansas, could see the door of her childhood home. She choked down her despair and longing to be there in that moment and not here—anywhere but here.

    The gun went off. Eden experienced a second of stunned surprised because she still felt the jungle air thick with moisture and smelled the heavy scent of sweat around her. She was dead, so why did she still smell the jungle?

    Ah! Cash’s scream came a millisecond later, followed by a sickening crunch.

    Eden didn’t dare open her eyes as she heard the sounds of violence—screams and snapping bones.

    The beast was here. Her stomach churned as she swallowed down the rise of bile in her throat and her breath escaped in rapid pants of terror. She would be next. The long silence that followed made her brave enough to open her eyes, slowly taking in the scene of carnage. Cash lay dead a dozen feet away, his neck twisted right around. That was something.

    The other tourists she had come with were all dead, but they had been left untouched by the beast. She swallowed hard as tears blurred her vision.

    The sound of footsteps behind her and a huffing noise caused her to flinch and close her eyes again. Body heat and hot breath on the back of her neck sent a chill down her spine and stirred her hair. The beast was still here. She was next.

    Please, let it kill me quickly.

    A grunting noise, similar to the ones made by the gorillas, came from behind her. Something touched her ponytail. She gasped and threw herself to the ground on pure instinct, her hands crunching into the leaves beneath her. The beast moved somewhere in front of her. When she dared to look, her lips parted but no sound escaped.

    A man crouched in front of her, ten feet away. His tan skin was covered with blackened, drying mud, making him look more monster than man. His long dark hair hung in loose tendrils down around his shoulders. His eyes were a vivid dark blue, and they narrowed on her as his full lips pressed into a hard frown.

    In one hand the man held a blade. His other hand was curled into a fist. She watched the corded muscles of his forearm ripple as he shifted and moved. There was a lithe grace to his nearly naked body as he shifted back and forth on his bare feet. A loincloth of animal skin covered his groin but left his legs bare to her view. He chuffed at her softly, like a jaguar. But the strangest thing, perhaps, was a band of gold that rested on his brow like a crown, the precious metal shaped into small leaves like a laurel wreath.

    He gestured with his balled fist to the man on the ground and grunted again.

    Eden blinked, unsure what to do or say. This man had saved her. But who was he? Where had he come from? Why was he grunting instead of speaking?

    Hi, she whispered, and he halted in his gestures. Do you understand me?

    The man tilted his head to the side, and his nostrils flared. It was hard to read his face with the mud streaked across it.

    Hello? She tried to greet him again. The word hello was also used in Swahili, in case he spoke that rather than English.

    He slowly straightened to a towering height, and she got to her feet as well. Eden kept her distance, not knowing what to expect with this wild man.

    She tried some Swahili and continued to stare at him. "Kiswahili?"

    Suddenly his head turned, and he scanned the forest. It was still eerily quiet. Eden knew his attention was focused elsewhere, yet she had a sense he had missed nothing, including her movements. The man threw his head back and let out a roar, the same roar that had sent Cash’s Ugandan men running for the hills. They had known the danger of whoever this man was.

    She asked him if he spoke Swahili. "Unaongea Kiswahili?" Unfortunately, she didn’t know enough of the language to truly have a conversation.

    Her savior shot her another distracted look before he grunted again at the forest and whistled sharply. There was an answering whistle far to her left. The man turned her way, and with lightning-quick reflexes, he grabbed her.

    Eden screamed, but a second later the air was knocked from her lungs as he threw her over his shoulder. He began to run, dodging through the trees and leaping over the taller bushes and vegetation like an Olympic hurdler. The impact of his feet jarred her and sent a punch to her stomach. She was going to throw up if he kept this up much longer.

    Where was he going? What was he going to do to her? Why didn’t he communicate? He acted . . . well, he acted more like an animal than a person. A wild man. It made no sense.

    Eventually he stopped running. He rolled her off his shoulder and onto the ground. She couldn’t stop it—her stomach emptied its contents, and she lay gasping on the ground at the base of a particularly thick-rooted hagenia tree. She clawed at the ground, trying to catch her breath and stop the shaking of her arms and legs.

    Her head spun, and she gazed up at the distant light, barely able to make it out through the trees above. She saw something jutting from the base of the tree, going all the way up. Small pieces of wood, like tiny steps in the trunk, created a path all the way up the tree. The wild man grasped her hand and pulled her to her feet. He then gestured for her to climb onto his back. Was he kidding?

    She shook her head violently. No, no, I’m not—

    He lunged for her, and she shrieked, holding up her hands.


    He pointed at his back, and he faced the tree, waiting patiently.

    It was weird climbing onto this stranger’s back, but she did it. He used the wooden steps the way a mountain climber would use footholds. She nearly closed her eyes as they reached ten feet and kept on going. The tops of the trees looked to be another ten or fifteen feet away.

    As they reached the heavy foliage above, the man pushed upward, and the foliage moved away in a nearly perfect square shape, just large enough to accommodate their two bodies. He continued to climb, and Eden gasped.

    The tree went up another fifteen feet, through a hole in the roof that was sealed with mud. All around them was wood—chopped timbers worn smooth into planks, forming a structure around her and the man like a tree house.

    A tree house? Here?

    He crawled across the floor and tapped her legs. She slowly let go and touched her feet down. The wooden floor was as solid as a rock. Eden stared around at the tree house. It had to have been built nearly twenty feet off the ground. The bottom of it was completely camouflaged from below.

    What is this place? she asked, mostly to herself. She saw a wooden door with a simple flipped latch made with thick rope. A small window-like opening allowed for some minimal light.

    The man grunted at her and pointed to a corner of the little structure. Eden saw nothing there. The man moved toward her, and she immediately backed into the corner he pointed to. She fell back, landing on her bottom, and he held up a palm and made that soft chuffing noise again. Did he want her to stay there? He opened the trapdoor and started to climb down the way they had come up.

    Wait! Where are you going? She started to move, but he grunted and huffed at her, and she halted. He pointed to the corner, and she shifted back to the corner wall, clutching her camera to her chest. He gazed at her a long moment, those blue eyes solid and inscrutable as he watched her. Then he disappeared from view, pulling the trapdoor down behind him.

    Eden wasn’t sure how long she sat there staring at the door. After what felt like forever, her muscles relaxed and the tension in her body slowed and seeped out of her. She slumped onto the floor on her side. Her body trembled, and a rush of tears came hard. She cried as the recent events all came back to her. The dead faces of the men and women who’d traveled deep into the impenetrable forest with her. Everyone eager for the experience of a lifetime.

    Sweet Maggie, humorous Harold, and all the others whom she’d formed a bond with in so short a time. All dead. Their lives had been snuffed out because they had been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    And what about her? She was alive, but was she ever going to get out of the jungle? And who was the beast of the forest who’d saved her? Who was the pale ghost?


    Twenty-two years ago

    Amelia Haywood sat in the small Cessna, her tiny son, Thorne, in the seat beside her.

    She grinned and pointed at the dense miles of spreading Ugandan forest far below them. See? Look at the jungle. Thorne squirmed and stretched up in his seat to peer out the oval window. Amelia stroked a hand down his dark hair. It was silky as a baby’s, even though Thorne was three years old as of last week.

    Thorne pointed a tiny finger at the window. Mummy!

    Yes, Thorne, that’s the jungle.

    Monkey! He looked down at the child’s picture book in his lap, where it said, M is for monkey. Then he focused back on the window.

    Jacob, how much farther is it? Amelia asked her husband.

    Jacob turned to face her from the seat next to the pilot. His dark hair and vivid blue eyes were a mirror image of their son’s. Thorne looked like her a little too, around the mouth, especially when he smiled. That pleased Amelia, because Jacob always said it was her smile that he dreamed about whenever he closed his eyes. Amelia had never imagined she could love someone as much as her husband, but she did. Jacob and Thorne were her entire world.

    We’ve got about another hour until we get to the airstrip, Jacob guessed.

    Charlie, their hired pilot, nodded. He’s right, about an hour.

    Tomorrow we’ll see the monkeys, Amelia said to her son. She turned the book’s pages until she got to the letter G. A picture of a gorilla was below the letter.

    Gorilla. She spoke the word slowly and clearly.

    Thorne planted his palm on the picture and said loudly, Monkey!

    Gorilla, she said again.

    The child turned serious eyes to hers and then said, Go-willa.

    Close enough. Amelia chuckled and reached up to finger the necklace at her throat. It was a small gold chain with a gold ginkgo leaf. Jacob had given it to her on the night he proposed. She’d gotten a ring, of course, a lovely princess cut diamond that was a family heirloom, but Jacob had said he wanted to give her a gift that was special, and this most certainly was.

    From the beginning she and Jacob had been a perfect match, both in love with wildlife and conservation. Because of his family’s wealth, they had been able to build a center near Bwindi Impenetrable Forest for park guides and guests to rest and relax before making the trek into the woods to see the gorillas.

    They had also donated a large sum of money to support anti-deforestation efforts and a police force to protect the shrinking population of mountain gorillas. For the first time since she had been pregnant with Thorne, they were able to return to Africa, the cradle of civilization.

    For as long as Amelia could remember, she had felt a pull to this beautiful continent. It was one of the few places that still held mysteries unseen by human eyes. It wasn’t a desert plain—it was mountainous, with depressions and shallow lakes, waterfalls, and rivers.

    Amelia had studied the varied geography on the continent while at university. The mountains fed the major rivers, causing the waterways to bleed into undulating savannas until they fell in a series of rapids and waterfalls into narrow gorges and coastal plains.

    The rivers themselves were not navigable for any great distance. Travelers, traders, soldiers, and explorers from ancient times to present day had all failed to penetrate the interior heart of Africa.

    Amelia could feel that heart beating, steady as a drum, calling her to come closer, to seek out answers deep in the misty mountains. Legends were born and made here. Amelia wanted to be among them, to explore and discover, conserve and protect.

    Thorne continued to turn the pages of the book, speaking the words softly to himself in his toddler voice that was sometimes more gibberish than real words. He was a quiet child. He spoke little, but she knew he was smart. He was already learning to recognize the letters and their sounds, and he was even sounding out a few simple words in his picture books.

    The plane suddenly dropped a little. Amelia’s heart jumped in her chest, but then she chuckled. Thorne squealed in delight.

    Heavens, what’s the matter, Charlie? You didn’t let Jacob take over flying, did you?

    Charlie held tight to the controls. No, we seem to have hit a draft.

    The plane jerked, and Amelia checked her seat belt and Thorne’s, making sure they were secure.

    Are you buckled in? Jacob called back to them.


    Good. Hold on—

    The plane’s engine suddenly sputtered, and the plane tipped down. The engine reengaged for a brief few seconds before giving out again. But it was too late. The plane dropped out of the sky toward the jungle below.

    The next few seconds happened in flashes. Smoke—screams—plummeting—trees—crash—silence.

    Amelia coughed as she woke in the thick darkness. For a second, she couldn’t remember what had happened. She strained to see anything as her eyes adjusted to the dark. A soft whimper beside her made her flinch.

    Mummy . . . Thorne’s voice came from somewhere beside her.

    Hold on, darling, she said and unfastened her seat belt. The inside of the Cessna was becoming clearer as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. They must have landed below the canopy of hagenia trees.

    She unclipped Thorne’s seat belt and felt around his tiny face. Are you hurt, my love? she asked, searching for any injury. He shook his head.

    Jacob! Charlie! she called out.

    There was a cough at the front of the plane. Darling? Jacob’s voice, rusty sounding, came back to her.

    Charlie? she called out again, but no sound came from the pilot’s chair. A massive tree had pierced the window between the two seats in the front of the plane.

    Her husband reached over and clapped a hand on Charlie’s shoulder, giving the man a gentle shake. He didn’t respond. Jacob picked up the man’s wrist and put two fingers against his skin.

    No pulse, Jacob said. He turned Charlie’s head slightly, exposing the part of his skull that had been caved in by the tree limb. Christ . . . Jacob closed his eyes briefly and exhaled a heavy sigh.

    Amelia covered her mouth with her hands as grief squeezed her heart. Poor Charlie.

    Jacob unclipped his belt and climbed through the narrow aisle over fallen luggage toward them. Are you and Thorne okay?

    Yes, we’re all right. She pulled Thorne onto her lap. What happened?

    The engine gave out. Jacob ruffled a hand through Thorne’s hair and kissed Amelia on the forehead. Thank Christ you’re all right.

    Jacob turned to the door on the side of the plane and twisted the handle. After a few seconds it groaned and gave way. A wave of heat and humid air filled the cabin. Jacob stuck his head out into the jungle.

    I think we’re still a long way from the airstrip. It looks like the plane made it all the way to the ground, but we won’t have to worry about it being unstable if we move about the cabin. He pulled his head back inside and glanced around. Look for the first aid kit. There might be a flare gun and some supplies.

    Amelia tucked their son back into his seat and helped Jacob search the cabin.

    At least we have food, she said. They had brought a few weeks’ worth of provisions. She had insisted on having dried edibles packed on the plane before they left London.

    I found the satellite phone, Jacob said with a relieved sigh. I’ll call Cameron. He dialed his younger brother’s number back in London.

    Damn. It went to voice mail, he muttered. Cameron, it’s Jacob. Our plane crashed somewhere west of the Bwindi airstrip. I need you to call the number of the forest guides that I sent you in an email last week. Have them start looking for us right away. Make sure— Jacob stopped abruptly. Bloody hell.

    What’s wrong?

    The message shut off. He ended the call and turned off the phone to preserve the battery.

    Amelia located the first aid kit and Jacob’s handgun, which was safe in its case with a box of ammunition.

    I want us to sleep inside the plane. It’s the safest place. I’m going to move Charlie’s body outside and bury him, if I can. When they find us, we can retrieve his remains then. I’ll find the multitool. It should have a pickax on one end.

    Amelia nodded in agreement. She didn’t like thinking about Charlie’s body being out there where it might attract animals and insects, but they had to stay safe. A corpse close to them would only increase the risk of predators, not to mention infection and disease.

    Let me help you. Amelia checked to make sure Thorne was in his seat. She cupped his face and gazed into his big blue eyes. Stay here, honey. Mummy and Daddy will be right back.

    She joined Jacob at the front of the plane. The cockpit window was smashed into fractured pieces like frosted glass. Charlie’s limp body sagged back in the seat, and Jacob leaned forward and hugged him as he lifted him up. Then he moved the body toward her. Amelia shivered as she took the man’s wrists and backed her way out of the plane’s door. She and Jacob carried the pilot a good distance from the plane, but they kept the plane in their sight as they laid him down.

    Jacob dragged his fingers through his dark hair and met Amelia’s gaze. We can’t dig a deep grave, not without shovels. The small ax will have to be enough. It has a sharp-edged scoop on the other end.

    Amelia had no words. It was an unspeakable tragedy to leave their pilot’s body to the elements and wild animals, but what choice did they have?

    She reached out and clasped her husband’s hand and squeezed it. I’m sorry, Jacob. She could see the pain in his eyes. He was a man with a heart deeper than the ocean. He loved all living things and valued all life.

    Jacob led her away from Charlie’s body back to the plane. They stopped just outside the cabin, listening to the cadence of the jungle, the hum and chirp of insects, the blend of wild, exotic birds and monkeys, oblivious to the disaster that had just happened. Jacob and Amelia exchanged a long, meaningful glance. It was as if the jungle was beginning to swallow the plane and the three surviving passengers whole.

    Jacob gently gripped her hips, pulling her to him, and she wound her arms around his neck. He embraced her, hugging her to him, and brushed his hand up and down her back.

    We’re going to get through this. Cameron knows were alive. He won’t stop looking for us. Until then, we can have a proper family adventure. Just think: Lofty and Cameron would have a good laugh if they were here with us.

    Amelia chuckled shakily. Lofty thinks everything is an adventure. She thought of Jacob’s old schoolmate, the Earl of Lofthouse, whom everyone called Lofty, and the idea did give her a bit of spark back. Lofty was a delightful man with a sense of humor and a taste for expensive brandy.

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