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Teach Yourself to Set the Beat on Flamenco Rhymths
Teach Yourself to Set the Beat on Flamenco Rhymths
Teach Yourself to Set the Beat on Flamenco Rhymths
Ebook21 pages13 minutes

Teach Yourself to Set the Beat on Flamenco Rhymths

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About this ebook

This is an easy-to-understand handbook which will guide you through the main flamenco styles: fandangos, tangos, seguiriyas, tientos, soleá and cantiñas. You will know a brushstroke its history, how it became an art, we will see the technique of each style to set the beat on it, the family tree of sings, a brief review of the lyrics that are sung in each style. When you reach this knowledge, you will have a fairly good foundation and you will feel confident to identify what you hear and participate, enjoying it much more.

Release dateAug 5, 2020
Teach Yourself to Set the Beat on Flamenco Rhymths

Juan Luis Heredia Navas

Flamenco dancer and singer from Málaga who showed artistic concerns from an early age. He was interested in flamenco art from a young age. He was part of the group of choirs and dances of his native town, Cómpeta, in his adolescence and he was expanding his knowledge.He received ballet classes under the direction of Irene Glazier Lucas, professor at the Royal Academy of London, with which he took part in the International meeting of young artists Energy in the city, held in Leeds, United Kingdom, in 1996 and 1998, in which he held flamenco demonstrations and workshops for the rest of the participants.In Málaga, he enrolled official studies in the Ateneo of Music and Dance in 1994. His training concludes at the High Conservatory of Dance in Málaga where he completed up to the 5th year, to continue dedicating himself to teaching and the scene.

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    Book preview

    Teach Yourself to Set the Beat on Flamenco Rhymths - Juan Luis Heredia Navas

    Teach yourself to set the beat on flamenco rhythms

    Juan Luis Heredia Navas

    Published by Heredia Navas Juan Luis at Smashwords.

    Distribuited by Smashwords.

    Smashwords Edition © 2020


    The objective of this manual is to encourage the keens on flamenco and provide them of the basic knowledge to handle easily on the six main rhythms: fandangos, tangos, seguiriyas, soleá, cantiñas and bulerías.

    Through this tutorial we will learn a bit about the origins and history of each style, a words glossary of flamenco slang that we will need to know, how to set the beat on the different styles and what the lyrics express on them.

    Once the keen on flamenco is able to manage this knowledge they will understand flamenco much better and will feel the security to participate more and not only listen to.


    Introduction to flamenco. Short explanation about origin and configuration.

    Glossary of flamenco words that we will use.

    Family tree of flamenco sings.

    Study of each main style: meter, clapping and

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