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The Hidden Masters
The Hidden Masters
The Hidden Masters
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The Hidden Masters

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Who are the Hidden Masters?

Read explosive inside information about the true Illuminati by a current member. What was the connection between the Illuminati and the French and American Revolutions?

Is the coded novel "Etidorhpa" by John Uri Llloyd about the Illuminati? Is it a reference to the real-life murder of renegade Freemason William Morgan?

Is "A Voyage to Arcturus" by David Lindsay a forgotten Gnostic masterpiece?

It's time to enter the world of secrets. It's time for the Illuminati, the secret society that has fought for millennia to liberate humanity from the slavery of the archons, the secret princes of the world.
Release dateOct 24, 2011
The Hidden Masters

Michael Faust

Michael Faust invites you to explore the divine order, with its most astonishing secret - that you are part of it. You always have been. But you have forgotten. That's the nature of the created world - to make us forget that we are all the Creators. Isn't it time to remember who you truly are?

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    The Hidden Masters - Michael Faust

    The Hidden Masters

    The Hidden Masters


    Michael Faust

    Published by Hyperreality Books

    Copyright © Michael Faust 2011

    The right of Michael Faust to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author, except in the case of a reviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in critical articles or in a review.

    ISBN: 978-1-4478-9005-8


    History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree on. -- Napoleon Bonaparte

    All our history … is no more than accepted fiction. -- Voltaire

    Table of Contents

    The Hidden Masters


    Table of Contents

    The Illuminati

    History: Official Fiction

    How 6,000 People Can Rule The World

    The Hidden History

    The Archons

    The Leibniz Riddle

    The Leibniz – Newton Conflict


    A Coded Novel?

    The Real Background To Etidorhpa

    The Illuminati versus Freemasonry

    The Hollow Earth


    David Lindsay

    The Violet Apple

    The Haunted Woman

    The Sphinx

    The Witch

    Devil’s Tor

    A Voyage To Arcturus

    MUSPEL (Final chapter of A Voyage To Arcturus)

    The Illuminati

    THIS IS ONE OF A SERIES OF BOOKS outlining the religion, politics and philosophy of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Illuminati, of which the Greek polymath Pythagoras was the first official Grand Master. The society exists to this day and the author is a member, working under a pseudonym.

    The Illuminati’s religion is the most highly developed expression of Gnosticism and is called Illumination (alternatively, Illuminism). Dedicated to the pursuit of enlightenment, it has many parallels with the Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism. It rejects the Abrahamic religions of faith: Judaism, Christianity and Islam, considering these the work of the Demiurge; an inferior, cruel and wicked deity who deludes himself that he is the True God, and who has inflicted endless horrors on humanity.

    If you wish to judge for yourself how deranged the Demiurge is, you need only read the Old Testament, the story of the Demiurge’s involvement with his Chosen People, the Hebrews. You may wonder why the God of All entered into an exclusive and partisan Covenant with a tribe in the Middle East several thousand years ago, why he promised them a land (Canaan) that belonged to others, and why he then actively participated with them in a genocidal war against the Canaanites. Even more bizarrely, according to Christian theology, he then despatched all of those Hebrews, whom he had supported so fanatically, to Limbo – the edge of Hell – when they died. They couldn’t go to Heaven because they were indelibly marked by the Original Sin of Adam and Eve. Only the atonement provided by the agonising death of God’s son, Jesus Christ, could wipe the slate clean and allow the Hebrews to be released from Limbo. But there was a catch. Only those who accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour were eligible for Paradise.

    Of course, the Chosen People of God have almost entirely rejected Jesus Christ. Therefore, from the Christian perspective, nearly all of the Chosen People are now in hell proper. Don’t you find God’s behaviour distinctly odd? Indeed, unbelievable? Don’t alarm bells start ringing? Doesn’t the behaviour of this God sound rather more like what would be expected of Satan?

    Remember that this same God ordered Abraham to perform human sacrifice on his own son, Isaac. Abraham, rather than rejecting this monstrous command, rather than denouncing the creature that gave it as evil incarnate, agreed to butcher his own flesh and blood to demonstrate how slavishly and mindlessly obedient he was – the prototype of all psychopathic, fanatical believers.

    Does God’s command to Abraham sound like something that would ever pass the lips of the True God? We pity you if you think it does because you are surely a creature of the Demiurge and one of the legions of the damned. If, however, you doubt the credentials of the Abrahamic God, you may be receptive to the message of the Illuminati and our future-oriented, rational, scientific, mathematical and dialectical religion of light – Illumination.

    History: Official Fiction

    What appears in history books is not the real history of the world. The real thing is conducted in secret and is almost never documented. Real history revolves around a handful of power-players and a small number of secret societies. Real history is about conspiracies whereas history, as it appears in books, resembles a crime scene investigation. Events take place and historians come along later and try to work out what caused those events. But while crime scene investigators have elaborate scientific techniques to help them gather decisive forensic evidence, historians have access only to what is available in the public record, and even that is often unreliable.

    If there is no public record, historians have nothing to fall back on other than their imagination. They create a narrative to link the events, to establish cause and effect. But that’s all it is – a narrative, a story. It’s not the truth. The real causes are always concealed from the gaze of history. Only a fool would take a historian’s interpretation of events as reality. History is as meaningful as literary criticism. Historians are always unreliable narrators.

    At the end of the film The Godfather, Michael Corleone is seen being appointed as the new Godfather, and the door is closed in the face of his wife because she’s an untrusted outsider. It’s also closed in the faces of the audience. That is a metaphor for history. The door is always closed in our faces at the moment when the vital decisions are taken. We never hear what took place, who said what, who advanced what arguments, who disagreed, what glances were exchanged, what was whispered. All we get is the speculation of historians who weren’t there, working from second-hand sources and the narratives of previous generations of historians.

    The whole of history could be considered as The Godfather on a global scale. Powerful people conspire in secret rooms far from public scrutiny and then send out their agents, assassins and attack dogs to execute their will. Presidents, popes and princes are agents too. Although these people may seem powerful in their own right, the real decision-makers stand in the background, unseen. Presidents, more often than not, are puppets put in post to do the bidding of their hidden masters. That might involve declaring war, introducing new laws favourable to the puppetmasters, awarding lucrative contracts to the puppetmasters’ favoured corporations, appointing allies of the puppetmasters to vital, well-paid jobs, discrediting enemies of the puppetmasters, planting stories, even carrying out assassinations. All of that will be denied, of course. Well, it would, wouldn’t it?

    And, naturally, the secret controllers have a huge machine of misinformation, disinformation, spin and propaganda, to conceal themselves and rubbish their enemies. Conspiracy theorists are always dismissed as mad. Who benefits from the discrediting of conspiracy theorists? The conspirators, of course. Their greatest trick is to convince the ordinary person that they do not exist. In the fairytale The Emperor’s New Clothes, the scam-artist weavers say that anyone who is unable to see the emperor’s (non-existent) new set of fine clothes is either stupid or unfit for the office they hold. Something similar happens in reverse with conspiracy theories. Anyone who can see the conspiracy is called stupid or unfit for office. But in each case the reality is the opposite of what we are told.

    No historian will ever take conspiracy theories seriously. They can’t afford to. If they admit that conspiracy theories exist then they are putting themselves out of a job because they are admitting that the causes of major historical events are forever concealed from them. Historians promote their own agendas and exaggerate their own importance and significance. The conspirators can rely on historians not to cause any trouble. It’s an alliance of self-interest.

    Many conspiracy theories are indeed absurd. That does not mean that conspiracies do not exist. The whole point about conspiracies is that only the conspirators know what took place at the secret meetings. So everyone else has to engage in speculation, and they add to the mix their own prejudices, pet topics and fantasies. Before long, people are claiming that the Illuminati are lizards from another dimension who wear zip-up human costumes or use elaborate shape-shifting technology whereby their true form can be glimpsed only at certain transitional points. This is where conspiracy theories merge with science fiction and fantasy. Most of this way of thinking originates in the work of the founder of Scientology, science fiction writer Ron L Hubbard.

    The Illuminati have engaged in many conspiracies over the millennia, but the vast majority have failed. The Illuminati are up against conspirators who are enormously more powerful. On rare occasions, they have managed to infiltrate the secret councils of the Old World Order, and it is from these episodes that they have built up their knowledge of the OWO’s modus operandi. But they currently have no one in the inside. By the same token, on a couple of occasions the enemy has infiltrated the Illuminati, although no infiltrator has ever gained access to the highest level. Even members of the Illuminati virtually never come into direct contact with the ruling council of the Illuminati.

    Many of the people who condemn the Illuminati are rich, right-wing, pro-monarchy fascists who, to this day, are disgusted by the French Revolution and loathe the Illuminati-inspired slogan of the revolutionaries: freedom, equality and brotherhood. If you think that King Louis XVI of France was a great and noble man and that aristocratic families and rich elites should run the world then you should line up against the Illuminati. If, on the other hand, you advocate that every person should be given a fair chance and should go as far in society as their talents warrant regardless of the wealth, status and social connections of their parents, and that there should be no masters and no slaves, then you should support the Illuminati.

    Yes, we seek to establish a New World Order. Yes, we seek to overthrow tyrants. Yes, we want to smash networks of privilege. Yes, we seek to abolish diabolical religions such as Christianity. That has always been the mission of the Illuminati. Do you think that aspiration is evil? The Illuminati’s enemies are the evil ones, the ones conspiring against the people. The Illuminati seek to liberate the downtrodden and oppressed. Anyone who does not share that aspiration is an enemy of the people.

    Those who speak out against the New World Order and the Illuminati are the poodles of the privileged elites. The establishment of a New World Order is a dialectical certainty. Freedom will triumph in the end. The elites are doomed. These are their twilight days. It’s time for the ordinary people to step into the sunlight. The Old World Order is the axis of evil. In particular, the ruling class of America and Britain are those who must be pushed aside if the people of the world are ever to be free.

    How 6,000 People Can Rule The World

    Just 6,000 people control the world. How is that possible? What factors must be in place for so few people to have so much power?

    1) The 6,000 must have a common outlook and common purpose. It would be a disaster for them if they continually fought with each other. The Old World Order are united by their insatiable desire for money and power, and to create dynastic rule. 6,000 is the number that allows them to share vast influence. If there were too many – 600,000 or 6,000,000, say – their wealth and power would be massively diluted. Also, dissension amongst their ranks would be enormously more likely.

    2) The 6,000 must exploit the threat of force to keep everyone else in their place. The army and the police provide this element of force.

    3) The 6,000 must be able to spy on everyone else. The secret services provide this function.

    4) The masses must be given the illusion of

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