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The Quagmire of American Politics: American Dream Or Nightmare?
The Quagmire of American Politics: American Dream Or Nightmare?
The Quagmire of American Politics: American Dream Or Nightmare?
Ebook59 pages41 minutes

The Quagmire of American Politics: American Dream Or Nightmare?

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About this ebook

USA is a very special country. It is the first modern democracy, built by rebels of the British Empire. The US Declaration of independence drawn up in 1776 was a truly inspiring and monumental document.


Nevertheless, it remained a shameful part of its history that in the process of the colonization and the building of the new America, large numbers of native Americans were systematically killed and driven off their lands. These native people were so terribly preyed on and exploited that they were reduced to almost extinction in their own homeland.


This book traces how USA became an expansionist nation by snapping up new territories by legal means or otherwise since its creation. Slavery and the civil war are also among the painful legacy of the country. However, USA eventually rose to become a colonial, industrial, and military behemoth. And after the implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991, it becomes the world's sole superpower.


But, over the years, the quirky political system of USA has grown to become sclerotic and even self-defeating. The blatantly unfair capitalists-funded and controlled election system, the deepening inequality, the pork-barrel politics, and the racial discrimination and virtual segregation in housing, education, and social policies have become very complex issues in a deeply divided America. These are compounded by the high crime rates, drug epidemics, decaying urban centres, gun violence, social discord and the seemingly intractable immigration problems.


The book describes how the quagmire of the US presidential system has turned the American dream into a nightmare. The black swan president Trump has in a mere four years turned America upside down and pushed the world to the brink of world war 3. America's problem is exacerbated by the devastation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the terrible economic turmoil.


How did Trump's re-election campaign pan out in 2020? How would this election affect this great special nation and the whole world? Are we going to have a Dr Jekyll or a Mr Hyde as the de facto emperor of America? These are the critical questions for the world to ponder and which this book seeks to address from a wide range of new perspectives.






PublisherTerry Nettle
Release dateOct 16, 2020
The Quagmire of American Politics: American Dream Or Nightmare?

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    Book preview

    The Quagmire of American Politics - Terry Nettle

    Chapter 1. A Great Special Nation

    USA is a very special country. It is the first modern democracy, built by rebels of the first 13 North American colonies of the mighty British Empire. It was an amazing feat of will, effort and ingenuity that enabled the American rebels to beat the powerful British expeditionary forces sent to quash them.

    The US Declaration of independence drawn up in 1776 was a truly inspiring and monumental document. Among the stirring words were this memorable preamble: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

    After several years of bloody war, the United States of America was triumphant in the revolutionary war against Britain, and a new constitution was adopted in 1789. A second war then broke out with Britain in 1812 which ended with Britain losing all its holds on America.

    USA then started a series of expansions of its territories through purchases or wars. Beginning with the purchase of Louisiana in 1803 from France, which almost double its land mass, it then expanded southward and westward and even overseas.

    However, it remained a shameful part of its history that in the process of the colonization and the building the new America, large numbers of native Americans were systematically killed and driven off their lands. These native people were so terribly preyed on and exploited that they were reduced to almost extinction in their own homeland.

    America also imported a large number of African slaves to support its agricultural and industrial development. Eventually, slavery became a major issue between the industrial north and agricultural south. In 1860, president Lincoln moved to abolish slavery. This led to the bloody American Civil War that ended only in 1865 with the triumph of the north and the abolition of slavery in the whole country. But universal voting rights was only achieved in the 1960s, and severe racial and social inequality continued to plague the country.

    There had been a series of amendments to the US Constitution. Notably, the first guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and right to petition. (SRAPP). The second is the right to bear arms. These may seem to be appropriate for their times, but as all things, they are causing problems in today's new age of great morality and cultural changes.

    Chapter 2. A Superpower

    USA rose to become an industrial, military and colonial power. It won Florida from Spain in 1819. It gained Texas and Oregon in 1845 and 1846 and part of Mexico in 1848. This was followed by the purchase of Alaska in 1867 from Russia. By 1898, it had acquired the Philippines as a colony after winning a war against Spain. However, Philippines later gained independence in 1946.

    USA also annexed Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico and other smaller islands in 1898 to expand into the Pacific and the Caribbean.

    So, it is clear that USA is an expansionist nation and has been snapping up new territories by legal means or otherwise since its creation.

    USA entered World War 1 to help defeat Germany and its allies. It was dragged into World War 2 by Japanese attack of Pearl Harbour at Hawaii. After successfully leading the Allies to defeat Germany and Japan, it became

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