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The Evolutionary Human: How Darwin Got It Wrong: It Was Never About Species, It Was Always About Consciousness
The Evolutionary Human: How Darwin Got It Wrong: It Was Never About Species, It Was Always About Consciousness
The Evolutionary Human: How Darwin Got It Wrong: It Was Never About Species, It Was Always About Consciousness
Ebook130 pages1 hour

The Evolutionary Human: How Darwin Got It Wrong: It Was Never About Species, It Was Always About Consciousness

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My basic hypothesis is that evolution was never about species, it was always about consciousness. Therefore, the continuance of 3.8 billion years of evolution on Earth now rests on the shoulders of the evolution human consciousness. Unlike Neo-Darwinism and Intelligent Design, which are only concerned with life on Earth, the evolutionary intelligence theory explains the whole of evolution from the Big Bang to the present day. Richard Barrett takes on nothing less than the theory of evolution and adds immeasurably to our understanding. The elegant simplicity with which Richard guides us through his ideas is refreshing in this era of complication and complexity and indicates a rare clarity of thought. His analysis of current world events and prognosis for the future should be required reading for all politicians and policymakers. Ruth Steinholtz, AretéWork LLP
Release dateDec 15, 2018
The Evolutionary Human: How Darwin Got It Wrong: It Was Never About Species, It Was Always About Consciousness

Richard Barrett

Richard Barrett spent his working life as a professional marketer, but still found time for climbing, winter mountaineering and sea kayaking. He first visited the Harris hills as a teenager and became a regular visitor. He lived in North Harris for a number of years, where he and his wife ran a guest house and, although now a city-dweller, he still makes frequent forays to the Hebrides, reconnecting with the wilderness and catching up with old friends.

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    The Evolutionary Human - Richard Barrett






    "It was never about species.

    It was always about consciousness."

    Copyright © 2018 Richard Barrett.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-9446-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-9445-6 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 12/11/2018


    The prophet of values-centric living, Richard Barrett, has once again moved the goal posts for society by unveiling his sweeping analysis on the nature of evolution. Exploring Richard’s book is a thoroughly enjoyable ride. Through his incredible awareness he weaves a new narrative for conscious evolution, the benefits that flow from it, and the ways to achieve it. This book is a delight for those of us who have been fans of Richard’s work for decades, and a great introduction to his amazing mind and heart for first time explorers of his very compelling worldview.

    Rinaldo S. Brutoco, Founding President and CEO, World Business Academy

    Yet again, Richard Barrett triumphs by picking our world up as if it were a snow globe, giving it timely shake and enabling us to make sense of what settles. He poses questions that cut right to the very heart of our current worldview. I was left with an even stronger urge to consider how I can be a greater contribution to our evolutionary development. If everyone read Richard’s book, the world dynamic would quickly shift to a far happier, healthier and collaborative place.

    Richard Tyler, Chief Possibility Architect

    The Evolutionary Human is a must read at this critical juncture for humanity. It illuminates the fundamental attributes that make evolution possible and provides valuable new insights on how we can take our evolutionary journey in a more positive direction than generally anticipated.

    Björn Larsson, CEO, The ForeSight Group

    An important and succinct guide to evolving your personal and collaborative evolutionary intelligence in the context of a conscious, intelligent universe. This cosmology shows clearly how we can navigate current crises to reach our destined maturity as humans creating a world in which all living beings can thrive.

    Elisabet Sahtouris, PhD; evolution biologist and futurist, author of Gaia’s Dance: The Story of Earth & Us

    Richard Barrett charts new territory in The Evolutionary Human, offering a fascinating and original theory of evolution that is richly supported by the evidence he marshals and explains in his compelling and highly readable style. There is nothing so practical as a good theory, and Richard shows the practical implications of his insights for how we can best govern our individual as well as collective lives. This is an important work from a modern master.

    Raj Sisodia, FW Olin Distinguished Professor of Global Business, Babson College; Co-founder and Co-Chairman, Conscious Capitalism Inc.

    Richard Barrett takes on nothing less than the theory of evolution and adds immeasurably to our understanding. The elegant simplicity with which Richard guides us through his ideas is refreshing in this era of complication and complexity and indicates a rare clarity of thought. His analysis of current world events and prognosis for the future should be required reading for all politicians and policymakers.

    Ruth Steinholtz, AretéWork LLP

    Richard Barrett is the leader of evolutionary consciousness of our times. Don’t let the size of this small book fool you. Richard succinctly explains the new paradigm of evolution. Turns out evolution is intelligent and as a human family we need to tap into this intelligence not just to survive, but also to thrive and progress as humanity. Understanding how our evolution is designed gives us what we need to tackle the biggest global challenges to date and you will find an excellent framework for that in this book.

    Bea Benkova, Founder & CEO, and Tatiana Benkova, COO, Global Institute for Extraordinary Women,

    In The Evolutionary Human, Richard Barrett presents an elegant theory of evolutionary intelligence in clear, compelling language. Affirming that we are all connected as aspects of a universal energy field, Barrett offers fresh insights into how the concept of survival of the fittest can be reinterpreted in light of the new physics and human psychological development. His explanation of how cooperation lies at the root of evolution across all levels offers great hope for the future.

    Rev. Deborah Moldow, Founder, The Garden of Light; Co-Director, The Evolutionary Leader’s Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation

    With his concept of Evolutionary Intelligence, Richard Barrett cracks the source code of human motivation. Whereas Charles Darwin found the recipe for the evolution of life forms, Richard Barrett goes further, he presents a unified theory of evolution that goes from the Big Bang to the present day. Absolutely brilliant.

    Patrik Somers-Stephenson, Facilitator of Transformation, Evolution Inside Out Ltd

    The Evolutionary Human is a profound and fresh narrative addressing the how and the why of our existence on Earth. Richard makes the invisible visible with simple language and scientific grounding. He offers a new invitation that considers consciousness the main reason of our human growth and development. This is groundbreaking! We can finally relax and allow life to flow.

    Ina Gjikondi, Director, Executive Education and Coaching, Center for Excellence in Public/Leadership, George Washington University

    Richard Barrett has done it again. The values maven has brought his unique insights to Charles Darwin’s concepts of evolution and the survival of the fittest. By comparing micro and macro systems, and stages of individual and collective psychological development, Barrett goes beyond neo-Darwinism and intelligent design to propose a whole new concept for understanding evolution. His eye-opening take on evolution will provide food for thought to political leaders, entrepreneurs and social change makers around the globe.

    Marc J. Sachnoff, Modern Wisdom Leadership Institute

    A bold thinker and savvy architect, Richard never stops to push the bound of human development theories and applications. This concise book provides a simple and accessible roadmap to personal growth. In this process, Richard presents a rare gift for the evolution of humanity!

    Niran Jiang, Co-founder and Director, Institute of Human Excellence

    Once again Richard has created a book that is both practical and profound. As a clinical psychologist, coach, and designer of transformational events, I have been using Richard’s tools and books with my clients to evolve their resilience and evolutionary consciousness for over 22 years. My clients love his useful maps for the practical navigation of the visible and invisible worlds. With each of his books, Richard manages to go deeper.

    Erik Muten, MFA, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist, Mentor, Organizational Consultant and Designer of Transformational Events, Kailo Mentoring Group/DramaWorks Interactive

    The historians, philosophers, and psychologists, who have studied human evolution all agree: for some reason humanity evolves not continuously but by sudden leaps. The book, The Evolutionary Human by Richard Barrett, is about to make a new leap in the theory of evolution.

    Miša Lukić, Founder and Chief Business Designer, New Startegy

    The Evolutionary Human is incisive in its style and holistic in its grip: cutting through academic swaths and psychological complexities which often bog down other pioneers. The long and the short of it is we are re-awakening to our deeper and truer purpose as Homo sapiens and in so-doing we are remembering the wisdom that is innate within nature. Barrett’s work is an important aid in this remembering and recognizing of our evolutionary potential beyond the self-limiting belief of the survival of the fittest into a multi-level evolutionary theory that provides for a

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