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The Sure Foundation Unmovable
The Sure Foundation Unmovable
The Sure Foundation Unmovable
Ebook66 pages56 minutes

The Sure Foundation Unmovable

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Everything that lasts starts with a foundation that is laid deep the ground. In his book, The Sure Foundation: Unmovable, author James Carter shows how we can build a firm foundation in the spiritual realm, so all sins are removed. Christ is the foundation upon whom we should build our lives. Carter presents six principles that provide insight into the mechanism of apostolic faith and how the early apostles experienced great success. Carter preaches the same gospel the early apostles did, it is filled with the same Holy Ghost and with the same testimonies of Christ that they had. Thus, we are baptized into the same doctrine.

The principles presented in Carter’s text provide you with the foundation upon which to build your faith and your life. As a result, you will be able to testify about the goodness of God and the power of unshakable faith. And it can change your life.
Release dateOct 30, 2014
The Sure Foundation Unmovable

James Carter

James Carter is an award-winning children's poet, non-fiction writer and musician. He has visited 1500+ schools in the UK and abroad in the last two decades and performed at such festivals as Edinburgh, Hay, Bath and Cheltenham. His buzzy, high energy poetry days/ Zooms are ultimately all about encouraging young writers.

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    The Sure Foundation Unmovable - James Carter


    Copyright © 2008, 2014 James E Carter

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    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1383-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-1384-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014911067

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    Chapter 1   Foundations

    Chapter 2   Repentance from Dead Works

    Chapter 3   Faith toward God

    Chapter 4   Baptism

    Chapter 5   The Laying on of Hands

    Chapter 6   Resurrection from the Dead

    Chapter 7   Eternal Judgment

    To my loving wife, André, who has been by my side for eighteen years? We have grown in the grace of God faithfully. Also to our son and daughter, who are yet finding their way in Christ?

    To my former pastors, Bobby and Floydia Armon, who diligently taught me many of the foundational truths of God’s Word that keep me daily.

    To my mother and grandmother, who encouraged me to walk with God, to be a man of integrity, and to be careful of whom I link up with in friendship. A friend of the world is an enemy to God, and my grandmother always said, Boy, stay away from them heathens. But most of all to God, who is my everlasting strength, peace, and Father.

    To everyone who reads this book, I pray you find blessing and peace in these words.


    I believe that the goal of every believer should be to reach perfection in every aspect of his or her life. A question has been in the minds of many Christians regarding whether a person can lose his or her salvation. But this goal is set: a believer is to pursue perfection rather than to go back to the rudiments of Christianity; to lay the foundation of repentance over and over again with human attempts is not what we are called to do in any way, Christ is that foundation and there is no other need to attempt to accomplish what he have ready accomplished. Even for a moment to entertain that thought connotes that Christ would have to die a second time and lay the foundation of repentance the second time, which is not necessary.

    To grasp the proper understanding of this, we have to keep in mind what is said in Hebrews 6:4–6: it is the ground work of Christ that restores humanity to its place of Dominion which was lost in the garden. A person can say that they repent and it may look like its true repentance but if their behavior doesn’t change they did not receive Christ by faith. John the Baptist came preaching that the time has come to repent, because the kingdom of God is at hand. Christ restored all who believe in him to their priestly and kingly authority, to rule in righteousness over the works of his hands.

    If you take a close look at what power believers have, what fellowship and joy divine, you know that to trod Jesus underfoot means to neglect God and to deny yourself of the free gift of salvation. Those who reject Christ can be renewed if they truly repent of their sins. True repentance is done through a godlike model, which requires change. John told the religious leaders to prove their repentance by treating those they were mistreating the right way. The evidence of true repentance is the fruit we bring forth, and the mechanics of true repentance is godly sorrow.

    This book has been written with much prayer and sincerity. I hope it will bless you as it has blessed me while writing it. It is my prayer that you be strengthened in your walk with God from this day forward. As you read this book amid the numerous traditions in the world today, I hope you find the true apostolic doctrine and the rest so desperately needed. Thus says the Lord, "Stand ye in the ways and see and ask for

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