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My Journey from a Dependent Mommy to an Independent Lady: Get the Right Mindset to Make Money, Create Wealth & Set Free Diary - Part 1
My Journey from a Dependent Mommy to an Independent Lady: Get the Right Mindset to Make Money, Create Wealth & Set Free Diary - Part 1
My Journey from a Dependent Mommy to an Independent Lady: Get the Right Mindset to Make Money, Create Wealth & Set Free Diary - Part 1
Ebook101 pages1 hour

My Journey from a Dependent Mommy to an Independent Lady: Get the Right Mindset to Make Money, Create Wealth & Set Free Diary - Part 1

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About this ebook

Ilanit was born to be rich, yet she always struggled financially. She became so fed up with being dependant, therefore decided to do something about it. Through working toward self-awareness she realized that her main obstacle to making money was herself, so she worked hard to change her mindset & relationship with & towards money.

Her journey has been documented in a private diary, which she shares with the reader. Her deepest thoughts are being brought in a direct, honest, flowing, refreshing & touching way. The methods she used are simple to understand and follow. Ilanit believes that everybody can do the same. She believes that YOU deserve to be rich, and that you were born to be happy. She wishes to encourage you to step up and take action to change your life. Read this book to be inspired.
Release dateAug 12, 2016
My Journey from a Dependent Mommy to an Independent Lady: Get the Right Mindset to Make Money, Create Wealth & Set Free Diary - Part 1

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    Book preview

    My Journey from a Dependent Mommy to an Independent Lady - Ilanit Freeman

    my journey from a

    Dependent Mommy

    to an

    Independent Lady


    Diary - Part 1


    Copyright © 2016 Ilanit Freeman.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5210-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5209-8 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 7/26/2016


    A word of Thanks


    My Vision

    Do I have Money Issues?

    Stories I tell myself about Money

    Advantages of working as a Fundraiser

    Poverty Thinking

    What is Poverty Thinking?


    Material Girl & Life’s Goals

    The Miracle of Guilt

    A Prayer for Provision

    Pride & Prejudice

    Small Steps DO make a Difference

    Strong People / Weak People

    Am I Objecting to Work?

    Tear the Mask

    Insights as I pray

    The Truth about Selfishness

    Dependency & Letting go

    Practical Tools

    Here is what I hope you gained from reading this book

    A Temporary Epilogue

    Recommended Growing Methods & Techniques


    About the Author

    To my Mother & Father

    A word of Thanks

    About 2 years ago, as I was searching for ways to make money, I came across a very nice man. We had coffee together in Manchester UK. He had an incredible business opportunity to offer me, which, at the time, I could not take.

    Looking back I realize that meeting him took me to the next level in my financial journey, because I started listening to his motivating videos, and through his recommendations, I also started following great mentors on line. I have been listening to them, participated in their webinars, took their courses & read their books. I found these mentors motivating, elevating, educating, giving hope & confidence, and so much more. None of them knows me personally, but they have changed my life. I am grateful to each of them.

    In addition, I thank my friend & mentor, who had been by my side for 13 years. Your faith in me made the difference.

    Finally, I wish to thank my parents. When reading the book you may appear as a negative financial influence over me, however, you are a fundamental part of my journey, and other than finance, there is so much more to being parents.

    Mom - you have always been my anchor. Moreover, to this date it constantly surprises me to see how open minded and modern you are, especially considering the primitive culture you came from. You did the impossible & raised us the best way you could, without the knowledge, but with enough cleverness to follow your motherly instincts, and raise us in an open minded home.

    Dad - you had your own journey, which was not an easy one. Your help & support, especially in recent years, has been priceless. Your wisdom has given me the right direction, and I should have followed it, or consult you more often than I did.

    Only as an adult, I can appreciate the true value of my parents, and cherish what they have actually done for us, regardless to the difficulties and the challenges life had presented them with.

    Thank you both for supporting me with writing this book.


    Hi there, allow me to introduce myself: my name is Ilanit Freeman. I am 45. Married 10 years + 3 amazing sons ages 8, 6 and 1.5.

    Since early childhood, I have always known I was born to be rich. Very rich. Now, I know that this declaration of mine tends to annoy people. Some of you will stop reading right now, thinking I am too arrogant or shallow, but for those of you who carry on reading I would like to say the following: this book focuses on money because it is a subject that I, like so many others, have been struggling with a long time. It does not mean that this is the only thing I deal with in my everyday life, or that I have no other issues or goals. It simply means that here I will talk about money and my wish to be wealthy. Ready? Let us start again:

    Since early childhood, I have always known I was born to be rich. Very rich. Never asked myself why or how, I just knew deep inside me in an unquestionable way, that this is the life I was born to live. It is not just about money. It is to live life to its fullest. Do great things. Live BIG.

    My parents weren’t rich. In fact, constant financial worry was a fundamental part of our lives. We weren’t very poor, but we felt poor. I grew up with what I learnt later on in life to be a lacking mindset. The way I looked at life was through poverty glasses, and they were the ones that conducted my behavior, my decisions, my life!

    Growing up I thought that I did not need to worry. I’ll marry a rich man like they do in the movies, and that will lead me to my rich, happy, worry free life.

    There was only 1 other thing that was mightier than that: I knew that I should have children. Motherhood was my destiny.

    In my twenty’s my number 1 priority was to get married and have children. So, even though I went to university, and worked in different places, I didn’t bother very much with focusing on a career, as I thought I didn’t need to. It was obvious to me that soon enough I would get married and have children and become a devoted housewife.

    Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned.

    The longer it took to find someone the more desperate I became. I did not knowingly look for a rich husband, but because I couldn’t find THE ONE - I was willing to settle for anyone.

    This is how I entered my first relationship at age 31+. The next 3.5 years of my life have been the most miserable ones. My boyfriend didn’t treat me right. Our relationship suffered from excessive criticism, belittling, accusations and basically, lack of love & commitment. He took

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