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Life In The Death Zone City
Life In The Death Zone City
Life In The Death Zone City
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Life In The Death Zone City

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This is an amazing book filled with all sorts of twists and turns. While John and his friend Gabriel are anticipating World War III to start with the current US army hopefully being enough to defeat the enemy, their worst nightmare became true as they are drafted into the army for the war. Will John be able to survive? Read the book and all of your questions will be answered.
Release dateAug 22, 2017
Life In The Death Zone City

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    Book preview

    Life In The Death Zone City - Caidan Curtis

    Life In The Death Zone City

    Life in the Death Zone City

    Caidan Curtis


    able of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 1

    Every single day I wake up just wondering what life will be like. Getting up, going to school, coming home; it is all just a daily process that I go through. In 2020 the UN nuclear bombed North Korea but the effects affected more than just that. Over 2 million people also died in South Korea after the bomb was dropped and tensions were extremely high up until the Recursion Conference in 2022 when every single country signed a treaty claiming peace between every nation.  It is March of 2040 and Ryan Parsons has just become the president of the United States. Throughout the whole election process, the world has started to develop intense rivalries because of him being elected president.

    It was the morning of March 24th, 2040, and it started just like every other day except for the fact that for some odd reason my alarm clock hadn’t gone off and my mother, June, had to wake me up.  Morning Sunshine, it’s 7:30 and your alarm didn’t go off this morning; so you better hurry to school said Mom.

    Okay I replied back.

    After getting dressed I ran quickly downstairs and grabbed my coat since it was starting to snow here in my hometown of St. Cloud, Minnesota.

    Bye Mom. Bye Dad I said.

    Bye smarty pants said my dad, Jake.

    On my way to school, I noticed on the radio mentions of rising tensions between the US, Great Britain, and France with China, South Korea and North Korea. I knew for a while that the world was still not at complete peace with each other since Recursion Conference which just occurred a couple years before I was born.

    Today was my 16th birthday and as soon as I got out of my car, my best friend Gabriel was yelling in my face Happy Birthday John!. Oh, how did I hate when people just yelled in my face.

    Thanks Gabs, how is your day going so far? I said back to him.

    Great now that you are here! Gabriel said so proudly.

    The bell is about to ring so we better get to class I whispered just enough for Gabriel to here.

    Ok he replied back.

    Throughout the school day I occasionally received a Happy Birthday or Happy B-day which I just kind of shrugged at. Finally, 5th hour came and it was math time with Mrs. Timble. Mrs. Timble was a middle-aged woman who graduated valedictorian of her high school class of 207 students. After going to Mid-State University in Montana, she moved back home to become a teacher at my high school, Briggs High.

    Welcome Class, today we are learning about logarithms said Mrs. Timble is that joyful voice of hers.

    After a long lecture on such a boring class Ring Ring Ring off the bell went. Mrs.Timble attempted to say something but not one person in class even listened. I hopped in my car and drove to Mark’s Gas and Bait which was about 20 minutes from school.

    Well Hello John, I don’t have much work for you today so you can just head home said Mark, the owner of the gas station.

    Thanks Mark, I am extremely tired and just want to go home and relax I said quickly back to him.

    When I got home, no one was home since both of my parents worked almost 24-7 and both were gone on a business trip for 2 weeks. I plopped down on my couch and turned on the television.

    We have breaking news tonight; the United States has just declared war on North Korea as they have fired a nuclear missile on the U.S. navy base Trimpton. Following that motion, North Korea declared war back on the U.S. Then Great Britain immediately declared war on North Korea, and China declared war on Great Britain. In the end, France and Spain joined the side of the U.S. and Great Britain and Germany and Japan joined the side of North Korea, and South Korea.

    This made my day just go from normal to horrible and I decided to go to bed early to get some extra sleep knowing that World War III was on its way.

    Chapter 2

    The next few weeks in school were very somber and seemed dismal. It was now the middle of May and my parents had left again for another business trip but this time it was for a full month. I came home at my normal time of 4 p.m. and I went to my room, laid down on my bed and turned on the television when the news anchor said Just a few hours ago President Parsons announced that there will be a draft into the military for the war which is to come to the U.S. coasts in a few weeks. Each state’s counties have had a drafter for their county. The Draft will take place tomorrow at 8 a.m. sharp at your county’s largest city’s capital building and a total of 1000 men from the ages 12-60 will be draft eligible. To go along with that, make sure that you are prepared to leave right away as we need troops ready as soon as possible.

    This frustrated me the most as I would not get to see my parents before I head to the war and all of our phones were off because my mother forgot to pay for our phone plan. I called my friend Gabriel and he had also seen this on the news. I assumed that he was very sad because he wasn’t a fan at all of war and since we were both 16, we had a higher chance of being selected because of our young and large muscles. We called each other and talked for a while and I was right about the fact that he was very

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