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GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family: GoldenHeart
GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family: GoldenHeart
GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family: GoldenHeart
Ebook234 pages3 hours

GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family: GoldenHeart

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About this ebook

Dear Reader, GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family will love you forever. This love manual is the follow-up to GoldenHeart: How to Love Humanity, by Christina Goebel, M.A. 


Written for orphans, foster children, foundlings, or lonely or discouraged people of any age, GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family discusses topics that families share over their lifetimes with one another to learn, grow, and belong. 


Unlike many books, We Are Your Family's thirty-six international authors share their hearts so that you can revisit them any time you need acceptance, strength, encouragement, and love. This forever companion's pages offer compassion, kindness, inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from people of a variety of ages and backgrounds about challenges you may face -- which you will never again confront alone.


Though you may have lost family members and friends, or you may have never felt that you belonged to a loving family that accepted your gifts and abilities, we offer ourselves to fill your heart as lifelong companions. 


Dear One, we want you and you will always belong here with us. 


We are your family.


~ the GoldenHearts

Release dateFeb 7, 2021
GoldenHeart II: We Are Your Family: GoldenHeart

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    Book preview

    GoldenHeart II - Christina Goebel

    Part One


    Introducing the delight of the heart of girls and women (followed by A Father’s Heart about boys and men in Part II)

    Beautiful You

    Dear Sweet and Precious One,

    I long for you to know a mother’s love right now. My heart breaks for you that I cannot hold and comfort you in your pain and aloneness. Only you know the depths and intensity of feelings that you hold within. You have gone through so much and, at times, it must have felt like you’ve been shattered into a million pieces; and yet you have come through. You are so strong! Being strong doesn’t mean that you never feel weak or powerless, but it means that you keep hanging on despite those times. It means that you keep rising every time you fall, and that you don’t give up.

    Would you let me hold you in your heart and mind right now? Would you allow yourself to receive unconditional love and full acceptance right now? Would you listen as I pour out my Mother’s Heart to you?

    I long for you to know and to feel my pride and delight in you just because you are my child—my beautiful child whom I love with all my heart. When I think of you, my heart is filled with joy that you are alive in this world. I know that you are meant to be here and that you are needed here. My deep desire for you is that you would know deep within your soul how unique and special you are; and that others will come to know your inner beauty too. I want you to experience a life filled with purpose and rich in meaningful relationships.

    I’m so glad I’m here in this moment with you. I hope that you will always hear my voice speaking into your heart and encouraging you when you are down, comforting you when you are alone, helping you when you don’t know what to do, and reassuring you that YOU ARE ENOUGH, YOU ARE LOVED AND LOVEABLE, YOU ARE OF IMMENSE VALUE AND WORTH, YOU ARE WANTED, and that, because of your uniqueness, YOU ALONE FULFILL A PURPOSE THAT NO-ONE ELSE EVER COULD.

    I want you to know that the bond I have with you and the love I feel for you has nothing to do with your gender, looks or level of intelligence. My hopes for your future have nothing to do with your performance and achievements, or lack thereof. My love is for WHO YOU ARE rather than for WHAT YOU DO; and it will always be total and unconditional. I hope you can see, as I do, that you have an amazing impact on this world—just by being beautiful YOU!

    © 2019 Jill Magnussen, Beautiful You

    Jack of All Trades

    I AM an optician, to help you see

    through your eyes filled with tears.

    I AM a fortune teller, who gives your

    hopes and dreams a future, through the years.

    I AM a seamstress, to mend your clothes

    and your heart that's broken in two.

    I AM an eagle, with a sharp eye

    who watches over you.

    I AM a chef, adding a ladle of trust

    and a cup full of tender-loving care.

    I AM a builder, laying brick upon brick,

    a wall to protect you if ever I'm not there.

    I AM a nurse, to help you through a fever

    and put a cloth to your brow.

    I AM a teacher, to answer your questions,

    the where, why and how.

    I AM a magician, to wave a wand and

    help chase your fears away.

    I AM an author, with memories written

    in my heart, and that's where they'll

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