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Dutch Chocolate3, Blood Lust
Dutch Chocolate3, Blood Lust
Dutch Chocolate3, Blood Lust
Ebook416 pages5 hours

Dutch Chocolate3, Blood Lust

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In the third action novel of the Dutch Chocolate series, it’s been four years since VP Judith Kerson’s death and Yolanda Riggins, aka Dutch Chocolate, still has a hole in her heart.

After a nearly fatal incident with a bear, Dutch goes upstate to check on her cousin and her family. While deciding how to handle the possibility the bear’s mate will go on a rampage, Dutch meets the game warden, a somewhat strange woman, examining the dead male bear. The bear’s mate attacks Dutch and the game warden, but luckily, Dutch’s co-workers kill the female bear in mid-attack. The game warden, Linda Whitehawk, introduces Dutch to the world of poaching, trading and killing illegal exotic game for money that is happening in her own back yard.

Linda is a staunch conservationist and finds herself tempering Dutch’s impulsive instinct to hunt the bears and poachers alike to protect her family, and the two bump heads. However, Dutch’s family and friends see love in the air between the pair of opposites. Will Dutch and Linda have a meeting of the minds or will their differences in ideology drive them apart? Find out in Dutch Chocolate3: Blood Lust.

PublisherB.L Wilson
Release dateMar 2, 2021
Dutch Chocolate3, Blood Lust

B.L Wilson

B.L. has always been in love with books and the words in them. She never thought she could create something with the words she knew. When she read ‘To Kill A Mocking Bird,’ she realized everyday experiences could be written about in a powerful, memorable way. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with that knowledge so she kept on reading.Walter Mosley’s short stories about Easy Rawlins and his friends encouraged BL to start writing in earnest. She felt she had a story to tell...maybe several of them. She’d always kept a diary of some sort, scraps of paper, pocketsize, notepads, blank backs of agency forms, or in the margins of books. It was her habit to make these little notes to herself. She thought someday she’d make them into a book.She wrote a workplace memoir based on the people she met during her 20 years as a property manager of city-owned buildings. Writing the memoir, led her to consider writing books that were not job-related. Once again, she did...producing romance novels with African American lesbians as main characters. She wrote the novels because she couldn’t find stories that matched who she wanted to read about ...over forty, African American and female.

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    Dutch Chocolate3, Blood Lust - B.L Wilson

    Chapter One: Four years later, come back to work, Lottie.

    "Lottie, when are you coming back to work? We miss you. The guys miss you. Naddie and Dora miss you. Hell, I miss you too," Dutch remarked as she walked around her office. She glanced through the doorway at the empty antique secretary’s desk with the slim computer monitor and keyboard sitting on it.

    Carlotta groaned loudly into the speaker phone Ozzie had designed especially for her, Bonita, and their four-year-old twins. It allowed both parents to hear the babies as they slept, played, or cried. No matter where they were: in the house, workshop, the fields, or the woods. With a little tinkering from Ozzie, they discovered the system even worked underground when Bonita took the kids exploring the secret caves under the farmland with Ozzie. At the flick of a red button, she could hear everything. It was like having a baby intercom with a 15-mile range.

    Humph. If you wanted me back to work so soon, you shouldn’t have sent my wife to find me in that singles’ bar nearly five years ago.

    How did I know you’d click with her, Lottie? If I’d known that, I’d have arranged for you two to meet years ago.

    And I probably would have sent her away in tears or pulled out my gun to threaten her because I thought she was wrong for me.

    Dutch chuckled. Yeah, you probably would have done exactly that and more to her. Bonnie is an acquired taste. She sighed. I’m glad you acquired the taste for her and she did for you. Be that as it may, I still need you back here to work. If I remember my birthday presents, the kids are starting pre-school this year. Right, Lottie?

    Yes, that’s right. Carlotta knew exactly where Dutch was going with the question. Dutch figured she could come to work in the city while the twins were in pre-school. She never thought she’d find such peace as she had here at the farmhouse. She was a straight-up city girl who had found the peace and quiet of country life delightful. What happened to all those replacements I sent you, Dutch? They were extremely qualified secretaries and nice women in general. Carlotta heard the sudden silence on the other end of the line. I know exactly what happened. Tony and Ange told me how you’ve been such an asshole with the replacements I’ve sent you.

    I always said you were irreplaceable, Lottie. It’s been proven a million times already. Come back and work for me. I promise you a nice raise and flexible work hours so you can pick up the kids from school. Hell, I’ll even pick up the twins for you. I love your little ones.

    And you spoil them too much.

    They deserve it. Dutch chuckled, thinking about spending time with her little cousins. Little J-bird, also known as Little Judith, looked so much like Bonnie, she could have given birth to her. She quietly observed everything around her and asked insightful questions about what she’d seen and heard. On the other hand, her brother, Carlton—nicknamed Carl—was the joker in the family. Everything was a joke to him. He looked like a male version of Carlotta, but he never took anybody or anything seriously. He loved to laugh and giggled about everything. Come back to work, please. She heard silence and then a gasp. Lottie?

    Oh God no-o-o! Carlotta was stunned at the sight. She watched from the porch as her three loves strolled through the clearing, unaware of the hulking dark shape in the distance. They were too far away to shout a warning to them. She’d read an article, or maybe Dutch had told her not to do anything sudden to threaten a bear. She’d also watched bear quirks on the Discovery channel that suggested to directly challenge a bear and it would run away. Another channel said not to do that. Don’t scream or make direct eye contact but protect yourself. Roll into a tight ball and protect yourself. She didn’t know what to believe. She did know her wife and children were in trouble … serious trouble. Bonnie left the rifle with her this morning. She only had a hunting knife and a pistol with her.

    Dutch frowned at hearing the fear in her friend’s voice. Lottie, if it’s that bear, just go inside and stay there until it leaves.

    They’re in the woods, Dutch. It’s following them. Carlotta raised the binoculars she carried with her whenever her wife took the children to explore the woods.

    Who’s with them? Did Ozzie or the guys arrive yet? I sent them to convince you to come back to work.


    Where are you?

    Carlotta looked through the binoculars again then talked into the phone. Lord, it’s moving closer! It’s stalking them. Dutch, what should I do? she wailed into the phone.

    Calm down, Lottie. Are you on the porch or inside the house?

    On the porch.

    Dutch closed her eyes, imagining the wrap-around porch’s location. What was the distance from the porch to the woods? She frowned; maybe a half a mile or less. Get the rifle you guys leave in the corner of the porch. The one with the great scope on it.

    I can’t make that shot, Dutch. It’s too far away. I could hit one of them.

    Lottie? Honey, you can. You will make the shot. You’re gonna put me on speaker. You’re gonna rest the phone in the chair so you can hear me. Do it now. Dutch listened as the phone noises sounded farther away than before. She heard footsteps. Do you have the gun now?


    Is it aimed?

    No. I’m shaking too much to hold it.

    Dutch sighed then rubbed her forehead as she tried to remember how the porch looked. Where could Lottie brace the rifle? All right. Go stand on the porch steps. Lean the gun on the top post. Can you see the bear?

    Carlotta groaned as she stepped down two porch steps then another step. She sighted the rifle, leaning it against the post. Through the high-powered scope, she could see her family, still unaware they were being stalked by the huge, dark shape. Yes, I see it.

    Is it clear to shoot?


    How are your hands?

    Still shaking a little.

    It’s okay to be nervous, Honey. Just sight and adjust the scope then set it.

    I did it.

    Good. Lottie, take two nice deep breaths then let them out. Take another one, hold it, and fire. Breathe out after … you— Dutch heard the loud roar and crackle of the rifle. Then she heard Lottie reloading to take another shot. She heard three shots before heavy footsteps raced up the dirt and gravel driveway, growing louder with each forceful step.

    It’s okay, Lottie. Give me the rifle. Ozzie pulled the rifle from Carlotta’s shaky hands and she wilted against his chest. He pointed to the two brothers, waving them out to the clearing. Tony ran to him and grabbed the rifle.

    They had driven up the long driveway and spotted the bear circling Boney B and the kids. They felt helpless. They knew even if they raced over to confront the bear in the truck they drove, the bear was close enough to rush in and attack somebody, probably Boney B. Then they saw Carlotta, of all people, lining a high-powered rifle against the bannister post to save her family. Ange! Tony! Go get Boney B and the kids!

    Ozzie! Pick up the damned phone and talk to me! Is she all right? Did she make the shot count? Are the kids all right? Answer me, damn it, Ozzie! Dutch squawked as she paced back and forth in her office with the phone pressed to her ear. Is she all right? Are they hurt? Did she kill it? she kept screaming into the phone.

    Minutes later, Bonita took one look at Carlotta, who was barely standing upright, and carried her into the house and upstairs to their bedroom.

    Carlton noted the phone resting on bannister and grabbed it. Hello, this is Carl. Who this?

    Dutch breathed a sigh of relief. Boy, where are your mommies?

    We seen a big ole bear today. He was black ‘n’ big like this, Aunty Dutch. Carlton raised his hands high in the air. He follow us right out of the woods. And then Mommy shot him with gun we not ‘posed to touch. Uncle Ange said he dead ‘n’ good riddance. What’s good riddance, Aunty Dutch?

    Dutch exhaled. At least the little jokester sounded all right. It was all one big adventure to him. Where’s your sister?

    She crying ‘cause the big ole bear dead, I guess. Uncle Ozzie took her upstairs to Mama.

    Who’s with you, Baby?

    I big ‘n’ so I all by myself. And I not no baby, Aunty Dutch.

    Okay, okay, no more baby. Big Guy, go inside. Find Uncle Ozzie and give the phone to him or give the phone to your parents. Dutch needed to know he wasn’t out on the porch alone. If he was alone on the porch, she wanted him inside immediately. She knew better than to insist on it. He was enough of a jokester to go hide somewhere in the farm’s nooks and crannies.

    Okay, Aunty Dutch.

    Dutch breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the screen door open then slam shut. Lightweight footsteps walked up the squeaky wood steps to the second floor.

    Uncle Ozzie? Carlton hollered from the second floor. Aunty Dutch wanna talk. Here.

    Oswald poked his head out of the twins’ room. Shush, Carl. Keep it down, little dude. Your sister is trying to calm down. Take the phone to your mommies, okay?

    Okey dokey. Carlton raced into the room he shared with his sister. He discovered his sister crying as she held her favorite midnight-brown teddy bear against her chest. She was rocking back and forth on the bed. Judy crying, Uncle Ozzie. Why she crying now? The big old bear can’t hurt nobody now. Uncle Tony say Mommy blowed that big ole bear head off. If he don’t got no head, he can’t do nothing, right?

    Oswald sighed as he looked at his godson’s sunny face. The kid was right. The bear couldn’t do nothing to nobody ever again, thank the Lord. Yes, that’s right. He eyed Judith, who began crying harder. But Mommy didn’t mean to hurt the bear, Judy. Carl, go find your mommies and give the phone to them.

    Meanwhile in the master bedroom, a different but related conversation was going on. Sweetness, we’re all right, Bonita repeated softly, nuzzling her wife’s neck as she sat down on the edge of the bed. She settled Carlotta in her lap, rubbing her cold arms up and down as she tried to create warmth in them again. It’s okay, Sweet Baby. It’s all over now. We’re all safe. Ange said you hit that bear in the heart twice then blew the back of his head off. She studied teary dark eyes. You saved me and the kids once again. She chucked her wife under her chin. Come on, give me a smile.

    I could have killed you or the children.

    But you didn’t.

    That’s only because Dutch talked me through the entire thing. Carlotta snuggled against her wife’s chest.

    Oh? What did she want this time? Bonita frowned at her wife’s bowed head. In fact, why are the guys here today?

    What does your cousin always want when she calls?

    Bonita sighed. Well, she can’t have you. I already got that part sewed up.

    Carlotta pinched the nipple of Bonita’s closest breast. Humph. People don’t have other people like that.

    Ouch! Bonita jerked away from Carlotta to rub her chest. That hurt.

    It was supposed to. Don’t be so confident about your allure, my love, Carlotta remarked then kissed the same nipple she’d just pinched. She giggled when she felt her wife’s lap shift dramatically.

    You know what that does to me, Bonita whispered in a hoarse, husky voice. We have guests. We can’t do this now. She shifted her pelvis when she felt her wife’s hands unbuttoning the fly of her work jeans.

    You and the kids almost died today. My shot saved my entire family. I think you owe me right now. Go close the door and let me say hello again. Carlotta watched her wife bite into her lower lip to keep from saying anything aloud. She knew what touching Bonita’s fly did to her body. Everything went on red alert. She grinned as a small tent formed at the front of her wife’s jeans. On second thought, you’re right. We do have guests to entertain and children to find. She caught Bonita giving her a puzzled, almost hurt look.

    Bonita pointed to the lump in her pants as she leaned her elbows back against the mattress and thrust her pelvis out. But you started this.

    Ah, so I did. Make this last until tonight. Carlotta leaned down to kiss her wife’s fly, which caused her wife’s pelvis thrust upward, trying to encourage further stimulation.

    When Carlotta ignored the invitation, Bonita moaned her disappointment. You’re gonna leave me like this?

    Play with her, my love. We have tonight and the rest of our lives to finish this.

    Mommy, Aunty Dutch wanna talk to you an’ Mama. Carlton held out the phone as he marched over to his parents’ bed.

    Bonita grabbed a pillow to hold in front of her as she sat up quickly. Boy, what did I tell you about knocking first?

    Aunty Dutch say I better find you pronto.

    Carlotta caught Bonita’s eye to mouth, Pronto? Where did he hear that one? She took the cell phone from her son. Setting the phone on the bed, she pulled Carlton against her chest and hugged him tight until he protested.

    Mommy, you squishing me! Carlton said and wiped her kisses from his cheek. He ran out of the room to go see his sister.

    Yeah, Mommy ought to get over here and squish somebody who appreciates it.

    Christ, people, just stop that. I can hear you. I can imagine the rest of what you don’t say.

    Bonita grabbed the phone, ready to say something playful and smart-ass. She studied Carlotta, who looked stricken again. She exhaled deeply. I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you for nearly getting us killed that night. We wouldn’t have met five years ago if you hadn’t sent me to rescue Lottie. I heard I owe you another thank you for saving my life again today, Cuz.

    Nope, thank your wife. Dutch heard the long kiss and the moans afterward. Hey, hey, stop doing that and listen a minute. What if I sweeten the deal? What if I hired you both? Lottie as my secretary and you as an investigator in training or something. The guys can teach you all you need to get your certifications. You can learn on the job, Cuz. After today, you both should consider moving back to the city.

    Carlotta sighed and stopped kissing Bonita to answer her former boss and friend. You’re being unfair, Dutch. The bear was hungry. We invaded its territory. It was only defending it.

    Bears have mates. Have you thought about that yet?

    Carlotta’s eyes widened. God, my God! You’re right, Dutch. I couldn’t do it again. I don’t even know if it was a male or female. She shivered then scooted up the bed and got underneath the covers.

    Bonita grabbed the phone. Gee, thanks, Cuz. You just scared the shit out of her again. She climbed off the bed and walked over to sit at the head of the bed next to her wife. I’m going downstairs to make you some herb tea. You need to rest and get your mind off what just happened. I’ll send the kids to keep you company.

    Carlotta nodded then closed her eyes, and rested her head against the headboard. She felt the sweet kiss against her lips and returned it.

    Bonita tiptoed to the bedroom door and stood watching her wife with the phone in her hand. Dutch, could you just be cool about Lottie coming back to work? Can’t we let her decide when and where? I’ll come to work for you because we need the money. Just, please, leave her out of it, huh?

    Yeah, okay, that’s the end of the discussion on the matter for now. How are the kids? Dutch paused. I know how Carl is. He liked the idea that his mommy shot a bear. What about J-bird? Carl said she was crying.

    Ange and Tony are standing watch outside. Ozzie is with her. Bonita exhaled loudly. She’s very upset the bear is dead. I don’t think she understands how much danger we were in out there. I don’t think Carl does either. I sure didn’t. I didn’t realize the bear was stalking us until I heard the shot. My God, Cuz, she killed the damned animal from about a half mile away. How did she do that?

    She was frightened she’d lose her entire family in one fatal swoop, Bonnie. You better love that woman as much as she loves you and the kids. Whatever she wants, give it to her.

    Bonita groaned. She wants another kid, Dutch. As if two four-year-old twins aren’t enough, she wants another one. She said she wants me to experience the entire pregnancy thing. Dear god, throwing up in the first trimester, swollen ankles, baby’s first kick, her flat belly and pretty breasts getting bigger, which I don’t mind, and no sex for nine months. I can’t go without loving her for nine whole months, Dutch. I just can’t. I’m used to sex damn nearly every night. I mean, she’s smart, erotic, fantastic—everything I ever dreamed of and more.

    She drew a deep breath. She’d be an older pregnant mom, Dutch. I get scared if I agree to this third baby thing, something would go wrong. You’d have to put me back in prison or in a straitjacket, Cuz. I’d go crazy if something happened to her or our twins. I love them so much. I never knew love could be like this. It’s so great. When I get restless at night, I watch her and the kids sleeping … just sleeping, Dutch. I mean, how crazy is that? If she wasn’t here with me, if they weren’t a part of my life, I’d be a sorry, sorry mess.

    Carlotta listened to her wife’s confession. She’d never expressed why not three children before. Now she knew why. Bonnie didn’t talk as much as her big cousin, Dutch. Bonnie was shyer and more internal than Dutch was. She had to read between the lines sometimes or make educated guesses. Maybe it was time to rethink the pressure to have a third child. She proved to herself she was as fertile as the next woman when she had the twins. Now she had two adorable kids and a wife who was clearly in love with her, warts and all. Should she go back to work and make the job her third baby? That was an idea worth considering.

    Lottie isn’t going anywhere, Cuz. She’s as much in love with you as you are with her. She proved as much today with that long-range shot.

    It was three shots, Dutch. Two in the chest and one in the head. Bonita sighed. If I went to work for you, I wouldn’t feel safe leaving her and the kids here alone. Not after today’s bear attack.

    I wouldn’t want you to leave them there alone either. Dutch started thinking. She could move upstate to the country. She wondered what types of crime they had upstate. A little fresh air wouldn’t hurt her team either. Or she could convince Lottie and Bonnie to move back to the city. Maybe they’d be willing to stay with her until they found something in the city. My townhouse is open to you, Lottie, and the kids anytime, as are my other properties. Or my crew and I could move upstate. The lot is large enough to build several houses on it. I’d have to check zoning stuff, but I’m betting I could do PI work from my new residence upstate.

    You mean it, huh, Dutch? You and the guys would actually move up here with us or we could move back to the city with you? Bonnie remarked in quiet surprise.

    Yep, I’d do it in a minute. That’s what families do for each other. You’ve more than proven your worth and your loyalty to me, Bonita. You’ve made my best friend happy as hell. You get anything you need. Anything Lottie or the kids need, you got it, Cuz.

    Are you coming up here today?

    Yep. Tell the guys to stay. We’ll keep watch for the next couple of days and go hunting for its mate tonight before it finds us. I’ll bring the RV so we won’t have to crowd you guys.

    Bonita glanced at the bed to see if Carlotta was awake and listening. She was up, and so Bonita turned around to whisper into the phone. How about strapping one of those motorbikes to the back of the RV. I love riding ‘em, but Lottie hates ‘em. She thinks I’ll crash and get hurt. Louder now, she remarked, Talk to you when I see you, Dutch.

    Carlotta smoothed a hand down the pillow next to her. C’mere and sit with me for a while. She studied her wife as she stood at the door. So far, she hadn’t said much about the attack and the jeopardy she placed the children in with her daily walks in the woods.

    Bonita pointed over her shoulder. I thought I’d get us some tea and round the troops up.

    Please, sit with me. Carlotta watched Bonita walk slowly over to the bed then sit on the edge next to her. How do you feel, my love?

    Bonita turned to face her wife with a guilty look. She swallowed hard and issued a sigh of regret. I was stupid to take them into the woods without my rifle or my radio, she murmured soft and low. They could have been hurt. I could have been too. She felt the tenderness in Carlotta’s kisses and touches like she always did.

    Shush now. It didn’t happen. We’re safe here with you. Go close the door. Let me show you how safe we are, my love. Carlotta sat up and tugged off her sweatshirt. Her bra was next to go. She twirled it on a finger and let it fly. It landed on Bonita’s head.

    Bonita tossed the bra onto a chair as she went to close the door. On the return trip, she kicked off her own jeans and peeled off her socks. She stood in the brightly colored silk boxers with the abstract designs her wife bought her as a birthday present. She strode over to Carlotta and thrust out her pelvis. Take them off and play with me.

    Hmm, I like it when you order me around. Carlotta giggled and reached for her wife’s boxers.

    I love it when you do exactly … Oh God. Bonita groaned when she felt moist heat moving up and down her clit. She pressed Carlotta’s face into her crotch, thrusting hard, then moved her head back and forth. She froze for a long moment before squirting. Then she was hard and needy again. She pushed Carlotta back onto the mattress and opened her legs wide before making a meal of her puss. She enjoyed hearing her ladylove screaming out her pleasure before she flooded her tongue. Juicy, squishy, and good meant it was time for Clitty Kitty to get some too.

    Chapter Two: Black bears are promiscuous. Sometimes, so are people.

    "Dutch, I was thinking we could install cameras in the trees. Then we could see what was going on in those woods, Oswald remarked, studying the tall grass in the clearing where the dead bear lay in the warm sun. He turned to eye the rich green woods lined with pine and maple trees. It had rained a great deal this past summer. The undergrowth was too dense to see more than a few feet. We could drive back there with the truck and stand on the truck’s roof to install them. We could put homemade traps around the dead bear to catch its companion. I could tinker with the existing motion detectors, alarm them, and install cameras so we could see the house, yard, and driveway. We won’t have to stand guard. We could just watch the cameras and motion detectors."

    Or we could get the hell out of here for a few days and hire a hunter to get the bear’s partner, Dutch added as she used a pair of binoculars to study the clearing. She saw a woman dressed in hiking boots, khakis, a flannel shirt, and hunting jacket. She carried a notepad and a backpack. A camera hung around her neck. She carried no rifle or other weapon that Dutch could see. She stepped into the clearing and walked over to the dead bear. She started taking pictures of the huge thing.

    Angelo knocked his thick knuckles on the RV’s roof. Hey, Dutch, there’s a woman looking at the dead bear. Is that crazy or what? he called out from the roof of the RV.

    Shit! I see her. Cover my six. Dutch flung the door to the RV open, grabbed a nearby rifle, then hopped onto one of two all-terrain motorcycles she’d brought with her. She raced into the clearing on the vehicle. She braked suddenly to a sharp stop in front of the woman.

    I don’t know what you’re doing out here. You need to go back where you came from or come with me where it’s safe!

    The woman stood up, placed her hands on her hips, then looked Dutch up and down. She sucked her teeth then moved her jacket so Dutch could see a badge pinned to the belt at her waist. Did you kill this bear?

    No, my friend did. In fact, we’re standing on my land. I mean, I gifted half of it to her and her wife about five years ago. Dutch looked into serious dark eyes. She noted the woman looked Native American with her red-brown complexion, dark eyes, and the inky black hair she wore in a single thick braid down her back.

    Help me turn it over. I need to see its front. The woman pulled on latex gloves and then threw a pair at Dutch’s chest. I said, help me turn it over. You look strong enough to handle it all by yourself. But I’ll make it easy on your back. I’ll help too.

    Dutch studied the horizon then stepped closer to the woman. She reached down to tilt the badge at the woman’s waist so she could read it. If you’re really a game warden, shouldn’t you be … The rest of her words floated into the wind along her body. She landed in the high grass behind the woman. She started to jump up and settle the score, when they both heard a loud roar. Get behind me now, Warden, Dutch remarked calmly, grabbing the rifle she’d dropped.

    No time. You just leave. Walk backwards real slow. I’ll handle it.

    Like hell you will! Dutch raised her rifle.

    Don’t shoot, the warden warned.

    The bear charged and fell headfirst into the dirt ten feet away from them.

    Tony waved at Dutch from the porch while Ange signaled a thumbs-up at her from the roof of the RV.

    Bonita flinched and rushed out to the porch when she heard the report of a rifle shot, or was it two shots. I heard gunfire. What’s going on, Tony?

    Dutch and some woman stirred up another bear. It looks smaller than the one Lottie shot. I’m thinking it’s the mate. Tony chuckled. As petite as the woman is, she managed to make a move on Dutch. She flipped Dutch over a shoulder right before the bear appeared.

    Bonita shaded her eyes then groaned when she recognized Linda Whitehawk, the Fish and Game Warden. Her wife liked the warden’s conservation classes for kids and took the twins to all of them. In contrast, she found the woman too bossy, too stubborn, and too all about her job. There was no softness in the woman. She watched her cousin arguing with the warden about something.

    You’re welcome, Warden, Dutch remarked sarcastically then regretted her remarks when the woman retched then vomited. Her hands shook as well. She went over to the woman and handed her some peppermint balls. Here. Just suck it. Don’t swallow. It’s supposed to calm your stomach. She watched the woman look at the candy suspiciously then her face. It’s not poison, Warden. I promise it won’t kill you. It’ll make your breath sweet and kissable, if you like that sort of thing.

    And do you like that sort of thing? You seem to like touching without asking.

    Dutch shrugged then raised her hands in surrender. Yeah, okay, I was wrong to check out your badge. It didn’t look real.

    Oh, is that what you call it nowadays, Miss? I mean, when you manhandle a federal officer. I could have you arrested. In fact, I could arrest you.

    Dutch groaned. I’m sorry for responding the way I did. She studied the larger dead bear for a moment. Why did you want the bear turned over?

    I need to know if we’d chipped him and who he was if we had.

    I thought chips were in the ears of the animal.

    They are, but as you can see, its head is severely damaged. I thought I might check its neck and chest. We sometimes insert chips there too. The warden sighed as she looked down at the female bear then squatted down. She turned its head then took a scanner out of her pocket and ran it over the tiny metal tag hanging on the bear’s ear. She wrote down the number. It’s not necessary now. I believe this female is his mate.

    Dutch sighed then squatted down to look at the female bear too. It didn’t look so fierce now. My gut says do it anyway. She pulled on the gloves and walked over to the larger male bear. Help me turn it over, Warden.

    The two women managed to roll the larger bear over. The warden felt a lump on the bear’s neck. She scanned it and copied down the number then took several pictures of both bears. I could cite you and your friends for hunting out of season. But I won’t. I believe they were hungry. They smelled food. Or they smelled your friend. Maybe the male thought your friend would be an easy meal.

    My friend and her four-year-old twins.

    A girl and a boy, right?

    Yes, they’re my godchildren. You know them?

    Their mothers brought them to my conservation classes for kids. The warden studied Dutch’s face closely for a moment. You look familiar.

    I just have that kind of face.

    Nope, you don’t. I’ve seen a version of it. I just can’t remember where. The warden studied Dutch’s face again. Ah, the little girl’s mother. She has the same eyes that you do, just darker. The shape of her face is similar too. They both have your eyes. Are you related? The warden frowned. The little boy mentioned something about a relative who was a cop. No, not a cop, but something in law enforcement. She smiled suddenly at Dutch.

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