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A Farewell to Arms
A Farewell to Arms
A Farewell to Arms
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A Farewell to Arms

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The best American novel to emerge from World War I, A Farewell to Arms is the unforgettable story of an American ambulance driver on the Italian front and his passion for a beautiful English nurse. Hemingway's frank portrayal of the love between Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley, caught in the inexorable sweep of war, glows with an intensity unrivaled in modern literature, while his description of the German attack on Caporetto -- of lines of fired men marching in the rain, hungry, weary, and demoralized -- is one of the greatest moments in literary history. A story of love and pain, of loyalty and desertion, A Farewell to Arms, written when he was 30 years old, represents a new romanticism for Hemingway.
Release dateApr 1, 1997

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954. His novels include The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea, which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953. Born in Oak Park, Illinois, in 1899, he died in Ketchum, Idaho, on July 2, 1961.

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Rating: 3.7411053318415757 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some readers found the writing to be poorly done, especially when it came to the female characters. They also felt that the beginning of the book was overly descriptive. However, despite these flaws, many readers still enjoyed the book and found it to be an engaging read. Overall, the book has its shortcomings but manages to captivate readers with its story.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I loved the dialogue style! It's almost ironic, in the true literary sense.
    I also appreciated the divisions into five books, one for each stage of the story, which also matched geographical changes in setting. They also seem to match Shakespearean Act divisions and a typical plot line (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution). Of course, it's more [book:Hamlet] than [book:Midsummer Night's Dream]. No surprise that Hemingway died by suicide. This is not a Little Miss Sunshine conclusion.

    Also a good book to read with adult ESL students -- the diction and syntax is clear, and the story is not YA (as many classic lit novels studied in school are). Just have to watch out for the implied dialogue and movement, which could be missed by students newer to the language.

    Much better than I expected, that's for sure!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    In general, Hemingway is a favorite author of mine. He doesn't mince words. Never too many words. He paints clear pictures as he writes and I like that. He does this in A Farewell to Arms, but in a manner that I found repetitious and long-winded. The dialogue is stinted and, IMHO, silly. It had been forty years since I last read this book and quite honestly was excited to read it again. Rereading a book after so long is often very close to reading it again. I was disappointed. I think because I didn't truly know what I was reading.The description of the WWI battles in Italy towards the end of the war (1917) were very good. His description of what the men were going through, what their lives were like, is wonderfully put but the dialogue is what bogs it down. I began to simply scan over the dialogue as it was the descriptive pieces that were enjoyable- if describing the rough life of those on the front line assisting the wounded could be called wonderful! Of course, this book, at is core, is about the love between Henry and Catherine, which to me seemed a bit forced at first. Again it was the dialogue between them that I found unrealistic, there was no depth between these two characters. It actually wasn't until the last third of the book that I began to believe in their love for one another. It was their stay in Switzerland, towards the end of the. book that I noted a tenderness that he had for her. And it literally wasn't until the last two or three pages that I even realized why he wrote the story the way he did. Perhaps if I had fully realized the type of memoire this book was/is, I would have enjoyed it more. The ending was tragic but it is the last paragraph that caused me to understand the book.Even at that, though, I feel it is not his best work- even though I know it was a huge international success at the time. It is not a book I will recommend unless I am able to tell a bit of why I believe it was written in the way it was. It is a memoire of a man during about 2 years of his life at the end of WWI who is writing in a stream of consciousness not just an event that redefined him as a person, but the events leading up to that point in his life.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    What the hell was that type of ending Mr. Hemingway???
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of my favorite books. when i was getting to the end, and understood what was going to happen to Catherine, I was so upset that I couldn't force myself to finish reading it for about a week!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you read this a long time ago, read it again. It's even better than you remember.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I have to say that I wasn't overly fond of this one; while the descriptions of places and military aspects were nice, the whole romance part just didn't sit right with me, largely due to the woman being some kind of android with no desire other than to look pretty and make the man happy. Creeped me out somewhat.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    'm not sure how you get to be my age, reading as many books as I do each year (and an English major to boot!), and have managed not to read a book by Ernest Hemingway. But this is my first. I guess I meant to do it earlier, because I apparently bought this book in the 1970s. It cost $1.65 new, and it appears I paid $1.25 for it at a used book store that still exists here in Fort Collins. The best part about this book was finding a $10 bill pressed between the pages. I wish all my reading returned such handsome dividends.I suppose I knew Hemingway is famous for his spare writing style, but I had no idea I was in for nearly 350 pages of one declarative sentence after the other. I thought I was going to go crazy in the first 100 pages, then the style (or perhaps the story) began to grow on me and I settled down and enjoyed the last half of the book. I won't be rushing out for another one, but I hope I come across it before another 50 years goes by.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The first book I ever felt. Read it in High School. Instantly fell in love with the gritty painful saga.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "A Farewell to Arms" is a classic piece of literature from one of the most well known authors, Ernest Hemingway. Set in Italy during World War I, Frederic Henry - an American volunteer ambulance driver for the Italian army - falls in love with nurse Catherine Barkley and their love affair grows.Hemingway is famed for his short, terse prose that somehow evokes emotions through declarative sentence after declarative sentence and "Farewell" is one of the most shining examples of his style. Initially the dialogue may leave some readers wanting, as each line of dialogue is only a sentence or two at the most. The character of Catherine Barkley is interesting in that she seems to have no feelings or goal in life other than to make Frederic Henry happy - and she will do anything to make him happy.Those are really the only qualms against the story, as it is an excellent, emotional story of love and war that will captivate and grip most readers and leave them breathless at the end.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Read it because it's considered a classic, but did not enjoy it. Hemingway's writing style is fairly disagreeable, at least to me, and at times it felt like the story (what little of it was there) hid behind the staccato of sentences. The conversations between between Henry and Catherine were cloyingly sweet at times and full of apparent misogynism ("I'll be the best girl you'll ever want, darling, I promise").
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    My favorite Hemingway!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I really can't say I enjoyed this book. I couldn't connect with the main character at all, I found his writing style very disjointed and old fashioned. And couldn't really find anything great about it. Catherine seemed a bit nutty to me, darling this and that, with totally inane comments throughout. The ending was sad, but that was about it for me!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book is rather depressing, which is not a bad thing (and does not mean that the ending is sad, so this is not a spoiler), the general tone of the piece is disconnected and sad. I hated most of the characters in this book, and was happy when this book was over. The details in the book about the war are very effective and helps convey how terrible the war was.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Famous for the title, the end, and the ants on the log description 3/4ths of the way through the book. This is almost required reading for high school students and not without good cause, though I hesitate to reccommend it to high school students myself... I think it's a bit poorly chosen. Curriculum's have a tendency to over-value books of violence when prescribing a 17 year old's reading list. I'd rather have read this last year for the first time, than 4 years ago.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a classic I always meant to read and I'm glad I did. Most of it was fast moving and the plot was interesting. However, I didn't like the character development, especially of Katherine. She seems to be a stereotypic view of what "a man would want." Even when Katherine is in labor she talks about her "grand husband" and how she wants to be a "good wife." Also the guy is suppose to be so in love with Katherine, but I just didn't feel the connection.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I spent most of this book enjoying the story, but feeling like some of the dialogue was fairly weak and not very realistic. After just finishing, however, I am left reeling after that ending. What a blast to the senses that changes my opinion of the whole book from a level slightly above mediocrity to something truly great.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Okay, when I first started, well, I wasn't really into that much. But then, I fell in love with this book truth be told. I just loved it so much - I have to say that the ending was not a surprise to me, but I don't think it was intended to be a surprise. Even though I knew it was coming, I think the book was written that way on purpose - as if *I could know even before the characters.I have to say that I was sort of sad when it ended. I did enjoy the book, even if it took a few pages for me to begin to enjoy it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's funny how I sometimes read books for the silliest of reasons. In this case, I took this beautiful orange book with me to the Algarve in Portugal simply because of a throwaway reference in Raimi's second "Evil Dead" movie.The story is terrific - exiting and moving and terrifying when it needs to be. It is one of Hemingway's most popular tales, of the ambulanceman injured in the war, who falls in love with a nurse and tries to escape with her into Switzerland. The ending rates amongst the most tragic ever written.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful stuff, and let's point out that for all Hemingway's reputation is Mr. Tough Guy, his character is a total little bitch all through this. "Ooh, I'm so tough about escaping from dudes who want to shoot me but now I will moon over my girlfriend for like ten pages." He's in looooooove. Big, mushy, gross love.

    I heard this was one of the greatest war novels ever, but it's barely even about war. However: it's an awfully nice love story.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I don't like the way he writes--very wordy and repetitive, long run-on sentences--never sure who is talking. Didn't like the dialogue: very stilted;
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Classic war novel, extremely well written, memorable passages. Something everyone should have read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    We read this for junior year AP American Literature. I hated, loved, and learned to read this novel for what it is. The kids in my class (myself included) hated the terms of endearment. This one has his most famous discussion about the ants burning on the log.Ernest Hemingway's answer to "why did the chicken cross the road?"-to die alone in the rain
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was a pretty good read. It taught me a lot about World War I. This book was great because it was a good love story, and it always kept me interested. I would recommend this book to someone who loves romance stories, and maybe someone who enjoys history.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Set in World War II, this novel centers around Lieutenant Henry, an American ambulance driver, and Catherine Barkley, a British nurse. After meeting in Italy, the two fall in love and try to assemble a relationship during war. I was warned that Hemingway was bleak, and without giving anything away, I came to the conclusion by the end of this book, that yes, he is bleak. This book brought me to tears. However, I love Hemingway's clean, sparse writing, as well as his looping, realistic dialogue. It is vivid and moving. Both Catherine and Henry are wonderful characters, and despite the bleak nature of the book and its view of the world, I would read it again in an instant, because it was so, so beautiful.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    a young American serves as an ambulance driver for the Italian army in World War I, and finds in the midst of war true love with an English nurse. Hemingway's prose has a rambling sort of poetry to it, similar to many writers of the beat generations. The opening chapters continuously play on certain words over and over in a passage, linking and joing like a chain until it comes across as a stream of memory. Excellent writing, even if the end seems abrupt.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's been a long time since I read Hemingway. This is my first time for "A Farewell to Arms." It's a slow starter, but I learned to pace myself. The action is restrained but steady, and I realized gradually that a key element is the relentlessly realistic dialogue. The American protagonist, Frederick Henry, is involved in every scene. The life of the book is his life. His recurring, desultory involvement in his own life and his role in the Italian Army in World War I is the backdrop of his elaborately played out relationship with the nurse, Catherine Barkley. "A Farewell to Arms" doesn't really seem to be a war novel. On the other hand, except for brief interludes, the characters really don't seem to be at peace. For Henry, it's an ironic farewell.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As a youth of 18, Ernest Hemingway was eager to fight in the Great War. Poor vision kept him out of the army, so he joined the ambulance corps instead and was sent to France. Then he transferred to Italy where he became the first American wounded in that country during World War I. Hemingway came out of the European battlefields with a medal for valor and a wealth of experience that he would, 10 years later, spin into literary gold with A Farewell to Arms. This is the story of Lieutenant Henry, an American, and Catherine Barkley, a British nurse. The two meet in Italy, and almost immediately Hemingway sets up the central tension of the novel: the tenuous nature of love in a time of war.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Took me many years and many books to finally get to this one. I listened to the novel. I think thatif I had not been listening, I might have reshelved the book.
    Description, setting, the war - extraordinary. Characters are done well but Catherine and Henry left me cold. No tears. Liked the Italians.
    A long time since I first read Hemingway so maybe..,
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I am not a fan of the minimalist, reporter that was Hemingway. Nor the amoral characters he populates his novels with. Still, I've read worse. Not all that it is cracked up to be.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The only thing I'll give Hemingway here is that he managed to convey my feelings about war stories in literary form: cold, emotionless, bored-out-of-my-mind...

    Hemingway's characters are less of characters than the generic Sim I can make in 5 seconds

Book preview

A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway


IN THE LATE SUMMER of that year we lived in a house in a village that looked across the river and the plain to the mountains. In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees. The trunks of the trees too were dusty and the leaves fell early that year and we saw the troops marching along the road and the dust rising and leaves, stirred by the breeze, falling and the soldiers marching and afterward the road bare and white except for the leaves.

The plain was rich with crops; there were many orchards of fruit trees and beyond the plain the mountains were brown and bare. There was fighting in the mountains and at night we could see the flashes from the artillery. In the dark it was like summer lightning, but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming.

Sometimes in the dark we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-tractors. There was much traffic at night and many mules on the roads with boxes of ammunition on each side of their pack-saddles and gray motor trucks that carried men, and other trucks with loads covered with canvas that moved slower in the traffic. There were big guns too that passed in the day drawn by tractors, the long barrels of the guns covered with green branches and green leafy branches and vines laid over the tractors. To the north we could look across a valley and see a forest of chestnut trees and behind it another mountain on this side of the river. There was fighting for that mountain too, but it was not successful, and in the fall when the rains came the leaves all fell from the chestnut trees and the branches were bare and the trunks black with rain. The vineyards were thin and bare-branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with the autumn. There were mists over the river and clouds on the mountain and the trucks splashed mud on the road and the troops were muddy and wet in their capes; their rifles were wet and under their capes the two leather cartridge-boxes on the front of the belts, gray leather boxes heavy with the packs of clips of thin, long 6.5 mm. cartridges, bulged forward under the capes so that the men, passing on the road, marched as though they were six months gone with child.

There were small gray motor cars that passed going very fast; usually there was an officer on the seat with the driver and more officers in the back seat. They splashed more mud than the camions even and if one of the officers in the back was very small and sitting between two generals, he himself so small that you could not see his face but only the top of his cap and his narrow back, and if the car went especially fast it was probably the King. He lived in Udine and came out in this way nearly every day to see how things were going, and things went very badly.

At the start of the winter came the permanent rain and with the rain came the cholera. But it was checked and in the end only seven thousand died of it in the army.


THE NEXT YEAR there were many victories. The mountain that was beyond the valley and the hillside where the chestnut forest grew was captured and there were victories beyond the plain on the plateau to the south and we crossed the river in August and lived in a house in Gorizia that had a fountain and many thick shady trees in a walled garden and a wistaria vine purple on the side of the house. Now the fighting was in the next mountains beyond and was not a mile away. The town was very nice and our house was very fine. The river ran behind us and the town had been captured very handsomely but the mountains beyond it could not be taken and I was very glad the Austrians seemed to want to come back to the town some time, if the war should end, because they did not bombard it to destroy it but only a little in a military way. People lived on in it and there were hospitals and cafés and artillery up side streets and two bawdy houses, one for troops and one for officers, and with the end of the summer, the cool nights, the fighting in the mountains beyond the town, the shell-marked iron of the railway bridge, the smashed tunnel by the river where the fighting had been, the trees around the square and the long avenue of trees that led to the square; these with there being girls in the town, the King passing in his motor car, sometimes now seeing his face and little long necked body and gray beard like a goat’s chin tuft; all these with the sudden interiors of houses that had lost a wall through shelling, with plaster and rubble in their gardens and sometimes in the street, and the whole thing going well on the Carso made the fall very different from the last fall when we had been in the country. The war was changed too.

The forest of oak trees on the mountain beyond the town was gone. The forest had been green in the summer when we had come into the town but now there were the stumps and the broken trunks and the ground torn up, and one day at the end of the fall when I was out where the oak forest had been I saw a cloud coming over the mountain. It came very fast and the sun went a dull yellow and then everything was gray and the sky was covered and the cloud came on down the mountain and suddenly we were in it and it was snow. The snow slanted across the wind, the bare ground was covered, the stumps of trees projected, there was snow on the guns and there were paths in the snow going back to the latrines behind trenches.

Later, below in the town, I watched the snow falling, looking out of the window of the bawdy house, the house for officers, where I sat with a friend and two glasses drinking a bottle of Asti, and, looking out at the snow falling slowly and heavily, we knew it was all over for that year. Up the river the mountains had not been taken; none of the mountains beyond the river had been taken. That was all left for next year. My friend saw the priest from our mess going by in the street, walking carefully in the slush, and pounded on the window to attract his attention. The priest looked up. He saw us and smiled. My friend motioned for him to come in. The priest shook his head and went on. That night in the mess after the spaghetti course, which every one ate very quickly and seriously, lifting the spaghetti on the fork until the loose strands hung clear then lowering it into the mouth, or else using a continuous lift and sucking into the mouth, helping ourselves to wine from the grass-covered gallon flask; it swung in a metal cradle and you pulled the neck of the flask down with the forefinger and the wine, clear red, tannic and lovely, poured out into the glass held with the same hand; after this course, the captain commenced picking on the priest.

The priest was young and blushed easily and wore a uniform like the rest of us but with a cross in dark red velvet above the left breast pocket of his gray tunic. The captain spoke pidgin Italian for my doubtful benefit, in order that I might understand perfectly, that nothing should be lost.

Priest to-day with girls, the captain said looking at the priest and at me. The priest smiled and blushed and shook his head. This captain baited him often.

Not true? asked the captain. To-day I see priest with girls.

No, said the priest. The other officers were amused at the baiting.

Priest not with girls, went on the captain. Priest never with girls, he explained to me. He took my glass and filled it, looking at my eyes all the time, but not losing sight of the priest.

Priest every night five against one. Every one at the table laughed. You understand? Priest every night five against one. He made a gesture and laughed loudly. The priest accepted it as a joke.

The Pope wants the Austrians to win the war, the major said. He loves Franz Joseph. That’s where the money comes from. I am an atheist.

Did you ever read the ‘Black Pig’? asked the lieutenant. I will get you a copy. It was that which shook my faith.

It is a filthy and vile book, said the priest. You do not really like it.

It is very valuable, said the lieutenant. It tells you about those priests. You will like it, he said to me. I smiled at the priest and he smiled back across the candle-light. Don’t you read it, he said.

I will get it for you, said the lieutenant.

All thinking men are atheists, the major said. I do not believe in the Free Masons however.

I believe in the Free Masons, the lieutenant said. It is a noble organization. Some one came in and as the door opened I could see the snow falling.

There will be no more offensive now that the snow has come, I said.

Certainly not, said the major. You should go on leave. You should go to Rome, Naples, Sicily——

He should visit Amalfi, said the lieutenant. I will write you cards to my family in Amalfi. They will love you like a son.

He should go to Palermo.

He ought to go to Capri.

I would like you to see Abruzzi and visit my family at Capracotta, said the priest.

Listen to him talk about the Abruzzi. There’s more snow there than here. He doesn’t want to see peasants. Let him go to centres of culture and civilization.

He should have fine girls. I will give you the addresses of places in Naples. Beautiful young girls—accompanied by their mothers. Ha! Ha! Ha! The captain spread his hand open, the thumb up and fingers outspread as when you make shadow pictures. There was a shadow from his hand on the wall. He spoke again in pidgin Italian. You go away like this, he pointed to the thumb, and come back like this, he touched the little finger. Every one laughed.

Look, said the captain. He spread the hand again. Again the candle-light made its shadows on the wall. He started with the upright thumb and named in their order the thumb and four fingers, soto-tenente (the thumb), tenente (first finger), capitano (next finger), maggiore (next to the little finger), and tenentecolonello (the little finger). You go away soto-tenente! You come back soto-colonello! They all laughed. The captain was having a great success with finger games. He looked at the priest and shouted, Every night priest five against one! They all laughed again.

You must go on leave at once, the major said.

I would like to go with you and show you things, the lieutenant said.

When you come back bring a phonograph.

Bring good opera disks.

Bring Caruso.

Don’t bring Caruso. He bellows.

Don’t you wish you could bellow like him?

He bellows. I say he bellows!

I would like you to go to Abruzzi, the priest said. The others were shouting. There is good hunting. You would like the people and though it is cold it is clear and dry. You could stay with my family. My father is a famous hunter.

Come on, said the captain. We go whorehouse before it shuts.

Good-night, I said to the priest.

Good-night, he said.


WHEN I CAME back to the front we still lived in that town. There were many more guns in the country around and the spring had come. The fields were green and there were small green shoots on the vines, the trees along the road had small leaves and a breeze came from the sea. I saw the town with the hill and the old castle above it in a cup in the hills with the mountains beyond, brown mountains with a little green on their slopes. In the town there were more guns, there were some new hospitals, you met British men and sometimes women, on the street, and a few more houses had been hit by shell fire. It was warm and like the spring and I walked down the alleyway of trees, warmed from the sun on the wall, and found we still lived in the same house and that it all looked the same as when I had left it. The door was open, there was a soldier sitting on a bench outside in the sun, an ambulance was waiting by the side door and inside the door, as I went in, there was the smell of marble floors and hospital. It was all as I had left it except that now it was spring. I looked in the door of the big room and saw the major sitting at his desk, the window open and the sunlight coming into the room. He did not see me and I did not know whether to go in and report or go upstairs first and clean up. I decided to go on upstairs.

The room I shared with the lieutenant Rinaldi looked out on the courtyard. The window was open, my bed was made up with blankets and my things hung on the wall, the gas mask in an oblong tin can, the steel helmet on the same peg. At the foot of the bed was my flat trunk, and my winter boots, the leather shiny with oil, were on the trunk. My Austrian sniper’s rifle with its blued octagon barrel and the lovely dark walnut, cheek-fitted, schutzen stock, hung over the two beds. The telescope that fitted it was, I remembered, locked in the trunk. The lieutenant, Rinaldi, lay asleep on the other bed. He woke when he heard me in the room and sat up.

Ciaou! he said. What kind of time did you have?


We shook hands and he put his arm around my neck and kissed me.

Oughf, I said.

You’re dirty, he said. You ought to wash. Where did you go and what did you do? Tell me everything at once.

I went everywhere. Milan, Florence, Rome, Naples, Villa San Giovanni, Messina, Taormina——

You talk like a time-table. Did you have any beautiful adventures?



Milano, Firenze, Roma, Napoli——

That’s enough. Tell me really what was the best.

In Milano.

That was because it was first. Where did you meet her? In the Cova? Where did you go? How did you feel? Tell me everything at once. Did you stay all night?


That’s nothing. Here now we have beautiful girls. New girls never been to the front before.


You don’t believe me? We will go now this afternoon and see. And in the town we have beautiful English girls. I am now in love with Miss Barkley. I will take you to call. I will probably marry Miss Barkley.

I have to get washed and report. Doesn’t anybody work now?

Since you are gone we have nothing but frostbites, chilblains, jaundice, gonorrhea, self-inflicted wounds, pneumonia and hard and soft chancres. Every week some one gets wounded by rock fragments. There are a few real wounded. Next week the war starts again. Perhaps it start again. They say so. Do you think I would do right to marry Miss Barkley—after the war of course?

Absolutely, I said and poured the basin full of water.

To-night you will tell me everything, said Rinaldi. Now I must go back to sleep to be fresh and beautiful for Miss Barkley.

I took off my tunic and shirt and washed in the cold water in the basin. While I rubbed myself with a towel I looked around the room and out the window and at Rinaldi lying with his eyes closed on the bed. He was good-looking, was my age, and he came from Amalfi. He loved being a surgeon and we were great friends. While I was looking at him he opened his eyes.

Have you any money?


Loan me fifty lire.

I dried my hands and took out my pocket-book from the inside of my tunic hanging on the wall. Rinaldi took the note, folded it without rising from the bed and slid it in his breeches pocket. He smiled, I must make on Miss Barkley the impression of a man of sufficient wealth. You are my great and good friend and financial protector.

Go to hell, I said.

That night at the mess I sat next to the priest and he was disappointed and suddenly hurt that I had not gone to the Abruzzi. He had written to his father that I was coming and they had made preparations. I myself felt as badly as he did and could not understand why I had not gone. It was what I had wanted to do and I tried to explain how one thing had led to another and finally he saw it and understood that I had really wanted to go and it was almost all right. I had drunk much wine and afterward coffee and Strega and I explained, winefully, how we did not do the things we wanted to do; we never did such things.

We two were talking while the others argued. I had wanted to go to Abruzzi. I had gone to no place where the roads were frozen and hard as iron, where it was clear cold and dry and the snow was dry and powdery and hare-tracks in the snow and the peasants took off their hats and called you Lord and there was good hunting. I had gone to no such place but to the smoke of cafés and nights when the room whirled and you needed to look at the wall to make it stop, nights in bed, drunk, when you knew that that was all there was, and the strange excitement of waking and not knowing who it was with you, and the world all unreal in the dark and so exciting that you must resume again unknowing and not caring in the night, sure that this was all and all and all and not caring. Suddenly to care very much and to sleep to wake with it sometimes morning and all that had been there gone and everything sharp and hard and clear and sometimes a dispute about the cost. Sometimes still pleasant and fond and warm and breakfast and lunch. Sometimes all niceness gone and glad to get out on the street but always another day starting and then another night. I tried to tell about the night and the difference between the night and the day and how the night was better unless the day was very clean and cold and I could not tell it; as I cannot tell it now. But if you have had it you know. He had not had it but he understood that I had really wanted to go to the Abruzzi but had not gone and we were still friends, with many tastes alike, but with the difference between us. He had always known what I did not know and what, when I learned it, I was always able to forget. But I did not know that then, although I learned it later. In the meantime we were all at the mess, the meal was finished, and the argument went on. We two stopped talking and the captain shouted, Priest not happy. Priest not happy without girls.

I am happy, said the priest.

Priest not happy. Priest wants Austrians to win the war, the captain said. The others listened. The priest shook his head.

No, he said.

Priest wants us never to attack. Don’t you want us never to attack?

No. If there is a war I suppose we must attack.

Must attack. Shall attack!

The priest nodded.

Leave him alone, the major said. He’s all right.

He can’t do anything about it anyway, the captain said. We all got up and left the table.


THE BATTERY in the next garden woke me in the morning and I saw the sun coming through the window and got out of the bed. I went to the window and looked out. The gravel paths were moist and the grass was wet with dew. The battery fired twice and the air came each time like a blow and shook the window and made the front of my pajamas flap. I could not see the guns but they were evidently firing directly over us. It was a nuisance to have them there but it was a comfort that they were no bigger. As I looked out at the garden I heard a motor truck starting on the road. I dressed, went downstairs, had some coffee in the kitchen and went out to the garage.

Ten cars were lined up side by side under the long shed. They were top-heavy, blunt-nosed ambulances, painted gray and built like moving-vans. The mechanics were working on one out in the yard. Three others were up in the mountains at dressing stations.

Do they ever shell that battery? I asked one of the mechanics.

No, Signor Tenente. It is protected by the little hill.

How’s everything?

Not so bad. This machine is no good but the others march. He stopped working and smiled. Were you on permission?


He wiped his hands on his jumper and grinned. You have a good time? The others all grinned too.

Fine, I said. What’s the matter with this machine?

It’s no good. One thing after another.

What’s the matter now?

New rings.

I left them working, the car looking disgraced and empty with the engine open and parts spread on the work bench, and went in under the shed and looked at each of the cars. They were moderately clean, a few freshly washed, the others dusty. I looked at the tires carefully, looking for cuts or stone bruises. Everything seemed in good condition. It evidently made no difference whether I was there to look after things or not. I had imagined that the condition of the cars, whether or not things were obtainable, the smooth functioning of the business of removing wounded and sick from the dressing stations, hauling them back from the mountains to the clearing station and then distributing them to the hospitals named on their papers, depended to a considerable extent on myself. Evidently it did not matter whether I was there or not.

Has there been any trouble getting parts? I asked the sergeant mechanic.

No, Signor Tenente.

Where is the gasoline park now?

At the same place.

Good, I said and went back to the house and drank another bowl of coffee at the mess table. The coffee was a pale gray and sweet with condensed milk. Outside the window it was a lovely spring morning. There was that beginning of a feeling of dryness in the nose that meant the day would be hot later on. That day I visited the posts in the mountains and was back in town late in the afternoon.

The whole thing seemed to run better while I was away. The offensive was going to start again I heard. The division for which we worked were to attack at a place up the river and the major told me that I would see about the posts for during the attack. The attack would cross the river up above the narrow gorge and spread up the hillside. The posts for the cars would have to be as near the river as they could get and keep covered. They would, of course, be selected by the infantry but we were supposed to work it out. It was one of those things that gave you a false feeling of soldiering.

I was very dusty and dirty and went up to my room to wash. Rinaldi was sitting on the bed with a copy of Hugo’s English grammar. He was dressed, wore his black boots, and his hair shone.

Splendid, he said when he saw me. You will come with me to see Miss Barkley.


Yes. You will please come and make me a good impression on her.

All right. Wait till I get cleaned up.

Wash up and come as you are.

I washed, brushed my hair and we started.

Wait a minute, Rinaldi said. Perhaps we should have a drink. He opened his trunk and took out a bottle.

Not Strega, I said.

No. Grappa.

All right.

He poured two glasses and we touched them, first fingers extended. The grappa was very strong.


All right, I said. We drank the second grappa, Rinaldi put away the bottle and we went down the stairs. It was hot walking through the town but the sun was starting to go down and it was very pleasant. The British hospital was a big villa built by Germans before the war. Miss Barkley was in the garden. Another nurse was with her. We saw their white uniforms through the trees and walked toward them. Rinaldi saluted. I saluted too but more moderately.

How do you do? Miss Barkley said. You’re not an Italian, are you?

Oh, no.

Rinaldi was talking with the other nurse. They were laughing. What an odd thing—to be in the Italian army.

It’s not really the army. It’s only the ambulance.

It’s very odd though. Why did you do it?

I don’t know, I said. There isn’t always an explanation for everything.

Oh, isn’t there? I was brought up to think there was.

That’s awfully nice.

Do we have to go on and talk this way?

No, I said.

That’s a relief. Isn’t it?

What is the stick? I asked. Miss Barkley was quite tall. She wore what seemed to me to be a nurse’s uniform, was blonde and had a tawny skin and gray eyes.

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