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Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare
Ebook74 pages56 minutes

Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare

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Psychological Operations is an in-depth and objective study of psychological rhetoric during the war. You will marvel at this historical manual distributed by the United States Central Intelligence Agency among the Nicaraguan contra rebels during the Reagan presidency.
PublisherGood Press
Release dateApr 10, 2021
Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare

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    Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare - Tayacán


    Psychological Operations in Guerrilla Warfare

    Published by Good Press, 2022

    [email protected]

    EAN 4064066467869

    Table of Contents



    1. Generalities

    2. Combatant-Propagandist Guerrillas

    3. Armed Propaganda

    4. Armed Propaganda Teams

    5. Development and Control of the Front Organizations

    6. Control of Meetings and Mass Assemblies

    7. Support of Contacts with Their Roots in Reality


    1. Generalities

    2. Political Awareness

    3. Group Dynamics

    4. Camp Procedures

    5. Interaction with the People

    6. Conclusions


    1. Generalities

    2. Close Identification with the People

    3. Implicit and Explicit Terror

    4. Guerrilla Weapons Are The Strength of the People over an Illegal Government

    5. Selective Use of Violence for Propagandistic Effects

    6. Conclusions


    1. Generalities

    2. Combination: Political Awareness and Armed Propaganda

    3. Eyes and Ears Within the Population

    4. Psychological Tactics, Maximum Flexibility

    5. A Comprehensive Team Program - Mobile Infrastructure

    6. Conclusions


    1. Generalities

    2. Initial Recruitment

    3. Established Citizens, Subjective Internal Control

    4. Organizations of Cells for Security

    5. Fusion in a Cover Organization

    6. Conclusions


    1. Generalities

    2. Infiltration of Guerrilla Cadres

    3. Selection of Appropriate Slogans

    4. Creation of Nuclei

    5. Ways to Lead an Uprising at Mass Meetings

    6. Conclusions


    1. Generalities

    2. Motivation as Combatant-Propagandist

    3. Armed Propaganda

    4. Armed Propaganda Teams

    5. Cover (Facade) Organizations

    6. Control of Mass Demonstrations

    7. Conclusion


    2. The Audience

    3. Political Oratory

    4. Qualities in a Speech

    5. Structure of a Speech

    6. Some Literary Resources


    Table of Contents

    Guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the political animal that Aristotle defined.

    In effect,the human being should be considered the priority objective in a political war. And conceived as the military target of guerrilla war, the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once his mind has been reached, thepolitical animal has been defeated, without necessarily receiving bullets.

    Guerrilla warfare is born and grows in the political environment; in the constant combat to dominate that area of political mentality that is inherent to all human beings and which collectively constitutes the environment in which guerrilla warfare moves, and which is where precisely its victory or failure is defined.

    This conception of guerrilla warfare as political war turns Psychological Operations into the decisive factor of the results. The target, then, is the minds of the population, all the population: our troops, the enemy troops and the civilian population.

    This book is a manual for the training of guerrillas in psychological operations, and its application to the concrete case of the Christian and democratic crusade being waged in Nicaragua by the Freedom Commandos.



    Table of Contents

    1. Generalities

    Table of Contents

    The purpose of this book is to introduce the guerrilla student to the psychological operations techniques that will be of immediate and practical value to him in guerrilla warfare. This section is introductory and general; subsequent sections will cover each point set forth here in more detail.

    The nature of the environment of guerrilla warfare does not permit sophisticated psychological operations, and it becomes necessary for the chiefs of groups, chiefs of detachments and squadron leaders to have the ability to carry out, with minimal instructions from the higher levels, psychological action operations with the contacts that are thoroughly aware of the situation, i.e. the foundations.

    2. Combatant-Propagandist Guerrillas

    Table of Contents

    In order to obtain the maximum results from the psychological operations in guerrilla warfare, every combatant should be as highly motivated to carry out propaganda face to face as he is a combatant. This means that the individual political awareness of the guerrilla of the reason for his struggle will be as acute as his ability to fight.

    Such a political awareness and motivation is obtained through the dynamic of groups and self-criticism, as a standard method of instruction for the guerrilla training and operations. Group discussions raise the spirit and improve the unity of thought of the guerrilla training and operations. Group discussions raise the spirit and improve the unity of thought of the guerrilla squads and exercise social pressure on the weak members to carry out a better role in future training or in combative action. Self-criticism is in terms of one's contribution or defects in his contribution to the cause, to the movement, the struggle, etc.; and gives a positive individual commitment to the mission of the group.


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