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People Get Ready
People Get Ready
People Get Ready
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People Get Ready

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   The last days are suddenly upon us. Unfortunately many will scoff at the idea, and only a few will recognize the season. The writing in the heavens is in plain sight of all people. Four eclipses of darkened sun and blood moons of 2015 are significant omens of coming disaster.   

    The author p

Release dateMar 14, 2016
People Get Ready

Enel Malakrist

The Lord appeared to Enel in a dream and commanded him to go and teach His people the word of truth. He prepared for that mission at Manhattan Bible Seminary with further theological studies in Atlanta. After many years service Enel was awarded the citation of Doctor of Divinity for his dedication to the Christian faith. The author then compiled the messages from the Lord in a book series titled “Let My People Know”.

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    People Get Ready - Enel Malakrist




    © 2015-2020 Enel Malakrist

    ISBN: 978-0-9884558-4-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews, and religious teaching. Please do not participate in or encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

    Unless otherwise indicated, the Bible quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. © 1945 Oxford University Press, Inc.

    Statement of Purpose

    People Get Ready is written in view of the fulfillment of the prophecy that dates the starting point of Daniel’s seventieth seven, for the following purposes: to unlock the mysteries of that time with a compelling biblical account of the epic events of the last days; to warn the ungodly of this generation; to alert the church; to instruct the people of God in righteousness; to dispel false church traditions; to warn of the dangers of worldliness and materialism; to instill vigilance; and to encourage believers to remain faithful to God during adversity in the coming days of the great tribulation, as the appearing of Christ and the rapture seem eminent in this generation, possibly within the next seven years.


    This book is dedicated to the people of God in every nation and language, for the edification of their faith in these last days, as well as for preparation for the appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


    Signs of the Times

    The Church Today

    Modified Christianity

    The Great Tribulation

    Seal and Trumpet Judgments

    The Beast

    End in Sight

    Response to Terror

    Rise of the Antichrist

    The ISIS Factor

    The Beast Identified

    Blood Moons and Darkened Sun

    Lunar Tetrads

    Celestial Signs at the End

    Ancient Prophecy Fulfilled

    Numbering the Days

    Half Time

    Global Catastrophe Looms

    Post Tribulation Israel

    Jesus is Coming Again

    Souls in Heaven

    Vision of the Rapture

    Rapture of the Church

    Marriage of the Lamb

    Dream of the Heavenly Banquet

    Believers Get Ready

    Judgment of the Nations

    The Second Advent

    The Last Day

    Prophetic Times

    Chapter 1

    Signs of the Times

    Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.

    Matthew 24:34-35 (NAS)

    The world is in a state of deteriorating moral and spiritual condition, and its nations are in the vise grip of an unprecedented spate of violence and immorality. Every moral law of God is being challenged by the state and violated at all levels of society. Civilized man has taken a giant step backward into the Dark Ages. The wickedness of man is great in the Earth; notably, the same type of declension that preceded Noah’s flood is pervading the nations today. Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in this generation.

    A world-changing event is about to take place. Brace yourself for the darkest days in human history; a devastating calamity is coming. Two and a half billion people (one out of three) could perish in the next ten years. The signs of the times, as foretold by the prophets, point to a coming world catastrophe. Great disasters and severe distress will strike the nations during the next ten years. The unprecedented events will unfold as the days go by, and unfortunately human effort cannot prevent the greatest world tragedy from taking place.

    The scriptures declare that there shall be a time of trouble [anguish and suffering]; such as never was since there was a nation [on the face of the Earth] even to that same [future] time². The world cannot escape the distress, because the Word of God must be fulfilled in its due season. The wise will shudder in fear but understand and prepare for the day when his life is due, while scoffers will ridicule with contempt.

    Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, walked upon this Earth. He was domiciled in Israel and lived in the region of Galilee. He spent His final week in Jerusalem and visited the Temple every day with His disciples. Jesus had many discourses in the inner court of the Temple daily as worshippers came to hear His teachings. On Monday evening, Nisan 12 (March 21st), 23 AD, two days before He was condemned to die on the cross, Jesus departed from the Temple with His disciples.

    His disciples were filled with pride and awe at the magnificence of the building, as well as the richness and beauty of the gifts that adorned the sanctuary. As the evangelical party walked through the huge columns and porticos, the disciples could not help pointing out to Jesus the architectural grandness of the Temple and all the surrounding buildings. Jesus listened as He walked down the long series of steps leading from the Temple. The party proceeded on the road to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus reacted to His disciples’ observations.

    As they walked slowly up the hill, Jesus told them the Temple would be completely demolished, and not even a single stone would be seen on top of another. When they finally reached their destination on the Mount of Olives, overlooking Jerusalem, Jesus sat down under an olive tree and the disciples came privately and asked Him for the date of the destruction of the Temple, as well as the time of His second coming, and the time of the end of the world.

    Signs of the End of the Ages

    The first sign Jesus told His followers to look for was the spiritual impersonators and spiritual deceivers. Many people will come using the name of Jesus, some even claiming to be the Messiah. Those false messiahs will gain a following and lead many believers astray. There will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be famines and Earthquakes in various parts of the world.

    Famine Today

    The State of Food Insecurity in the World recently gave a shocking report of the hunger status on Earth. The 2014 report states that eight hundred and five million people suffer from hunger; this translates to one out of every nine people in the world affected by famine. This shocking state of the world’s food supplies and widespread hunger is proof that the second coming of Jesus is near.

    The fulfillment of the sign of many Earthquakes in different places is observed with clarity today. In the past ten years, there were more powerful Earthquakes of magnitude 8 than there were in the entire last century. In recent years, Earthquakes have caused a tremendous amount of casualties. The Earthquake in the city of Bam, Iran, killed 30,000 people. The tsunami that resulted from an Earthquake in the Indian Ocean killed 230,000 people in 2004, while in 2005 Pakistan was struck and 86,000 people were killed. The Earthquake in China in 2008 killed 86,000 people, and in 2010 a powerful Earthquake left 200,000 dead in Haiti.

    The United States Geological Survey National Earthquake Information center reports that between 2004 and 2012, there were over 100,000 Earthquakes with 4-8 magnitude all over the world. The National Earthquake Information Center locates 50 Earthquakes a day, or about 20,000 a year; this tremendous number of Earthquakes occurring in our world today is the fulfillment of the prediction of Jesus and proof that the end is near.

    Jesus gave many more signs of the end. He said Godly-believers will be hated by ungodly people. They will be abused, persecuted, imprisoned, and some will be killed for adhering to the Gospel and their faith in God. Many false preachers will arise and deceive many by their erroneous doctrines. Lawlessness will abound in the nations, iniquity will be multiplied, and people will become heartless, wicked, callous, and hateful. A good sign that the end is near is the outreach of the Gospel to every nation. The message of salvation will be preached in every country as a testimony to the world before Christ returns.

    Jesus gave all those signs, but with no indication of any specific time for the end; however, He did give the following clue that leads to a definitive timeline to the end. Jesus made a distinct reference to Daniel’s prophecy concerning the abomination of desolation or the desecration of the holy place, which undoubtable is a reference to Temple Mount.

    So when you see the appalling sacrilege spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the Holy Place, [and] let the reader take notice and ponder and consider and heed [this]³. Clearly, Jesus was not referencing the past abominable acts by the Antiochus Epiphanes, who ruled Judah from 175-164 BC. At that time, Antiochus committed the ultimate outrage of desecrating the Temple by erecting a statue of their Greek god Zeus, then sacrificed a pig in the Temple.

    Jesus was predicting an event far in the future that will give a point of reference for the beginning of the end of the last days, and the time of His second coming to Earth. That point of reference is the date of the signing of a future seven-year agreement between the Beast and many other nations.

    Daniel also gave another clue to the time of the end. He prophesied that the fourth kingdom, which is recognized as the ancient Roman Empire, would dissolve and be divided into ten kingdoms. The prophecy then revealed a rough timeframe within which Jesus will return. It declared that In the days of these kings [the rulers of the European Union Confederacy and another king] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed⁴.

    In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John also gave signs of the end that are quite relevant and appear to be in the process of fulfillment. He gave a glimpse of the modern geo-political and military situation. In the Seals, depicted by horses and riders, John revealed that a people will go forth conquering and taking peace from the Earth.

    Today, we observe with awe as a terrorist group in the Middle East moves swiftly with fierceness and violence, conquering large swaths of land and establishing a new nation. Three days before He was crucified, Jesus told His followers that at the time of the end, great distress will come upon the Earth. He said, For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. The period of tribulation will begin at the time of the abomination of desolation in Jerusalem, three and a half years after the signing of the seven-year agreement between the Beast and other nations.

    Many false prophets and false Christs will appear after the treaty is confirmed. They will show great signs and work great miracles so convincing, they could deceive the elect. This sign refers directly to the Beast of Revelation that comes out of the Earth. John wrote the Beast will do great wonders and work miracles, even making fire come down from the sky to Earth⁶. These signs, which were predicted by Jesus, as well as the prophecies of Daniel and John, have advanced the time of the end to a date very close to our present time.

    Chapter 2

    The Church Today

    Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior.

    Ephesians 5:23 (NIV)

    Today, the people of God are overwhelmed by the economic distress and political uncertainties of our time and have shifted their focus from the spiritual to the material; therefore, the need has arisen for the elect of God to be reminded of the reality of God and encouraged in the faith as the day of redemption draws closer. The LORD said to His servant in a dream, My people need teaching. Go!

    Two thousand years ago, God sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world. Jesus domiciled in Israel and taught the people about the Kingdom of Heaven. On one occasion, He visited the Jewish territory of Trachontis. That region stretched north from Galilee to a point just south of Damascus. It was bordered on the west by Lebanon, and by the desert in the east. At the time of Jesus, that territory was ruled by Herod Phillip, the son of Herod the

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