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Mastering the Internet of Things
Mastering the Internet of Things
Mastering the Internet of Things
Ebook180 pages1 hour

Mastering the Internet of Things

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About this ebook

The Internet of Things revolution is happening. As company executive, decision maker, or just an individual trying to understand how IoT could change your life or business, you might feel overwhelmed.

The methods described in this book are not only theory but also practice. They have been tested and fine-tuned in dialog with customers.

Release dateJan 17, 2017
Mastering the Internet of Things

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    Book preview

    Mastering the Internet of Things - Gilles Robichon


    During our work as Internet of Things experts in the past decades, we gave quite a bit of effort into understanding the challenges brought about by connected objects and answering them in the simplest way. We realized that most of our customers were facing the same challenges and that it was hard to find a broad perspective on the topic.

    For us, it was a natural step to start putting our thoughts on paper, with one main focus: be able to explain the Internet of Things and its challenges using simple and understandable language. This is what led us to this book.

    Mastering the Internet of Things provides the methods and lessons learned to understand the in’s and out’s of IoT and help you to make choices.

    Enjoy and do not hesitate to contact us to share your thoughts.

    Gilles & Robert

    Amsterdam / The Hague, 15th November 2016


    The Internet of Things revolution is happening. As company executive, decision maker, or just an individual trying to understand how IoT could change your life or business, you might feel overwhelmed.

    The methods described in this book are not only theory but also practice. They have been tested and fine-tuned in dialog with customers.

    Develop and apply your 360 view on the Internet of Things:

    ▪Benefits: discover the opportunities brought by smart objects.

    ▪Business impact: get insight into the impact of connected services on your business or organization.

    ▪Security and regulations: realize the challenges posed by those to-be-taken-seriously topics.

    ▪Connectivity: identify your needs, your options, selection criteria, and make future-proof choices.

    ▪Technology: get started, be aware of the challenges, the common pitfalls and good practices, and create partnerships.

    Are you looking for an understandable and broad view about the Internet of Things? Are you looking for very concrete methods to start your IoT journey and to prevent common mistakes? This book is for you!


    Mastering the Internet of Things not only helps you to understand the context of the connected objects revolution but also describes a concrete approach and methods to start an IoT project or to select an IoT solution.

    The methodology is based on the 5 stages shown on Figure 1 and described in more details in the subsequent chapters of this book.

    Based on the nature and IoT maturity of your organization, each of those different steps can be taken with its own priority and focus, but the overall iterative 5-stages process guarantees an answer not only to the How of IoT, but also to the What and Why. The methodology proves to be very useful to organize short-term IoT pilots and projects, but also to keep in mind the critical factors for the long-term.

    As writer and reader, it might be considered a challenge to present and read information about such different topics as business, technology, or regulations. But, at the same time, it is also the key to success for your IoT project to look with a 360 view at all those aspects. The 5-stages approach gives you and your colleagues an opportunity to learn about the IoT opportunities and challenges, and how they relate to each other.

    So do not hesitate to share this book and exercise its methods with your colleagues who come from different disciplines. Without noticing, you have already completed your first steps to master the Internet of Things!

    Please check the section Resources of this book to access more online IOTC360 posters, presentations, or check-lists. Also, do not hesitate to leave us feedback, questions, or requests about this book and the 5-stages method.



    The Internet as we know it is defined as an interconnection of worldwide networks, or a net of nets, and it came about in the early 80’s. As end users, we also know that the most interesting part of this network is not the infrastructure itself, but the smart devices and smart applications that it connects with and that make our work easier and our life better. The Internet started to connect computers, mobile phones, and more recently tablets, and smartphones.

    The expression Internet of Things, abbreviated as IoT, consists of an important word: the word Things. This word highlights the fact that the Internet is now also connecting any sort of object on the planet.


    IoT is becoming another word for IT (Information Technology). Information automation has not stopped with the server room, computers, or smartphones and is now reaching all objects around us.

    Most devices around us are either already or will become connected in the coming years. They will be able to sense and exchange all sorts of useful data information with smart applications. Telecommunications, databases, and applications are becoming such an important part of our everyday life that they will become a sort of digital net, or skin, to our lives. Ironically, with the image of this future digital world in our heads, we could even say, No Net, No Planet!


    Connected objects are not new; they have been around for some time, probably as long as the Internet or communications have existed. To some extent, computers and (smart) phones can even be considered as some of the earliest examples of connected things, although with one major difference to stand-alone objects as they still need a user to manipulate them.

    Some of the first IoT applications were used to connect industrial machines, infrastructure, or commercial fleets under the names telemetry or telematics. There were also a lot of innovative ideas in the consumer space, including that of a connected fridge.

    The term machine-to-machine, usually found in its short form M2M, came into use, putting the main focus on connectivity (M2M communications).

    Nowadays, the catchy expression Internet of Things, or its abbreviation IoT, has taken over and is used everywhere: in books, blogs, company slogans and visions, and even in the speech of the Chinese Prime Minister. A lot of variants of this expression can also be found: Internet of Everything (IoE), Internet of Industrial Things, Internet of Heavy Things, etc.

    We clearly see the benefits of connected and automated driving. We are going to save lives. It is a necessity, not a nice-to-have.

    Edwin Nas, dep. project leader of self-driving vehicles at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and The Environment

    The notion of verticals within the IoT is fading away.

    Chris Greer, Senior Executive for Cyber-Physical Systems, NIST

    It’s not a coincidence that the rise of IoT is sometimes called a revolution. Not only a technical and a business one, but also for the entire society, transforming our way of relating to physical objects and to our environment. In short, of living, of working, of keeping in touch with friends, of thinking, in a nutshell of being humans.

    Jacques Durand, Director R & D at Fujitsu America, Inc


    By now you are probably asking yourself: why are we connecting those things? So let’s provide some concrete examples and illustrate more clearly just what those smart objects can do for us.

    Imagine a world

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