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ENERJETTICS: Your New Energy
ENERJETTICS: Your New Energy
ENERJETTICS: Your New Energy
Ebook107 pages1 hour

ENERJETTICS: Your New Energy

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Man’s outrageous energy demand is destroying the very atmosphere in which he lives.  It is poisoning our oceans.  If we continue on today’s path, he will make the world uninhabitable in 100 years. We must change our energy resources and eliminate fossil fuels—the source of our profligate practices. Most of us don&rsqu

Release dateApr 3, 2018
ENERJETTICS: Your New Energy


A depression child, Jeremy Gorman was fascinated by the way things affect our every day lives. He began by helping to devel lean air practices in Cleveland Ohio's Air Pollution Control Department. He then helped develop the budding new art of fiberglass construction materials (Glastic Corp.). He was a leader in developing adhesives that cured chemically instead of by evaporating solvents into our atmosphere (Loctite Corp.) and glued your fingers together with Superglue. Recognizing that we are literally destroying our atmosphere and oceans by our profligate use of fossil fuels he developed clean energy alternatives. Enerjettics is your guide to saving money by saving the earth. Doing it together (DIT) will make it fun.


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    Chapter 1

    New Energy?

    Since New Energy may well be the key to our continued existence on this earth, it is worth some clarification. What is New Energy? It is the energy that comes to us every day. It is overwhelmingly solar energy. But is also wind energy, lunar energy and geothermal energy from deep within the earth. It is not stored energy, like coal, gas or oil. It is often called renewable energy, but that term can be misleading. Once used, energy is gone. It is not renewed---it is replaced. The sun does not restore yesterday’s energy. It delivers New Energy to our earth 24/7. The term renewable energy was used to distinguish it from Old Energy--million year old solar energy that is stored in fossil fuels. That energy is not renewable either, but it does not come to us every day. Once used, it is gone.

    Man is a prodigious consumer of energy. It was man’s desire to accomplish things he could not do himself that sparked his all-consuming desire to find other sources of energy. Very early, we used animal power to help us do things we could not do ourselves—oxen, mules, camels and horses pulled out stumps and hauled away boulders. We used wood fires to cook food and to allow us to move out of the tropics and stay warm. We kept searching for energy. Our technology was not yet developed, so early energy sources were primarily New Energy until we discovered peat about 2500 years ago. That changed our focus to Old Energy because it was easy. So it soon dominated our energy sources. It was only about 200, years ago that we developed the science to use New Energy. We slowly began to develop the new technology that makes New Energy practical and competitive. That remains a long, but enjoyable, trip.

    We also began to use outside energy to do things instead of doing it ourselves, like riding a horse or camel instead of walking or running. We sought as many sources of energy as we could, so energy became the world’s largest industry (except for food). It is dominated by Old Energy which Big Energy made easy. Unlike Old Energy, New Energy is everywhere, but our use of it has been impaired because Big Energy has made Old Energy easier. 80% of today’s energy is Old Energy. That has consequences: Old Energy returns million year old carbon to today’s atmosphere. We have increased the carbon content of the world’s atmosphere 50% in one century and warmed our earth and oceans 2 degrees Fahrenheit by doing so. We are using up Old Energy. Oil and Gas reserves are seriously depleted and require drastic measures like fracking or arctic drilling to discover additional stored sources. We are extremely wasteful of energy, and, because the sources chosen are relatively inaccessible to the man in the street, we become ever more dependent upon Big Energy for essentially all our energy

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