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Dying On Purpose: How My Near-Death Experience Can Change Your Life
Dying On Purpose: How My Near-Death Experience Can Change Your Life
Dying On Purpose: How My Near-Death Experience Can Change Your Life
Ebook214 pages1 hour

Dying On Purpose: How My Near-Death Experience Can Change Your Life

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Richard Steinhoff had it all—a beautiful home, a loving wife, a successful career in real estate, and a best-selling book.  Then a diseased gallbladder landed him in the hospital, and a series of complications nearly killed him. While he was there, he had an out-of-body, Near-Death Experience and encountered a Heavenly be

Release dateApr 25, 2018
Dying On Purpose: How My Near-Death Experience Can Change Your Life

H. Richard Steinhoff

During his 30 years as a real estate broker, H. Richard Steinhoff has been involved in thousands of transactions with buyers, sellers, and investors. This gives him a unique perspective, because he can speak from experience "in the trenches." He is also author of the best-selling book, "Turning Myths Into Money: An Insider's Guide to Winning the Real Estate Game."Richard's education includes a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from California State University, and a Certificate in Business from UCLA Graduate School of Business. His real estate background includes serving as president of the ERA Broker Council, president of the Broker Council of Southern California, vice-president and director of the Board of Realtors, director of the California Association of Realtors, as well as membership in the National Association of Realtors. Richard has appeared on numerous talk radio shows from coast-to-coast, as well as television news programs, including Fox News in Los Angeles. He has received the "Man of the Year" Award from the Chamber of Commerce, the President's Award from the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and has been listed in "Who's Who in California"as well as "Who's Who in the West." He was recently designated "Honorary Member for Life" by the California Association of Realtors for distinguished service. He has also received a "Certificate of Recognition" from the California State Legislature. Richard holds a CIBN and CSS designations and is a member of the American Mensa Society. He is an avid golfer, amateur magician, and a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps.

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    Dying On Purpose - H. Richard Steinhoff


    First and foremost I want to thank Jared Rosen for your support and incisive advice. Your creativity is on a different level than most people. You brought out something in me I didn’t even know was there, and the result was spectacular. Thank you, Jared.

    Next, I want to thank Chris Van Buren for generating a creative marketing plan for my book. You, sir, are a genius. It is a great pleasure to work with you and watch your mind create things others could not even imagine.

    I want to thank Laurie Gibson for her creative editing and her intuitive suggestions that made my book better than I imagined. Thank you Laurie for a job well done, as usual.

    I also want to thank my entire family for their support and encouragement, not only just on this project, but for my entire life. Thank you Elaine, Lisa, Brian, Sydney, Rick, Mary Anne, Brittany, Michael, Ryan, Nina, Kevin, Cameron, Hailey, Hannah, Gabe, Debbie, Jerry, Kaitlyn, Jasmine, Tonia, Chris, Josue, and Diana. I love you all.

    Thanks to everyone who provided endorsements. You are all very special to me, and I am truly grateful.


    When invited to write the Foreword for this book I felt honored and grateful to contribute. This book (and its author) is an expression of love. Rich’s book, and the experiences he shares with you in every chapter, is truly exceptional. His story demonstrates that we have choices. He chose to pay attention to how he was living his life and how he was not living his life. In one experience, Rich chose to return to his body, as you’ll read about in his out-of-body near-death experience, and share how it lead to him discovering his purpose and how he now lives his life On-Purpose. He is inviting you to find your purpose and fulfill it every single day. When you do, you will live a life of joy and contentment.

    Many people go through life not realizing that we have been given the gift of choice. It is now time to grab hold of the reins of your life and direct it where you want to go; do what you want to do and be who you want to be.

    For most of my young life, I thought I was dealt the card of a difficult life. In all sincerity, I assumed that I was meant to struggle. It is not a happy way to live: completely blind to the fact that we can choose new decisions, different decisions that can change the trajectory of our life.

    When I was nineteen, I met a man, who would change my life for the better. He spoke of a life filled with possibilities and promise. You must understand that prior to meeting Bob Proctor all I knew, lived and breathed was negativity. I was raised in a hostile, destructive and abusive environment. Because of being a negative person, my results reflected that mindset. The concept that we could create a phenomenal life was not even on my radar of consciousness.

    Fortunately, though I decided that the way I was living my life was not enjoyable and felt that there must be a better way. To go from a life of misery to a life of fulfillment was a stretch in my imagination. But, when I invested the time and energy to study human potential, I discovered that I was destined for greatness.

    And, so are you!

    That may seem unfathomable at this moment to imagine that you are destined for greatness, and yet you are. We all are. Dive into this unique book, become captivated and discover from Rich’s life experience that you can and must live your life On- Purpose.

    And, enjoy the journey- because life is meant to be fun.

    ~ Peggy McColl, President, Dynamic Destinies

    and New York Times best- selling author

    When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project,all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.Dominant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.

    ~ Patanjali

    There are two great days in a person’s life – the day we are born, and the day we discover why.

    ~ William Barclay


    If you died today, could you say you lived your life On-Purpose?

    Would you feel a sense of fulfillment in your life?

    Would you have any regrets?

    Would you be ready to leave this world?

    Well, I am going help you with these answers by taking you on a journey with me and sharing my experiences with you. The journey is about my quest to find my life’s purpose. It will start where I realized I was living a life Off-Purpose and my struggle to overcome that problem. We will endure heartache, health challenges, and job changes along the way.

    During this journey, I succumbed to stress and ended up in the hospital with a very bad diagnosis. During my stay, my heart stopped and I had an out-of-body experience where I encountered a heavenly body. This experience changed my life. I was told to return to my body because I had not yet completed my purpose on Earth.

    And, at the end of this journey, I found my life’s purpose, as you will see.

    Then I will teach you the questions you need to ask yourself to find your true calling, so that you, too, can live your life On-Purpose.

    Come along with me and see what the possibilities are for you. My goal is to help you find your purpose so you can live a happy, fulfilled life.

    Everyone in this world was put here for a purpose. If you don’t know yours, you need to read this book.

    To your success,

    H. Richard Steinhoff

    Man’s here for the sake of others.

    ~ Albert Einstein

    Chapter 1:

    When We Go Off Purpose

    Are you excited about what you do?

    Do you experience joy every day?

    Do you wake up and can’t wait to get started with your day?

    If not, you are living your life Off-Purpose.

    You really don’t want to be there because you will never be happy, and life will feel like a struggle. Living life Off-Purpose is stressful and many times leads to health issues. This happened to me and led to an extraordinary Near-Death Experience. While I was undergoing surgery for a life- threatening illness, I awoke and noticed a brilliant white light in the hallway. I arose to investigate the light and as I moved toward it, I realized I was floating and all my pain had vanished. Then a large, super-natural being appeared. He seemed to be glowing from within. He started to communicate with me without speaking. His message was, You must return to your body, you have not yet completed your purpose on Earth.

    I remember looking at my motionless body and thinking, I must leave my Off-Purpose life behind and start living On-Purpose.

    Living Off-Purpose, you never feel fully alive because you believe your presence on this planet does not make a difference. You are not concerned about what your legacy will be and what your obituary will say. For many people, living a good life, being kind, and loving as deeply as possible are enough. But, if you really love yourself and want to be kind to yourself, you will pursue your dreams fearlessly with passion and vision. Then you will feel that your life is on a purposeful trajectory.

    If my words resonate with you, then sharing my journey of becoming On-Purpose may inspire you to take the actions you need to awaken your highest aspirations.

    Launching a Career

    Since my childhood, I had been fascinated by airplanes. One day, my dad took me to the airport, where I saw my first airplane in person. And I remember thinking, How can such a large object fly through the air? Right then I was hooked. I started building model airplanes. At first, I made small gliders from balsa wood, a very lightweight wood, and the planes were easy to fly. Every boy in the early 50’s had a balsa wood airplane, but my fascination with airplanes did not end there.

    Over the next few years, I built dozens of planes and eventually graduated to models with

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