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For Humanity: Volume 1
For Humanity: Volume 1
For Humanity: Volume 1
Ebook320 pages2 hours

For Humanity: Volume 1

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About this ebook

For Humanity is a channelled collection of poetry from Divine Source through Lubna Kharusi. The book is an offering of love and guidance to humanity as a preparation for the unfolding of a new earth. Providing guidance on understanding what humans are, what is their purpose, how this life and realm work, how to release suffering, pain and diseas

Release dateApr 26, 2020
For Humanity: Volume 1

Lubna Kharusi

Lubna Kharusi was born in the Sultanate of Oman. As an unfolding of her spiritual journey, she left a successful career in Finance and founded Dira International. Dira's vision and purpose is the transmutation of the vibration of the world and cosmos. In 2019, she was honoured and appointed by the late Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said of Oman to the State Council: the Upper House of Oman's Parliament.

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    Book preview

    For Humanity - Lubna Kharusi

    In this universe there is only you and Divine, where you are Divine wanting to know itself.



    "As the sea thunders on the rock

    And shapes it with a weathering force

    And the winds blow on the sands,

    Scattering them around with no remorse,

    There is a blistering sun

    That cooks the clay

    And a shallow wind

    That changes night to day.

    Our light can caress the land

    Or storm through the sea,

    Making way for what is meant to be.

    There should be no doubt

    Of Our determined will.

    There should be no doubt

    Of what will come to be.

    A time has come,

    It starts with you,

    For the world to experience

    Their being as true.

    Thank you."



    "Dawn is rising.

    Dawn is rising in an unsuspected corner

    Where the sea connects the rest of the world.

    In its unsuspecting corner

    It will not declare itself,

    This rising,

    It will not declare itself

    But it will be known

    And there will be no confusion about it.

    It will not declare itself,

    As birds do not declare that they can fly

    And fish do not declare that they can swim

    And as you walk through the land,

    Do you declare that you can walk?

    And as flowers give off scent,

    Do they declare that they smell sweet?

    And as trees rise from the ground,

    Do they declare that they are rising?

    The dawn is rising from the unsuspected corner

    And it doesn't declare itself

    But it is known,

    Without a doubt.

    It is known through the massaging of hearts

    And the soothing of souls

    And the ripples of love that spread forth from it,

    Washing over suffering and soothing pain

    As it wipes away shadow,

    As you wipe away shadow.

    There is a dawn rising from an unsuspected corner

    In a land that is connected to the rest of the world

    And it is through this connection that it ripples forth.

    And as the parts come together

    In a dance of union

    There is no clear differentiation of the instant

    When the night turns into day

    Or the day turns into night.

    There is no differentiation in the instant

    When the summer becomes the fall

    And the winter turns into spring.

    There is no moment of differentiation

    But yet it is known

    That a transmutation has occurred.

    It doesn't declare itself

    But it is known by all.

    It doesn't declare itself,

    As when wind blows pollen,

    So that seeds may grow

    And the sun shines down

    Calling it forth to the sky

    And the water pushes it up

    Out of the ground to spring forth.

    There is a cycle of orchestration

    Of orchestrated perfection.

    It doesn't declare itself

    But it is known.

    It is through the rippling of love

    That radiates out from you

    That the shift will occur.

    And as they come in droves from far-off lands

    They will come in droves to heal their hearts

    And they will come in droves to soothe their souls

    And release the shadows that have been holding them down.

    There is no need for The Divine to declare itself.

    It is known.

    There is no need for Us to declare Our will.

    It will be.

    And it springs forth from an unknown corner,


    It is with the feminine embrace,

    The nurturing womb.

    They will come in droves

    To fall in this cocoon of love.

    They will come in droves.

    It doesn't declare itself

    But it is known.

    Thank you."



    "After the darkness there will be light.

    The foundations have been prepared

    And after the darkness there will be light.

    Stars are placed in the hearts of men

    That shine brightly

    In full magnificence

    Like stars in the sky.

    They shine brightly

    And they represent Us.

    From darkness there comes light

    Gushing forward.

    Like twinkling stars in the night sky

    They represent Our light,

    They are the warriors of light.

    They represent Us

    And they will be known by their marks,

    The marks that they leave behind.

    Like the feeding of a child, who is able to grow

    And the planting of a tree that gives shade

    And the watering of a garden, so that it blooms,

    You will know them by their marks,

    Their marks are actions of The Divine,

    Their works are of The Divine.

    They leave their marks behind them.

    They are the warriors of light

    And they will leave their marks.

    And you wonder, then, how will you know them?

    How will you trust them?

    You will nurture them,

    They will come to you

    And you will nurture them

    And then they will leave their marks.

    From young to old

    And old to young.

    It is from the darkness that there will be light.

    We will guide them as to which marks to leave,

    You will guide them to a wider view

    So that they can see

    That there is no such thing as ‘you’ and ‘me.’

    You will guide them how to see

    And they will leave their marks of a beautiful light

    For generations to come

    To see with full sight.

    Thank you."



    "At the highest mountain top

    The bees can gather,

    Producing a honey.

    It is mixed into lather

    Or a yellow paste,

    It is used for sweetness,

    For changing taste.

    These bees so high,

    Do you think that they know

    Where the fruits of their efforts

    Are delivered and glow?

    They are aware that what they do

    Provides benefit

    For them and you.

    But they do not stomp their feet

    And they do not shout out loud

    When they flutter about

    In a stormy cloud.

    And in a valley

    With many a rock,

    Animals gather

    And some of them flock.

    Do they consider what their offering is?

    Do they make statements about what they are?

    Whether their production is used near or far?

    They surrender to their purpose,

    They are aware of their Lord,

    They do not proclaim it

    With words or sword.

    And on level ground

    Between mountains high

    And valleys low

    People wonder

    And people go.

    So busy to proclaim what it is that they do,

    So eager to take credit

    For everything new.

    It is The Divine that wills

    Everything to be

    And you all will surrender.

    You all will surrender.

    We allow you to feel free

    But you all will surrender,

    Just like the bees.

    Just like the goats

    And the animals that float,

    You all will surrender.

    So why resist

    The beautiful life that could be within your midst?

    Thank you."




    Moon bright,

    Gentle breeze

    And birds of flight.

    There is a hollow

    In the night

    And there is fullness

    When things feel right.

    We draw you

    To flowing waters

    And open up

    The skies above.

    The sun shines brightly

    Beyond the clouds

    And from that light

    Comes Our love.

    If humans knew

    The gentleness

    With which We view

    Our scattered parts

    There would be no worries of frightful days,

    There would be no turning to hurtful ways.

    Allow Our love to shine through you,

    Allow Our love to shine through you,

    Allow Our love to shine through you

    When your heart is broken

    And your burdens true.

    Allow Our love to shine through you

    And from that love

    Comes all that is new.

    Thank you."



    "The head of a ship

    Or the head of a land,

    The head on your body:

     Who is in command?

    The heart drives you

    And the soul guides you

    And the head gives confidence

    Of your command.

    It is from the head that you see

    And the head that you hear

    The processing of that

    You wish to keep close and dear.

    But is it the head
where We enter?

    Or is it the opening of the heart?

    The head can be the blockage,

    The head is where We part.

    It is what you see first,

    It is what is given importance.

    The heart is where the rivers flow

    And the heart is where the stars glow

    And the heart is where you shall find

    The treasures that set you free from the bind.

    You can admire this head

    But know its place.

    It’s what you present to others,

    It’s what you show as a face.

    But to connect to The Divine

    You set this head free

    And you open your heart

    And call unto Thee.

    Thank you."



    "There are days when the emptiness

    Highlights the hollow inside

    To remind you of humility

    And to not walk with pride.

    And the filling of your heart

    Is like waves of the tide

    Lapping a shore

    As the pain subsides.

    For one to believe

    That they are alone

    Is denying Our love

    As they shed tears and moan.

    But as you turn to the sky

    And you turn to the sea

    And you turn to the earth

    And allow what’s meant to be

    The hollow will fill

    And the light will have grown

    And with the passing of grief

    You will be known.

    And just as a wave merges on a shore,

    Sometimes with kisses

    And sometimes in a roar,

    Our love comes in waves

    In the way you allow it to be,

    Reminding you that

    You are meant to be free.

    Thank you."



    "The clocks will strike twelve

    And a new day comes forth 

    And the skies will open

    To heal hearts that are broken

    And you come together,

    Hand in hand,

    Thinking you are separate

    Like grains of sand 

    But when the music starts

    You will play like a band.

    The clocks will strike twelve 

    And a new day will come forth

    And whispers of people 

    Will travel from South to North,

    From North to South,

    From East to West,

    From West to East.

    Old ways are laid to rest.

    People dazzle,

    There is a swirling chaos 

    And then the light comes forth,

    Gushing through you.

    We will not hold back for those who aren’t ready,

    So be prepared, and stand steady.

    We are with you on this path

    We are with the ones who will last.

    Thank you."



    "Do We not animate your body

    And allow you to see?

    Do We not alleviate your burdens

    And allow you to feel free?

    Do We not whisper in your heart

    To surrender to Thee?

    Do We not open Our arms

    To let go of the ‘me’?

    We choose you

    And We guide you

    And We open the path

    And with Our signs

    You are left in awe;

    It is with love, not wrath.

    We provide you with strength

    And brevity to conquer,

    So listen to Our song

    And let go of your ponder.

    There is no need to think

    That for a moment you are alone.

    Our love is solid,

    As solid as stone.

    Thank you."



    "In the way that a cat protects its kittens

    You’ve formed walls,

    Covering what’s within

    With a prowess

    So smitten

    With the ego

    And your whims.

    We open up the doors

    To Our magic

    And move aside the floor

    To Our fabric.

    And with each day

    A layer

    Is lifted up

    Through your prayer.

    We are grateful

    That you’re humble

    As you tear up

    And stumble.

    The reward will be great

    And you will live out your fate

    As We open the gate

    For all there is to take.

    Thank you."



    "What is silence?

    Is there ever silence?

    When the words stop

    The birds sing.

    What is silence?

    Is it the absence of your thoughts?

    When your thoughts stop

    Your heart still beats.

    So what is silence?

    When you are in your retreat

    You may sit in the dark

    To cut out the noise

    But your body is ticking

    In its function and poise.

    So what is silence?

    Is it just stopping your words?

    Or is it the moment

    That We are heard?

    And when you call on Us

    Are We committed to respond?

    Or is it through the nurturing of Our bond

    That We open the waves

    For Our love to flow

    So your soul is rejoicing

    In splendour and glow?

    What is silence,

    If not to hear Our song?

    Is it even necessary?

    We are with you all along.

    Is there a formula

    That opens the way?

    Is there a place to go

    Or something you pay?

    It is the opening of

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