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Scream, Queen
Scream, Queen
Scream, Queen
Ebook225 pages3 hours

Scream, Queen

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The sleepy town of Morganville is having its first Harvest Festival in 17 years, and beautiful, do-good student Becca St. James has been nominated for the coveted role as Harvest Queen.

Becca's a shoo-in: She's dating Travis, the most popular guy

Release dateSep 1, 2020
Scream, Queen

Stephanie Sparks

Stephanie Sparks writes action-packed horror tinged with dark humour and loaded with sarcasm. She prefers cats to people and when she's not lost in a book or listening to 1980s movie soundtracks, she's daydreaming about her next novel or writing furiously.

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    Book preview

    Scream, Queen - Stephanie Sparks

    Scream, Queen!

    Chapter 1

    September 1984

    As Becca St. James walked the long, dusty unpaved road to school, the old grain elevator peeking up from the trees beyond the road, she gripped her backpack straps and wondered what the first day of class would bring.

    She almost didn’t notice the speeding car bearing down on her. 

    She was lost in her head, thinking about how the summer’s heat had leaked into the start of the school year, and it had been so hot these past few months that if you could pinch Morganville between your fingers and blow, the arid little town would wisp away. Some days, when she allowed herself to daydream, she imagined being one of those wisps, like the fluff of a dandelion, floating off to bigger, better places.

    Like college and then med school.

    The car’s loud, rumbling engine pulled her out of her thoughts as it flew toward her in a cloud of dust. A black muscle car with tinted windows, gold-painted bumper, and a fierce bird emblazoned on its shiny hood. Won’t be shiny for long, she thought, not the way this maniac drives.

    She rushed to the side of the road, ready to dive into the ditch if the driver swerved toward her. Her white sneakers kicked through the mud, and while she feared getting hit, she was upset that her brand new outfit was going to look lousy before she even got to school.

    The car screeched to a stop, spraying rocks and grit. As the dust settled, the driver leaned across the passenger seat and cranked down the window.

    Becs, look! It was Travis Valcourt, grinning like a wild child. His black hair was slicked back, and his green eyes shined. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the sight of his boyish grin and his perfect teeth.

    Her grandmother called him Becca’s handsome fella, since he started hanging around early in the summer while she worked at the local burger joint. And then he asked her out on a couple of dates. They had been together ever since, and yet his attention to her still made her blush.

    Look what my dad got me!

    Becca wasn’t big into cars. She knew she wanted one — needed one — if she was ever going to get out of town. But whereas Travis had well-off parents that could afford to give him a fancy car and new clothes, Becca had to scrimp and save all her money just to buy a brand new pair of sneakers that were now ruined. Still, she could appreciate his excitement.

    So cool, she said, peering inside.

    It’s an ’84 Firebird, he said beaming. Burt Reynolds has one just like her!

    Wow. What for?

    What do ya mean ‘what for?’ It’s the first day of the last year of high school — a guy needs a car. I’ve been begging my dad for months! And finally!

    Congratulations, she said, genuinely happy for him.

    Oh, no, he said, curling his finger in a motion to get her inside. "Congrats to us. You’re never going to have to walk anywhere again."

    Really? Now she was interested. Morganville was a safe town. The crime rate was low (mainly because there weren’t many people left to stir up too much trouble), but anytime Becca had to go to the library on main street, she had to convince Travis or one of her classmates to go with her all because of the creepy homeless guy that slept on the benches near there. He mostly left people alone, but anytime Becca saw him, he would stare her down.

    When she told Gran about it, Gran just warned her from getting too close. He’s trouble.

    Travis patted the passenger seat. Jump in.

    His handsome grin put a smile on her face and after taking off her backpack, she crouched down to get inside. He reached around her shoulders and pulled her in close. Missed you.

    She laughed. You saw me two days ago.


    She leaned in, catching a whiff of his aftershave. Travis was the first guy in school to start shaving — in seventh grade. He was also the only one who looked like a man, and that was just what Becca appreciated about him. He was grown up and so was she. She was ready to make adult decisions about her future — and other stuff.

    She looked down at her hands folded in her lap. Travis pinched her chin between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her gaze back to him. Kiss me, he said.

    Those damn butterflies turned her insides into jelly. When they parted and he put the car in gear, she wanted to reach out and stop him. Climb into his lap and—

    The car jerked forward, picking up speed. Becca grabbed the door handle. Travis reached over and took her other hand, with his forearm steering the wheel. None of it was safe, but Becca was starting to tire of playing it safe. She was tired of being a good, little high school girl. She was going to university next year. She was going to be an adult, so it was time to start acting like one.

    She squeezed Travis’s hand between her legs and smiled shyly.

    THE FIRST DAY WAS ALWAYS a mad rush, but Becca was prepared. She had picked up her textbooks the week before and took the time to wander around to double check the location of her locker and all her classrooms. So she spent her morning getting Travis and his friends oriented.

    Travis hooked his arm around her neck and kissed the top of her head. Told ya she’s perfect, he bragged.

    Chester Miller, Heath Cowlie, and Mark Peters shrugged in agreement. They were all big guys: Chester played football; Heath played track and field, and had just signed up to be one of the town’s volunteer firefighters; and Mark worked on his family’s farm all year round. They were good guys too, though Mark used to tease Becca in grade school about being a nerdy bookworm, but he seemed to have forgotten he was once her biggest bully.

    Their girlfriends were all pretty and fairly nice. Erin went with Chester, Candace went with Heath, and Mark’s girlfriend had dumped him last week, so he spent the precious few moments before the first bell glaring at the poor girl across the indoor courtyard.

    Becca grinned at Travis, glad that she wasn’t dating a thick-headed farm boy whose idea of romance was probably a literal roll in the hay.

    Travis grinned back at her. You’re all smiles today. Don’t tell me you’re happy to be back to this dump.

    Becca loved school, and she would hardly call it a dump. She was happy to be back at school; she liked the routine of seeing familiar faces every day.

    But actually, she had been smiling because she had been having adult thoughts — specifically about having sex with Travis.

    Erin nudged her with an elbow. She probably heard the news.

    Caught off guard, Becca blushed. Uh, what news?

    Trav’s dad announced there’s gonna be a big festival, she said. She stood too close to Becca, who could smell the girl’s combination of cinnamon gum and strawberry lip balm. Party time.

    Harvest Festival, Chester jumped in, anything to sound like he knew something.

    It’s just a stupid town thing, Travis said.

    "To you, maybe, said Candace. But someone’s gotta be the Harvest Queen."

    The PA system crackled over their heads. Most students ignored the sound of the principal’s announcements or tried to talk over his voice, but Becca straightened up and strained to hear.

    Becca St. James to the office please. Becca St. James.

    The group of friends made an accusing oooOOOooo sound and pointed at her. 

    What did you do? teased Candace.

    Travis held her hand. Want me to go with you?

    And do what? Beat up the principal? Aggression was Travis’s primary response to any situation in which he was at a disadvantage.

    She patted his arm and smiled. It’s probably fine. I’ll catch you later?

    He squeezed her hand and kissed it. Yeah. Later.

    She hurried through the busy halls and into the even busier office, where the admin staff coordinated with overwhelmed students who didn’t know how to read their schedules nor wanted to be there.

    She found Principal MacMillan in his stuffy office, sitting across from a student she had never seen before.

    The new guy wore an olive-green army jacket and gray high-tops. Or maybe they had once been white, like her own muddied sneakers.

    He was cute, if a little geeky. If he traded in his round-framed glasses for contact lenses and ran a brush or some gel through his shaggy hair, he would almost give Travis a run for his money.

    Miss St. James, I suppose you know why you’re here? said the principal.

    I don’t, sir.

    This is James Martin, he explained. He’s starting here today, and since you’re on the Welcome Committee, I expect you’ll show him around and help him get settled.

    Becca froze. She had the vaguest memory of signing up to volunteer for the Welcome Committee when she first started at Morganville High. She already had her sights set on med school and knew that she was going to need to build up her volunteer experience, but in the years since, she hadn’t done any work with the committee.

    Becca had selfishly kept the position on her resume because she figured it was so minor that she could fake her way through it if anyone asked her about it.

    But today, at a moment when she needed to fake it, she wasn’t sure she was up to the task. She swallowed, shifting in her seat. Mr. MacMillan, I—

    I knew you were the person to ask, he said. Now go on. Show Mr. Martin the ropes.

    Becca stood up. She and the new kid bumped into each other as they tried to squeeze out of the small office at the same time. James invited her to exit first, and she quickly threw her backpack over her shoulder and scurried out.

    They left the busy office and stood in the hallway, where James held out a hand. Becca stared at it until she realized he wanted to shake hers. He smiled when she finally did. We, uh, have the same name.

    She stared blankly. Oh?

    He pointed to himself. "James. And you’re St. James."

    Oh, yeah. Weird. She laughed politely, then stopped to clear the warble out of her throat. Come on, get it together, she told herself. You have a job to do. Help the new guy feel welcome. Do you have your class schedule? She held out a hand to take it from him as he pulled a folded sheet of paper from his breast pocket.

    Sure do.

    Great. She scanned it over. Okay, so— Oh, boy. You’ve got Mr. Walsh for math first thing? You’re going to want to be there before the bell rings because—

    Have we met before? he asked.

    Umm, I don’t think so...

    Huh, he said. I could’ve sworn we’ve met.

    She handed the schedule back. I guess I just have one of those faces.

    He tucked the schedule back in his pocket as she began to delve into the ins and outs of the school. He cut her off. Look, it’s real nice of you to want to help me out, but I don’t need a tour guide, James said. Just tell me where the library is so I can check out some books.

    Library? He reads books? James already wasn’t like other guys she knew.

    Sure, it’s that way on your right, she said, pointing down the hall.

    He nodded in thanks and headed off in that direction. As he hoisted his backpack on his shoulder, a few pieces of paper fluttered down from an unzipped pocket. Becca raced to pick them up before other students stepped all over it.

    Wait! she called out, holding the papers out to him. He had turned the corner and was gone.

    Shoot, she muttered. She made a neat pile of what looked like scribbled notes and photocopies of old news articles.

    One featured a photo of her mom, Bethany St. James, from the year she had died. Her mother’s frozen, grainy face stared into oblivion.

    What is the new guy doing with this?

    Chapter 2

    S o here’s the thing , said Erin, between long sips of her Grape Crush. You have to be nominated by someone on town council. No exceptions.

    Becca had her head down, staring at James’s notes and the photo of her mom in her lap when Travis set a lunch tray in front of her. She startled and he gave her a wink. My treat. He tore a chunk out of his apple and addressed the table of friends. Whatcha talkin’ about?

    Harvest Queen, Erin replied. It’s all everyone’s been talking about.

    "It’s all you’ve been talking about, said Candace, throwing her balled-up straw wrapper at Erin’s forehead. No one’s gonna nominate you anyway."

    She put an arm around Travis, who straightened in mock surprise. My dearest friend Trav will. His daddy is the reeve.

    That sounds like an abuse of power, he said.

    Nepotism, Becca chimed in. The others stared at her, making her blush. She looked back down again. I should have kept my mouth shut. Why do I always have to be such a know-it-all?

    Travis sloughed off Erin’s arm. If I’m sucking up to my dad for any of you, it’s gonna be for Becca.

    The table exploded with different exclamations of Becca? and Harvest Queen? and even Becca squeaked, Me?

    Travis spoke only to her, ignoring the curious looks of everyone at the long table. Yeah, you. You’re a knockout. You’d win for sure. He kissed her hand, making her blush even harder. "And you’re already my queen."

    Erin shrugged. There’s a scholarship on the line too, I guess. But you also get a free gown!

    Scholarship? Becca perked up.

    As she dared to look around the table, she noticed James Martin pass by, holding a sack lunch. Oh, hey, James! she called. The table fell silent as they looked to see who she was yelling at.

    James paused. Hi.

    Becca jumped up clumsily. This fell out of your bag earlier. Sorry I couldn’t get it to you sooner. She handed the papers back.

    He folded them up and stuffed them into his back pocket. Thanks.

    Do you want to sit with us? she asked. 

    Who’s this? asked Travis.

    Becca blushed. All eyes were on her now. Sorry. Everyone, this is James Martin. He’s new and it’s his first day.

    "It’s everyone’s first day," Candace corrected, and Becca wished someone would throw a straw wrapper at her bitchy face.

    Well, James is from somewhere else, she said. Was he though? He could have been one of those weird home-schooled kids everyone joked about. You’re from somewhere, right?

    James remained standing. That’s right. Edgarton.

    City boy! hollered Mark and Heath.

    Their booming voices startled James, who shrank into his oversized coat like a turtle.

    What brought you here? Travis asked. He

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