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Secrets Of Prophets: Elevating the Infuence of the Nonprofit Industry
Secrets Of Prophets: Elevating the Infuence of the Nonprofit Industry
Secrets Of Prophets: Elevating the Infuence of the Nonprofit Industry
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Secrets Of Prophets: Elevating the Infuence of the Nonprofit Industry

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How would you like to know the building blocks that penetrate the veil hiding the unseen realms of

God? Secrets of Prophets will...

  • Explain the nature of time.

  • Illustrate the physical reality of reaching into this invisible world.

  • Def
Release dateJan 26, 2021
Secrets Of Prophets: Elevating the Infuence of the Nonprofit Industry

Timothy G. Cochran

With an unrelated degree, Timothy Cochran dug his heels in and thoroughly taught himself how to research. Autodidact. He aligned it with writing and applied it to the Bible, Economics, Nonpro t eory and more. Mr. Cochran studied with Long Ridge Writers Group, now Institute for Writers. Without worry or focus on money, he honored God's purpose in his life. Awarded the Diamond Status in UBER PRO, Tim has driven over 10,000 trips and heralded an Agent of Social Change. Timothy's staunch faith and love of Christ compelled and propelled him into his mission, the subjects of this book. He found God. You can read more about Mr. Cochran in Chapter Seven where he shares his testimony.

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    Secrets Of Prophets - Timothy G. Cochran




    Elevating the Influence of the Nonprofit Industry

    Timothy G. Cochran

    Secrets of Prophets

    Copyright © 2021 by Timothy G. Cochran. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    All rights reserved solely by the author. The author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. The views expressed in this book are not necessarily those of the publisher.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. (

    Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation. Copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020924358

    ISBN 978-1-64753-593-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64753-594-0 (Hardback)

    ISBN 978-1-64753-595-7 (Digital)





    Coronavirus Outbreak:




    Chapter 1: Introductory Enlightenment

    Chapter 2: Advantages of Faith & Three Precepts for—The Theory of Response-habilitation

    Chapter 3: Creation and the Natures of Time, Detecting Emotive Motion, Its New Terms, Its New Theories

    Chapter 4: Empathy, Discernment, and the theories of Mind Generations and Averterecies

    Chapter 5: Recognizing Intelligible Rhythms, Defining the Theory of ‘Emotional Signatures,’ and Accepting God’s Forgiveness

    Chapter 6: Conclusions and Applying Theories to Our Knowing God and His Manifestations of Telegraphy

    Chapter 7: A Testimony



    Chapter 8: Introspection

    Chapter 9: Mark 16 and God’s Grace

    Chapter 10: Advancing Nonprofit Theory and Integrating Government Public Conversance with Mediation

    Chapter 11: 9/11—Revisited

    Chapter 12: Reasoning Without God versus Obedience

    Chapter 13: A Common Fortitude in Faith–Increasing Knowledge and Discernment–From Solomon’s Proverbs 15

    Chapter 14: Foundational Evidence for Uniting the Body of Christ—Preparing and Making Straight the Pathways of the Lord

    Chapter 15: A Long-Expected Revival: Look Forward With a Joyful Heart And a Loving Spirit, Always!

    Book preview



    Even as each moment in our presence deserves our full attention, I accept and honor God for attending my focus at all times. For without Him, there would be no delicate miracles that work all things together for good to those who love [Him], to those who are the called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28). God taught me to trust Him to direct my paths, and on more than one occasion, His conscious presence has fortified an absolute certainty of faith I carry with me, and will always carry with me. Our Father’s grace gives clarity of thought. Thank you, Father, for training me…

    My wife’s support means everything to me. Without her love and her patience with me, I could never have achieved my goals in this project. We have both sacrificed a lot. Together, our faith has taken us to unforeseen horizons we could have never reached without Jesus Christ. Sue and I look wide-eyed to the future, and we are ready for much more with no limit in mind.

    I would like to express my gratitude to Shirley Chiarello and her husband, Gus. She came from a family of English teachers and applied her skills to my task. Gus has been a great support, too. Their faith and prayers have most certainly added to my wife’s and my own for me to finish the writing.

    I must thank Robert James, a writer, a brother in Christ, and a friend. Serendipity and happenstance have no place in our meeting. God planned, and His timing had placed our meeting before He created the foundations of the world. Bob’s foreword to this book blesses me and prepares the reader well for his or her adventure.

    I want to thank Pastor Ron Veale and his wife Kay, both recently retired. He had been our church leader for the past several years. On more than one occasion, he and the church’s board had my back in financial emergencies. I want to honor Pastor Dan Wilderman, also retired, and his wife, Carolinda. When Ron retired, Pastor Dan did an outstanding job as interim Pastor between Ron and our new Pastor, Matthew Shorey. Matt has also been wonderful; his wife’s name is Tracy. Other Pastors and their wives in the church have supported me in the work leading to this one. They include Pastor William Nesbit, married to Sue; Pastor Timothy Alford, married to Donnaree; and Pastor Gary Tippins, married to Brenda. In addition, I must mention another retired Pastor, Doug Schlemmer and his wife, Tamra Our New Life Christian Fellowship, Assemblies of God, is our church family. My wife and I love all the above and appreciate them more than they know.

    My wife and I have known our closest friends Kevin and Keiko Mullaly around twenty-five years. We join them and Kevin’s sister, Erin, every couple of weeks for Bible study. They all have always supported me and have listened to in the study the part of an audiobook that I have finished, and it is previewed in this book. This page is not long enough if I were to list all the invaluable help with which Kevin has aided and benefitted me. Our friendship continues to grow and I look forward to the coming years with him and the rest of his family.


    Written by Robert James

    It is not every day that I receive the honor of being asked to write a foreword for a book. And, in fact, I have never before written one, so I was especially honored when Tim Cochran approached me early in his project requesting my assistance in this vein.

    Never having traveled this path before, I took to the Internet to find what constitutes a foreword, learning that some (but not all) in the writing community suggest that they be written by recognized experts in order to lend credibility to the book at hand. Hmmm, on that score I admittedly do not qualify. Tim and I are both of modest backgrounds and my only qualification is that I, like him, am a Believer and seek God’s face in my daily life; even in that light, however, I am young in the Lord, just now closing in on ten years. We share a commonality in that we are brothers in Christ who both attend various functions at Calvary Chapel Conference Center in Twin Peaks, California and that each of us has led bible studies integrated into the weekly men’s prayer breakfast there, and within that venue, I would say my only celebrity is that I provide written handouts replete with a myriad of Biblical and other references, which seem to be eagerly collected by several of the men who have faithfully listened to the words I have to say. For both of Tim and me, delving deep into His Word is likely more rewarding for us than for the forty-plus men who witness the presentation of our studies.

    It constantly amazes me how, when preparing for these times, the Holy Spirit turns us in a direction we don’t expect. There have been lessons I have taught where His Words and my words have been closely aligned; other times, His Words take over, serving as a mere launching point into something that may whirl far afield from where one expected to land upon first reading the subject passage. Sometimes, the Spirit leads to conviction or enlightenment deeply affecting me, yet it seems at times that the direction of the lesson is not intended even for me, but rather that someone in our audience needs to hear a particular message.

    A word of warning: Tim Cochran’s book is not an easy read. In my review of his manuscript, it took a concerted effort to digest an array of discussions touching upon innumerable aspects spanning biblical, political, social, and scientific realms. Thus, my first caution to the reader is to allow time and to read this tome in bite-size chunks; even better, allow time to digest the bite-size chunks and then re-read the entirety of each chapter to truly place the collection of this knowledge into context. Yet at the same time, there is an urgency to this book as it addresses our current situation on a global basis; so don’t dally too long. Regardless, let the message that Tim is striving to channel percolate in your consciousness, always weighing it against the Truth of God’s Word. (Author note: New information in this revision abridged in the last bullet point in the Book Summary, indelibly ties Part 1 to Part 2.)

    Even the casual reader–although I don’t believe a casual reader will get anything out of reading this book for leisure–cannot help but notice that this book is grounded in God’s Word. Tim liberally stacks verse upon verse, aligning them, contrasting them, relying on God’s Word in its literal sense rather than on mortal man’s interpretation. His conclusions are often different from what one might expect, and he is not afraid to take us out of our comfort zone into unfamiliar terrain, but as I suggested above, the Holy Spirit sometimes takes us to unexpected territories.

    It would also behoove the reader to understand that Tim (as well as I) believe in the Bible literally. Some may pass off discussions concerning angels and spirits, for example, as mere musings of mortal men, founded only in superstition and imagination. Yet, if one searches on the word angel just in the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, 280 results are found; the word spirit yields 612 instances. While the scientific world around us may scoff, it is the belief of Tim and me that the entirety of the Bible is inspired by, and guided by God, and that angels in fact exist. And both God and Christ explicitly tell us that’s true: just one example is Exodus 23:20, in which God Himself proclaims to His people, Behold, I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Some may discount angels, but God is NOT a liar.

    The above being said, Tim is grounded as a humble servant of God; his ego is not such that he is offended by those who might challenge his conclusions and the reader will find that Tim admits that he does not have all the answers. The writing of this tome has taken Tim to new areas of reflection, understanding, and trust. I am sure that only on the scientific level is the person who began writing this book the same person who wrote the concluding pages; like preparing a bible study, the Holy Spirit works on our faith and understanding, changing us as people, changing us as Believers. God has a way of challenging and encouraging us, developing His people.

    For the reader, it is important to note that this book represents God’s revelation as His servant, Tim Cochran, a humble servant who sought His face. We, if we profess to be true Believers, followers of God and rejoice in the salvation He has designed, must seek His face, trust God and look forward to the promise of His Kingdom.

    Robert James

    August 5, 2012

    Book Revision: April 2020

    Coronavirus Outbreak:

    President Trump declared a state of emergency in this global crisis for the United States on Friday, March 13, 2020 at 10:58 AM EDT. Many localities have banned restaurant occupancy altogether, including LA and San Bernardino counties.

    As a servant of GOD and a disciple of Christ, you will not come to any harm.

    In Luke 10:19, Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (NKJV) Also in Luke 9:1, Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.


    Our urgency binds our hope. We must embosom these around an ever-burgeoning bond in God and substantial theories that inspire us into action. Let us rattle the cages of reality and make the noises our heavenly Father listens for when we get the answers. Ones precluding negativity. Shouts in praises to the Almighty. How can we best validate faith in our works for Him while knowing that only what Jesus did grants salvation to those who believe? With each to his or her own function, some will pray and work toward substantive advancement to successes in the fabric of society on our journey to maturity over hill and through the obstacle filled dales. Expect what seems impossible and become even a passive part in the adventure !

    Part One of Secrets of Prophets can fill you with the knowledge of God and teach how He will tell you things of the future, Himself. People employing the design in the second part of this book coupled with the extraordinary faith of those embracing the supernatural connections to Christ in the first part will manipulate an alliance together for the best defense against the development of the Antichrist’s Ten Kingdoms prophesied in the Bible. I include further details about this subject in the last chapter of this book. The knowledge of what will come delivers us the freedom to assemble, forearm, and alert marginal believers and nonbelievers alike of the crisp, clear and spontaneous phenomenon of Christ Almighty God! Wellness and manifestations derived by aspiration plus economic soundness generated from within communities will expand geometrically guided by infrastructure exemplifying methods that bring out the best in us, separately and all together. The dynamic whip in the prayers of the righteous combine desire, bold faithfulness, as well as the authority of God, and those supplications carry the exuberant thunder that will shake our mantle, the very foundations of the world.

    To best describe what I share about the hard to believe, I write out the scripture in the proper places. The Word of God always prevails; For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’ (Romans 1:17, NKJV) I will encourage you, but get ready to be blown far away from your comfort zone. I promise to connect the dots in your mind so that you understand how what happens comes about. Note where the scripture is and when, and why it is there. But, in order to experience something similar, if not the same thing, you must be the one to make the awesome leap of faith. I did not just fall out of bed one morning and hit my head; and Sim Sim Sala Bim (!), miracles started happening. The experiences leading to the revelations started some forty-five years ago. I go through this and detail it in my testimony later in the book (Chapter 7).

    We, all humans, can compare our experiences with other people’s and contrast them with a far greater number. Our difficulties, our challenges, take fortitude to conquer and faith for those who enjoy it, gives us a different reward, as opposed to worldly expectations. As we reach goals, we should remember God, and heaven’s explications in all its forms, for the blessings we may harvest in adversity. We will prudently appreciate abundance and delight in the victories that may come when we get it deep down into our spirits and our souls that God planned the possibility for all the events in our lives, and missions that we might think of according to our character in our own time, whether or not we succeed. Decisions sometimes come to us about what we do not know someone will present to us. And the learned lessons from contentions and challenges of all sorts add depth to our character. Nobody always wants to learn by failing, either; causing ourselves undue pain by reacting wrongly to adversity never solves a problem. Do not give into temptation and take the harder road at a crucial point. Respond in love. Everyone finds wisdom in their own way and time, but it only comes from one origin and is not necessarily dependent on our intelligence.

    The discerning of spirits and wisdom, gifts of the Holy Spirit, may come supernaturally. When we ask God to multiply our alliances, our friendships, we deepen the rapport by giving them our time in their need. It often hastens their favor and adds their strength when we need help, perhaps before we even recognize it. My greater enjoyment with new friends may not come as much from those who gain knowledge herein these pages, but from ones who have already attained such insight. Although, we cannot always guess who will answer interest with interest, answer needs unmindful of what they, themselves, need. It is with these, the ones who would, for one, agree that we should abide in humility and not in our ego, with whom I seek a close bond. We can bend our knee now and accept God’s promises, or eventually. I would not wait too late. Because the sunshine and the rain fall upon the evil as well as the just, every head shall bow, and every knee shall bend in God’s Almighty presence. New and old friends—that truly hold great regard for the most valuable treasures that we may gain in the kingdom of heaven, each othercompel us to build on the relationships and nurture them, abiding in God. Make friends and thank God for the peace we have with our enemies, and for the peace that they have with us because of our faith. We can purposely draw out the curiosity and need in others to gain what they see in us; let us reach passionately with the Holy Spirit and sharpen our swords, metal against metal, both to praise God and to revere the everlasting glory of His almighty power and highness.

    The strongest in Christ will meet in the West and build a shield of faith, where stout adepts strengthen others in the shield while humbly accepting the strength from others to bolster their own weaknesses. Also, sure that God’s completed strengths build up our weaknesses toward our developing into the image of His Son, from within and the Holy Spirit, they will deliver the impacting faith with a buckler of love that will drive an inertia in a wave east and ferry those who follow. The festive spirits of deepest concern will ride forward without worry, but with all seriousness in the messages focused on one destination. The long-expected revival.

    I pray that we all deepen our understanding of the relationship that we must have with the Father, Spirit, and Son before appearing before Him. As long as I act on those prayers with victory in mind, I will positively affect those whom God directs me to, even as He will also test me in my failures. Whether persons remain dormant around God or they abound with the Holy Spirit conscious inside us, different interpretations of our sameness and an awesome variety of functions among us provide us opportunities. This provision gives us a chance to push forward in agreement to work together for everyone. God’s purpose and plans thrive from deep within us, for He put them there. This collaboration inspires us to express our individual contributions to the body of Christ fully.

    As we age, we all develop an inherent desire to improve our circumstances to one degree or other. We can seek to bond with an inner spiritual joy that God gives us to reconcile many fluctuations of emotions in our journey to find happiness and prosperity. Our external affairs can increase cheerfulness naturally. They can also cause a decision to feel angry, or sad, or bad, and so on. Many people let circumstances dictate what they feel. We must avoid that emotional roller coaster. The variations and movement of events evolve God’s plan while He tests us within His multifarious orchestrations multiplied by a number we cannot conceive. This will continue as long as God challenges us further to grow and serve Him, consequently serving others… forever. We may not always be happy or comfortable with circumstances, but we must maintain the internal joy of God’s love, and of our eternity. These are not emotions. These are the state of mind in the Kingdom—heaven. Verbalizing thanks and gratitude to God lifts up life and adoration even when adversity crosses our paths. Hardship in various degrees tests our wills, tests our focus, tests us in our wait on God, tests patience in the development of our relationships, and tests our desire to praise Him, among other things. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (New King James Version)

    Mutually held interests of humankind in the nonprofit sector may not always relate to one’s personal goals, as with those rightly consumed with the focus on their family’s welfare and development. As our faith sustains us and our cooperation with the Holy Spirit naturally draws belief from others, the more worldly focused folks outside this power can still distract us from our path. It goes the other way too, even without our interacting with them. A Christly person, however, would more likely hold to their road when strictly observing behaviors seduced by the Tempter. But a person constantly ignoring the convictions of the Holy Spirit would likely join the ways of Christ through observing Christly favor more so than those of Christ joining their ways. Our words and our actions have great power and can influence many souls that we do not even know. I see increasing our personal involvement with each other and working together in brotherly love, and its passive impact on those outside these parameters who could distract us from our God-given destiny, as areas of progress that propagate Man’s mutual interests. Fellowship is a starting point. Now, considering by default all things advancing Man technically and morally, including the unknowable by sheer volume, we can remain passively involved where our personal goals and focus on our family have no direct ties to anyone in missions thrusting Humankind intelligently into the future. We can make needed purchases that financially support altruistic purposes. We can remain passively involved by tithing, and by offering further funding in favor of not-for-profit or humanitarian causes, if we are so inclined. By donating our time to a favorite cause whether or not it relates to our personal goals, and edifying our children about the nonprofit world, we move a little closer to actively involving ourselves in the nonprofit world as it relates to our primary source of personal income. And then again, we may also tie personal goals to these endeavors in an operative commitment in which completely integrated involvement generates our primary source of personal income. Or just obtain a smaller part of our income in these not-for-profit causes. So, attracting responsibilities that gather associations can transform them into reliable, gainful relationships inside or outside the nonprofit world.

    For example, by seeking others in agreement, we can help drive nonprofit organizations to elevate their standards in self-reliance. They can increase their overall integrity in business and influence on society by how they multifariously apply purposes and communicate. They may, and some do, talk with one-another to integrate what is working within the whole industry for the progress of all people. Distractions can allure us away from these innate parts of our nature and draw us away from God, away from cooperation, and into more selfish pursuits rather than the equitable consideration we might make for everyone who, in turn, also affects us. James 1:12 says, "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life (great favor) which the Lord has promised to those who love Him," (NKJV, parentheses mine). While tribulations can develop and strengthen our spirit, agreement with God and explosively enthusiastic teamwork orchestrated with patient perseverance brings what may seem impossible into reach.

    The compilation of the following pages constitutes more than thirty years of pure spiritual warfare and spiritual testing. I would not wish these experiences on my worst enemy, nor did I ask for them to happen to me. Although not written as a testimony, much of the text is a record of probabilities and conclusions I have had to make. I testify as to its factual accuracy, for I have lived it. You may determine your ability to assimilate and to implement concepts herein by asking yourself a few questions. As you read, I ask for your reasonable agreement as you weigh my statements with the Word of God. As the inclination may take you, you will understand the answers that you crave by asking yourself about your strength of faith. Think about your unique purpose in life, asking yourself about your commitment to serve God; by doing this, you may begin sensing just how close we can move to God and deepen His endearment (though God loves everyone the same with nonpartiality), His pleasure in us, and could very well assimilate how to establish connections to a veiled world. You will then know and desire to apply what God gives us to add your peerless strengths to others in earnest preparation for Christ’s return, directed by Christ. If we pay attention, we will see that work done by the people we gather and shoulder the wheel with will help us with our own weaknesses. Inherently pursuing our love of Mankind may initiate our active or passive roles in improving society at local levels. Combined in unity amid all the individual communities with unique problems, we set examples and extend our hands to others. The Holy Spirit works.

    I conceived the title of this book for the ways God may have connected the prophets of old unto Himself. He spoke to them in a conscious, two-way communication. Holy angels likely spoke to them in the same fashion. I offer reasoning and go over some of the technical aspects that allow us to comprehend more clearly, how it happens rather than if I just expected someone to believe that angels (for instance) speak to us without explaining the logic, backed up by scripture. I discuss pathways that require a leap in faith to make work, the same way that we know with science that our voice transitions through wire to another telephone, and back into an intelligible, audible, rhythm of speech. Specific prophets, I do not refer to except through scripture. Sometimes the most obvious requisites for faith qualify as secrets, but trusting with all of our hearts that the Word of God is God is nothing any God-fearing believer would want to keep secret. A fact in plain sight will remain secret to anyone who sees it but does not understand, but God does not hide from us. Nor does he hide the substance of things not seen in that we hope (defined as a reasonable expectation). In that regard, there are no secrets. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth, for He shows it to us. Romans 1:19 says, "… because what may be known of God is manifest in [us], for God has shown it to [us]." (NKJV) May God bless you as you read on and wrap your mind around eternity; life forever starts today.

    While preparing for this book, my Pastor asked me if I had read The Harbinger, a book written by Jonathan Cahn. It parallels ancient Israel with events that happened in America, not that long ago. If you read both his and this book, you will find that this work answers his book in many ways; it is a wholly appropriate, and an appropriately holy response to the crisis as a process in gathering agreement unfolds concerning the contents of Secrets of Prophets.

    John 1:23 says: He said: "I am The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the LORD,as the prophet Isaiah said. (NKJV) Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you. (Jer. 1:5, NKJV). The fervor of the light inside me grew as the Holy Spirit convicted and encouraged me into the early eighties. The fire started small, coupled to a state, a vision that God placed in my path because I had sought one out in His narrow way. Such fire that grew hotter and hotter while time continued slowly taught me patience. And the Holy Spirit continued to show me the time it takes to work in us, according to the aims that develop our mission in life, as we seek to align our wills with God’s plan to bring all things [to] work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Rom. 8:28, NKJV)

    God distributed discoveries along my road that continued to enrich the vision He had planned for me to find in my search. More and then more information gathered, and still it gathers. I have tracked the power in the growth of my flaming passion. It has grown immensely in me, and it will enhance my work. The coals of purpose at the flame’s bottom begins with auspicious inspiration in Part One of this book. This process prepares for the formation of relationships required to render our success in the applicative part of this book. The beginning of the vision came with the rudimentary elements of nonprofit strategies I had pondered in the eighties. The Almighty’s fire formed a sword with biting edges of truth and the Word of the Spirit, which fills it, severs a liar’s tongue, exceedingly sharper than any double-edged sword. Hebrews 4:12-13 reveals, For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (NIV) When you reach Chapter Ten, think for a moment about feats achieved and sought in your life. God’s furnace of rushing blood and flame can burst forth into your heart with promises to spill out, gushing with vibrancy and abundance, abounding in your way. Help in preparing and making straight the pathways of the Lord.

    As the goals within Chapter Ten begin successfully and represent Christ, many ways for anyone to help will become apparent. People may do no more than shop for private goods and services, knowing that the purchases support public goods or services, or both. As these ideas evoke more and more interest, a person may begin to involve themselves slowly and eventually derive their primary income from the nonprofit industry, and in time become actively involved in leadership. Feel the fire filling and alive and find the future; tie your passion to mine as one of many connections that give greater worth to the combinations than the tally of our number. A quick preview: How would you react to a not-for-profit organization that stimulated productivity and increased the quality of goods and services obtainable within a community in the United States? What if benevolence that stimulated intellect and abundance for many who were helped escalated through intentional free trade, whether or not it related to the causes of the not-for-profit organizations responsible within communities, substantiated increased influence of the nonprofit industry? What if these associations individually became more self-sustaining within each locality as more of them chose this to create capital that covered their vital functions (beneficiary care) over traditional nonprofit funding, spreading the practice throughout the country? In how many ways could this lower taxes over a successfully extended amount of time? You may test your knowledge by answering questions in the thought experiment included in Chapter Ten.

    During the composition of this book, I sought to evoke a fervently intellectual desire in readers naturally if one did not already exist, to find no limits to cerebral growth, to come upon no end of joy to spiritually fulfilling maturity, and to pursue growing forever without complacency. If we take the time to look, we shall all see many opportunities to contribute matchless gains to work in its initial stages that will benefit our nation (USA) and nations abroad as people in other countries do the same. Even self-reliance and a well-meaning kick-in-the-butt to motivate a friend or relative to produce their own success mean we are making an effort that adds to the solution, and not to the problem. This exhibits the needed passion of a larger commitment and intensified organization that will stimulate the economy and bind each community in agreement. Many may choose to participate more passively than this, if they choose to participate at all. Occasions will always present themselves that allow us to maintain and deepen spiritual kinship with one-another. By taking on relationships with the seriousness they deserve, increasing alliances becomes a natural process as we seek those who share many of the same or similar purposes. If we can unite and compound our progress to a greater degree than we can individually, those who share even one goal with us hold no less value than any other part of a conglomerate effort. We can mature spiritually, pray more than before taking this step, and seek ways of discovery for all who are without God.

    We should also focus on the growing importance of international relationships. Seeking to respect and honor other sovereign nations concerns us with the growth and well-being of all humans and their groupings. Compelled to please God, we can reach past what we perceive as our limitations, allowing Him to perform miracles. He has promised to give us the desires of our hearts. While making others more important because of the knowledge of everlasting life in Jesus, knowing deep spiritual peace even in the worst of times, I pledge to further resolutely and privately fund public service as God provisions my stewardship.

    My stewardship. I have tied this public service to a faith-building project, as well, that will require many, many prayers. Through my faith in Jesus and the power that He gives me, I seek to increase the faith of every other human for the glory of God, though prophecies suggest that it cannot be done. I hope to help deepen the faith in God for many. I start this in the first part of this book. In the second part, I hope to tie this belief to a faith-building project, and to progressive, societal activities that I speak about in the book. Together, we will prepare for Christ’s coming in practical and substantial ways through nonprofit activity and increasing government productivity. Glory is to God in the highest. We must deliver our gratitude and thanks for all things to God, for all that He created; nothing exists that He did not make.

    By abiding in humility, we can more easily see how far we have to go to become Christly. We can confidently grow cerebrally and multifariously without complacency individually, and with one-another in everlasting relationships. Grouping together our talents without regarding our ego becomes necessary to a higher degree in the future and forever. Once we each come to understand, there is no excuse not to prepare relationships for success and to compel influence with our focus on achievements while still giving recognition to individual victories within the group. We must feel sure that God attends our focus according to our faith. Our duties within the body of Christ must include us categorically, preparing His way together. Again, John 1:23 says: He said: "I am ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the LORD,as the prophet Isaiah said." (NKJV)

    As important as it is that all Christian leaders take responsibility of spiritually feeding their neighborhoods as they understand the truth through holy inspiration and divine ordination, we must take care not to let this obligation detract from our overall accountability. Go to Jer. 1:4-5. It reads: "Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations,’" (NKJV; bold types, mine). Even as we fall short of His glory, God forgives us, and He still wants us to exist perfectly, without lust, without envy, without avarice or greed, without covetousness, without vanity, and more. "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." (Philippians 4:8) Plans have been laid. We hope for an orderly discipline to emerge productively. In our act of combining unique strengths within Jesus Christ’s church, we also hope that the leaders therein look to one-another as elders possessing their own great expertise and contribution to the preparation for Christ in every respect.

    Psalm 91:4 says, "He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take Refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler (NKJV). How seriously have you decided to walk in love at the behest of God, to trust in Him, in the relationship that you have evolved with Him interacting with your own unique personality? In Prov. 3:5-6, it says, Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths." (NKJV) How you convert the spiritual suppositions you might make to fact as you read depends on the sensitivity you possess now, on your leap of faith, on what tests you must face, and on knowing that we must not only thank God for everything without understanding everything but also understand our complete dependence upon Him. Jesus said, "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing," (John 15:5, NKJV).

    Part of what I share is a byproduct of personal trials and tribulations. The idea of God’s people overcoming adversity and seeking to learn what He is teaching us in them, directly relates to the insight, the visions, and the dreams God places in our spirit. As we close in on the victory of these goals and aspirations, with great effort, we might just have to call forth more strength in Christ to overthrow obstacles the enemy tirelessly builds before us. The enemy does all he can to dissuade us from pleasing ourselves through first pleasing God with those dreams that He stored in our spirit. God saw and directed me in the plans I sought in my heart long ago and had faithfully added to them throughout the years. They have given me great turmoil and may honor me because of Satan’s concern about my contribution to his defeat; the enemy wanted that turmoil to cause me harm in this purely spiritual warfare, and God turned it around. It taught me truths that I would never have discovered otherwise. My adventure involves much.

    As the vision grows larger before me, so do the mountains towering in my path, as I get closer to passing them. We must tighten our focus and ask the Lord to unleash His vitality to sharpen our visions. Ask Him also to multiply the divinations to the point where we can harbor no excuse for becoming too comfortable. Disregard the whole past and we may make all the room imaginable for God to continue His work in our lives; ask Him also to use the same space to bless you with all the favors He has in store for you. Ask not, and we are liable to have not, for in Luke 11:9-10, Jesus says, So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. (NKJV) We must surely ask God to know He answers us, though He may answer in elusive ways. So ask, knock, and seek Jesus, for in this task, He clearly sees the sincerity with which we abide in Him. Then He abides in us to purify our heart. And He rewards our supplications. In John 15:7, Jesus says, If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you (NKJV). When you find Him, you shall know His voice. In John 10:27, Jesus says, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (NKJV)

    Find inspiration and climb the steps that can compound its succession, the height between each step as you figuratively progress upward, many times greater than the previous one. Once we know the truth in God’s word, we have no excuses, for He fully intends us to become divine connections and to circulate His word geometrically. We can create disciples like beginning the reactions of infinite circles of dominoes facing outward around us, especially when a strong group stands in the spirit with us at the center. If fatigue in this dedication and reverence consumes us, remember that Jesus said, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matt 11:28-30, NKJV). His easy yoke greets hearts seeking an open, free, and loyal relationship. Without partiality, we can all experience equivalent fulfillment in God’s favor, according to our faith, obedience, and uniqueness. James 3:17 says, But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy, (NKJV). He offers perfect grace. God’s outstretched hand (figurative) empowers our obedience light of burdens and compels us to amend and to avoid sin. We may live righteously according to our faith in Jesus Christ as He continually prays for us, intercedes for us, and makes it possible through the suffering and shedding of His blood for us to walk uprightly and holy in our Father’s sight because He sees us as He sees His Son. If each step forces a deeper look at Him, who is within you, lift up your curiosity and seek answers to new questions, survey great heights from the palms of His hands, and furthering wisdom will become you. The deeper our consciousness becomes, the humbler we become with a knowing mind, with a listening ear, and with a watchful eye.

    When we go through particularly rough trials and tribulations, we take vivid memories away from them. Understanding, most-times, comes very slowly and difficultly during pure spiritual warfare. Some forget these things with their focus on the seen things. But for others, time passes as dissimilarities merge in massive confusion through the manipulations of an evil will; eventually, the work of the Holy Spirit leads us to achieve the presence of mind of God, according to the choices we make or have made about the Father, His Spirit, and His Son. We may take the joy of pure love into the supernatural with bold prayers and expectations that others bound by the world would laugh at. In Matt 9:18-30 it says, ‘While he was saying this, a synagogue leader came and knelt before him and said, My daughter has just died. But come and put your hand on her, and she will live. Jesus got up and went with him, and so did his disciples. Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed. Jesus turned and saw her. Take heart, daughter, he said, your faith has healed you. And the woman was healed at that moment. When Jesus entered the synagogue leader’s house and saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes, he said, Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep. But they laughed at him. After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up. News of this spread through all that region.’ (Bold italics, mine). The people who do not believe, most of the world, have not finished changing in heart and soul. God will remind them, however, their recognition of the name of Jesus, and we hope they listen before their end in the fiery depths. In verses 27, 28, 29, and 30, it says, ‘As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, Have mercy on us, Son of David! When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? Yes, Lord, they replied. Then he touched their eyes and said, According to your faith let it be done to you; and their sight was restored.’ (NIV)

    As we feel the power of the

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