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Cancer | The Hidden Truth: The Stuff No one Tells You
Cancer | The Hidden Truth: The Stuff No one Tells You
Cancer | The Hidden Truth: The Stuff No one Tells You
Ebook172 pages50 minutes

Cancer | The Hidden Truth: The Stuff No one Tells You

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Cancer | The Hidden Truth | The Stuff No One Tells You is a book by teenage cancer survivor Charlotte Crowl detailing her journey from diagnosis to recovery and beyond. Having been diagnosed with cancer at 17, Charlotte's journey then takes a rare and dramatic turn when she finds herself paralysed and unable to talk as a result

Release dateFeb 6, 2021
Cancer | The Hidden Truth: The Stuff No one Tells You

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    Book preview

    Cancer | The Hidden Truth - Charlotte Crowl

    Cancer ‘in brief ’

    Cancer is not a single disease. There are more than 200 types of cancer that can affect various parts of the body.

    This is because cancer occurs when your body’s cells begin to reproduce irregularly; and because humans are full of cells, cancer can occur almost anywhere in the body.

    Cancerous cells are different from normal cells in a number of ways e.g., they divide and multiply uncontrollably and can travel via the blood infecting other parts of the body.

    Another key issue is that a misbehaving cell in one organ causes different symptoms to a misbehaving cell in say your nervous system for example. Both are cancerous but the ramifications for the body will be different.

    If left untreated, cancer will spread to other areas of the body infecting them along the way. Therefore the earlier the cancer is detected the better.

    There are so many different types of cancers, and as such for diagnosis and treatment purposes they are usually grouped by the tissue area from where they originated. The four main types of cancer as at 2016 are: Leukaemias [blood], Lymphomas [immune system], Sarcomas [bone, muscle & body fat areas] and Carcinomas [the most common, occurring on external and internal surfaces like the breast and prostate].

    There are said to be many causes for cancer including genetics and lifestyle but no definitive cause.

    People do die from the effects of cancer and people do survive using treatments [e.g., chemotherapy] that kill the cancerous cells. They say the term ‘remission’ is the best you can get, you are never actually cured because there is a chance that the cancer can return.

    Charities help cancer sufferers and their friends, carers and families. The emotional support and practical assistance they provide greatly assists with recovery. If you can, please support your local cancer charity. They really do make a difference.

    This wonderful lot helped me either during, after or ...

    ... both during and after. Thank you all.


    Cancer ‘in brief ’

    Thank You

    The Hidden Truth

    Just a Happy Girl

    The Lump

    Diagnosis Day

    ‘Tis The Season To Be Jolly

    Chemotherapy ‘The Definition’

    I Am Not Alone

    Meet Cherona

    No Bed of Roses

    Short Back and Sides

    First Encounters

    Bed of Thorns

    The Long Dark Tunnel

    The Fight Back

    My 18th Birthday

    The Wheelchair

    Amidst The Misery

    2 Steps Forward

    Let’s Get Physical

    Up and Running


    The End is Nigh

    Land Of Milk and Honey

    The New Normal

    Thank you

    Healing Hands

    Saint Michael

    Paradise Revisited

    Checking Out

    Glossary and Tips

    Complementary Therapies and Alternative Healing

    My Diet

    Family and Friends

    Family and Friends cont...

    Cancer: My Summary

    Life After Cancer

    My Top Tips

    Rest in Paradise

    Thank you for supporting my projects and work. I hope you enjoy the book.

    Cancer can be a painful journey physically, emotionally and mentally and your help will help us to help others. You are greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

    To all the Doctors, Nurses

    and other wonderful hospital staff.

    I just want to take this time to say how grateful I am for everyone who helped me and worked on my case whilst I was in hospital.

    As you read through my journey, there will be times where frustration may shine through. They are my honest emotions that I felt at the time. It is also important for people to know how much I appreciate the doctors, registrars, nurses and other hospital staff because even though I may not have agreed with how everything was handled, I am lucky enough to still be here today because of the amazing hospital team who cared for me.

    I know that as a professional you had to stick to protocols and deal with things in a particular way and I commend you for this. In saying this, had to voice how I felt in order to show that there may be other ways to handle things.

    Nevertheless... I just want to say THANK YOU for doing your job to the best of your ability, for helping to save my life and helping to save lives daily. To anyone who reads this book, I plead with you to support and help improve our National Health Service, it is a true world leader and a gift to our nation.

    For Mum, Dad,

    Tanya and Jason;

    thank you

    The Hidden Truth

    The Stuff No One Tells You About Cancer

    Hi, my name is Charlotte. I grew up in the county of Essex, South East England just outside London with my parents Albert and Jean and two older siblings; Tanya the eldest and Jason the middle one. I saw my upbringing as a blessing. We enjoyed many family holidays and I could not have wanted for more, but I would not really appreciate how idyllic my upbringing had been until later in life.

    This book is all about the life changing experience I went through. Not only did I contract cancer at the age of 17, but I also endured many serious side effects as a result of the treatments and medication used to combat my ailment. It was definitely an emotional time in my life.

    Spoiler alert; I survive to tell the story and looking back I am grateful for everything that I went through as I now view life from a totally new perspective.

    My story is a prime example of how powerful the mind is; you can do almost anything that you put your mind to. I believe that anything is possible if you really want it; it may take time but if you believe in yourself and follow your instincts your outcome will be positive.

    Cancer is not a pleasant experience, neither for the afflicted or their family, friends and loved ones. It is a painful journey that does not always end well. This book guides you through my experience and the measures I took to effect a positive outcome. I believe that the choices I made helped make a difference to my experience so I am sharing them here with you in the hope that you may find something in my story that will ease your journey.

    Just a Happy Girl

    I once lived life without a care in the world. ‘Just a happy girl’ from a loving, caring and close-knit family. As I advanced into my teenage years, I became more independent and I felt that we as a family were not as close as we had once been... everyone pretty much did his or her own thing.

    For me, I started hanging out with a different crowd of people and I would be in and around the London area a lot more. At 16, I started college, studying AS levels then music technology. My social diary was soon filled with extracurricular activities: nightclubs, parties and bars. I’d use my cousin’s ID to gain entry. I started driving lessons and everything was cool... life was just fun for me.

    However, a consequence of my ‘new busy lifestyle’ was that I had started to neglect my own health. I stopped exercising, I ate a lot of

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