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Unity Through Chaos: Book 2 of the Dragon's Revolution
Unity Through Chaos: Book 2 of the Dragon's Revolution
Unity Through Chaos: Book 2 of the Dragon's Revolution
Ebook297 pages4 hours

Unity Through Chaos: Book 2 of the Dragon's Revolution

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Bryce and the survivors have lived to see a day that they never thought possible; they're free. However, that does not mean they are safe. In the middle of a country that currently has a divided opinion on them and with few ways to support themselves. Deals must be struck and allies found if they wish to survive.

However, just

PublisherCody Goggins
Release dateFeb 18, 2021
Unity Through Chaos: Book 2 of the Dragon's Revolution

Cody Goggins

Cody Goggins currently lives in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. This is his debut fantasy novel.

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    Unity Through Chaos - Cody Goggins

    Unity Through Chaos

    Copyright © 2021 by Cody Goggins

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


    978-1-954168-62-6 (Hardcover)

    978-1-954168-61-9 (Paperback)

    978-1-954168-60-2 (eBook)


    Chapter 1     Bryce POV

    Chapter 2     Bryce POV

    Chapter 3     Bryce POV

    Chapter 4     Scarlet POV

    Chapter 5     Connor POV

    Chapter 6     Bryce POV

    Chapter 7     Bryce POV

    Chapter 8     Annabeth POV

    Chapter 9     Wick POV

    Chapter 10   Bryce POV: 6 weeks later

    Chapter 11   Bryce POV

    Chapter 12   Bryce POV

    Chapter 13   Bryce POV

    Chapter 14   Annabeth POV

    Chapter 15   Wick POV

    Chapter 16   Connor POV

    Chapter 17   Bryce POV

    Chapter 18   Annabeth POV

    Chapter 19   Bryce POV

    Chapter 20   Scarlet POV

    Chapter 21   Connor POV

    Chapter 22   Erik POV

    Chapter 23   Albert POV

    Chapter 24   Connor POV

    Chapter 25   Bryce POV

    Chapter 26   Scarlet POV

    Chapter 27   Connor POV

    Chapter 28   Bryce POV

    Chapter 29   Bryce POV

    Chapter 30   Bryce POV

    Chapter 31   Connor POV

    Chapter 32   Bryce POV

    Chapter 33   Connor POV


    When the original creatures came into existence they monopolized one world immediately as a group. Over this land they fought fiercely for control almost killing each other on a daily basis but of these six beings one never went for the killing blow and this you know to be the Devil Dragon. However, there was one that always went for the killing blow and always clashed with the Dragon as he protected the others.

    This creature was never truly a challenge in a straight up fight with the Dragon as none of the others were but what it lacked in power it made up for immensely in intelligence. It attacked the others first forcing the Dragon out and making him vulnerable. With this strategy he continually began to wear down the Dragon never once truly beating him but inflicting enough injuries before he retreated to make the next encounter easier.

    Now, with this strategy that the creature used he slowly began to wear down the Dragon inch by inch and second by second leading him to an eventual demise. However, what the creature didn’t take into account was how the dragon felt towards one of the other creatures and when this one was put within an inch of their lives the Dragon did the same to the one who caused it. When the Dragon did this it effectively ended the creatures attempts to kill him.

    After this the creature went into exile, more or less, and instead of scheming to take down the Dragon avoided him waiting for the perfect moment to strike. However, that moment would never come to him because as he waited Lucifer made his made his move. The others were completely unprepared and would’ve died separated and alone but this creature decided to not let that happen. This creature was the one that united the Original Creatures and without it they all would’ve died.


    So, I guess it’s my turn to be interviewed for the documentary you’re doing? I asked the young man conducting the interview. He looked so scared of me, far more scared than when he had done Connor’s interview but that was to be expected. My role in everything was a bit more pronounced than Connor’s; still he should’ve been more afraid of Connor.

    That would be correct. Would you like to start right away? he seemed to gather himself there, good but maybe I could play with him a little.

    My oh my. Not gonna address me properly, I said shaking my head slightly and he looked like he damn pissed himself. Ah, that felt good, the look on his face will fuel me for at least a couple days.

    Sorry Mrs. Ceribri. Would you like to start the interview then? I smiled and nodded my head at the kid for him to start. The second year after your revolution truly laid the groundwork that your people are today. What do you contribute that to?

    Luck. It fell into our laps because of connections I hadn’t known about and people all wanted a slice of us. A perfect storm really.

    Truly, that’s all you have on the matter?

    Yes. That’s all it was but looking back on it now I’m almost positive Wick had something to do with it. Too bad He can never tell us now.

    May he rest in peace, I resisted the urge to snort at that. Still, you went through a lot during that time. What do you attribute your ability to stay grounded too?

    My family but most of all Jessica. No other way about it. Connor and Bryce made sure I had the ability to remake myself but Jessica made it happen.

    You ever think what might’ve happened had she not been there for you?

    I did and sometimes still do but more in thankfulness than wondering. Scarlet may have been Bryce’s one but Jessica was mine.

    Speaking of Scarlet, do you think she’ll ever agree to an interview, I openly laughed in his face there.

    She’ll do an interview when she pleases and not a second before. Just make sure you’re available when she says to be.

    I thought as much, he sighed but recovered. Do you ever think about what would’ve happened had Jessica taken your place?

    No, but I do know that I would’ve torn the world apart to find her. Well… I wouldn’t have been able to back then but now… I trailed off making my point now.

    Right, moving on. There have been updates monthly on the space program. Any under the table updates you can give us?

    Nothing that isn’t really known already. We’re piggybacking off previous programs and are making great progress. We won’t be getting into space battles yet but we should be able to explore soon. However, it’ll be another couple years at the very earliest.

    Alright, well were closing in on the end of the interview.


    Unfortunately but I would like to ask you one more question, I nodded my head for him to ask it. If you had to describe Bryce, how would you?

    Complicated, strange and hard to understand if you didn’t know him. If you did though you’d figure out a couple things. That being said I’ll only tell you this; Bryce was a student at heart, he was always learning and adapting.



    A year, a full year. That’s how long it’s been since I liberated all of the magic users. Technically only nine for me because of the three month coma but semantics. Still, for that amount of time to have elapsed it feels like it was only yesterday we were fighting for our lives and the future of our people. This anniversary was one of reverence throughout the entire village.

    There was almost no movement in the village. Most of the small amount of movement there was to be found by the restaurants and that was it. Otherwise everyone was paying their respects as best they could. Most just stayed inside and silently thanked God for those who liberated them. Others put flowers around the graves of my friends. And finally a small group of kids, no older than 15 had drawn a portrait of us all together. It was a hauntingly accurate picture.

    I had just hung up the picture in the living room with everyone gathered. Upon seeing the picture themselves it didn’t take long for most everyone to cry. Even Scarlet shed a tear as she stood next to me and gripped my hand in hers. I barely felt her hand transfixed on the picture but she pulled me back by squeezing my hand again. It hurt so much to see their faces again.

    Eventually, we were all able to tear ourselves away from the photo and move on with our day which consisted of almost nothing. The ‘almost’ part being after we had dinner consisting of country fried steak and mash potatoes, courtesy of Scarlet. After dinner was all eaten we all got dressed in relatively nice clothes and made our way to the graveyard where the others were buried.

    We walked in silence to their graves and said nothing amongst ourselves. Getting there we were enveloped by an even greater silence if that was even possible. Praying together silently as we arrived we did our own routines of thanking and remembrance in turn with Erik going first. He dropped a bloomed Edelweiss flower on each grave and then left. I didn’t know what the flowers symbolized when we first came down here six months ago but he told me it was a symbol for true soldiers. A true honor to be bestowed.

    Next went Argentum and Albert. They didn’t say or do much other than silently pray in front of each grave before leaving but that was good nonetheless. Jessica and Scarlet went next pouring a shot of liquor into six glasses. They poured one in the front of each grave and then proceeded to down their shots. With the liquor gone they said in unison, Важно не то, как долго ты прожил, а как хорошо жил. It’s Russian as they told me and it roughly translates to: "The important thing is not how long you lived, but how well you lived."

    After that they left, leaving only Connor, Annabeth and myself by the graves. None of us said a word and the cemetery became dead silent except for the background noise of the forest right behind us. We just stood there staring at the graves remembering our closest friends and wishing they were still here with us. They weren’t though and they never would be again. That was war but that didn’t mean I didn’t wish there was things that could be changed.

    I miss her. Connor said suddenly as he looked at Taylor’s grave.

    You’re not the only one… Glad you could make it to this by the way, Annabeth said as she walked over and put a hand on Connor’s shoulder as he knelt in front of the grave on both knees. They had been on shaky terms for a while after the fighting died down because Annabeth buried Taylor without him. Thankfully they got over it.

    I wish I could’ve done more than I did to save them. Not a da- that’s as far as I got before I was hit in the side with ice from Annabeth.

    You did what you could Bryce. You almost lost yourself. None of us blame you for any of their death’s, so don’t blame yourself. I was a bit shocked at the words for a second or two before I smiled.

    Thanks Annabeth.

    No problem.

    There was again a silence as we remembered why we were at the cemetery. All three of us took our time to look at every gravestone in thankfulness and reverence before we were satisfied. When we were we simply left to go back to the house. The walk back was silent and somber but what else could really be expected at a moment like this. At least Connor was here, he wasn’t here the last time we visited the graves as a group.

    The reason he wasn’t here last time was because of his job. When we were all deciding on what to do for school all of us except for him and Erik chose to go. Erik because he had already completed school but Connor chose to not go for another reason entirely. He chose to not go to school to become a mercenary like Erik. I was upset that he chose that to say the least but he’s never been a student and I’ve known that for a while. Still, it hurt me to see him become a merc but it has had great results. As someone who can literally go anywhere at anytime and almost never get detected you came at a high price and a high price he got. In fact his last job netted him over 2 million for stealing some high class documents from England for an unknown benefactor. Most of that money goes right back into the town and because Erik takes jobs too both Erik and Connor are half the reason the town is as well off as it is. They only keep about a fifth of the money that they make and all of that is shared within the house. As much as I disliked that Connor was a merc it was great for everyone.

    Getting back to the house and entering we saw the others sitting at the table in the dining room with a second dinner on their plates but they were waiting for us. We sat down without a word. I sat at the head of the with Connor and Annabeth next to each other on my right and Scarlet was next to me on my left. Once we had sat down everyone began to eat and within minutes all the food was gone. Cleaning up didn’t take long at all and when we were done most people went to their rooms for silence. The only ones who didn’t were Connor, Carmine, Scarlet, Erik and myself.

    Scarlet and I snuggled up on the couch in the living room as we turned on the TV and began to channel surf for anything remotely interesting. Erik left to go visit someone and we had increasing suspicion it was a lady friend but it wasn’t our place to ask. Connor and Carmine on the other hand played with each other. Despite him being gone most of the time when he was at home he damn well made sure he spent most of if not all of his time by Carmine. It was like that for maybe two hours before he put Carmine to sleep but when he did he came back into the living room and sat on the chair to our right.

    I’m going to grab a beer. Either of you two want anything? he asked after a couple of minutes of watching the TV.

    Mamont Vodka please, Scarlet said. She hated beer but loved vodka and liquor. I think it’s because of the Russian blood in her.

    Voodoo please, I said and Connor nodded his head before going to the fridge. He came back not a minute later with our drinks.

    So how was school for you guys this year? Connor asked taking a sip of his Budweiser.

    Terrible, I haven’t been to a real school in over a decade and learning this stuff is horrendous.

    Wasn’t too bad for me. It’s nice to not work as a merc and actually relax a little. I’m not letting my skills diminish though. You?

    Nothing too bad. Most of the stuff was either in and out missions or assassinations, Connor said taking a swig of his beer.

    Who’d you kill? I asked. Never really saw him as someone that would take assassination contracts but they probably paid really well. Plus, they gave him more freedom. He was still a newbie with the group he worked for now; Fireteam Alpha. All good people as Connor and Erik tell me but I’ve never met them face to face.

    Some warlords in Africa, well… What’s left of Africa at least since the war.

    Africa hasn’t done anything really of note since the African Conflict. However, lately there’s been rumors of a Warlord getting a massive following in the southernmost portion of Africa. Nothing solid, just rumors for now, but it was something to keep an eye on.

    Was the guy who got killed last week you? Scarlet asked.

    Was he in North or South Africa?


    No, that wasn’t me.

    Really? It fits the way you’d kill perfectly. The assassin got into the house without tripping any alarms, killing any guards or even opening any windows. You sure that wasn’t you? Connor’s brow furrowed at that but it wasn’t one of annoyance or one of being caught in a lie. It was a look of confusion and interest.

    No, that wasn’t me. I was in South Africa and I killed my guy from a Click away with a Barrett, Connor said finishing his beer before setting it down on the ground.

    Huh, could’ve sworn that would’ve been you, Scarlet said before she got up, grabbed Connor and I’s drinks and got us new ones while she poured herself another glass of Mamont. As she was doing that Erik came back through the door and dropped his military jacket on one of the chairs. He saw Scarlet getting us our drinks and decided he would drink with us. He grabbed a Leinenkugel beer before sitting in the chair to Scarlet and I’s left and opposite Connor.

    So Erik, will we need to start to worry about some mini Erik’s running around any time soon? came Annabeth as she walked into the living room with Jessica trailing behind her with their hands held.

    Erik responded to the question by choking on his beer and almost spewing it everywhere. Both Jessica and Annabeth laughed all the way to the refrigerator where they both grabbed a Budweiser. After they grabbed their beer they came over to where everyone was and sat down in front of Scarlet and I’s cuddle couch, as Jessica liked to call it. They leaned their heads on my leg and their backs against the couch.

    For your information Annabeth there will not be any mini Erik’s running around anytime soon. All I was doing was going on a walk.

    But not alone. You reek of a female, said Argentum as she came into the room with Albert right next to her.

    Jesus. Is there no privacy in this house?! Erik said exasperatedly.

    Nope. came the curt reply from Annabeth with a cocky half smile.

    There was silence for a couple seconds of silence before everyone burst out laughing. It lasted about a minute before it finally died down and when it had both Albert and Argentum were lying exactly like Jessica and Annabeth against the couch. No one said anything after that as we all just watched the TV and finished our drinks. Once our drinks were gone we all just continued to watch the TV in silence until we began to drift off one by one. Albert and Argentum were the first to go with Argentum resting her head on Albert’s shoulder and Albert resting his head on Argentum’s head. Next went both Jessica and Annabeth who fell asleep the same way Albert and Argentum did. Scarlet was next as she fell asleep on my chest. Connor disappeared for a little bit after Scarlet went to sleep only to come back with Carmine in his arms.

    Might as well make it the entire family, he said with a smile on his face. I smiled right back and that was the last thing I remember before going to sleep. Both Erik and Connor were still awake.



    Waking up on the couch was a pleasant affair. With the sun shining on my face I slowly pushed myself up from the couch not immediately noticing that Scarlet wasn’t there. What I did notice right away was the smell of pancakes. Getting up and walking towards the smell everyone greeted me. It seemed that they had let me sleep in a little bit being the last one to the table. That was nice of them.

    Within minutes pancakes were put in front of me and within seconds they were gone only to be replaced by another larger batch of pancakes. That plate took me far longer and by the time my food was gone everyone was done eating. When we all were done eating we did our own routine for the next hour. That either being getting another hour of sleep, stretching or doing hygiene; we all did hygiene thanks to Connor’s persistence. When the hour was over we went outside to where the river was and ran like we always had.

    This time in the morning was always the most peaceful as the village was almost completely silent and there was only the sounds of nature as we ran. Running only six miles today it was relatively short but with the shorter run came a much quicker pace. Still, after almost two years of doing this practically daily everyone had gotten used to the pain that came with it. This was just the way it was for us now and when we were done running we did what we always do after running, hand to hand and then magic. That didn’t take us all that long as it had only been 2 days since school ended and everyone was getting an easy week, not off, just easy. All in all, we were done with the training by 7:45 o’clock and having woken up at 5 it wasn’t that bad at all.

    Finishing up the training we all trudged back to the house where we would shower and then go about our own business. Jessica and Annabeth went to go and help around the town. Albert was going to Dominic for his internship; Dominic was the Architect that helped rebuild the town. Argentum was going to the hospital ER to help where she could, being the only one in the world with the ability to heal was certainly a job with a lot of responsibility. Erik went off towards the R&D center which was also where he trained some people for our own Militia.

    Erik helped to train them every time he was here and when he wasn’t Kyle took care of it. Kyle Brunner, being his full name, a former SAS operator living with his fiance in America on the Day of Shattered Dreams and as such he was rounded up. He was no slouch though, took nearly 50 soldiers to take him down alive. That was mostly

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