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The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side
The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side
The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side
Ebook264 pages4 hours

The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side

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About this ebook

Curious about what really happens when we die? Then here’s your book, from a once reluctant medium who now works with her deceased dad to help the living and the dead connect—and the stuck dead move to the afterlife.

You’ll learn:

  • Specifics about how the afterlife really works
  • What ou
Release dateApr 30, 2020
The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side

Robyn M Fritz

A former business executive, Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is an intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist with a worldwide practice based in Seattle, Washington. She offers mediumship, personal and business intuition, animal communication, space clearing, past life and between life regression, soul progression clearing, spiritual journeys and spiritual awakenings, and energy healings. As a psychic medium she works with her deceased dad, Ray, to help the living and the dead have real conversations. An award-winning writer, teacher and magazine columnist, she lives near salty Puget Sound with her reincarnated animal family: Oliver Alki, a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, and Kerys, a Russian Blue cat.

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    The Afterlife Is a Party - Robyn M Fritz

    the afterlife is a party

    what people and animals teach us about love, reincarnation, and the other side

    Copyright © 2020 Robyn M Fritz

    Published by Alchemy West, Inc.

    Alchemy West Publishing

    Seattle, WA 98116

    All rights reserved. No part of this book except for brief quotations for review may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the publisher.

    Contact: [email protected]

    Alchemy West, Inc.

    Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt, President

    Design and Layout

    Robert Lanphear, Lanphear Design


    Laurel Robinson, Laurel Robinson Editorial Services


    Mary Van de Ven

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019914553

    ISBN (print): 978-0-9844287-4-8

    ISBN (ebook): 978-0-9844287-5-5

    In Honor of Our Beloveds

    For our lost beloveds, human or animal, especially my own.

    Until we meet again.

    My parents:

    Ray J. Fritz and Rosemarie Fritz

    My animal family:


    Murphy Brown


    Grace the Cat

    And all those Tweety bantam chickens


    In the Beginning

    Chapter 1: The Biggest Problem You’re Not Thinking About

    A Healing Story: Reconciling with Mom

    Chapter 2: I Just Had to Be Me

    Chapter 3: Alive, Then Dead: What My Parents Did

    Chapter 4: The Gray Zone: Suddenly (or Not) You’re Dead

    A Healing Story: Unexpected Healing

    Chapter 5: The Way Stations for Dead Things on the Other Side

    Chapter 6: More True Things About the Afterlife

    A Healing Story: The Persistent Dead

    Chapter 7: Walking the Mystery with Our Animal Families

    Chapter 8: How Energy, Culture, and Mindset Affect Our Lives—and Deaths

    Chapter 9: Energy, the Stuck Dead, and Us: Why It Matters

    Chapter 10: Getting Stuck (or Not): How We Mess Up, or Save, Our Afterlives

    A Healing Story: Family Reunion

    Chapter 11: Healing Grief and Moving On

    Parting Words


    About the Author

    In the Beginning

    If you want to know what really happens when we die—yes, what really happens—this is your book. You’ll find out how the afterlife works from someone who started out as a reluctant medium and is telling it like it really is. Because it’s time someone did.

    I’m eager to share the truth about the afterlife because what I’ve learned is comforting, concerning—and absolutely true. Bottom line: the afterlife is a party. Yes, a party! I’m not kidding: I have proof of that from the dead themselves, especially my dad, Ray, who died in 1994.

    Let me back up. I’m a professional intuitive who became a psychic medium because my deceased dad came back to visit, as most of our loved ones do—and then he decided to put me to work. You know what parents are like! But, dang it, he had a point: from his perspective in the afterlife he could see the living and the dead reaching for each other, trying to connect, anxious to heal grief and get closure. Plain and simple, he wanted to help. That desire led to his next soul choice, to run what I call a Way Station for Dead Things on the Other Side, where those who have just transitioned to the afterlife rest up before they figure out what to do next.

    Dad’s soul choice also led to me. To help the living and the dead connect, he decided I should be the psychic medium, sitting with clients eager to connect with their deceased human and animal beloveds, and he would bring the dead to chat with us. Not the guessing game kind of mediumship that seems to be the in thing these days, but honest-to-goodness real conversations.

    That worked out really well, and continues to, but Dad also had another big idea: he wanted me to help the dead he couldn’t help by himself—the stuck dead, those who aren’t in the afterlife, the ones most of us don’t even realize exist. That led to us busting the afterlife wide open, but in a good way!

    I’m going to tell you a lot about the afterlife—what our human and animal beloveds are up to, how we can connect with them, even how and why they reincarnate—things you just won’t get anywhere else. And I’m doing it with stories from the dead themselves, specifics about how the afterlife works, and fascinating transcriptions of actual mediumship sessions where both the living and the dead got closure—and surprised.

    But here’s something you need to know and deal with: yes, the afterlife is a party, and it really exists—but not everyone gets in. That’s not just sobering, it’s a serious problem that affects all of us, including the planet itself.

    Let me explain. We’re scared about dying, and worried about deceased loved ones, because we believe a story about death that isn’t true. The truth is, we don’t have to be religious to get to the afterlife, or even good. We just have to love ourselves unconditionally. And most of us don’t—alive or dead.

    That’s not how it’s supposed to work. The afterlife isn’t set up for us to fail: it’s set up for us to win, to be a step on our soul’s journey from one incarnation, or life, through death and into another experience. Forever. Our souls know that. We just need to remember who we are, where we came from, and where we’re going. That will help us succeed at the hard but necessary work of learning to love ourselves, which is the key to eternity. To be honest, before my dad showed up, I’d never thought about the afterlife, and self-love seemed to be something for other people. Now I know better, and as you read this book, so will you. I promise.

    As I show you how the afterlife works, I’m going to spill all of it. Like:

    • Self-love is the key to life—and death. Embracing love as our guiding principle helps us claim fearless, joyful, confident lives and wise deaths that lead to stunning new experiences that are, as my dad says (and he should know), more than you could ever imagine or will imagine when you’re inside a body.

    • The afterlife requires a navigation system, and we must know how it works before we get there—or risk missing it. Luckily, it’s a foolproof system: we just have to take advantage of it.

    • What’s keeping millions of the dead out of their afterlife isn’t what you think. Blame some of that on doctrine: all those places religion and culture talk about don’t exist, but thinking they do messes people up when they die.

    • The stuck dead throughout history, yes, history, have unintentionally created an invisible energy block on the planet that has created a worldwide crisis, keeping the living and the planet from thriving, even preventing peace on Earth. The good news? I’ve figured out how to clear up that energy block, and I’m doing it, which means we can all live better lives on a healthy, vibrant Earth. Even better news? You can help—by learning to love yourself and by teaching your beloveds, alive or dead, how to claim self-love and keep moving forward.

    I learned these truths about death and what comes next from working with my dad and talking with the dead, from those who successfully made it to their afterlives to those who didn’t until we helped them. It’s all here for you—to explore, to help you connect with your beloved dead, human or animal, and to even welcome them back, as I have throughout my life. Yes, the afterlife is real—and so is reincarnation.

    This book will help you stop fearing death and in the process claim an exhilarating life, vibrant afterlife, and juicy new soul experience. It will help you learn to love yourself, no matter what. Because that’s what you came here to do—and you deserve it. So let’s get to it.


    The Biggest Problem You’re Not Thinking About

    Iasked my dad, Ray, who has been dead over twenty years, What’s the number one thing you want people to know about being dead?

    He laughed. It’s a constant party!

    Startled, I laughed, too, then cracked up when my soul mate dog, Murphy, who died in 2012, joined in, bragging about the raucous games the dead play together.

    Hilarious, right? The afterlife is a party! Then my dad got serious.

    There’s more, a lot more than you could ever imagine or will imagine when you’re inside a body. It’s further than you could ever go, which is for obvious reasons why you need your body to stop so your spirit can continue on. I didn’t know it when I was in a body, and this is the most important thing, I would think, for somebody who is alive to know.

    So there it is, in a happy nutshell: not only are our dead beloveds having fun (while missing us as much as we miss them), but they discover there’s a universe of experiences waiting for them because they’re no longer limited by their physical bodies. Puts a whole new spin on the death and dying thing, doesn’t it?

    Have you lost someone? Does it help to hear that our dead beloveds are having fun?

    I found my dad’s laughing commentary, and Murphy’s enthusiasm, the most comforting things my beloved dead have ever said to me. It doesn’t make me miss them less; in fact, I miss them more, because I want to have fun with them. However, it does make me smile, even if it’s bittersweet.

    Joining the afterlife party is something for us all to look forward to (decades from now). And if that was all there was to it, we’d all discover that when we die.

    But there’s a darker truth to the afterlife: it absolutely exists—but not everyone gets in. Why? Because we don’t have to be religious to get there, or even good—we just have to know how, and most of us don’t. That means we could miss it altogether.

    Sadly, many people do. They are the stuck dead, the people who aren’t having fun because they haven’t made it to the afterlife party my dad raves about. Why are they stuck? Usually because they didn’t know the truth about death and what comes next, so they weren’t prepared for it. I know, because the stuck dead keep showing up at my house. Uninvited.

    Granted, that’s because I’m what some people call a psychic, or what I call a professional intuitive, a far cry from my former self, an executive MBA. Intuitives can choose many specialties, but my being a medium was actually my dad’s idea. He showed up one day and asked me to help him help the dead, and kept at it until I agreed. Before that, I never considered mediumship, even though I’ve seen the dead since I was nine. What could they possibly have to say? They were dead—and gone. Except, apparently, at my house.

    Most of us are like I was back then. We miss our dead, and might be curious about them, but we’re busy living hectic lives, juggling all the things that make, break, please, or annoy us on any given day. We’re likely to spout, I’ll worry about being dead when I’m dead. Which, as you’re about to learn, would be dumb.

    And the metaphysical types? They’re preoccupied with that sensible old stumper, what we’re supposed to do with our lives right now. What can the dead possibly add to that?

    As it turns out, quite a lot. When we know the truth about death, we become more open to enjoying and celebrating life, rolling with the punches, taking grief in stride, and meeting death wisely. We’re free to live, love, prosper, and have fun while learning what matters most: how to love ourselves first.

    This is a critical point, because the biggest problem any of us will ever have is the one we’re not thinking about. Yes, it’s not knowing the truth about being dead—until we’re dead.

    Really. It absolutely astonishes me how so many people get through their lives—maybe not easily, but they at least get through them—and then they hit the very last step, being dead—and screw it up. Ironic, isn’t it? Since we all die, you’d think we’d die well, instead of what many of us do: die badly.

    Those who die badly don’t easily move from dying to the Other Side; instead, they get stuck in a timeless in-between state and literally go nowhere, becoming what I call the stuck dead. They don’t rest up from their lives, learn anything from them, or get to choose a new soul experience. That means the adventures of their eternal, timeless souls stop and they do nothing, often for years longer than the lives they just lived, until, and if, they somehow manage to move on to their proper afterlives. For these conflicted souls, death is the end of the game, and that is not what death is all about.

    Death is actually the start of a new journey that begins the moment we die and continues when we safely move on to our proper afterlives, where we recuperate, review our lives, and eventually choose a new soul experience. That can include exploring new life by reincarnating in some form on Earth (or, yep, somewhere else) or in different dimensions in spirit. These are the dead who died well, and like most mediums, I work with plenty of them and their living loved ones.

    This isn’t a religious or spiritual concept—it is how life and death really work. Why don’t we know this? Because nothing in our society teaches us the truth about being dead, and that messes up the living—and the dead.

    The truth is that heaven, hell, purgatory, limbo, and their equivalents in non-Christian traditions—all the places we’re encouraged or cautioned about—do not exist. Other places do exist, which means that the idea behind heaven is true, but the reality is so much better!

    What do exist are places that seem truly magical, like Way Stations for Dead Things on the Other Side. (Yes, I’ve made up names for the places I see in the afterlife, names that describe their function, add a light note to a heavy subject, and are cheerfully accepted by the dead.) The way stations are places run by enlightened deceased people to support the dead immediately after they successfully transition to the Other Side. I know about them because my dad, Ray J. Fritz, runs one. In fact, his job was one reason why he asked me to help the dead—especially the stuck dead, the ones he couldn’t help by himself.

    The dead who have successfully made it to their proper afterlives are deciding whether, how, and when to reincarnate while exploring the universe, from hiking snowcapped mountains on alien planets to lounging in Hawaii, and, yes, checking in on loved ones left behind.

    However, the stuck dead aren’t having any adventures. They’re stalled until they ask for or accept help or somehow figure out how to help themselves. They’re often lost, lonely, resigned, even scared.

    Believe me, your heart hurts when you meet a dead child who can’t find her mom, a suicide who won’t move on until he’s understood, or the lost who feel doomed because nothing looks like what they were expecting. My heart hurt to hear their stories and to realize that not only are there billions of stuck dead, but people keep dying and getting stuck, so there clearly hasn’t been a solution in play.

    There is now, because my dad and I teamed up to create one. Once we did that, it didn’t take long for me to see why he really wanted me to help the dead.

    Telling the truth about death and what comes next would help the living embrace full lives—and wise deaths. Noble, huh? And something I could probably do, because I have what even I consider an annoying personality trait: I’m a maverick, someone who tends to dismiss current cultural shortcomings, shall we say, in favor of what really works.

    But there were still all those stuck dead, somebody had to help them, and my dad thought that somebody should be me. I grumbled a bit about pushy dead parents, but I was also curious, so I looked closer. We’re taught to think about death in black-and-white religious terms (if at all), so we’re usually expecting the judgmental afterlife that history has created. That means we aren’t prepared for what really exists, so the newly dead often don’t know what’s going on or what to do, and are terrified they’re about to be punished for any one of the countless transgressions that proved they were human. This happens so often that you and your loved ones could very well die and get stuck.

    That’s just wrong. Death isn’t set up to be an obstacle course. In fact, the dead often do know what to do but let fear block them because, just like when they were alive, they don’t love themselves. Getting to the afterlife is a choice: will we choose to love ourselves—or not? Choosing love is the easiest and yet, oddly, the hardest thing we ever have to learn. Alive or dead.

    When I understood that, I knew my dad had another reason for asking me to help the stuck dead, whether human or animal (yes, animals have afterlives, too): he was concerned for me. Like most of us, I lacked the self-esteem and self-confidence to love myself, which meant that I, too, could end up leading an unfulfilling life, get stuck after death, and miss my afterlife—and all the future lives my soul could experience.

    That’s why I’m showing you what really happens when we die, why the dead get stuck (or not), and how loving ourselves helps us claim exhilarating lives, wise deaths, and new soul adventures—forever. When I accepted the job to change the thinking around life and death, I asked my dad to join me, saying, Hey, you got me into this.

    Dad chuckled and said, Yep.

    We need to teach people what love really means in the world.

    Dad laughed. That’s my girl, he said. We’re doing this together.

    Yes, and here’s our story: the truth about getting to the afterlife, and what it means to all of us.

    At this point, you’re probably wondering who the heck I am and how I became so different. I wonder that myself sometimes, so let me tell you what I know. But first, a healing story, to give you a taste of how a real mediumship session works.


    Reconciling with Mom

    What happens during a mediumship session? Find out in the four healing stories I’ve included for you. In these stories the dialogue is a transcription of actual client sessions, while descriptive text puts you right in the session. To help you distinguish between my commentary or paraphrasing and what the dead actually say to me, I’ve used italics where I repeat their words verbatim.

    These healing stories demonstrate the sacredness of mediumship sessions. The living and the dead are grieving and seeking mutual healing and closure. Both sides may need to resolve a lifetime of mixed feelings, from loving devotion to hurt and anger. Sometimes they want one last chance to say goodbye—or to finally hear what their souls need them to hear, and know. Sometimes miracles occur, when everyone understands that we all make mistakes and can learn from them, that we love, regardless, and it’s okay—and necessary—to move on.

    Since I’ve cut straight to the heart of the session, note that I always begin by creating what I call sacred space. This means that the place we are in, whether in person or online, is a sacred container that is safe and dedicated to the work at hand.

    I then call in everyone’s spirit guides—my guides, my client’s, and the dead’s. We all have spirit guides, our etheric spiritual support team. They are either assigned to us from birth to guide our spiritual lives, much like the concept of spiritual allies in shamanism or guardian angels in the Christian tradition, or join us for various activities or life events.

    Once we’re clear about session goals, I get clients grounded and balanced in the space with me with a brief guided meditation using crystals. This helps them release the cares and busy-ness of the day and primes them for our session.

    It also helps me determine how my clients’ intuition works, so I can explain it to them. This boosts their confidence in their natural intuitive abilities and helps them create a ritual to later connect with their dead on their own (see Chapter 11). This is so important! For example, people often tell me they try to talk with their dead but don’t hear anything, so they give up trying. That’s tragic, especially because the real problem is that their intuition doesn’t work that way, so they’re trying to connect by talking when they may be better at intuitively seeing, feeling, or simply knowing things. Spending a few minutes showing them how their intuition works helps them put it to work correctly.

    When sessions end and the dead have left us, I conclude with spiritual

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