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The Tragic Life of A Black LA Cop: Truth 4 Change
The Tragic Life of A Black LA Cop: Truth 4 Change
The Tragic Life of A Black LA Cop: Truth 4 Change
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The Tragic Life of A Black LA Cop: Truth 4 Change

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It took Jones 20 years to write this book. The Emotional Pain and Nightmare of being an Officer would not allow him to endure the Reflection needed consistently. He was finally able to complete it after many killings of innocent Blacks at the hands of Law Enforcement, as well as the recent obvious Racial Disparage of Equal Justice in America wit

Release dateMay 10, 2021
The Tragic Life of A Black LA Cop: Truth 4 Change

Joe Jones

Joe Jones was born in a Gang ridden area of Los Angeles, California. He attended Crenshaw High School, Then SDCC, and CSUDH where he Majored in Criminal Studies and Liberal Arts. Jones was Drafted by the St. Louis Cardinals Major League Baseball Team. After Injury, Jones was an Office Engineer for a General Contractor, then Joined the LAPD where he received numerous Commendations and Awards for Favorable Incidents before he was forced to Retire. Jones became a Promoter of Events and Concerts and a Celebrity Bodyguard to Talent such as Jay-Z, Damon Dash, Johnny Depp, Magic Johnson, Naz & Others. Jones served the community as a Youth Basketball, Baseball, and Football Coach. Jones currently enjoys Spending time with his Family, Children, Close Friends, and Listening to Music, Watching Sports, As well, His New Passion, Created by the Pains of Injustice, Being an Author and Social Healer.

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    The Tragic Life of A Black LA Cop - Joe Jones

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher—except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine or journal. For inquiry, contact the publisher: [email protected].

    Published and Distributed by

    Versatile Publishing

    309 E Hillcrest Blvd

    Inglewood, California 90301

    Phone: 310-880-5940

    Email: [email protected]

    Cover design: Design Solutions 101

    ISBN: 978-1-7363288-0-4 (paperback_

    ISBN: 978-1-7363288-1-1 (ebook)

    First printing: April 2021



    t is with great pleasure that I introduce a friend and confidant, Mr. Joe Jones. While Joe was at Wilshire, I was assigned to the South East station back in the late 80s and early 90s. Joe was a capable young officer who grew up on the streets of Los Angeles and possessed a different optic when it came to viewing himself and the community he lived in. He has always felt that marginalized communities could be best served by police officers who represented the same community and felt a certain kindred spirit.

    As young police officers, he and I witnessed firsthand the egregious conditions that were the result of drugs, gangs, and community blight. He would often share his patrol experiences with me, and I would likewise. I learned early on that Joe had little to no patience with any hint of racism, discrimination, or police brutality.

    This book will keep you engaged as he takes you through his journey as a son, father, confidant, and a Los Angeles police officer. Even though Joe decided to cut his career short, for reasons explained in this book, he remained committed to being the change he desired for himself and others during these uncertain times. As a reader, you are afforded his optical perception as he shares what it is like to patrol the streets of Los Angeles as a Black man who happens to be a police officer. He leaves nothing to the imagination but gives it to you straight without a chaser. He is unapologetic as he dogmatically reveals his truth. Here is the literary footprint of one of LA’s finest: Joe Jones.

    Stinson Brown

    Retired Senior Lead Police Officer


    I have had the privilege of knowing Joe Jones Jr. for over thirty years. Joe is an extremely loyal person who stands up for what he believes in no matter the cost. He is a hardworking and goal-oriented individual who achieves each goal he has set for himself, and as a family man, he has raised two successful sons. I look forward to reading and learning more about him from his new book. I am certain that I, as well as others, will find this book very interesting.

    Dennis A. Watsabaugh

    Owner of DAW Project Management, LLC/Friend


    Get this book! Joe Jones delivers hard-hitting truths about the internal prejudice and racism within the Los Angeles police force ranks. Jones, a former police officer, shares the real and continuous effects of the police departments’ retaliation against African American officers.

    Michael Brox

    Retired LA Detective Public Speaker,

    Published Author, Being Black N Blue


    As someone who was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles in the 1980s, when Bloods and Crips street gangs first got the attention of the world, when ‘drive-bys’ became common everyday language, crack cocaine first began its horrible reign of destruction in all Black communities, and hip-hop was first created in the streets of LA, which meant a whole generation of young Black people were beginning to move to their own beat. During the same time, LA’s professional sports teams in the city began to thrive. This was both the greatest and deadliest decade for young Blacks in Los Angeles.

    In all my years of navigating the terrain of the streets, I crossed paths with a few trailblazers whose journey included surviving the ‘South Central LA Experience.’ One of those legendary Black men is Joe Jones.

    Joe Jones’ riveting depiction of life as a police officer at a time when fellow officer Christopher Dorner released a manifesto that shook up the department from the inside and created widespread panic, in which lives were lost, will make anyone reading his book question their own boundaries as it specifically pertains to loyalty, trust, and morality.

    Folks may not remember, but Joe also released his own manifesto about the LA Police Department. The difference between Jones and Dorner is that Jones is still alive to talk about it, and he does just that by going into great detail in this book! Even for that portion of the book alone, it qualifies Jones’ book as a Must Read.

    There’s a storm brewing, and folks might want to get prepared! In other words, learn all the details for yourself before ‘the spin doctors’ weave a totally different tale. You’ve been warned! This may be the most dangerous book you read based on real-life experiences in our lifetime!

    General Jeff

    West Coast Hip-Hop Pioneer (1975–present)

    Skid Row Community Activist (2006–present)



    hope to develop an understanding with you before you begin to read. I am not here to impress you as a writer. However, I have a strong need and desire to tell my story. If you desire to be critical of storylines, theatrics, and grammatical structure, you may miss the point. I am simply a moderately educated man who has experienced some joy in serving his community. Unfortunately, the tragedies and injustice I have experienced have compelled me to share with the world in hopes of curing my heart, my mind and helping those who may benefit from some of the true stories I will tell.

    I talk a little about my childhood and some of my life before becoming an officer, so you can know more about the man I became. I was not some corny guy who needed to be a police officer to boost his ego. I was very confident, and I had a good life, a happy life. Moving forward, I will do my best to respect the department and have changed names to protect the identities of many. Trust that I have documents to prove anything I say in my story and understand that there is a reason if certain items were overlooked. Either way, there is no way I could give complete detail of all that occurred as there is too much to remember. So here we go.

    Over the years as an officer, I never took any bribe, I never wrote one false citation, and I never hurt, beat, or harmed anyone under the color of authority. Before becoming a police officer, I could count on one hand the times that I cried out of pure emotion. However, I write this book with tears behind my afflictions and a burning desire to release the pressures of my past while revealing the truth of the things that can happen to law-abiding officers, who have a responsibility to tell the truth, even if it involves their brothers in blue.

    When communities talk about defunding the police, I implore everyone to understand what police officers encounter that contributes to the safety of the citizens of this great nation. Police officers deal with heavily armed criminals, so they need as much firepower and resources as possible since they have an obligation to the citizens they swore to protect. We should not expect them to do it at a disadvantage. At the same time, reform of the organization to avoid what is now deemed inevitable and unnecessary atrocities is essential.

    The behavior of some officers causes so much trauma to the lives of many, and my pain stems from knowing that outside of my personal encounters, countless other Black men and countless Americans have been victimized for no verified reason. Many say, Comply! or Don’t make them feel threatened! or Look a particular way! or Don’t put yourself in certain situations! However, I am an example of someone who would be considered a victim of police misconduct as a teenager, as an educated and well-presented Black businessman, as a naturally large Black man, as a police officer, and now as a retired police officer. However, I humbly accept responsibility for a small portion of some of the things I experienced due to being fed-up with mistreatment. No one wants trouble with the law, not even a police officer.

    My broad experiences should give me a vantage point of credibility when I speak. I still happen to have police officer friends, whom I love dearly, and I know that they would not partake in egregious behavior. On the contrary, I know for a fact that there are police officers and sheriffs that have such a hateful nature that they wake-up in the morning with an intent to figure out who they will screw or victimize next! Whether it is their ego, a power trip, or the work of the devil…they do what they do!

    Now, this…Black men are dying at the hands of overzealous officers without appropriate justification, and our justice system finds ways to protect the actions of the wrongdoers instead of holding them accountable. Sadly, it is apparent that the government would rather allow the killings to go unfairly adjudicated than to find fault with the officers and have the cities and departments in question be liable for millions of dollars in lawsuits.

    The theory is that Black life has limited value, and they would rather face the scrutiny than pay the families of the victims. It seems far-fetched if you are not privy to what really happens, but that is the only explanation possible when numerous unbiased witnesses have testified on behalf of the victims and murders are captured on video. This is my opinion—these are my words, and I stand behind them.

    Some may think this book was written to criticize and scrutinize the police department. However, as a citizen in the community, I highly value the police department, and I know for a fact that we need them.

    In February of 1997, there was no one prouder to be an officer than I was when the LA Police Department stalked and killed the North Hollywood shootout bank robbers. No one admired SWAT Officer Randall Simmons (RIP) the way I did. I have had many exciting moments, but the real reason for sharing my story with the world is to share what happened to me when I tried to do the right thing, and how over twenty years after the fact, I am still running for my life. The torture, harassment, and false accusations are just a few of the things I have experienced over time. I went from feeling blessed to be an officer to being afraid of the police and the system because now I know what they are truly capable of.

    I tossed and turned for years, contemplating on how I would tell my story until one day, I woke up from a deep sleep and felt forced to face my fears and write this book. I had a difficult time getting past the thought of bad things that could happen, as well as

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