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Tales From The Wasteland
Tales From The Wasteland
Tales From The Wasteland
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Tales From The Wasteland

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An eclectic mix of literary short fiction, Tales from the Wasteland includes previously published short stories from J.S. McInroy as well as an entirely new collection of themed stories - "Tangled Up in Country".

Release dateMay 15, 2021
Tales From The Wasteland

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    Tales From The Wasteland - J.S. McInroy


    J.S. McInroy

    Copyright © 2021 J.S. McInroy

    All rights reserved.

    Published by : Slate Run Publishing, LLC.

    Cover Design : Slate Run Publishing, LLC

    Cover Layout : FuzzFuzztheFuzzman

    Cover Art : anzebizjan

    ISBN-13: 9798655878785

    This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.






















    About the Author

    Works by James J. Slattery/J. S. McInroy


    The mileage turns one eleven. The diamondblack Hellcat RT slips around the tight right-hand curve as efficiently as ever it might have were Junior Johnson or Number 3 at the wheel. For an old man Dad still has his mojo. Half a second ahead stands a forlorn hiker in the dew damp morning. No higher than his right hip his thumb juts out.

    Father eases the gas a bit. Ever the hopeful child, the Son asks, We gonna stop fer ‘im?

    No, Father replies. He’s not waiting for us. And please, if it’s not too much trouble, can the NASCAR accent. We’re not from South Carolina. This is way north of there.

    Jes feels raaght, Son drawls. Anaways, wha not? We’ve picked up wos’n thisun on jes a whim, and this guy looks ‘bout as miserablez y’all kin git.

    Want to find yourself out there beside him? Your last little adventure of the kind didn’t end so well. At least as I remember. This one’s not in any kind of good place. But he’s exactly where he needs to be. Just like you were.

    By this time the Dodge is a mile down the road, and only the memory of the hiker remains between them.

    He looks unhappy, sighs the Son.

    And so he is, asserts Father. But so what? Jeremy Bentham was an idiot. Happiness is for fools, and unless old Jer was a cynic of my own magnitude, his advocacy of such brands him as the greatest fool of all. Without pain, pleasure is impossible and vice versa. Thus it may be asserted that, for some at least, the sole purpose of pleasure is to make possible the experience of pain, while the pain then becomes the source of that human being’s awareness of pleasure, which, in turn....

    Enough, groans the Son. What’s this heap got fer music?


    She’s beautiful, Dean exclaims, his left leg beginning to stiffen, his shorter limb to ache just a bit. The object of his wounded enchantment could only be the Norse Sjofn arriving on a Japanese motorcycle. The ride is black as are her jacket and full-face helmet. Her legs are Levi blue. The bike purrs into a uey. The goddess nods.

    Dean’s companion, Kenny Babbs, lifts a casual hand. Siri, he exclaims and with one word claims the vision as his own.

    It must be the oxy. Dean is fully aware of himself. Of his obvious physical and social defects. But something calls. From within? From without? Her. The glacier shudders. A calf is born. The black occlusion of her helmet slips away. From it falls the golden sunshine of endless summers in the park. No park particular. No time. Golden Gate happened too many lives ago.

    Dean’s leg really aches. His broken wrist too. His butt.

    The woman, the supernatural being of time before memory’s inception, is beside him. Between him and Babbs. Her essence slips and curls itself somniferus within them.

    Hey, Kenny, she breathes through ivory teeth. Red lips bloody as the northern sun. Good to see ya. Turning to Dean, looking straight into him with eyes of polar blaze. White they are as only the bluest of blue eyes can be. Unwavering, she asks behind her, Who’s yer friend?

    Babbs, Dean.

    Dean’s own eyes are brown, this day wound about with crimson vines, rimmed in circles of cartoon red. His teeth, crooked as her gaze is straight, are also brown. Darker even than his eyes.

    Crack. No more.

    Straight as time’s arrow he is. Doesn’t even drink. His mother is suggesting implants. She said to wait three years. It’s been two and a half. Maybe....

    Seem to be banged up a bit, Siri jabs. Best ta pay for whacha smoke.

    That’s not it, Babbs interjects. Deano got hit by some teenager texting or something. Just turned right in front of him.


    THE TIME, AS must every time, becomes another. Siri checks a man’s watch. She will fly. To a doctor of someindefinite calling. Must be a Gyno.

    Dean attempts to fashion visions of her. Sjofn, according to some, the almighty alter-hugr of Frigga herself, her legs, inviting and adorably askew, imprisoned by iron stirrups, the darkness of her immortal self exposed to the ravenous medico.

    Him. Dean.

    He fails. Hers is not to be so easily constrained or contained. Sjofn or Siri. She is no one’s playtoy.

    His pain becomes intense, his vision as redrimmed as his eyes. Her cycle purrs constrained energy. Another uey. Siri is gone. The sun may be warming the patio beneath them —he can taste the salt of the beads on Kenny’s forehead — but Dean has been frozen. A king crab not quite dead, he is reviving only to be eaten. His oxy is almost gone. There’s hydro back home. 750’s. A mess of them. They may kill his soul. He does not fear they will.

    They’re the shits for pain.

    Gotta go, he mumbles, fumbles for keys. Jerks the old Ford into reverse. Is out of the steamer and into the whining AC of the 99 Taurus.

    He only has ten hydros left. At a cost of four dollars each they were a good deal. But Billy has disappeared as has Marge. There is no more anywhere. Even at ten bucks a pop. What the almighty hell? He gulps four.


    MONTREAL. CITY OF his birth and early childhood. American the kids in whateveritwas that passed for progressive kindergarten there and then had named him. And when he returned alone with Mom to the states? Frenchie was the disparaging term of the day until, older and wiser by a year, the others began calling him a frog.

    Dean soon accepted his fate and went the way of many outsiders of the early grades. Withdrawing into the comfortable gloom of himself, the world he chose to live in revolved around one Dean M. Holmes, the hyperactive—oft confirmed, oft rejected diagnosis — offspring of a sunshine mother who followed the Dead, often with son in arms, until Jerry’s unfortunate demise at which point she retreated within the vaporous shell of cannabis and an occasional fling with the ecstasy of ecstasy while all that time growing ever more successful as a patent attorney with her own lucrative shingle. She worked from home, stayed stoned at home, and eventually schooled her son. At home and all alone.

    A better than best friend. A holistic healer no less, advised her concerning the boy’s natural enthusiasm. Nurture the energy, he whispered, inserting himself between Mom’s legs and up into the place from whence Dean had sprung. Allow it free rein. And then, as they faced each other connected, he continued her instruction as to the pleasure/pain continuum, imprinting bright images of one of these upon her breasts with the end of the blunt from which he toked himself into cosmic awareness of the other.

    Dean had discovered her diaries, had caught glimpses of her speckled mammaries, and had dug his own continuum from the careless discards of his mother’s journey toward enlightenment. He read Tom Wolfe, lived within the chords and lyrics of a music before his time, and grew toward the delicate gypsy biker he was destined to become. Leaving nothing but childhood behind, he remained an innocent partaker of the complex pleasures and pains of his imagination. Augmented of course by both crack and meth. Ecstasy as well, but that just blew around the coliseum of his mind like the cheers of circus goers crazed by their own lusts and fears.

    Mom caught him before he had used heroin anything more than maybe half or possibly a dozen times. Mom freaked.

    So off to rehab and into the bland state of his current recovery.

    Thank you, Abbot Labs. Without Vicodin in its many forms, he would have been left abandoned. Descended into a hell of no possible exit. As anyone who knows anything knows, however, such pale approximations such as Vike and oxy, and the whole opioid family offer no true salvation. Theirs is a purgatory of longing for the bliss only Lady H is able to offer. But, at least in purgatory dwells hope of some higher order. In the big H one hopes no more. Except for more of the hell he’s already going through. The only cure for the suffering is that which has caused the pain. Dean dearly loved his Lady H, and she would willingly have become his harsh mistress, blistering her own rosebuds upon his pale skin even as her song set every nerve in his body aflame and moved his consciousness to a dark but most comfortable place where the outside world was illusion, its population pygmies babbling about their fallen towers. Mom had put a halt to such delusion, had turned him away from the horror heroin addiction usually becomes. She had set him on the straight and narrow. Had even bought him a new bike once he finished his thirty days. He needed it. To get to all those damn meetings. He could have afforded it on his own. His grandmother had left him a trust fund. But Mom wanted to be as much a part of his recovery as is possible for one not herself addicted.

    Not that he is an addict. He hadn’t used enough heroin for that particular appellation to apply. But his is a long and almost profound relationship with several of the other demons in the rogues’ gallery of rehab and NA. He is, they assured him, definitely an addict. They almost convinced him. But really. Except for the irregular use — one or two pops a day— of one of the wannabes, he has stayed clean and sober. Well almost. Functional for sure.

    He’d best stay away from meetings for a while though. The humorless assholes — well-meaning as such assholes might be — are downright blind to certain needs. He’s had an accident, for fuck’s sake. And he needs the script the doctor has given him. Legal and prescribed. But they’d piss and moan, accuse him of slip slidin’ down some slippery slope. Of not really trying to get straight. Of sabotaging his own recovery. Oh yeah! He was responsible for the stupid bitch turning into him?

    But then...? He does need the shit, just like they say. And he likes it too. Just like they say. Best to stay away for a bit. The pious pissheads can really freak a guy out. Lucky, him running into Kenny. Kenny is cool. And he’s got nothing against a drop of whiskey or a toke or two. Or even, Dean would bet, a snort of something better than glue. Yeah. Kenny’s the future. And Siri too. That chick rules.


    TWO WHITE BEAUTIES washed with bottled water as he drives. Two more when he gets home.

    Sleep. No perchances present.

    To darkness he awakes. A sliver of something pale slides beneath the door. Sleep again.

    Summer mornings are too bright way too early. He is conscious of the blazing blood inscribed 4:36 upon the face of his bedside alarm. He twists. He turns. Spirals again to no avail. Taking himself in hand he begins a calming ritual and before he knows he again dozes. This time between muddy sheets.

    The blood-drawn numbers scream 6:46. He is as stiff as his linen. There is no return to sleep. He has dreamed. Of Siri. She awaits his call. There will be time. There is time. The rest of the Hydro. Sleep is always possible.

    Siri is again his dream. But circumstances have changed. She stands, helmet in hand, leather slipped open upon a yellow almost green sweater of some most erotic fabric. With her are two companions of more traditional attire. Shorts. Halter tops. One in ankle wrapped sandals. The other flip-flopped and cross legged where she stands. They are talking. And laughing his way. Siri glances over more often than do they. He would approach but something holds him back.

    There exists a barrier. Not material. Not energy. Stronger than either. Either they or he is in a bubble. A membrane of such capacity that it contains all of everything they are or he is. Past, present, future, and never was, is or will be. Maybe the bubbles touch. Possibly both he and they are enclosed in separate envelopes of insubstance. He does not know. He cannot know. But there they stand as though he were just across a most ordinary room. He hears the murmur of their mingled voices. He is able to approach but not touch. He reaches out. His hand disappears. He calls to her. His voice will not carry. Siri looks his way and smiles.

    Sad or scornful? He cannot say. The others lift delicate fingers to painted clownmouths, their titters unmuffled derision. They are mummers in drag. He knows that to them he is the clown. An old saw of his mother’s twirls about his ears, catches up in his hair. East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. Is he East or West? He cannot answer. But it matters not. His mother’s words ring untrue.

    Siri approaches. Halts.

    The barrier keeps them inches and light years apart. Her consciousness, however, is not bound. She enters his mind. Communicates.


    AFTERNOON. HE MAY never sleep again. At least this day. No mere dream could have spoken so profoundly, have twisted the life like soiled wash water from his soul. Siri can be no Sjofin. But, Dean knows she is. The goddess has spoken not in words, images or anything tangible. She has overwhelmed him with his own images of himself and then, without comment, slipped into non-rem imperception. He has become his own mirror. He despairs. Awake or asleep, dreaming or later-on awake, he cannot escape the image his reflected self beheld of the gnocchi-blob of his soft physicality. To employ a young woman’s word. He finds himself gross.

    His ears. One lies flat against his skull; the other curled out at its upper margin. One eye stares noticeably wider than the other; one cheekbone might actually be seen as missing, his lower jaw so undershot that a clinically minded observer would be led to question his ability to bite off a hunk of anything more resistant than an overboiled potato. And of course, his teeth. Had he been consuming oatmeal, brown sugar, and molasses the viewing image might have found a plausible explanation for the color of his teeth. And were there some hidden but very real flaw in the looking glass, of which the reflective observer were aware, then perhaps their contradictory lines and ragged edges might be overlooked. But the only flaws are his. His teeth are not simply brown and misaligned. They are simply ugly. As is he.

    The mirror also views him naked. He is dressed, he would swear. But up and down his chest straggle remnants of extinguished smokes. Some bright and immediate. Other soft and brown as his teeth. On his legs too. And one or two upon his scrotum. Thank providence or whatever is out there that his view is only full-frontal. He has heard Mom being spanked. Has felt the belt himself. His B side no doubt sports a welt or more. Ugly bruises ring his wrists and ankles, results of moments spent imagining past whatever his ears have heard.

    His belly waxes pregnant beneath the concave arc of his chest. His knees are juts of overcooked turkey bone, his feet narrow and flat, his toes too short for the name. He could be hooved. Or so he thinks.

    Siri left him with the echo of a high song of love, Himlen Runt Hornet, he might have heard her sing, but the words made no sense to him, and before he could even be sure they were words, Siri/Sjofin was no more. His memory of himself though has been etched upon the insubstantial face of his soul.

    Awakening to a fading afternoon is rarely a moment of clarity. Such is the case for Dean. He isn’t sure where he is or where he might have been. He does seem to be inside himself looking out upon the visible portions of his body, his skinny legs and gray, blue-knotted arms. He would have taken no significant notice of the fact that he is clad in dark and light blue checked boxers and an old and comfortable Black Oak Arkansas tee shirt were it not for the fact that he is certain he should have been naked. Or is that the other way around? In which case his summer weight garb should

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