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Green Urbanism: Learning From European Cities
Green Urbanism: Learning From European Cities
Green Urbanism: Learning From European Cities
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Green Urbanism: Learning From European Cities

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As the need to confront unplanned growth increases, planners, policymakers, and citizens are scrambling for practical tools and examples of successful and workable approaches. Growth management initiatives are underway in the U.S. at all levels, but many American "success stories" provide only one piece of the puzzle. To find examples of a holistic approach to dealing with sprawl, one must turn to models outside of the United States.

In Green Urbanism, Timothy Beatley explains what planners and local officials in the United States can learn from the sustainable city movement in Europe. The book draws from the extensive European experience, examining the progress and policies of twenty-five of the most innovative cities in eleven European countries, which Beatley researched and observed in depth during a year-long stay in the Netherlands. Chapters examine:

  • the sustainable cities movement in Europe
  • examples and ideas of different housing and living options
  • transit systems and policies for promoting transit use, increasing bicycle use, and minimizing the role of the automobile
  • creative ways of incorporating greenness into cities
  • ways of readjusting "urban metabolism" so that waste flows become circular
  • programs to promote more sustainable forms of economic development
  • sustainable building and sustainable design measures and features
  • renewable energy initiatives and local efforts to promote solar energy
  • ways of greening the many decisions of local government including ecological budgeting, green accounting, and other city management tools.

Throughout, Beatley focuses on the key lessons from these cities -- including Vienna, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Zurich, Amsterdam, London, and Berlin -- and what their experience can teach us about effectively and creatively promoting sustainable development in the United States. Green Urbanism is the first full-length book to describe urban sustainability in European cities, and provides concrete examples and detailed discussions of innovative and practical sustainable planning ideas. It will be a useful reference and source of ideas for urban and regional planners, state and local officials, policymakers, students of planning and geography, and anyone concerned with how cities can become more livable.

PublisherIsland Press
Release dateSep 26, 2012
Green Urbanism: Learning From European Cities

Timothy Beatley

Timothy Beatley is the Teresa Heinz Professor of Sustainable Communities in the Department of Urban and Environmental Planning at the University of Virginia's School of Architecture and is the author of several books, including Ethical Land Use: Principles of Policy and Planning.

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    Green Urbanism - Timothy Beatley

    Preface and Acknowledgments

    There are a number of individuals who must be thanked for their kindness and support, without which this book would not have been possible. Much of the initial research and travel occurred while I was on sabbatical in the Netherlands. I was generously hosted during that year by the department of spatial planning and rural development at Wageningen Agricultural University. Particular thanks go to Professor Dr. Hubert van Lier for providing such pleasant facilities and accommodations and for helping me in this work at numerous points along the way. A number of faculty at Wageningen also provided significant help and support. Special thanks are due Adri van den Brink for his kindness and hospitality. And, of course, thanks as well to my friends and colleagues at the University of Virginia School of Architecture for affording me the essential time away from normal duties to conduct this research.

    Many specific individuals in the cities visited and studied donated tremendous amounts of their time and energy to me. A full list of interviewees and contacts is contained in an appendix, but certain people deserve special recognition for truly going out of their way to help me in this work. Many of these individuals helped set up interviews and site visits and very often spent considerable amounts of time showing me around their respective communities. I owe a special debt to a number of individuals, including the following: Wulf Daseking (Freiburg), Dr. Karl Niederl (Graz), Eric Skoven (Copenhagen DIS), Prof. Dr. Willy Schmid (ETH, Zürich), A.W. Oskam (Amsterdam), Kari Silfversberg (Helsinki), Timo Permanente (Lahti), Micael Hagman (Stockholm), Co Verdaas (Zwolle), Margot Stalk (Utrecht), Jurgen Lottermoser (Saarbrücken), Simonetta Tunesi (Bologna), Poul Lorenzen (Odense), Mayor Finn Aaberg (Albertslund), Annette Vestergaard (Herning), and Peter Newman (Murdock University), among many others.

    In writing this book, and in pulling together the stories and cases, I have relied on a number of secondary sources and documents, from technical studies to newspaper clippings. I gratefully acknowledge the research and contributions of the authors of these many sources, and I take responsibility for any misquotes or errors in interpretation or use.

    Important early financial support for this project was provided by the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy. Special thanks go to Roz Greenstein and James Brown at the Lincoln Institute for this assistance. Special thanks, as well, go to the German Marshall Fund, which has provided additional funds for production and marketing of the book.

    I’d like to thank as well the staff at Island Press, and especially Heather Boyer for her enthusiasm and support for this book and for her invaluable editing suggestions and ideas.

    Finally, and most importantly, I wish to thank my wife, Anneke, who endured considerable inconvenience during this period and whose personal support was unlimited. Watching me depart for the airport—and often taking me there—was an all-too-regular event, and she spent much time alone as I wandered around Europe. She has also helped in innumerable other ways, especially by providing hours of help translating Dutch documents and materials into English. Without her love and personal support along the way, this book would not have been completed.

    I must also acknowledge the important impact on my thinking of simply living for a year in a country such as the Netherlands. I cannot underestimate the profound life experience this was for me, and in many ways it was as important as, if not more so than, the actual research conducted. I lived in the lovely, old city of Leiden, in the Randstad, or ring city, comprising the western portion of the Netherlands. Leiden, like most Dutch cities, is very compact and contains rich and vibrant mix of uses and activities. Nothing is very far away. All of my local trips were made by bicycle or on foot (the Netherlands has one of the highest rates of bicycle use—there are more bicycles than people there—and cities are clearly designed for them and for discouraging automobile use). Greenspaces and open lands are accessible by bicycle. Longer trips are made by train (the central station was but 1.5 kilometers from my home), and a high priority is placed at every level on improving and strengthening public transport. The physical environment is an immensely livable one, with canals, plazas, pedestrian-only shopping streets, and some inspirational public buildings and architecture. While the Dutch approach is not perfect (the use of automobiles is on the rise), the national strategy of promoting compact cities—a key feature of its spatial planning system, and a topic I will discuss in considerable detail in the text to follow—generally works well. Understanding this strategy in an intellectual sense is one thing, but experiencing it day to day has clearly had a deeper educational impact on me.

    So it was a tremendously enriching year and one in which I learned much from my surroundings. It was a difficult transition, in fact, back to living in the United States in the summer of 1997 (although I would return to the Netherlands several times the following year). The metaphorical transition found me leaving an imminently walkable city, where I could walk or ride my bicycle to the train, take the train to Schiphol, the Amsterdam airport, walk a short distance up the escalator to the airline check-in, all quickly and seamlessly. On the other end of my journey, I arrived at Washington-Dulles airport, with no public transit option to speak of, and quickly found myself in an auto, navigating through traffic, eventually reaching a destination where walking anywhere is difficult. While I was glad to see family and friends, it was certainly a rude awakening. So, I am thankful as well for the chance to experience living in a delightful compact, Dutch city, and trying, for at least that year, a much more sustainable lifestyle. Much of the enthusiasm in the pages to follow is in a small part a result of these firsthand experiences.

    Timothy Beatley

    Charlottesville, Virginia

    Part I

    Context and Background

    Chapter 1

    Introduction: Green Urbanism and the Lessons of European Cities

    The Important Role of Cities in Global Sustainability

    The world is in the midst of a disturbing period of growing consumption, population, and environmental degradation. From global warming to biodiversity loss to patterns of sprawling land consumption, the environmental trends are increasingly dire. Cities—globally and in the United States—will by necessity play an increasingly important role in addressing these problems, and it is this basic assumption that motivates the work presented here.

    Cities must become more central in our global agenda of sustainability for several reasons. The first is the growing acknowledgment—indeed the considerable progress made at documenting and quantifying—that cities have sizeable ecological footprints. The work of William Rees and others has been particularly enlightening in showing the amounts of energy, materials, water, food, and other impacts essential for supporting urban populations. As one recent commentator noted: The first and most obvious thing about cities is that they are like organisms, sucking in resources and emitting wastes (Tickell, 1998, p. vi).

    American cities, especially, reflect wasteful use of land and resources, with few reflecting any real sense of ecological limits or environmental constraints. In American cities and metropolitan areas, the amount of land consumed by urban growth and development far exceeds the rate of population growth (see Beatley and Manning, 1997). The impacts are clear: loss of sensitive habitat, destruction of productive farmland and forestlands, and high economic and infrastructural costs. The low-density auto-dependent American landscape makes more sustainable living—such as walking, bicycling, or public transport—difficult. American cities consequently have high carbon dioxide emissions, produce large amounts of waste, and draw in large amounts of energy and resources.

    The answers to our present environmental circumstances are complex and difficult. They will involve the need for both cleverer technologies and humbler aspirations, to borrow Bill McKibben’s words (1998, p. 75). In both categories, cities—smart cities, innovative cities, green cities—will necessarily play a major role. Green and sustainable cities present fundamental opportunities to both apply new technologies (such as public transit, district heating, and green building and design) and bring about major lifestyle changes (such as walking, bicycling, and reductions in consumption). Indeed, it seems that cities hold the greatest hope for achieving a more sustainable future for our planet. Any effective agenda for confronting global climate change, biodiversity loss, and a host of other environmental challenges must necessarily include cities as a key, indeed the key, element.

    Agenda 21—the detailed action agenda emerging from the Rio Conference on Environment and Development—reflects an understanding of the key role of local governments. Chapter 28 of this agenda calls specifically for the preparation of local sustainability action plans, recognizing that local governments play a special role. As Agenda 21 states: ...because so many of the problems and solutions... have their roots in local activities, the participation and cooperation of local authorities will be a determining factor in fullfilling its [Agenda 21’s] objectives.... As the level of governance closest to the people, they play a vital role in educating, mobilizing and responding to the public to promote sustainable development (United Nations, 1992, p. 233). More specific objectives were established in Rio for local involvement, and specifically local authorities were to have undertaken (by 1996) a consultation process and to have achieved consensus around a local sustainability program. As will be discussed in the chapters to follow, many local governments in Europe have made incredible strides in the spirit of Agenda 21, and demonstrated in a variety of ways the potential role of cities, towns, and local authorities (see Lafferty and Eckerberg, eds., 1998).

    The evidence suggests important differences in the environmental performance of cities—even among the cities in developed countries, there is considerable variation in their ecological footprints. Per capita carbon dioxide emissions, for example, are much higher in American cities; they are almost twice as high as in European cities. What these comparisons suggest is that cities—through their spatial organization, their management practices, and the development of their economic bases—can be the locus for significant reductions in demand and pressure on the planet’s resources and ecosystems.

    The book that follows is very much founded on the notion that the design, organization, and operation of cities can make a fundamental difference. Comparing the much higher consumption of land and per-capita emissions of carbon dioxide of American cities with European cities, for example, gives some indication of this. A premise of this book is that the most progressive green cities of Europe do provide important guidance and inspiration to American cities in becoming more sustainable, more resource-efficient, and less environmentally extractive and damaging. To be sure, the lessons also flow in the other direction, and most European cities have much work to do to reduce their own impacts. Nevertheless, the programs, policies, and innovative design ideas described here and applied in European cities suggest important new directions for American communities.

    The Vision of Green Urbanism

    There are, in fact, many different terms used today in discussing efforts to reduce environmental impacts and to live more lightly on the land. Sustainable development, sustainable communities, and sustainable cities are a few of these terms, and each captures much of the agenda of this book. Green urbanism effectively captures both the central urban and environmental dimensions of the agenda I will be discussing. It emphasizes the important role of cities and positive urbanism in shaping more sustainable places, communities, and lifestyles. And, it implicitly emphasizes that our old approaches to urbanism—our old views of cities, towns, and communities—are incomplete and must be substantially expanded to incorporate ecology and more ecologically responsible forms of living and settlement. This need for a revised approach has been an ongoing concern with the so-called new urbanism, so enthusiastically endorsed by many American architects and planners. (For a full discussion of the issues and limitations of this movement, see Beatley and Manning, 1997.) What we need today are cities that reflect a different new urbanism, a new urbanism that is dramatically more ecological in design and functioning and that has ecological limits at its core.

    Precisely what green urbanism implies is evolving and unclear, but in the programs, policies, and creative design ideas found in many European cities, we begin sharpen our sense of what might be possible. To elaborate on what the vision of green urbanism includes (and incorporating and extending the thinking of others), there are several important design qualities or characteristics. Cities that exemplify green urbanism are:

    Cities that strive to live within their ecological limits, fundamentally reduce their ecological footprints, and acknowledge their connections with and impacts on other cities and communities and the larger planet.

    Green urbanism accepts that public (and private) decisions about how cities grow, the kinds of transportation systems they employ, and the ways they generate and supply energy and food for their populations have tremendous environmental impacts. Green urbanism takes as a primary goal the need to greatly reduce the ecological footprints of cities, to live within the limit of local and regional ecosystems, and to acknowledge that in a host of ways the decisions in one city affect the quality of environment and life in other places, as well as the overall health of the planet. Efforts by cities to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to reduce the impact of urban consumption patterns, for example, reflect all of these goals.

    As the analysis of Herbert Girardet demonstrates, cities such as London consume large amounts of energy and other inputs and produce large amounts of waste. London’s population consumes some 55,000 gallons of fuel and some 6,600 tonnes of food per day, and emits 160,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide per day (see Girardet, undated). Considerable amounts of this food are (increasingly) transported from faraway places: Early potatoes come from Egypt and Cyprus. Tomatoes, cucumbers and asparagus are imported from Spain, Greece and Holland. Beans are increasingly flown in from Kenya, 4000 miles away (Girardet, undated, p. 52). Taken together, these inputs and outputs require a land base 125 times the size of London to support its population.

    Cities that are green and that are designed for and function in ways analogous to nature.

    Green urbanism requires us to overcome our traditional view of the polarity of cities and nature. Cities, to many, are indeed the very antithesis of nature—places of gray, where one finds concrete and asphalt, buildings and cars, things that could not be natural. Yet, nature does exist in cities, and cities are fundamentally embedded within a larger natural setting.

    Ecological architect William McDonough frequently ponders whether towns and cities might function like forests. Indeed, nature is a profoundly helpful paradigm for cities. Cities must strive to be places of nature; they should be sheltering; cleansing of air, water, and spirit; and restorative and replenishing of the planet, rather than fundamentally extractive and damaging.

    Moreover, innumerable ways of restoring , replenishing, and nurturing urban ecology exist, such as daylighting streams, planting green rooftops, bringing forests and greenspaces into the very heart of cities, as well as many other creative planning approaches.

    Cities that strive to achieve a circular rather than a linear metabolism, which nurtures and develops positive symbiotic relationships with and between its hinterland (whether that be regional, national, or international).

    Nothing in nature is wasted. Wastes become productive inputs for other natural processes. In hundreds of ways, the same principle could apply to the functioning of cities. Wastewater treatment systems can extract biogas to fuel community heating systems; organic household waste can become fertilizer returned to urban populations in the form of food. Industries can feed off each other, with each company’s wastes becoming the productive inputs to production processes of the others.

    Green urbanism calls for a circular metabolism for cities, rather than the prevailing linear approach. Green urbanism calls for the balancing of the ecocycles of a city, so that its inputs and outputs are harmonized, complementary, and fundamentally in balance.

    Cities that strive toward local and regional self-sufficiency and take full advantage of and nurture local/regional food production, economy, power production, and many other activities that sustain and support their populations.

    Green urbanism demands cities that assume responsibility for the environmental and other impacts of lifestyle and consumption decisions. Historically, it has been easier to ignore the devastating impacts of conventional energy production and production of food, for example, because these impacts have typically been externalized. They happen far away, in distant places, out of sight and mind. Bringing these many functions closer means greater scrutiny and presents more likelihood that responsible actions and choices will result.

    What will also result are more healthful lives, for example by avoiding the consumption of chemicals and level of processing needed to transport food hundreds of miles.

    Cities that facilitate (and encourage) more sustainable, healthful lifestyles.

    An important measure of a sustainable city, and an important goal of green urbanism, is that such places should make it easier for people to live richer, fuller lives. Most Americans, for instance, have few options besides the automobile. Green urbanism emphasizes giving individuals the ability to walk or ride bicycles if they choose. It gives them the option and the ability to row food, to live with fewer consumer goods, to live without a car if they choose to, and so on. The benefits again extend beyond the environmental. Such conditions empower individuals and families to change in meaningful ways (if they so desire) the directions of their lives and to emphasize the quality of their relationships, rather than the size of their home or their possessions.

    Cities that emphasize a high quality of life and the creation of highly liv - able neighborhoods and communities.

    Green urbanism gives centrality to creating (and strengthening) neighborhoods and places where people enjoy being, places that are emotionally uplifting and aesthetically inspirational. It is an agenda that emphasizes the provision of adequate housing and services for all members of society and that seeks to be socially and economically inclusive. It is as much about creating highly livable cities as it is about creating ecological cities (indeed, the goals are mutually reinforcing). Nature in cities is important to livability. Green urbanism presumes that connections to nature are important to personal health and well-being.

    Are there actually cities in the world that satisfy these ambitious criteria? The insertion of the words strive to is important to note. The many examples of European cities described in the pages that follow, I will argue, often come the closest to meeting the vision. But, in many ways, even the most exemplary individual cities fall short. Nevertheless, the following text contains a menu of creative tools, design concepts, and tangible examples that illustrate how cities—particularly American cities—might move closer to these ideals.


    Many European cities show that human settlements can be green and ecological, at the same time that they are highly desirable places in which to live and work. Shown here is Morra Park, an ecological housing project in Drachten, the Netherlands.

    Research Methods and the Cities Examined

    The study presented herein had several goals. First, it was an attempt to comprehensively identify and describe the current state of the art in European sustainable cities. What are cities currently doing to advance sustainability and what specific best-practices might be valuable and important for cities elsewhere to learn from and perhaps adopt? It is the author’s belief that a large number of creative and unique approaches are being employed, many of which are described in this book, that represent important ideas that American cities will find useful.

    A second goal relates to the holistic nature of sustainable cities. Many definitions of sustainability and sustainable development emphasize the need for integrative and holistic approaches. As further discussed below, many of the cities were chosen for the range and number of innovations and sustainable practices undertaken in a number of different sectors. Describing and understanding these more holistic cases is a second, related objective. The process of description helps us to concretely define what a sustainable city might actually consist of and what its qualities and program policies might ideally be. While this research has uncovered no ideal or perfect cities, enough exemplary work is going on in many cities across Europe to be very instructive about what urban sustainability actually implies.

    The observations and conclusions presented in this book are primarily the result of visits and extensive interviews in approximately thirty cities in eleven European countries. Table 1.1 presents a full list of these cities. In all, more than 200 interviews were conducted between September 1996 and June 1998, with the bulk of the visits occurring in the spring of 1997. Additional phone interviews were also undertaken. (A partial listing of interviewees is included in the appendix.)

    Cities were chosen based on several criteria. With a few notable exceptions, these are cities that are frequently cited in European planning and environmental literature and that have been engaged in a variety of innovative and cutting-edge local sustainability initiatives. Cities were favored that were doing a number of different things and that had adopted and implemented sustainability policies in a wide range of sectoral areas (ideally, these places were not simply doing one thing but were attempting more holistic strategies).

    Table 1.1. European Cities in Which Field Visits and Interviews Were Conducted, 1996–98

    Several exceptions should be noted. London and Dublin, while perhaps not representing cutting-edge sustainable city programs, nevertheless represented important examples of cities with significant social and environmental problems, with each in the early stages of developing a local sustainability agenda. London especially, as Europe’s largest city, highlights both the challenges of local sustainability and the range of problems and obstacles European cities face in shifting directions. Bologna could be described in the same way and was included, in large part, to examine sustainability issues and problems in a southern European city.

    It should be emphasized, although it is perhaps obvious to the reader, that there is a strong bias in this book toward northern European and western European experiences. The sustainability practices in cities in the Netherlands, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries receive the most attention. In many respects and on many dimensions, these countries have done the most in experimenting with and supporting new sustainable technologies and more sustainable urban development patterns.¹ Given the large amount of time spent by the author in the Netherlands, Dutch projects, programs, and cities are disproportionately represented throughout the book.

    In a number of places in this book, I examine innovative local initiatives and projects, many of which may be too new or recent to constitute a trend or to provide a definitive sense of their effectiveness or success. I strongly believe in the value of identifying new planning ideas and concepts, even in the early stages of formation and development. In the chapter on ecocycle balancing, for example, I describe the early efforts of cities such as Stockholm to develop closed-loop relationships within and among their different municipal agencies. This is an emerging and early effort, but it nevertheless puts them ahead of most other cities and is certainly worthy of description and discussion. As another example, in the chapter on greening the urban environment, I describe the proposal to create a Green Radial and eco-station (an ecological community center) in the German city of Leipzig. These are important and powerful planning and design ideas, and although not (yet) put into practice, they need to be discussed. At many points in this book, I have sought to extract from the European green-urban scene those ideas, proposals, and design concepts that hold the most promise, even when applied in only a few places or in an early stage of development.

    Several important disclaimers about the text to follow need to be issued. First, as explained above, this book is not intended to serve as a comprehensive study or analysis of European cities. Rather, it constitutes a set of observations and insights derived from examining the initiatives and programs of an explicitly nonrandom set of cities. The cities chosen and discussed here undoubtedly are representative in many ways of European cities more generally, but I make no such claim. For the most part, the cities discussed in this book have been chosen because they have undertaken particularly exemplary or special planning and sustainability programs.

    It should also be made clear that I do not pretend to have comprehensively studied or examined even these cities in complete detail. Rather, usually each city is notable for one or more sets of initiatives, and I have often tended to focus in greatest detail on these particular programs. Full-fledged case studies, analyzing such things as demographics, the governmental structure and politics, historic development patterns, and so on, have not been prepared for each city.

    Considerable obstacles to fully examining and understanding the experiences of these European cities have arisen along the way, and these obstacles should be stated as further important disclaimers. Language represented a serious obstacle in several respects. Plans, reports, and other documentation associated with the cities was generally (and understandably) written and published in the native language. I made full use of English materials when I found them, but the extent of English language materials was limited. Face-to-face interviews became even more important, then, and I often did not have the ability to cross-check or embellish my notes with written materials. Even face to-face interviews were limited (by my failure to speak other languages) when key local officials did not speak English. This was almost never a problem, I should note, in the Netherlands, in the Scandinavian cities, and of course in Ireland and the United Kingdom. Occasionally I would also become aware of differing interpretations and meanings given to different terms; there have undoubtedly been many cultural nuances that I was unaware of or failed to pick up on, even when discussions occurred in English. Readers should be forewarned that the accuracy of what follows must certainly be affected by these language limitations.

    Field visits ranged from a day or two to more than a week for each city. In some cases, multiple visits (e.g., to Copenhagen) and repeated and frequent visits (e.g., to Amsterdam) were made. Interviews were generally conducted with city staff and other knowledgeable individuals in several key areas, including land use and spatial planning, environmental policy, energy and carbon dioxide reduction, waste management, and transportation. Each city dictated a unique set of interviews, but at a minimum interviews were conducted and information collected on these subjects. Extensive reports, documentation, and other written material were also collected and used extensively in developing conclusions about each city. Personal interviews were also supplemented by follow-up phone interviews (a list of interviewees is included in the appendix). Part of each visit was devoted to visiting local development projects and important sites. An extensive photographic record and personal notes were amassed.

    In addition to these case study cities, a number of other specific projects, sites, or housing developments were visited in other cities. These visits were usually made to explore specific examples of innovative practice, and these examples are also discussed throughout the book.

    Issues of Transferability: Why Study European Cities?

    When I speak or give slide presentations about planning and sustainability strategies in European cities, there is a certain predictability to the response of my American colleagues and students. The reactions, although often mixed with enthusiasm and excitement, are frequently skeptical. There is a feeling that while these things can happen in Europe, the American context is so fundamentally different that these great ideas are not likely to be feasible or applicable to American places. To some degree this is a legitimate reaction, but I disagree with these conclusions for several reasons.

    I would not have spent so much time in Europe if I did not believe there is much to be learned from the most exemplary European cities. Yet, having said this, there is no question that there are indeed significant social, cultural, political, and geographical differences between Europe and America. I believe there is considerable long-term transferability, however (ever conscious of the differences in context), and I believe this for several reasons. First, there is already a rich history of powerful environmental, planning, and sustainability ideas firmly established here from Europe. Many examples can be cited. Subscription farming emerged first in Europe, for example, and now there are more than 600 such operations (known as community-supported agriculture) throughout the United States. The concept of the Enterprise Zone, such a cherished element of American urban policy, actually began in the United Kingdom. Cohousing began in Denmark, but it is beginning to catch on in the United States (as will be discussed later) now, with more than 100 cohousing projects under way in various parts of the country (McCamant and Durrett, 1998). The traffic-calming techniques and methods that are becoming increasingly popular throughout the United States were first applied in European cities (e.g., the Dutchwoonerf, or living street concept). Car-sharing, an increasingly important European practice, is now beginning to find application here. Many other planning ideas and concepts have been successfully drawn from Europe.

    Given the great increase in concern about urban sprawl in the United States. European cities—with their historical emphasis on compact urban form (although under assault from growing auto use and decentralization pressures)—are especially promising guideposts of good planning. Many others have made this observation over the years. Alterman, for example, argues that the exemplary urban containment and farmland preservation policies of European countries (in particular the British and Dutch systems) can serve as models for countries such as the United States... (1997, p. 238). In many respects, European cities arguably represent unusual opportunities for learning by their American counterparts; few other countries or cities outside the United States have as much in common from a historical, cultural, or economic point of view.

    Masser (1992) accurately observes that many important social and demographic trends are similarly occuring in Europe and North America. Patterns of urban deconcentration, growing automobile usage, and trends in the direction of emphasis on deregulation and markets-oriented solutions, for example, characterize both the United States and Europe. If anything, European and American cities are becoming more alike than dissimilar. Europe, moreover, is composed essentially of a large number of medium-sized cities (the problems and circumstances of megacities, it can be argued, are quite different), and thus is helpfully analogous to the American context. Cities of this size often have been the most innovative and creative in their local sustainability initiatives and strategies (Mega, 1996; 1997). For these reasons, among others, much can be learned from European cities that can be directly transferred to American communities.

    The transfer and application of these lessons are not always a complete success, of course. The experience of creating pedestrian malls in American downtowns that occurred in the 1970s was largely an inspiration from European cities. Many of these spaces (with the exception of places such as Charlottesville, Virginia, and Boulder, Colorado) were not successful and many center-cities have since taken out these pedestrian spaces. But even in cases such as this, much of a positive nature has resulted from a cross-fertilization of European and American ideas.

    Probably a more accurate description of the relationship between European and American sustainability policy is one of coevolution. In many policy and planning areas, American and European cities are moving in parallel directions. Experiments in road pricing are occurring in both places, for instance, and it is inappropriate to characterize the flow of ideas and experiences as occurring solely in one direction or the other (and indeed, significant lessons are being learned in places such as Curitiba and Singapore). It is also important to understand that while the chapters to follow are aimed at extracting lessons from European initiatives, on many topics and dimensions the Europeans look to the Americans for leadership. American efforts in the areas of transport demand management and auto emissions standards, among many others, are viewed as being ahead of the European efforts.

    Another important response is to acknowledge that the United States is a large and diverse country, and thus it is unreasonable to think that any specific idea or program (even those drawn from other American cities) will find successful application or relevance everywhere. Great variations in climate, geography, political culture, and so forth exist, and certain ideas from Europe will find special application in particular cities and in particular regions of the United States. The lessons from those European cities that have aggressively promoted bicycles may be less relevant, for example, in American cities where the topography or climate makes bicycle use difficult. As a further example, clearly places such as the Pacific Northwest (and cities such as Eugene, Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver) will currently be more politically and socially receptive to the lessons of compact cities than other areas of the country. Moreover, there are many American cities that because of their political culture, history, and makeup (examples include Davis, Boulder, and Burlington) will be more inclined to adopt the innovative ideas offered by these European cities. My point is that it is inappropriate to simply dismiss the applicability of many European ideas when there is actually great variation in local and regional circumstances in this country.

    Having said this, however, it is important to think carefully about how these European initiatives will or can be invoked with American society in mind. In many instances, because of differing social, legal, and other background conditions, planning and sustainability programs will need to be adapted or modified for American application. In each chapter, I try to explore this possibility and provide suggestions for how this adaptation might occur.

    The Relevance and Role of Urban Sustainability in Europe

    While the cities visited and studied were not randomly chosen, it is nevertheless impressive how they are embracing and seriously incorporating into their planning and other policies explicit consideration of sustainability. Sustainability is quite important to these cities and is an idea and concept of generally higher priority in Europe than in the United States. This priority has been expressed in many ways and in many forms.

    Sustainability has been endorsed through the legislation and directives of the European Union (EU) as a primary Europe-wide objective. The EU’s Fifth Environmental Action Pro ram is actually entitled Towards Sustainability. And, more recently, the Treaty of Maastricht has been amended to explicitly incorporate sustainable development as an objective of the EU (under the June 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam) (Neild, 1998; O’Riordan and Voisey, eds., 1998). A variety of more specific EU directives mandates strong attention to environmental protection and conservation (e.g., the EU Habitats Directive and Biocide Directive). Most western European nations have prepared national sustainability strategies, as well as a variety of other national-level action plans and standards. The language of sustainability increasingly finds its way into national legislation and programs (O’Riordan and Voisey, eds., 1998).

    The topic of sustainable cities has also been given considerable attention within the EU. The Green Paper on the Urban Environment, published in 1990, has been seen as a milestone document, prompting considerable discussion about the environmental role and context of cities. This document called for more integrated, holistic approaches to planning, and the need to view cities as a necessary part of the solution to global environmental problems (Commission of the European Communities, 1990; European Commission, 1994). An Expert Group on the Urban Environment was formed in 1991, as a follow-up to the Green Paper, and with a Sustainable Cities Project as a main area of focus (see Fudge, 1993; Williams, 1996).

    The final report of the Expert Group, European Sustainable Communities, is impressive in scope and coverage and is another significant milestone. It, like the EU Green Paper, advocates more holistic, integrated approaches, but goes further in arguing for an ecosystems view of cities. Cities both affect the environments they are situated in (for example, regional hydrologic systems) and are themselves habitats for plants and animals. The city must be viewed as a complex, interconnected and dynamic system. Cities are both a threat to the natural environment and an important resource in their own right. The challenge of urban sustainability is to solve both the problems experienced within the cities themselves... and the problems caused by cities (European Commission, 1996, pp. 6–7).

    The report identifies as an important first step four principles of sustainable development (presented in Box 1.1): the principle of urban management; the principle of policy integration; the principle of ecosystems thinking; and the principle of cooperation and partnerships (European Commission, 1996; see also European Commission, 1994). Much of the report develops a series of detailed recommendations and examples of good practice by which these principles can be implemented. The report has clearly had substantial impact and is the source of inspirational examples, innovative approaches, and practical tips to demonstrate how much can be done to green cities and regions (European Environment Agency, 1997, p. 42). A European good practices guide and Internet information service have also been prepared.

    One of the key outcomes of the work of the Expert Group was the initiation of the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign, an informal network of European cities begun in 1994. The beginning point of this network was the first significant meeting of the campaign in Aalborg , Denmark. Here, a sustainable cities charter was drafted and signed by participating cities; the charter is now more commonly known as the Aalborg Charter. Participating cities in the network sign the Aalborg Charter as a commitment to work toward local sustainability. To date, nearly 400 local authorities have signed the Aalborg Charter, representing an impressive 100 million Europeans. Among the other activities of this campaign are the publication of a newsletter, networking between cities, and the convening of periodic pan-European conferences. The campaign has also created a European Sustainable City Award, with the first awards issued in 1996 (discussed later in the book). (The full text of the Aalborg Charter is attached as an appendix to this book.)

    Box 1.1. Principles of Urban Sustainability

    1.The principle of urban management.

    Management for sustainability is essentially a political process that requires planning and has an impact on urban governance. The process of sustainable urban management requires range of tools to address environmental, social, and economic concerns in order to provide the necessary basis for integration. By applying these tools, urban policy making for sustainability can become broader, more powerful, and more ambitious than has been generally recognized.

    2.The principle of policy integration.

    Coordination and integration are to be achieved through the combination of he subsidiarity principle with the wider concept of shared responsibility. Integration should be achieved both horizontally, to stimulate synergetic effects of social, environmental, and economic dimensions of sustainability, and vertically, between all levels of the European Union, member states, regional, and local governments, to achieve greater coherence of policy and action and to avoid contradicting policies at different levels.

    3.The principle of ecosystems thinking.

    Ecosystems thinking emphasizes the city as a complex system that is characterized by flows as continuous processes of change and development . It incorporates aspects such as energy, natural resources, and waste production as chains of activities that require maintenance, restoration, stimulation, and closure in order to contribute to sustainable development. The regulation of traffic and transport is another element of ecosystems thinking. The dual network approach, which provides a framework for urban development at the regional or local level, is based on the principles of ecosystems thinking. Ecosystems thinking also includes a social dimension, which considers each city as a social ecosystem.

    4.The principle of cooperation and partnership.

    Sustainability is a shared responsibility. Cooperation and partnership between different levels, organizations, and interests is, therefore, crucial. Sustainable management is a learning process within which learning by doing; sharing experiences, professional education, and training; cross-disciplinary working, partnerships, and networks; community consultation and participation; and innovative educational mechanisms and awareness raising are key elements.

    Source: EC, European Sustainable Cities, 1996.

    A second pan-European sustainable cities conference, as a follow-up to Aalborg , was held in Lisbon in 1996, and a third is to be convened in Hannover, Germany, in February 2000. The Lisbon meeting drew one thousand participants and resulted in a more detailed action plan, From Charter to Action (Lisbon Action Plan, 1996). A series of regional conferences has also been sponsored, including, for example, the Towards local sustainability in central and eastern Europe conference held in the fall of 1998 in Sofia, Bulgaria. (See Sofia Statement, 1998; other recent regional conferences were held in Turku, Finland, and Sevilla, Spain.) A campaign office in Brussels coordinates the program and serves as a combination network and clearinghouse.

    In addition to the Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign, a number of other groups and organizations in Europe are actively involved in and promoting urban sustainability, and a number of networks of local authorities assist in this work. These important networks include the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurocities, the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), the United Towns Organization (UTO), and the Commission de Villes.

    Much local sustainability innovation has been directly supported by the EU, through a series of funding programs and initiatives. These programs have been important in supporting information dissemination and collaboration between cities and the development of demonstration programs. There are many of these programs, in a number of specific technical areas, and their cumulative effect is difficult to overstate. They include energy pilot programs (e.g., JOULE, SAVE, and THERMIE), urban transportation programs (e.g., JUPITER, DRIVE, and ZEUS), and sustainable economic development and urban regeneration initiatives (e.g., RECITE, PACTE), among others. (See Williams, 1996, for an overview of some of these programs.)

    Many EU-funded programs, moreover, have been aimed at both demonstrating new green-urban technologies and helping to build networks and cooperation between European Sustainable Cities. One such initiative is European Green Cities, funded through the EU THERMIE program, and supporting the design and construction of low-energy, ecological housing projects in eleven cities (Green City Denmark, 1997). As these programs are organized often, the cities meet periodically to share information and insights. The resulting housing innovations will in the end represent important demonstrations and inspirations for a much wider group of European cities.

    A number of efforts have also been directed at understanding and assessing the extent to which European cities are sustainable. The EU has sponsored several sustainability indicator initiatives, some well before much work had occurred in the United States. These initiatives have included the Sustainable Index project, which included twelve European cities in developing a common set of indicators, and the more recent set of indicators prepared for the Dobris Assessment, Europe’s Environment (International Institute for the Urban Environment, 1994; Stanners and Bordeau, 1995). (See also the updated Second Assessment of Europe’s Environment; European Environment Agency, 1998.) The latter entailed the development of fifty-five urban indicators, grouped into sixteen attributes and falling under three broad types: indicators of urban patterns, urban flows, and urban environmental quality.


    Freiburg, Germany, has taken many impressive steps to create a pedestrian urban environment, to encourage bicycles and public transit, and to curtail and calm the automobile.

    Ecological footprint analysis is also increasingly being applied to European cities, and it is emerging as a powerful technique for understanding extra-local environmental effects and resource demands. Folke et al. (1997), for instance, have calculated the total ecological footprint of the twenty-nine largest cities in the Baltic region (which includes several of this study’s cities, including Helsinki, Stockholm, and Copenhagen). They found an immense footprint of 565 to 1,130 times the land area of the cities themselves. Each average citizen requires between 60,000 square meters and 115,000 square meters for food, energy, and waste assimilation needs. Ecological footprint analysis has also been done for other cities, such as London (Sustainable London Trust, 1997).

    The EU has also provided substantial support for a number of research organizations and projects focused on urban sustainability. The European Academy of Urban Environment, located in Berlin, has been created with partial funding from the EU and focuses primarily on research, training, and information dissemination on urban sustainability (see Kennedy and Kennedy, eds., 1998). The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, based in Dublin, has coordinated several major studies of urban sustainability, especially in medium-sized cities (e.g., see Mega 1977; 1996). There has been a tremendous amount of European literature and writing focused on local sustainability (e.g., van der Vegt et al., eds., 1994; Municipality of Dordrecht, 1994; see the many ICLEI publications). The literature includes a number of planning guidebooks and manuals, produced by groups such as ICLEI and designed to assist local jurisdictions in embarking on local Agenda 21 and other local sustainability initiatives (e.g., see ICLEI, 1996).

    Promoting urban sustainability and green-urban cities has been a high priority for many European countries as well. In Finland, for example, the 1995 Local Government Act calls on municipalities to provide for the inhabitants’ well-being and sustainable development within their boundaries (Association of Finnish Local Authorities, 1996, p. 10). The Finnish Building Act, moreover, establishes sustainable development as the foundation for land use planning: Plans shall be drawn up... in a manner contributing to sustainable development of natural resources and the environment . . . (Association of Finnish Local Authorities, 1996, p. 10). In Denmark, a Green Municipalities Project at the national level led to the sponsoring of a number of pilot environmental initiatives (som500 projects) and the development of a network of communities (Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy, 1995). Similar initiatives have been under way in other European nations.

    There is considerable evidence of the greening of city planning and development throughout Europe, but most especially in northern and western European countries. In the last decade, several major green city initiatives have been undertaken through a combination of public and private means. In Germany, for example, the national environmental group Deutche Umwelthilfe (DU) began ranking cities according to their environmental policies and began designing the first (annual) federal capital for nature and the environment (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, undated). Many German cities have adopted an impressive array of local greening and sustainability initiatives, and the winners of the DU designation take great pride in this. A similar municipal ranking system has been established in Denmark by the environmental group Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, (Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, 1997). In the United Kingdom, Leicester became the first environmental city, a designation co-sponsored by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation, the Wildlife Trust Partnership, and The Leicester Ecology Trust. Leicester has to a large degree defined itself in terms of its environmental aspirations and has actively pursued a range of initiatives in becoming a green city. Three other cities in the United Kingdom, Leeds, Middlesborough, and Peterborough, have also gained the environmental city designation.

    The precise form given to urban sustainability varies from city to city in Europe, but overall substantial local activity revolves around the idea. Evidence of the increasing importance of sustainability among European cities abounds. Considerable tangible evidence of sustainable initiatives and efforts can be seen at the local level and many of these detailed efforts are described in the pages that follow. Clearly, in many European cities, and especially in the case study sites examined here, sustainability is increasingly viewed as a primary organizing concept for planning for the future. For example, many of the structure plans, or comprehensive plans, for the cities examined here have taken sustainability as their underlying theme or organizing principle.

    The variety and extent of greening initiatives and activities taken at the municipal level in northern and western Europe is impressive, and much of what follows is an accounting of these efforts. The activities range from promotion of compact urban form, to efforts to promote more circular approaches to waste and metabolism, to efforts to fundamentally make cities and the built environment more organic and natural. Substantial progress and innovation can be seen as well in those many sectors where European cities have already tended to excel, for instance in commitment to public transit, pedestrian design, bicycles, and many others areas.

    Many cities in Europe have developed sustainability indicators and targets, and many are attempting to creatively implement sustainability concepts and principles. Several U.K. communities have developed sustainability criteria for judging new development proposals (e.g., the London Borough of Ealing). Even among cities such as London, which is not known for its innovative environmental policies, sustainability appears to have great meaning and importance. The London Local Planning Authority’s guidance document has a strong sustainability theme, as does the ongoing London study.²

    Local Agenda 21 (LA21) programs have also been instituted in many European cities, with considerable activity still under way. A response to the 1992 Rio conference, these are local, community-based participation processes, intended to identify citizen ideas and goals about the future and to promote the development of local sustainability action agendas. A high percentage of communities in Europe, especially in northern European nations, is undertaking some form of the LA21 process. As of late 1996, local Agenda 21 initiatives had been started in 1,119 European localities, representing some 62 percent of the global total (European Commission, 1997). Many European cities have gone through, or are currently going through, some form of local Agenda 21 process (including many of the same cities that have signed the Aalborg Charter); this is another important indicator of the relevance of local sustainability. Indeed, in the countries studied, high percentages of municipal governments are participating (e.g., in Sweden 100 percent of all local governments are at some stage in the local Agenda 21 process). Often these programs represent tremendous local efforts to engage the community in a dialogue about sustainability. They typically involve a number of important steps and products, including the creation of a local sustainability forum, sustainability indicators, local state-of-the-environment reports, and the preparation of comprehensive local sustainability action

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